
Midlife Crisis

Extra 1: Make Amends



"Look, our babies are so cute just like you~"

"Of course. Their mother is good-looking, after all."

"Hyung! Shouldn't you reply that they're cute like me too?"

"Why? It's obvious that they take after me."


Jongwoon chuckled while his Alpha pouted cutely. A few days after he was hospitalized, he finally recovered enough to walk around. He asked Kyuhyun to take him to see their babies at the observation unit. Due to premature birth, the babies needed to be watched closely for any complications. Luckily, both of the twins were healthy and the doctor even told them that they could go home soon. So, they came to see their babies every day, chatting happily while looking through the glass. It might be too early to tell but Jongwoon felt that their children got their father's nose and their mother's chubby cheeks. He believed that the twins would grow up to be good-looking just like his Alpha, not that he would say it aloud. He still felt awkward being honest with his feelings so he conveyed his heart through actions instead. He rubbed his cheek on his husband's arm while squeezing the larger hand, and he could hear a beam in the taller man's upbeat tone.


"Hyung, I'll buy some drink for us so wait for me here."

"Why? Let's just go together."

"I know you still want to look at our babies. I'll be quick, hyung, I promise."


The Alpha pecked his cheek and left. Jongwoon continued to watch his babies while tracing their forms on the glass surface tenderly. Those two tiny humans are his and Kyuhyun's children... His precious family... He smiled unconsciously just thinking about his husband as he heard footsteps approaching.


"Kyuhyun, why did you come back... so quick..."


It was Cho Ahra who was standing behind him. Jongwoon immediately knew that the younger man purposefully left so that he could be with the Omega woman alone. Guilt was written very clearly on the Cho lady's face so he didn't have to be a mind-reader to know why she wanted to meet him. Cho Ahra fidgeted nervously but eventually spoke up softly.


"Jongwoon-ssi... Thank you so much for saving my son. Even though I..."

"Ahra-ssi, I want you to know that I never hated you because I know that you only want the best for your brother."

"No! I was very rude and prejudiced... I deemed you untrustworthy of being by Kyuhyun-ah's side without really getting to know you. In fact, I'd have known that Kyu wouldn't fall in love with just anybody. That boy has always had great eyes finding hidden gems and he proved it to me yet again."

"Oh, thank you, that's very kind of you. I hope that we can become a family in the future."

"Of course! You're pretty much a member of our family now. Um, Jongwoon-ssi, if you don't mind...?"


"...Can I call you Jongwoon oppa?"

"Of course," Jongwoon smiled. "Please take care of me from now on. I'm definitely going to need your advice regarding raising children."

"Yes, oppa, yes, I'll help you!"


Jongwoon smiled at the excited Omega woman. How could he hate her when her happy smile resembled his husband a lot? Yes, that was how much the Alpha's effects held over him, not that he would admit it to Kyuhyun, but...


"Your smile makes me think of my husband. Sigh, I already missed him..."

"I bet Kyuhyun-ah would be over the moon if he heard that, oppa. Everyone knows how madly in love with you that boy is!"

"I know too. But we can't let our Alphas get too cocky, right?"


He smirked and Cho Ahra giggled while nodding enthusiastically. Then, they lively chatted about their respective husbands but abruptly stopped when Kyuhyun came back. Seeing their suspicious smiles, the Alpha tilted his head and pouted.


"What are my dear esteemed Omegas talking about without me? You two look like you're having fun."


Jongwoon and Ahra exchanged a grin.


""That's our secret!""





Extra 2: Baby Shower



"So? The boy is named Hyunsung and the girl is named Hyunwoon?"

"Yes. The names come from my genius brain and are approved of by my beloved Omega. Aren't they beautiful names?"

"Yes! It's a great and endearing name! I hope your twins and our son got along well in the—"

"Sorry, Donghae hyung, but there's something urgent I must take care of now."

"Eh? Kyu—"


Donghae blinked quizzically as the Alpha junior strode away with a darkened expression in the middle of their conversation. The destination of Kyuhyun was a group of men who were chatting amicably— Jongwoon and Siwon. Kyuhyun's Omega mate was carrying his son while the businessman was playing with the daughter. They almost looked like a perfect picturesque portrait. However, it didn't last long as Kyuhyun hurriedly intervened with them and took his daughter back, much to Donghae's amusement.


"Wow, Kyuhyun is still jealous even though they already have children!"

"This is the first time Kyuhyun falling hard for someone so he's extra possessive of his mate. But sometimes he's really just being silly."


Hyukjae who was carrying their son snorted at the sight of his jealous superior. He still couldn't believe that he got a ton of bonus just because he accepted Kim Jongwoon into the company. Well, not that he would turn down free money! Plus, it was really entertaining to watch Kyuhyun chase away other Alphas or Betas, only for him to be reprimanded by his Omega mate. While Jongwoon was pulling his husband's ear, Siwon merrily escaped the scene and approached the Lee Family with a triumphant smirk. Hyukjae shook his head and handed his son to his Omega mate to take turns taking care of the boy.


"Hyukjae, Donghae, Eunhae-ah~ Long time no see."

"Yeah, we saw you having the best time in your life teasing Kyuhyun."

"I can't help it. This is the only way I can get back at him for all of his ruthless business deals."


Siwon chuckled and took a sip of champagne, all the while happily watching the great CEO Cho surrender to his partner like a scolded puppy.





Extra 3: Family Reunion



Jongwoon took many deep breaths, inhaled, exhaled, and repeated. He looked out of the car window to a small cafe with a nature theme. A wooden sign hanging above the door read "Amor" — Love; a place born from a lovely couple who desired to raise their child away from a chaotic city.


The home that he ran away from.


After the twins e, old enough to travel, Jongwoon asked his husband to accompany him to his hometown in the countryside. He wanted to apologize to his parents for being a bad son and reconciled. He also wanted to introduce his family to them, a genuine one this time. He prepared himself thinking about what to say in advance but when the car really stopped in front of the family cafe, he suddenly felt hesitant. It had been many years since he ran away, what if—


"Jongwoon hyung."


He snapped out of his worries when a large hand came to stop him from biting his nails. Then, a familiar calming pheromone of his Alpha gently wrapped him and effectively soothed his nerves. Nodding at the younger man, Jongwoon resolutely got off the car while his husband picked up the twins from the car seats in the back. Then, he stepped into the homey cafe with the Alpha following closely behind.


"Welcome, dear, what'd you like..."



Jongwoon teared up at the sight of his mother who had gotten much older than he remembered. The old woman gasped in obvious surprise and immediately called someone. An old man walked out of the kitchen and his eyes widened when he saw the visitor's face.



"Appa... Eomma... I'm home..."


He greeted his parents hesitantly but neither of the elders said anything which made him feel discouraged. Just as he was about to leave and come back another time, Kyuhyun who still carried the twins stepped up to stand tall beside him and bowed at his parents.


"Mister Kim, Madam Kim, my name is Cho Kyuhyun. I'm Jongwoon hyung's Alpha and his legal husband. And this is our children, Hyunsung and Hyunwoon. We're sorry for dropping by without notice but your son, my wife, he wished to reconcile with you and introduce us to his parents. Jongwoon hyung really misses you."



With his Alpha's support, Jongwoon strengthened his resolve and spoke up with more confidence.


"Appa, Eomma, I know that I've never been a good son and that I always make you worried. No matter how many times I apologize, it'll never make up for what I did. S-Still, I hope that you'll forgive me—"


He didn't get to finish his speech because the two elders interrupted him with a bear hug, followed by their sobs and a barrage of endearment. It was challenging to decipher their words through tears but Jongwoon managed to catch many "It's okay" and "Welcome back home". And those were enough to draw tears from him too. He let all the bottled emotions flow out and cried like a baby as he hugged his parents back. What is he even feeling anxious about? No matter what happened, he will always be their son, just as how they will always be his parents.


"A-Appa, E-Eomma, I-I want you two to meet my husband and our children. B-But it's going to be a long story... Do you... have time to listen to us...?"

"Of course, my dear, for you, we have all the time in the world."


His mother said while smiling in tears and caressing his face as his father patted his head, and Jongwoon finally set himself free from the last chain prisoning him to the past. His parents closed the shop and they moved to their house adjacent to the cafe. The two elders sat opposite him while he sat with his Alpha and their children on their laps. Feeling a reassuring squeez at his hand, Jongwoon looked up and found Kyuhyun smile affectionately at him. He smiled just as endearing and squeezed the larger hand back, before turning to smile at his parents.


"It all started when that Alpha left me..."





Extra 4: Do Your Best, Daddy



"Still not done yet?"

"Sorry, Boss, but we're only halfway done here."

" these documents! Sigh, I miss my Omega and our kids..."

"Well, at least you've me as your friend in this hell."


Kyuhyun stopped complaining after he realized that his secretary's situation wasn't that different from his. Their company was in the middle of joining hands with another big-name company for a grand project. While the business meeting went on without a hitch, there were just too many documents to approve of and too many calls to make. For that reason, both him and Hyukjae had been staying late at the company to work and didn't spend time with their families for a few days. Although Jongwoon, along with the older man's parents who moved to Seoul, owned a cafe located not far from his company, his wife tried not to visit him at work because he didn't want to be a distraction (in many ways). While Kyuhyun was touched and appreciated his Omega's thoughtfulness, he was dying from missing his wife and children!!


"...You know what? Hyukjae hyung, you can leave first. I'll give you a special permission."

"What? How can I leave you doing all the work alone?"

"Jongwoon hyung and the twins have both of our parents to take care of them but Donghae hyung is home alone. Go home and be with your family."

"... Thanks. Promise I'll make it up for you!"


Kyuhyun just waved and sent his secretary slash friend home, before continuing to go through the mountain of documents. He was lost in work and didn't look up until a cup of hot chocolate was placed in front of him, and he would never mistake that adorable small hand of his mate.


"Jongwoon hyung? Why are you here?"

"Hyukjae called and told me that you're alone. So, I decided to drop by with our children to cheer up our handsome and hard-working daddy."


The dark-haired Omega smiled and kissed his forehead, and Kyuhyun could feel all the exhaustion just evaporate from his body. He grinned like a fool and cradled his beloved's chubby cheek to taste the sweet lips. After that, he beamed and carried his twin children to let the kids settle on his lap, before giving them a smooch on their cheeks; all the while the mother looking at them fondly.


"Pumpkins, didn't you say that you've something you want to give to Daddy?"

"Eh~? What will Daddy's angels surprise me with?"

"Yes! We wite a wetter for Dada!"


His twin daughter, Hyunwoon beamed toothily and gave him a piece of paper, and Kyuhyun got teary as soon as he read it. The twins drew a  picture of the four of them. He was able to tell himself and his wife apart due to the black-colored crayon and brown-colored crayon for hair. The four stickmen were smiling and holding hands. There was also a crude handwriting above the drawing that made his eyes feel warm...



Fithing Dada! We luv U! 



"Dada, don't cry."


The twin boy, Hyunsung said with a serious expression and patted his head as if to comfort him. Meanwhile, Hyunwoon nodded sagely (as much as a three-year-old kid could pull) and gave him a thumb up. Kyuhyun finally couldn't hold it and sniffle quietly as he squeezed his children in his arms. Then, he felt a pair of arms envelope both him and the twins and glanced up to see his Omega sitting on the armrest to hug them. Also smiling in tears, Jongwoon kissed the twins' heads and kissed him softly on the lips.


"Kyuhyun, don't ever forget that we're always here for you."

"Yeah! Hyunsung luv Dada this much!"

"Hyunwoon luv Dada more!"

"Jongwoon hyung... Babies..."


Kyuhyun smiled and nuzzled his nose against the crook of his Omega's neck. He inhaled a relaxing scent of baked bread that always made him feel alive and decided to take a short break with his family.



After all, nothing is more important than a family that he has always dreamed of.





Extra 5: An Old Fox Is Still A Fox (1)



"Kyuhyun, are you sure that I'd attend this party as your partner? I'm an Omega hag in his forties with two children. I don't think it's my place to join this kind of celebration..."

"What are you talking about? Hyung, don't you realize that you're too gorgeous and draw everyone's attention that I started to regret taking you with me! How could they gawk at my wife!?"


Jongwoon was greatly amused by his husband's dramatic act and patted the younger man's cheek to calm him down. Although he did stop sulking, Kyuhyun still glared at every Alpha or Beta who tried to approach him. Today, he accompanied his Alpha to a party celebrating the successful joint cooperation of the two companies. However, he had never liked being in a spotlight so he decided to head home first while his husband still had to stay and greet the executives. After he tucked the twins in bed, he planned to wait for the Alpha to come home and killed time by watching movies. He didn't expect to receive a message from his sister-in-law who was still at the party.


Ahra_Mama 🐻‍❄️: Oppa!! An Omega girl dares to flirt with Kyuhyun-ah!

Ahra_Mama 🐻‍❄️: *a picture of a young woman clinging on Kyuhyun's arm who wears a cold but polite smile*

Ahra_Mama 🐻‍❄️: She's the sole daughter of the partner company's Exe' so he can't be rude to her

Ahra_Mama 🐻‍❄️: Should I take care of her for you? 💪

🐧's Happy Cloud: Don't.

🐧's Happy Cloud: I'll take care of it ^^




Cho Ahra tapped her foot impatiently at the shameless woman still refused to let go of her MARRIED younger brother. She didn't understand why her brother-in-law didn't seem annoyed at all. Some old-fashioned people still believed that it is acceptable for Alphas to have more than one mate and she worried that this unbelievable girl might use it as an excuse to persuade her father for an arranged marriage with Kyuhyun. Although she knew that her little brother wouldn't have any of it, it still annoyed her to see the younger man having to pretend to be polite.


"Oh. Excuse me. I got a message from my wife..."


Kyuhyun detached himself from the Omega girl and checked his phone, only to become speechless afterward. Curious, Ahra tiptoed to look over her brother's shoulder and almost burst out laughing at the messages.



🐧's Happy Cloud: *a picture of Jongwoon's smooth and slender legs in black shorts that barely cover his thighs*

🐧's Happy Cloud: Can you guess the color of my undie tonight? ^^

☁️'s Happy Penguin: Omw



"My Omega mate just texted me that our children are throwing tantrums wanting to see me. Excuse me but I'll leave first."

"Wait! Kyuhyun-ssi!"


Ahra ended up giggling at the Omega woman's flabbergasted expression as her little brother practically ran out of the hall. At the same time, she gave her respect to her brother-in-law in her heart. Jongwoon oppa might be old but that made him all the more experienced!





Extra 6: An Old Fox Is Still A Fox (2)



After making sure that their children already slept like a log, Jongwoon waited for his husband on the bed wearing a loose t-shirt (Kyuhyun's) and risque shorts. Soon, he smelled a tempting Alpha's pheromone that greeted him even before he saw the Alpha himself. The door was slammed open and Kyuhyun strode into the bedroom with hungry looks, though not before properly locking the door. Jongwoon shivered and moaned as the scent of red wine penetrated him along with his husband's scorching gaze. The Alpha threw away his suit jacket and loosened his tie while climbing onto the bed, approaching him like a predator eyeing its delicious prey. However, Jongwoon stopped the advance by putting his foot on the Alpha's wide chest. He smirked and his lips, purposefully lifting his leg high enough to let his husband catch a glimpse of his thigh but nothing further than that.


"Not so soon, my dear Alpha~ You can't open this gift if you don't guess the content correctly~"

"My, my, what does my naughty Omega have in mind this time?"

"Well~ Why don't you go ahead and give it a guess?"

"Okay~ Hmm, knowing you, hyung, it's probably a red color, right?"

"That's a good answer but no~"


Jongwoon chuckled and rubbed his foot in circles on the Alpha's chest.


"...Blue, my favorite color, perhaps? Is my wife planning to surprise me~?"

"Still a nope~ Try harder, dearest husband~"


Jongwoon cooed and dragged his foot lower to caress the Alpha's abdomen, enjoying the sight of his mate's Adam's apple moving up and down while gulping.


"... Something black and y, maybe? Seeing how you seduce me~"

"Beep-beep! I'm sorry but you got all three attempts wrong~"


Finally, Jongwoon moved his foot to the southernmost region and pressed his heel on the growing hardness underneath the tight pants. Then, he intentionally released more of his pheromone to match the intense red wine scent drowning the room.


"...Will I get nothing for failing the quiz?"

"Normally, yes, but I'm in a good mood tonight so I'll give you a free pass~"

"Aww, my mate is the best~ But, hyung, won't you tell me what's the correct answer?"

"I don't know~"

"Seem like I have no choices but to find out—"


Jongwoon's smirk spread to his eyes as he watched the younger man's brown eyes widened in shock after Kyuhyun slipped his warm hand under his shorts. Then, he hooked his legs around his husband's hip and pulled the larger body closer until there was no gap left between their hot bodies, before whispering seductively in his Alpha's ear.


"That's right. The answer is... Nothing~"






A few weeks later, Jongwoon found out that he got pregnant with their third baby.





Author's note:

Extra chapter that's longer than normal chapter hahahaha xD

Happy end for real this time!

So, what's your thoughts on this story? Which extra chapter is your favorite? Don't hesitate to comment cuz I love reading them~


Spoiler for the next week here!! Are you ready to discover human's darkest secrets?  :)


Take care and love you!   <3

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_MyName_ #1
Chapter 4: Okay, all of the extras were great, but yeah the two last were my favourites xD it's cute how Ahra and Jongwoon got to be a team so quickly, Kyuhyun doesn't stand a chance against them :D
Chapter 1: sooo cute can't wait to read moreee
390 streak #3
Chapter 4: Jealous Kyu is really something! And the one who could make him soooo damn jealous is always Siwon xD

Btw, I love extra 6, you know why (⁠。⁠・⁠/⁠/⁠ε⁠/⁠/⁠・⁠。⁠)

PS : I want to see a picture of Jongwoon's smooth and slender legs please! (⁠ ⁠/⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠)⁠/⁠♪⁠♪
Chapter 4: Nothing can beat fluff on Sunday, thanks Author-nim
And we got to see seductive foxy JW too, nice!
Rinirin07 #5
Chapter 4: Fluffy .... Fluffy .... Fluffy...🥰
Fluffy, cute & HE is my favorite Kyusung story

Author-nim you never fail to amaze me, your plots are really creative and expected 💙

Hyuk and Hae's son being named Eunhae is such a good pick and I love it too much 💙

I don't think I'll be the only one who favors the two last extras 🤭

Thank you for the happy end, looking forward to the next story author-nim! ♡⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)⁠♡
Glossic #7
Chapter 3: Such a cute feel good story. Thanks for writing this <3
Chapter 3: omg the ending was so cute! cliche or not your stories are really fun to read, thank you author-nim! 💙

huhu where could I get a man like Kyuhyun 😭 so excited for the extra chapter ♡⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)⁠♡
Chapter 3: I hope you are feeling okay authornim. Fighting!

I love the development of the story. How Jongwoon started to feel better and trust his Alpha. I will be qaiting foe the extra chapter. 😊
390 streak #10
Chapter 3: Yeay happy ending!

But I thought this would be the last chapter 🤔

Eniwei, I was trying to find Siwon in this chapter LOL would be really funny to read about Kyuhyun's reaction hihihi