and in darkness, there's you [pt. 1 REQ]

seasons and weather
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Minjeong sighed, looking out of the window and she didn’t even know why she did that, of course she would only be greeted by the sky. Looking around, she sees people minding their own business - some could be seen watching, others were asleep, while others are talking to their friends, lovers, and whatnot. Glancing at her watch, she calculates the estimated time of arrival to her destination.


30 minutes.


Opening her phone, she looked at the song currently playing - frowning and quickly changing it until she settled for a mellow one. The last message from her friend was glaring at her, and Minjeong could see her own reply not being sent due to the signal.


Let me know when you’ve landed - Gi


Hope you’ll find your inspiration here tho LOL - Gi


Minjeong sighed, as she looked out of the window again. The sky has always made her feel at peace, it has always made her imagination go out through different heights and turn her own feelings into songs. But as she stared outside of the window, she couldn’t feel anything - it’s effect wasn’t the same as before, not a single emotion ran inside her, nor a single thought.


But it did remind her of something - someone, and she closed her eyes as she stopped those memories from flooding her. It wasn’t the best time to have a breakdown - especially not when she’s inside a plane probably thousand miles up from the ground.


She has been stuck for months now, Minjeon did everything to just start writing a single song - but there was nothing she could start with. Minjeong had read hundreds of books already - all from different genres, but she couldn’t, for the love of God, find inspiration from them. Her comfort movies were just plain movies for her - and the sky just became a simple thing.


Minjeong was frustrated at herself for not coming up with anything, which is why she accepted the offer for her to travel around. It was her manager’s idea - Taeyeon-unnie. The older girl didn’t even have to look at Minjeong to know that she was stuck, and decided to just book a flight for the girl.


“Pack up,” Taeyeon said as she entered Minjeong’s apartment without even knocking. The younger girl was surprised at her arrival. Obviously, she just woke up based on her disheveled hair.




“I booked you a flight to France,” Taeyeon said as she entered Minjeong’s room. The latter followed quickly, confused at the sudden declaration. What does she mean by flight? Paris?


“What, I’m not following.” Minjeong said, watching dumbly as Taeyeon was now opening Minjeong’s suitcase and putting some clothes - whatever clothes that she could grab from the girl’s closet.


“Flight. France. Later tonight.” Taeyeon stated and looked at Minjeong, “You’re stuck, you need to get out.”


Minjeong clenched her jaw, averting her eyes to her suitcase. She hated how Taeyeon looked at her - she has received those looks from hundreds of people since that day, and she never got used to it.


“I’m not.” Minjeong pathetically answered back, walking inside her room. Grabbing the random shirt that Taeyeon was holding. “This is dirty.” she said and threw it in the hamper beside her table.


Taeyeon sighed, “You haven’t written anything in months, Min.”


“It’s not that easy,” Minjeong quietly said, biting the inside of her cheeks to just stop herself from spilling anything - she didn’t know how to even start. “I sent out some samples already, wasn’t that enough?”


“I hope it was enough, but they’re still asking for more.” Taeyeon solemnly said, it’s not like she wants for the younger girl to be pressured into writing. but their company and her own boss were pressuring her as well. Taeyeon gave the girl as much time as possible and this was the thing she could think of.


“You’re going to travel not just in France, but I’ll book you for other countries as well.” Taeyeon said and looked at Minjeong with a soft smile, the younger girl couldn’t stare at the girl. “This is the only thing I could think of to give you more time, Min. Just, go out and look for inspiration, okay?”


Just go and be okay.




It’s not like Minjeong has a choice.


Now, she has already landed in Japan - thankful that Taeyeon booked this flight and remembering that Minjeong has a friend here - Aeri, or sometimes she prefers Giselle. The girl offered her own house, and Minjeong already knows that there’s something in exchange - so when she saw the girl outside the airport with a huge smile, she waved and quickly walked towards her.


“Traveling looks good on you,” Aeri said with a huge smile, enveloping Minjeong in a tight embrace. The latter closed her eyes, savoring the moment - she couldn’t deny that she did miss her friend. They’ve been friends since they were in high school but it just so happened that Aeri wanted to stay in Japan as soon as they graduated college.


“I’ve missed you,” Minjeong said as they released each other from their embrace, “You look happy.”


“I see, traveling makes you sappy and dramatic,” Aeri jokes, grabbing one of Minjeong’s bags. “How are you doing?”


And Minjeong noticed how the girl’s tone changed, there it was again - it irked her that she always notices every little change in people, especially when it was directed to her. But she knew that her friend was just worried for her, she mustered up a smile - something that she managed to do every time someone asks her that question.


“I’ve had better days, but I’m getting there.”


Minjeong knows that lying to Aeri was of no use, despite not seeing each other for years, the girl still knows her like the back of her hand. And so she just said it, it was the truth for all Minjeong knows. She couldn’t tell she was okay, but she definitely could tell she was getting there. But as she looked at the sky from where she was standing, the ache in her heart throbbed - like a needle poking her for the nth time.


“That’s great to hear,” Aeri smiled and nodded her head to a direction, “Let’s go, you must be tired from the flight.”


It was just like that, and Minjeong was thankful to Aeri for not prying. As she entered and settled in the passenger seat, Minjeong leaned her head against the window. The engine already started, and Aeri started to drive - playing some music in the background along the way. Minjeong watched as they drove past the buildings, closing her eyes in the process.


“So, what’s the deal in making me stay in your house?” Minjeong asked while her eyes were still closed, and she heard the chuckle coming from Aeri.


“Can’t it be that I’m just being a good friend?”


Even without looking, Minjeong could already see the teasing smile from her friend. “Come on, just tell me.”


“You’ll see,” Aeri answered in a sing-song voice, “I think you’ll like it.”







Minjeong, in fact, did not like it. Holding the apron that Aeri gave her, looking at it and then at her friend incredulously. The girl just innocently smiled at her, waiting for Minjeong to put the apron on. The latter looked around, and she could see the tables and chairs that were being organized by some worker.


“Come on, put that on.” Aeri ushered Minjeong, the latter glared at the girl which was ignored.


“I didn’t come here to be a part-time worker at your cafe, Aeri.” The songwriter grumbled, frowning as she tied the apron around her waist.


Aeri laughed at Minjeong’s face, not caring if the girl was showing her distaste for the situation. “You promised me that we’ll be operating our own cafe when we were in college though.” she shrugged.


Minjeong breathes out a laugh, the memory making her smile. She did make that promise to the other girl, it was when they were so addicted to going to every cafe that they would see - completely addicted to its vibe and caffeine. “It was exclusively for Korea, Aeri.” she deadpanned, and yet there was a smile plastered on her lips.


“Toe-may-toe, to-mah-toe.” Aeri shrugged, calling the girl that Minjeong saw cleaning and organizing the tables.


“Kazuha!” Aeri called and the girl walked towards them with a huge smile, “This is Minjeong, my friend from Korea.”


Minjeong frowned, because obviously the taller girl was Japanese like Aeri, but the latter was speaking in Korean - only to nod her head when Kazuha answered in the same language.


“Oh, it’s nice to meet you unnie!” The girl smiled and bowed to Minjeong, “I’ve so much about you from Aeri.”


Minjeong smiled, returning the bow, “I wish I could say the same but I’ve been busy with - “


“Work,” Aeri finished, and looked at Kazuha. “She’ll be having a part-time job here - “


“Forcefully.” Minjeong added in a tone, making Kazuha chuckle.


Aeri simply rolled her eyes, and continued on what she was about to say. “Anyway, I hope you could show her the ropes here, just let her know the simple tasks here.”


Minjeong watched the girl nodding her head enthusiastically, making her smile a little bit. It seemed like Kazuha was genuinely happy with her job at her friend’s cafe. Looking at Aeri, the girl was already checking the counter and making sure that everything was in place. This was not what she expected when she decided to go to Japan and meet up with Aeri, but it’s not like she had much to do.


Being a songwriter has its perks, and Japan was one of the countries that she often goes to because of her schedule. Minjeong could say that she already went to all of the tourist spots in the country, and maybe, working at Aeri’s cafe was a really great change of scenery. She couldn’t deny to herself that all of the traveling she did in other countries exhausted her - mainly because of all the walking and making sure that her stay there was not a waste of time.


Though, it was n’t really - but Minjeong knows that the songs that she submitted were still subpar and did not reach her management’s expectations. Though it was not like she was even trying, she already accepted to herself that she couldn’t find her inspiration there - not a single thing caught her attention.


Minjeong was still stuck.


She wonders, what would that person say if they were still here with her?


And before Minjeong was drowned with unpleasant emotions, the sound of the coffee machine pulled her out. She looked at Aeri, seeing that the girl was preparing the machine to start their operations. Minjeong couldn’t deny that she was curious on how to use the machine, and perhaps, how to properly make coffee.


If there’s something that Minjeong couldn’t hide, it was her utmost curiosity on things - there was just a glint in her eyes that would always show her interest. After all, Minjeong has always been bubbly and carefree of things - but she was just still human.


“No, you won’t be stationed here Min.” Aeri deadpanned, already noticing the curious smile from Minjeong. “You go to Kazuha and help her.”


“But I want to try that!” Minjeong playfully whined, earning an amused look from her friend.


“I just bought this last month.”


Minjeong tilted her head, “And, your point is?”


“I just know you’re going to break this if I let you touch it.”


Minjeong chuckled, raising her hands up in surrender and walking towards Kazuha. The girl was already wiping the tables, making Minjeong look at her watch - she wasn’t even sure the time they were going to be open and it’s already 8 in the morning.


“Hey,” Minjeong said, the awkwardness was there in her tone but she just continued. “What time are we going to open?”


Kazuha smiled at her, and Minjeong couldn’t deny that the girl really looks youthful and elegant. She already noticed it when she first saw her, the way she moved was just too careful and graceful.


“Oh, we usually open at 7 in the morning but Aeri messaged me and the others that we’re going to be opening late today.” Kazuha explained and looked at Minjeong, “And it’s because she drove you here, right?”


Minjeong nodded her head, “The others?” she caught that, and of course her friend wouldn’t just hire a single employee. But it was weird to see only one here, so yeah, she just echoed Kazuha’s words.


A grin, “Yeah, they’re on their way here!”


“Do they also, you know, speak Korean?” Minjeong carefully asked, well it’s not like she didn’t want to speak their language, but it was just convenient for her to have people speaking in Korean.


Kazuha laughed, nodding her head in the process. “Yes, don’t worry about that. The others are Korean.”


Minjeong tilted her head, questions running through her mind. “Oh, you and Aeri are the only - “


“Oh, it just so happened that the other two are Korean. Yunjin and Chaewon-unnie, but Kura is also Japanese. Eunchae couldn’t come since she has classes today.” Kazuha smiled when she saw Minjeong nodding her head, letting the information sink in.


“Okay, I guess I’ll meet them later,” Minjeong smiled, “So, where should I start?” she asked, looking around and folding her sleeves up until her elbow.


“Well, you can start by helping me with these tables,” Kazuha said, passing a towel to Minjeong. “We have at least 30 minutes before we open.”


Smiling, Minjeong did a playful salute to the younger girl and proceeded in doing the task. Kazuha briefed her on things she should know in their cafe - simple things such as their best seller, where she would be stationed, and what she would do. Basically, Minjeong was just tasked to help their customers get seated, serve their orders, and clean the table.


It’s not a stressful job if Minjeong observed the cafe, it was just a simple one in a quiet neighborhood though she could see the vehicles outside. But it’s not like they’re located in the actual city, which is why she doubts that this would be like the commercial ones. It was a great place if Minjeong thinks about it, remembering how Aeri has always wished to have her own business.


“So, how did you meet Aeri?” Minjeong asked, looking around and checking on her friend, but it seemed like the girl was in the kitchen.


“Oh, I just saw an opening in her cafe when she was just starting and I needed extra money.” Kazuha answered with a smile, “And here I am, three years later and still doing this.”


With a raised eyebrow, Minjeong was surprised that the girl has been working with Aeri for three years already. “Oh, that’s a long time already. Do you have another job other than this?” she asked out of curiosity.


“Oh, I do some art commissions,” Kazuha smiled at Minjeong, “I just live nearby and working here is pretty convenient for me.” She shrugged her shoulders and just then the door from the kitchen opened, revealing three other girls.


“I’m guessing those are the others?” Minjeong smiled, bowing at the approaching figures.


“The loud one would be Yunjin, yes.” Kazuha answered and as if on cue, a loud greeting came from the said girl.


“Good morning!” Yunjin approached, hugging Kazuha in the process. “Aren’t you too punctual?”


“You guys are just late,” Kazuha rolled her eyes and waved to Minjeong, “This is Minjeong-unnie by the way, Aeri’s friend.”


The three girls looked at her with a huge smile, as if they already knew her, which weirded out Minjeong and she couldn’t do anything but to just stand there awkwardly. “Hey?” she said unsurely.


“Oh, we heard so much about you!” A short-haired girl exclaimed with a smile, Minjeong wanted to say the same but just with Kazuha, she has been too busy that she and Aeri couldn’t even talk since the latter went back to Japan.


“That’s Chaewon-unnie,” Kazuha whispered, “And the other one is Kura.”


“Are you the songwriter friend that Aeri kept talking about?” Sakura asked, looking at Minjeong up and down. The latter felt conscious, but she could see the genuine curiosity from the girl’s eyes - it was refreshing to say the least.


This is what she liked about the whole traveling that Taeyeon suggested to her. Gone were the looks that she despised the most, no one knew about her and what she had gone through. Minjeong felt like a new person - and yet she knows, she was nothing but her old self.


“Yeah? I mean, I think so?” Minjeong answered, unsure if Aeri has other songwriter friends. “I am a songwriter, yeah.”


A gasp was heard from Yunjin, taking a step forward and looking at Minjeong straight into her eyes - taking up the girl’s personal space. “Are you the WINTER?” she asked, her eyes full of anticipation.


Minjeong blinked, it was rare for people to even bother to know about the songwriters of famous songs. They were after all just the ones in the background, and Minjeong never complained about it. That was one of the things that she liked about her job, though she did have some schedules but not too hectic for her. It was only mainly composed of deadlines for her outputs.


“Uh, yeah.” She answered, though this was not the first time, Minjeong was still not used with people knowing about her - personally.


“You’re that songwriter?!” Kazuha exclaimed, her eyes in disbelief. “And you didn’t even tell me?!”


“You didn’t ask?” Minjeong answered unsurely.


And just before the others could talk, Aeri suddenly appeared. Pulling Minjeong from the four girls, she knows that they couldn’t start their day if she didn’t stop the others from asking all of their questions. “Alright, that’s enough. We’ll be opening in 10 minutes.”


Minjeong smiled at her friend gratefully, chuckling as she heard the disappointed groans from the other girls.


“But we haven’t talked to Minjeong yet,” Chaewon whined and Aeri just ignored the girl.


“You can talk to her as long as it won’t slow down our work,” she reassured, “and you listen to them. They’ll teach you the ropes here.” she pointed at Minjeong, as if a mother talking to her daughter.


“I’m a fast learner, don’t worry.”


“Fast learner my .”


That’s basically how Minjeong’s first day in Japan started. Aeri did open the cafe around 9:30 in the morning and if Minjeong was being honest - she was nervous. It’s like it was her first day in her job though this is actually the first time for her to work in a cafe. Thankfully, the others were approachable and friendly. They gave her simple instructions for Minjeong to easily follow, and right now, she’s with Yunjin.


The girl was good at her job, despite being loud. Minjeong could tell that Yunjin liked what she was doing, well based on her huge smile and how she would tell Minjeong on what she should do.


“Okay, you just write their names in the cup.” Yunjin said with a laugh, and Minjeong couldn’t help but to join the girl. It was too simple for her but Aeri made it clear that Minjeong shouldn’t touch the coffee machine.


“Now, that sounds difficult.” Minjeong sarcastically said.


“I know right?” Yunjin joined, “But I’d let you do the register but it’s still your first day. You can serve the orders though.”


Minjeong hummed, nodding her head in agreement. “I can do that. Kazuha also said that I can clean the tables and whatnot.”


“Yeah, that’s good for now. We usually start around 6 and open at 7 for the morning rush,” Yunjin smiled, “But thankfully, you’re here and gave us a reason to start late.” she grinned.


Minjeong chuckled, looking at Yunjin playfully, “All I heard is that you’re a slacker.” she joked.


And it was great, Minjeong really felt at home despite meeting them for the first time. Maybe it’s because Aeri already knew them, which was a great foundation that Minjeong knew she could trust them.


“Why are you here, anyway?” Yunjin decided to ask, and they could hear the three other girls from the kitchen. Probably preparing the pastries that they will be serving for the day.


Minjeong hummed, she already expected that they would ask that question sooner or later. “Looking for inspiration to write about.” she simply answered.


It was the truth anyway - though not the whole one.


“Ah I see, we have those days anyway,” Yunjin smiled, “well, I hope you’ll find one soon.”


As if on cue, the first customer entered and the other girls appeared from the kitchen. Quickly organizing the pastries, while Yunjin attended to the customer. Minjeong being new, she took a step to the side to let the girls do their work. She could hear the elder woman ordering an iced latte to go, and then looking at the freshly baked pastries.


Aeri suddenly appeared beside Minjeong, “Hey, you can actually walk around the neighborhood. You don’t have to stay here for the whole day.”


Minjeong chuckled, nodding her head. “Got that, I want to help though.”


Throwing a reassuring smile at Aeri, Minjeong proceeded to ask Yunjin what she could help with. The latter smiled and pointed to the cup that Minjeong would need to write on, and she did just that. It was a slow morning for them, since the morning rush already went by. Though there would still be customers from time to time, but it was nothing that Minjeong couldn’t manage.


If she was being honest, Minjeong could somehow see herself settling with a life like this one - just a simple worker, or she could even run the cafe with Aeri. But knowing the actual situation, she knows that she couldn’t afford to create a deep bond with the other girls - she’s just there for a temporary stay.


She could see why her friend was content with what she has right now - the smiles and how the others would joke around along with Aeri, they just have everything right here. The ambience of the cafe was really cozy, and Minjeong could see why there would be some that would stay there for a few hours.


Minjeong didn’t notice the time until Sakura tapped her shoulders, gaining her attention.


“Hey, it’s almost lunch.” Sakura smiled, pointing at the clock. “You can take a break, it seems like you have a lot in mind.”


She has been watching every customer in the cafe, doing her job diligently, and it was weird that Minjeong found it too therapeutic for her. She glanced at the clock and it was almost 12 in the afternoon. She has been doing it for almost 3 to 4 hours now, though perhaps she did stare off into space with random words floating inside her mind - but not enough for her to write it.


“Oh, you’re right,” Minjeong said, standing up from the stool that she was sitting on. “Is it okay if I…?” she trailed off, pointing at the door - hoping to walk around the neighborhood.


Sakura smiled, nodding her head. “Yeah, me and Chaewon would handle this.” she said and Chaewon walked out from the kitchen.


“Hey, you should take a break now!” The girl said to Minjeong with a huge smile, passing a paper bag which had a printed logo of their cafe. “Aeri said to give this to you, she already assumed that you’ll go out during your break.”

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Chapter 6: flower + matilda *chef's kiss*
your stories are chef's kiss too 🫠
not_mecoconut #2
Chapter 26: Tapos na po ba talaga to? 🥺
Chapter 26: Ohmyghad this is going to be soooo sad i cant pls😭
lalaflourish #4
Chapter 26: 😭😭😭pls let jimin be happy for once
Chapter 26: Two things are in my mind for this update: how will The Fates do to minjeong and jimin's situation? and also the god of love's thread has no effect if The Fates' thread interefered right?
Chapter 26: I binged read this in one night. The stories are so good! 😭. You write so beautifully, authornim. Thank you for sharing these stories with us.
seulreneislife #7
Chapter 26: why tf u write so good🥹🫶 im gonna be really heartbroken if the ending will be winter asking jimin what did she regret the most😞
Chapter 26: happy ending, please? 🥲
addicted03 #9
Chapter 26: Will this story have a happy ending? I really hope so 😭
Ieftonread #10
Chapter 26: oh god please at least let jimin live in the afterlife with minjeong 😭😭😭