AUTUMN PT 5: with these falling leaves, i remember and fall

seasons and weather
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Minjeong has always preferred her own company since she was young, she did try to be friends with others but being 'out' there to play is not her thing. She'd rather have her own book and sit in a quiet place or watch some movies because that's the only thing she could do when she doesn't feel like reading. She never found it weird, never really felt alone as she has her brother to annoy her, and her mother to take care of her. Her father was more of like a businessman, with the typical 9 to 5 job that causes MInjeong to not really have time to bond with him.

But whenever they can, her father would join them do things such as gardening, movie marathons, or even read her some books whenever she asks him to.

That was until a random Sunday morning, when she noticed people moving around with boxes outside. Out of curiosity, she took a peek and saw people carrying some boxes inside the once vacant house adjacent to theirs. But what piqued her interest is the girl that she saw, she looks rather a bit boyish with her short hairstyle, and with the scowl on her face.

She observed for a moment, on how the girl stomped her foot and talked to her parents, as if proving a point, until she cried, and her mother consoled her. It was just a simple interaction that made Minjeong smile.

From then on, she started seeing the girl outside, simply staying under the shade of the tree. All alone and looking lonely and sad. Those are the times that Minjeong would forget the book that she's reading, or the sound of the movie being silenced - just there, simply observing the still unnamed girl from afar.

Somehow, she found herself just walking towards the girl with Minjeong holding her favorite book, 'A Little Prince'. Her tiny feet led her to where the girl was laying down, and the sound of dried leaves beneath somehow echoed. Minjeong doesn't know why but she found herself smiling as she walks closer to the girl.

It felt weird, talking to someone because Minjeong has the urge to know the person - curiosity and all that. But when she was welcomed by cat-like features, soft and yet sharp, full of child-like innocence just like her, Minjeong felt good with her decision.

That's how she found herself giving the book to Jimin Yu Jimin and walking back to their own house with newfound interest to know the latter more.


Minjeong walks out of the bathroom in a daze, and her chest was filled with utter disappointment - yet again. The type wherein the thorns were already present but was only subtle, the type of ache that she could ignore, now evident - as if transformed into barbed wires encircling her whole insides. It was too damn overwhelming, from her own thoughts and emotions to the looks that Ning and Giselle were giving her.

Ryujin and Yeji were there too, giving worried looks at her - glancing at Giselle who also doesn't know what to do.

"She went out?" Minjeong asked blandly, not looking back at the two, as she continues to stare at the ground.

"Yeah," it was Giselle, "what happened, is she okay?"

Minjeong doesn't know what to say, because she herself is not okay - she doesn't know if she's in love or was just craving for the torture of it all. "I think she's not feeling well, can you check on her?" she voices out and looks up, smiling at the older girl - her eyes pleading. "Please?"

It doesn't take a blind man to notice that something did happen inside, and Giselle doesn't need to be asked twice as she nods her head and stands up from the floor, quickly walking out of the dorm. Ryujin and Yeji stood up as well, the former not sure on where to go but when Minjeong nods her head, she understood that Minjeong wanted to be alone. "Be okay, hm?" she asks softly before she and Yeji went out as well.

Now that Minjeong's left with Ning, she heard the movie being paused and a shuffle from a distance. In a few seconds, Ning is already in front of her and Minjeong let her weight fall on to the girl.

"Let it out."

And she did.

Minjeong was pulled into her own room by Ning, and there she released everything - for the years of mess she's been in, this is the first time that she cleaned her soul. The first time to voice out the whispers of pain in her heart, because for Minjeong - crying felt unnatural. It was the thing that she has always been foreign with, something that she never knew when it could happen, when it was acceptable, or when it should be done.

But all she could do then was to cry, it felt liberating for her - for her emotions, sadness, despair. It was never easy for her and yet here she is, releasing every ounce of pain she could through her tears.

Until everything turned silent.

"It's Jimin, right?"

Minjeong doesn't need to ask Ning for clarification when she nodded her head, "It's always been her."

Ning has had an inkling about it, she never knew much about Minjeong and Jimin's past - and she never bothered to ask her when she knew that they were friends before. Because questions were not needed when it was very much evident with the way Minjeong looks at Jimin. "What happened?"

Well, what actually happened?

"In the bathroom or with everything?" Minjeong stalled. She heard a sigh coming from Ning and Minjeong knows what the latter was asking about.

"With everything, Min," Ning answered softly, "I never understand the changes between the two of you, but all I can see is happiness whenever you're with her."

Minjeong doesn't know where to start, from the moment she met Jimin, to the moment she thought Jimin as more than a friend, to the year she realized that she indeed like her friend. Or from the moment that everything went downhill for the both of them. There's just too much between her and Jimin that Minjeong couldn't even keep up with, "It's a long story, Ning."

"We have all day."

Minjeong sighs, leaning against the headboard, "I don't know where to start."

Ning shakes her head, adjusting her position - all attention directed to Minjeong. "You love her."

It was not a question.

And Minjeong didn't even try to deny it, "More than I could think of."


Minjeong shakes her head with a laugh, a short and quiet one. "She's holding herself back."


It's an unusual answer, most people would say it's because it's an unrequited love or would go along the lines that 'it won't work out', or even 'I don't deserve her'. But for Minjeong to say that all bare and honest - raw and authentic, staying dead silent in the room. It's like she knows Jimin as if they are one, that with touch and look alone, she'd know what the latter is feeling or thinking.

"How can you be sure?" It was in a tone of curiosity, genuine curiosity.

And one quote comes in mind that Minjeong couldn't help but to recite, "'Whatever our souls are made of, hers and mine are the same'."

"Minjeong..." the concern dripping from Ning as she watches the tears silently falling from Minjeong's eyes, "for how long?"

"Never counted but I think 7, going 8." Minjeong mutters, "I tried, you know I've tried. But deep inside, I know it will always be her." she cries and wipes her tears away.

And Ning knew that no words would be enough to console her friend, and so she scooted closer and pulled Minjeong into an embrace. For the second time that night, Minjeong sobbed against her chest silently. In the silence of the room, Minjeong's cries drown it with pain and despair - from years of bottling it up. And Ning hopes that Giselle and the others are talking to the reason of her friend's pain.


Gardening is probably the only outdoor activity that Minjeong genuinely likes to do, all because of her mother. It was their favorite bonding together with her brother, Mingyu - ironically, the dirt against her makes her feel free and rebellious. It was a physical activity, tedious and full of dirt, and yet the outcome would always provide peace to her. The irony of its process and result would always make Minjeong wonder and leave her in awe.

It was safe to say that gardening sits close to her heart.

So, when she found herself asking Jimin to come and do some gardening with her next time, Minjeong should've found it weird and alarming. But the simple answer from Jimin, made her burst inside - as if it was the right thing to do, as if that's what she should've actually do.

"You've invited her to our next gardening sesh?" Mingyu asked with a grin, playfully ruffling Minjeong's hair, "Look at you making friends with our neighbor." he teased.

Minjeong groaned and kicked him playfully, which of course, Mingyu easily dodged and a bit more. This is their love-hate relationship as siblings, they've always been playful - heck, Mingyu's the only person aware of Minjeong's playful side. But at the same time, they know that they'll do anything for one another, they never need words to know that they protect and take care of each other - they just know.

"Hey, mom! Did you know that our Minjeongie invited our neighbor to - "

Minjeong kicked Mingyu under the table, well she tried her best with her short and cute legs, and she succeeded as Mingyu groaned in pain. But of course, it already caught their mother's attention. "Oh, really now? That's nice, did you invite her for tomorrow's gardening?"

Minjeong looks at their mother, a soft and gentle smile on her face, but somehow Minjeong felt shy. After all, this is the first time that she was making friends out of her own - well, hopefully not the last. "I, yeah. Not tomorrow, but just with our gardening." she mumbles and tries her best to focus on the broccoli in front of her.

"Well, that's great! You've been staying beside the window for days only to watch her, I thought I needed to ask her parents to befriend you - "

"Mom!" Minjeong whined and Mingyu only cackled out loud.

"Honey, don't be shy," their mother cooed softly, and yet in a teasing and endearing manner, "ask her to come tomorrow, okay?"

And when their mother asked their neighbor's name, Minjeong couldn't help but to share everything about the girl - from the moment she laid eyes on her, and to the two conversations they've had. Jimin Yu Jimin, is a breath of fresh air for Minjeong - someone that she found interesting enough to talk to, and to get to know much better. And perhaps, it's like the way how slowly autumn leaves fall to the ground - one by one, never too sudden but very much careful.

Because Minjeong was never a rash person, all of her actions were not out of impulse. And yet, the moment she saw Jimin outside - all control she had was thrown outside. It's like someone else is controlling her, pulling her to get closer to the older girl.

And Minjeong?

She lets go, never held herself back as long as it involves Jimin.

"Lilies because they remind me of you, because they look beautiful."

Their first day of classes, Minjeong was never worried for hers - instead, she couldn't keep herself but to worry about Jimin. The latter was a grade higher than her, and with enough observation, Minjeong knew that Jimin's the type of person to always get uncomfortable within a new environment. While Minjeong, she could be careless about her environment and about making friends, she'd usually have her nose buried against her book but today was different.

She kept looking at the clock and outside, waiting for it to be her break time and go visit Jimin - to check on her and all that. Minjeong kept herself busy with everything, hoping that time would go faster, and when the most awaited bell rang, she didn't waste any second to stand up and walk out of their room in a hurry - and when Minjeong saw Jimin that day alone in the corner, she didn't hesitate to call her and walk towards the girl.

That was the first time that Minjeong became aware of how much she took notice of Jimin, to the simple twitch of her eyebrow and the subtle way the girl was playing with her hands.

For a moment, Minjeong stared at the older girl talking and she wonders why she’s so drawn to her?

And that was the last thought she had before she went out of Jimin's room as soon as the bell rang, signaling the end of their break time. Not without giving her own hair tie to the girl - a form of reassurance of some sort. Leaving with a smile and a promise for them to walk home together.



It's been a week since their celebration and Minjeong never stayed in their dorm, instead she stayed at Ning's - grateful that Giselle didn't prod much, and just smiled at her understandingly. The dorm in structure was very much the same with them, and yet it feels different, too different that Minjeong couldn't help but to feel that certain longing of dark and alluring hair. A week of no Jimin, not even a shadow of the girl - as if all the months they've been sharing a dorm never happened.

Minjeong never thought that she'd see the older girl again, she knew that the latter goes to this university - but what are the actual odds to see her? Well, odds are probably high for Minjeong to even share a dorm with Jimin during her first year. Days, months, and years of moving on went down the drain the moment she saw the older girl - still as beautiful as ever, the control that Minjeong held on with herself slowly diminishing.

A week and Minjeong was just there in the foreign dorm, staring into space with a book in front of her - all she wishes is to see the familiar figure of someone hunching down, drawing and cramming their plate. All she knew was that Jimin was out there probably partying - well, that's what she heard the last she accidentally eavesdropped to Ning and Giselle's conversation.

"How is she?"

"Jimin's wasted, she just drowns herself with alcohol."

And that was enough for Minjeong as she walked pass by the two, not sparing them a glance at all.

Was it selfish of her? To hate and despise the idea that Jimin's out there doing god knows what, enjoying and doing whatever she wants, while Minjeong's here - drowning with every emotion that she could think of, with waves and harsh winds of pain clamoring inside her. Everything just felt heavy, all she could see is gray - and books were not enough to distract her.

A few days left before they all go back to their hometown for the holidays, and Minjeong knew that her plans with Jimin to go back together were already cancelled.

"Hey, do you need help with your things?" Ning asked when she saw Minjeong laying down, "I can prepare them for you, you don't - "

"No, it's fine," Minjeong answers quietly, just enough for the other girl to hear, "I can do it later, I've heard that she's out, right?"

Ning takes a deep breath, of course, Minjeong heard it - she and Giselle were not quiet during their phone call after all. "Yeah, but Min, if it's hard I can seriously - "

"It's fine, I can handle it." Minjeong smiles reassuringly, but she doubts that Ning was reassured with it, because even her own spirit was down, "I'll call you when I need help, deal?"

Ning regards her for a moment before nodding her head, she knows that she couldn't force Minjeong with anything, and she's going to take whatever she could. "Deal."

A moment of silence passed by when Ning decided to break it with a simple and heavy question, "Why don't you try again? You can't be stuck forever, Min."

It's not something new to Minjeong, after all, even without asking, she could see it in her friend's eyes - the genuine concern, the urge to help her move forward. And yet, Minjeong always have the same answer, "I've tried, Ning. I've tried and I'm tired, what I felt for Minju was genuine, but it was never enough, and it was unfair to her."

"Then try again, there are many other people there - "

"But they will never be her," Minjeong weakly answers, a defeated smile on her face as she looks at her friend, and if a broken heart and lost soul was a person, it will be Minjeong at that moment. The way she looks so down, as if hundreds of storms went pass her in a few days - as if she's been travelling day and night without rest, and it hurts seeing her friend like this.

"You're suffering," Ning points out, "do you think it's worth it?"

Minjeong has asked herself that question for hundreds of times, even way before she saw Jimin again in this university. All leads to one answer, "I hope so."

Because sometimes, suffering is not always a question if it's worth it or not. Sometimes it's not the measurement of how long and how short, sometimes, suffering is just suffering. You just wait it out, and hope for the odds to be in your favor - the only thing holding Minjeong together, hope.

Because she'd rather suffer with the hope of being together with Jimin, than to suffer without her.

After all, people tend to desire for things that could destroy them in the end. And if Minjeong was born to only be destroyed by Jimin, then she'd gladly accept her fate with a smile.

"I hope it turns out to be in your favor," Ning says softly, running her fingers along Minjeong's hair carefully, "call me when you need me, okay?"


Minjeong went to her dorm around 11 in the evening, pretty sure that Jimin's still out during this time. Though she kept looking for the girl, Minjeong doesn't know what she would do if ever she sees the latter, hence, she'd rather go back to their dorm without Jimin. The sensation of their kiss from that night burns inside Minjeong's mind, the soft lips pressed against hers, moving with conviction and passion, and the bitter taste of alcohol flooding her senses. It keeps her up all night, with heavy breathing as the image of Jimin's apologetic eyes carves itself inside Minjeong - the very same expression she wore during that time, years ago.

The walk was a quiet business for Minjeong, not a single sign of soul could be seen and heard, except for the ding that the elevator made when she reached their floor. The familiar hallway welcomed her, deserted and bare. Minjeong takes a deep breath, somehow looking for the strength not to breakdown when she enters their dorm. Soon enough, she welcomed by the familiar scent of their dorm - a mixture of cinnamon and vanilla, along with Jimin's rain and fresh scent.

It took her a moment before she found herself moving again, first into the kitchen - clicking her tongue as she sees the number of eggshells in the trash, and ramen. She also checked how their coffee were almost empty, again.

Minjeong shakes her head out of worry and concern, but she knows she couldn't do anything. She was there to pack her things for the holidays, and so she went to her room to do just that. She was welcomed with the same sight of her room, except for one - the undone blanket that she's familiar with, all sprawled out on her bed. Walking over to it, she gently grabs it and saw tear stains on some part - and the scent of rain and fresh laundry hit her strongly.

Her breath hitched and her hold tightened against the blanket, Minjeong controlled herself - clenching her jaw as she folds the blanket properly. It always takes every ounce of her body to control herself whenever Jimin's involved. Like a man seeing water for the first time in a desert, or a wolf seeing a prey after days of starvation.

Minjeong proceeds to take her luggage, the one she brought during the time she moved in, and grabbed whatever she could grab in her closet. It's not like she needs to bring a lot, she knows that she still left a ton of clothes in their hometown, so it doesn't matter what clothes she was grabbing at that moment. All she wants was to get things done.

One thing is important though, to bring a book that she could read. Sure, she has some books there, but she still have books left in her TBR list. It's a matter of life and death for her to finish her list, and so she skimmed through her shelf - looking for something that is probably worth the read during the holidays. That's a mistake on Minjeong's part, as she was too in her head that she didn't notice her surroundings - she didn't notice the sound of the door opening, the heavy and dragging footsteps against the floor, and lastly, the door to her room swinging slightly open - revealing the person that has been in her mind and heart for years.


The said girl almost dropped the book she was holding, turning to the sound to see Jimin's familiar figure right in front of the door. The latter was wearing a leather jacket, a white tank top, and some jeans. She was probably wearing some light make up as well, and all of that was covered and heightened Minjeong's senses - making her take a whiff of the very strong alcohol scent.

Minjeong noticed the staggered and sloppy steps that Jimin was making, careful and yet not elegant - proof that she's been influenced by alcohol. She takes a step back, not knowing what to do after everything.

"You're here," Jimin slurs out, weakly and defeatedly, "I've missed you."

And it rang so loud in Minjeong's ears, taking a deep breath as she shakes her head. Knowing that this is not the right time to talk, that Jimin is just drunk and would forget everything in the morning. "I was just packing for the holidays, sorry. I need to finish this, I'm about to go." she answered hastily and was about to walk pass the older girl when the latter gently grabbed her wrist.

"I'm sorry."

Minjeong clenches her jaw, brushing away Jimin's hand against her, "You're drunk." For what?

She doesn't need any apology - that's not what she needs and wants. Minjeong was tired of it, all she wanted for Jimin was to just let go of everything that's holding her back - not some flimsy and irrelevant apology that wouldn't do good for them. "I need to finish this, if you'll excuse me."

"Listen to me, please."

With the way Jimin's talking right now, Minjeong thinks that the latter was not as drunk as she thought she was. "You're drunk, Jimin. I doubt it's the right time to talk."

And then she hears shuffling, and suddenly she was invaded by the combination of alcohol and rain - overpowering everything inside Minjeong. Flooding everything inside her as if she's burned to the core, "Let's start over, please."

Minjeong pauses, "What?" she lets out a breathy and humorless chuckle, "what exactly do you mean by that?"

It was a question that obviously rattled Jimin, with the way she shifted her eyes - not bearing to look straight at Minjeong. The way everything with her actions changes, unsure and nervous. "Can we just be friends again? Let's try, to forget everything. I can't, I can't lose you, I don't want to. So, let's forget - "

Jimin's stutter didn't stop Minjeong from slamming the book down against her luggage, breathing heavily as she looks at the older girl in disbelief and hurt. "What?"

"Min - "

"How dare you," Minjeong whispers harshly, "how ing dare you, Yu Jimin." she glares at the older girl, shaking her head as everything was just flowing out of her. Because how could Jimin suggest that after everything? It was a salt to the wound that she has created - burning and spreading all throughout of Minjeong's body.

Jimin looks away, her tears already falling as bites her lips, "Why do you have to be in love with me?"

And that was it for Minjeong.

"I tried, I ing tried, Jimin." Minjeong answered in a tone that's desperate and weak, as if this has been the darkest secret she's been holding dearly, "I tried my best to stop but it never did. I thought it did but then I'd smell the same perfume as you and I'd go down on a spiral. I hoped I stopped, but I can't." she lets out a shaky breath, her nails digging through her skin as she controls whatever she could control to not breakdown in front of the older girl.

"And maybe I thought if I see you all happy, I can move on. That that's the only closure I need but god, Jimin. You were far from it, you're this." she gestures to Jimin and cries, "and I just can't grasp why? Because all I want is for you to be happy, god Jimin. I need you to be happy so that I can move on. Because I know I can make you happy, you said it to my face and ripped it all at once." Minjeong was word vomiting from there on, shedding light on things that has been haunting her. Reasons that she holds near her heart.

"I can't continue to live in this cycle knowing that I can be that person for you, but you wouldn't let me," Minjeong then looked straight at Jimin, defeated and exhausted." Just because of something I can't control."

Jimin gulps, shaking her head, "Minjeong - "

"Because you wouldn't mind being in love with me if I wasn't Kim Minjeong." The younger girl said, finality in her tone. Shutting Jimin up and letting silence take over between them, "tell me honestly, is it really that hard to accept that I love you?"

"I can't lose you, Minjeong."

"You won't."

"Not now but soon."

"You won't." Minjeong repeats.

"It's going to kill me," Jimin shakes her head and cries, "you're going to kill me if I lose you." Jimin's going on riddles now, something that no one really understands. But Minjeong looked at her with kindness and understanding - as if she just knows what the older girl was pertaining to.

"Haunt me, then. If I kill you then haunt me," Minjeong says in the softest manner, no hidden tone - just simple and straightforward. "Take me with you, just don't leave me in a world without you."

"It's been years, Min."

"And it's not enough," Minjeong sighs, turning around and grabbing her luggage and book. That was enough talking for her, and for the first time in years, it was Minjeong who walked away from Jimin. "I'll get going, wash up and sleep." she simply said, letting out a gentle smile to the girl before walking away.

Leaving Jimin with nothing but the words and emotions thrown at her to think about - to feel and to know.




Years passed by and Minjeong never left Jimin's side, they've became best friends - not leaving each other sides. Minjeong never thought that she'd meet someone that would make her do things, even the things that Minjeong never thought of doing - of things she never took interest in. Minjeong also knew that Jimin's part of the reason why she started have other friends - sometimes, Jimin's energy just rub on her and it would just happen.

Minjeong already thought of it, the reason why she keeps on doing unusual things just for Jimin - only for Jimin. And the answer never came easy for her, with all the books that she has read, there's no straight answer to it - but one thing is for sure, she does it because she wants to make Jimin happy. That's one of the things that Minjeong always think of whenever she does something - will this make Jimin happy?

With the most mundane things, all she could see is Jimin.

"Going at Jimin's again?"

Minjeong looks up from her bag and saw Mingyu leaning his body against the door frame, casually drinking a soda. "Yeah, why?"

"You two really became close, Min," Mingyu smiles and walks inside Minjeong's room, occupying the chair, and swiveling it around. "I thought it'll be a simple friendship that will die down soon but here you are."

Minjeong frowns at his statement, "Why did you even think of that?"

"Well, I don't know, you always prefer to be alone, Min." Mingyu shrugs his shoulders, "I'm just surprised that you're always with Jimin."

And now, Minjeong's not really sure on her brother's point, looking at him confusedly. There was a glint in his eyes, not the teasing one that she always finds annoying. But the type of glint that shows something he knows, "I don't really know what you want to - "

Mingyu laughs, cutting her off. "You're young but I'm pretty sure you'll figure it out soon," he smiles and stands up, patting Minjeong's head fondly like a puppy, "I want you to be happy, Minjeongie."

Minjeong never really understood his words that time, not until she did. It was nothing huge and enchanting, in fact, it was too simple - as if it has always been right in front of her. It happened so slowly, like how a person succumbs themselves to slumber - achingly slow and then all at once. Right inside the treehouse that they've built, under the night sky - that's when Minjeong understood her brother's words.

The glint in his eyes that screams so much - happiness.

It was with the way she watched Jimin stare at the sky, carrying the stars and constellations that she has been raving about. In Minjeong's life, she has always preferred silence over anything - but not when she could hear Jimin talk. "I'd like to hear you talk about them."

The surprise in the older girl's face was warranted, "Oh, I never thought that you - "

"I always listen to what you say, Jimin. Even if I don't want to listen, it's like I've been programmed to do it even so."

Minjeong knew then what it was, that even before she recognized it - her body and soul already did. The reason why she always gravitates towards Jimin, to always listen to her and hear her thoughts on everything. To always see her even in a simple plant, to have her by her side. She never thought she'd realize it now, thinking it was too early - too young, and yet it feels light.

To be able to name the one huge thing that she keeps asking herself.

Because for once, Minjeong knew what she was feeling for Jimin - the special care and tenderness that only she could feel for the older girl alone. Something that she has never felt until now, not for anyone.

"I wanted to be in your presence, more than my own."

That was enough for now, maybe soon Minjeong could have that conversation with Jimin - not now but soon.

Soon came after two years, where Jimin and Minjeong have very different friend group to the point that they would only hang out after class. Minjeong knew and is aware of everything about Jimin, given her popularity with the other students. It's not difficult to know especially when you could hear her name anywhere, and to be honest, she's happy for her. The different is the fact that Minjeong was not in the radar - only a few people know her, people that she talked because she needed to have civil friendship.

Minjeong prefers it this way, she already has Yuna and Chaeryeong anyways - those two give her enough headache as it is, and she would rather have it to that minimum.

"Minjeongie, can you help me with our homework?" That was Yuna, as always, pouting her way out of their homework. Minjeong is already used to do this, making her roll her eyes.

"You haven't even trie - "

"I did!" Yuna groaned and pulled out their notebook to show Minjeong the proof. "But I can't even understand anything with this!"

Minjeong looks at the formula that Yuna did, stifling a laugh with how messy the girl's notebook was. Okay, to give the girl a chance, she actually did try solving their math homework, but it was no use. "Okay, I'll teach you and you try answering this again, hm?"

And when Minjeong heard a chair being pulled, welcoming a smiling Chaeryeong, she could only sigh. "You also need some help?"

"I tried, okay? But it's all jumbled and numbers, I just want to sleep!"

Minjeong could only laugh, shaking her head as she pulled out her own notebook. As she tutors the two, it's always expected of them to have other things to talk about - straying them away from the actual tutoring. "So, when will you confess, Minjeongie?"

That made Minjeong stop from her tutoring, looking up from her notebook to see Yuna curiously looking at her. It's not a secret with the three of them that Minjeong likes Jimin, though they were surprised to know that Minjeong and Jimin knew each other. They accidentally discovered about it when they saw Minjeong and Jimin walking together to the convenience store.

That was basically the first time that Minjeong interacted with Yuna and Chaeryeong despite being in the same class together, and to say that Minjeong was surprised is an understatement.

"Damn, you two are close?" Chaeryeong exclaimed, surprising Minjeong and Jimin who were busy choosing an ice cream. Minjeong looked at Chaeryeong and then to Yuna, then lastly to Jimin - the latter was only looking at her amusedly.

"Do I know you..." Jimin was the one to break the awkward silence, trailing off when Yuna cuts her off.

"No, gosh. Well, maybe but we do know you," Yuna rambles and then points to Minjeong, "and we're classmates!"

Minjeong closes her eyes, urging Jimin to go to the counter as she mumbles that she'll be following her after she talks to the two. She then smiles and gestured for Yuna and Chaeryeong to follow her outside, which was an easy task, surprisingly.

"Are you two stalking us?"

Chaeryeong scoffed which surprised Minjeong, the girl looks very innocent and yet she has that kind of sassy attitude. "Please, we're not that desperate. We just saw you two and was surprised."

Minjeong frowns, "So, what do you need from us?"

It was Yuna's turn to smile, "We want to be your friend!"


"Friends, you know. People who hangout?" Chaeryeong explained as if that's the answer that Minjeong needed, "you just seem so holy and lonely, and you're friends with Jimin so - "

"So, you're going to use me to be close to Jimin?"

Yuna laughed at the statement, "Please she has so many friends, we don't really care about that."

"You just seem so good, and we think it would help us have a good track record."

Minjeong was aware of how their professors always reprimand the two, and it was not a secret that these innocent looking girls are troublemakers. Well, not entirely troublemakers that would bully other people. Troublemakers in a way that they always have something up in their sleeve for their own entertainment. "So, you're going to use me?"

"Oh please, we're great friends to be with! You won't regret it!" Chaeryeong grinned and puts her arm around Minjeong's shoulder, "we'll see you tomorrow, friend." she playfully bumps their shoulders and Yuna just waved at her happily.

Surprisingly enough, Minjeong didn't feel threatened with the two of them - it's like a good nature tease when it came from them. So, when Jimin went out with their ice cream, asking her on what that was about, she couldn't help but to answer, "Oh, just friends."

The question is how they knew about Minjeong's feeling for Jimin?

As Yuna's words, "It's obvious as ."

It probably took them a week, and they are being generous for that, to notice it. Minjeong was never subtle about it, and maybe, no one has ever noticed it because Minjeong was not in their radar. So, there they are, a year into their friendship and Yuna asking a question about confession.

"You know that wouldn't happen." Minjeong laughs, she's completely used with this conversation with the two of them, "I'm fine with this, as long as - "

"She's happy, we know," Chaeryeong cuts her off, "but have you ever thought of just confessing?"

"It's not really an optio - "

"It is, and it should be," Yuna says with a smile, "pretty sure that she feels the same."

MInjeong shakes her head, pointing at her notebook to grab the other girls' attention, "And I'm pretty sure that your grades are much more important than this so-called confession."

And apparently. that confession will soon bite Minjeong back sooner than she expected it to be. She never thought that Jimin would confront her about it in a random school day, after knowing that she was somehow getting bullied - which in all honesty, Minjeong didn't care at all. She never bothered with them because they're all bark - at the same time, Yuna and Chaeryeong will always be there to taunt them away.

But everything turned when Jimin asked her that one question - "Do you like girls?"

Minjeong never felt ashamed with that fact, though it's not the whole truth at all. She never thought about it that way because all of her life, she has found affection only to Jimin - the only person that she likes. So, asking that question is not something that Minjeong thought of. "Where did you hear that?"

Stalling, that was what she was doing - observing if Jimin knew then the whole truth. Everything inside Minjeong going a hundred miles per hour, the way Jimin tilts her head in the most subtle way - showing curiosity, biting her lips a little bit which shows worry, and the way that she tries to catch Minjeong's eyes. "If yes, is there a problem?"

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Hope you have a great Christmas everyone, take care! :)


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Chapter 6: flower + matilda *chef's kiss*
your stories are chef's kiss too 🫠
not_mecoconut #2
Chapter 26: Tapos na po ba talaga to? 🥺
Chapter 26: Ohmyghad this is going to be soooo sad i cant pls😭
lalaflourish #4
Chapter 26: 😭😭😭pls let jimin be happy for once
Chapter 26: Two things are in my mind for this update: how will The Fates do to minjeong and jimin's situation? and also the god of love's thread has no effect if The Fates' thread interefered right?
Chapter 26: I binged read this in one night. The stories are so good! 😭. You write so beautifully, authornim. Thank you for sharing these stories with us.
seulreneislife #7
Chapter 26: why tf u write so good🥹🫶 im gonna be really heartbroken if the ending will be winter asking jimin what did she regret the most😞
Chapter 26: happy ending, please? 🥲
addicted03 #9
Chapter 26: Will this story have a happy ending? I really hope so 😭
Ieftonread #10
Chapter 26: oh god please at least let jimin live in the afterlife with minjeong 😭😭😭