Seem like I have

Love Will Come After Marriage

A few months later...



Today, Jongwoon didn't wake up his husband because the man came home very late last night. Recently, Kyuhyun had been very busy as his law firm had to handle many cases at once, and even had to sleep at his workplace. So, when the man finally came home, he let the tired lawyer get his well-deserved rest while he made simple sandwiches for breakfast and made some for the sleeping man. After that, he unpacked his husband's luggage that the man brought to work and did the laundry. While waiting for the washing machine to be done, he also cleaned and organized the lawyer's bedroom and his office. Having nothing else to do, he sat by the bed and watched Kyuhyun. The man looked really different from when he was awake as if he was an entirely new person. The lawyer Cho Kyuhyun was very cool and irresistible. Meanwhile, the house husband Cho Kyuhyun was very cute and casual. Regardless of which version, Jongwoon was happy that the person he had to get married to was Cho Kyuhyun. He giggled and poked the sleeping man's cheek which started to grow rounder as a result of eating well. When the washing machine beeped, he was having fun rubbing the man's philtrum and didn't want to leave yet. However, his contractual husband began to frown and stir in his sleep. So, he ran away before the lawyer woke up and found his partner molesting his philtrum. By the time he took the laundry to dry in the front yard, Kyuhyun had woken up and joined him. The drowsy lawyer munched on the sandwich and eyed the laundry basket suspiciously.


"...Is that my boxers? Jongwoon, you really don't have to do my laundry..."

"You always cook for me so this is the least I can do for you. Besides, we're both men so what's wrong with washing each other's clothes?"


Jongwoon shrugged and started to hang the clothes. Kyuhyun also came to help after washing his hands. They dried the laundry quietly until only a towel was left at the bottom of the basket. Both men reached out for the towel at the same time and their hands accidentally brushed. Pausing their actions, Kyuhyun and Jongwoon looked up and looked away in sync when their eyes met, though neither of them moved their hands out of the way. After a short period of silence, Kyuhyun nudged the back of his spouse's hand with his.


"Jongwoon, our food in the fridge is running out. Do you want to go to the supermarket with me?"

"...Sure. It's about time to buy food for Kkoming and Melo too."


Jongwoon nudged back and their fingers lingered closely for a second. Then, they picked up the forgotten towel together and finished drying the laundry.





"Do you really have to read every character on the label?"

"Of course. See, although both of these use the same ingredients, they use it at a different percentage and that affects the taste a lot."


Jongwoon hummed to show his agreement even though he was having a hard time trying not to laugh. Kyuhyun had been reading an ingredient label of two tomato sauce brands for almost five minutes now but the man still couldn't choose which one to buy. They came to a local supermarket for grocery shopping but he didn't expect his husband to be so meticulous in choosing what to buy. Normally, he would have just picked up the first thing he saw and thrown it in a cart. However, Kyuhyun spent time carefully reading the labels and comparing the prices of each brand. Getting bored, Jongwoon checked the shopping list and the cart to see what else they hadn't bought yet. Then, he realized that Kyuhyun forgot to add his favorite soju brand to the list even though he was pretty sure they already ran out of it. Did Kyuhyun forget?


"Kyuhyun, I'm going to get something we forgot to buy."

"Cool. Let's meet at the fruit and vegetable section in five minutes. There's something else we forgot to buy too."


So, they went their separate ways. Jongwoon brought the shopping cart with him and headed back to the alcoholic beverage section to get the soju. When he arrived at the meeting point, Kyuhyun was already there choosing strawberries while carrying something in his arm— his favorite brand of coffee beans.


"Eh? Why did you buy that?"

"Didn't you say a few days ago that it's almost running out? Did you forget?"

"I could ask you the same! Did you forget that your soju..."


Both men slowly turned red in the face when they realized what happened: they forgot to buy things for themselves but not their spouse. With their cheeks still feeling warm, Kyuhyun cleared his throat nervously while adding the coffee beans and strawberries to the cart, all the while Jongwoon looked at everything in the supermarket except his husband. After that, the shopping trip continued but an added ambiguous air lingered between them. It lasted until it was time to pay for the groceries. Suddenly, Kyuhyun came to stand right next to the shorter male, so close that their elbows kept touching. However, Jongwoon didn't move away and questioned his husband via his gaze.


"...The cart is getting heavy so let me help push it."



Jongwoon only uttered a syllable as he didn't know what else to say. Funnily enough, he could have let Kyuhyun push it alone or turned down the offer and pushed it himself. The shopping cart wasn't that big so it looked really silly when two grown-up men squeezed together to push it. Both men also realized how silly they looked right now, judging by the way the passersby (especially girls) giggled at them, yet neither of them ever gave a thought to stepping away from their spouse. Moreover...


While waiting in line for the checkout queue, Jongwoon's pinky finger scratched his husband's playfully but quickly retreated when Kyuhyun tried to pin it in place. After going back and forth for a while like this, Kyuhyun finally placed his larger hand on top of his spouse's smaller hand and successfully ended the silly game. Kyuhyun sighed but his lips and eyes were b with joy as he looked at the pink-haired man whose eyes were shining and whose mouth almost tore from smiling too wide.




"I'm in a mood to eat something sweet. Should we stop by my cafe and pick up something?"

"Or I can whip up a strawberry smoothie for us."

"Awesome! I like it."


Jongwoon answered vaguely. The corner of his lips then rose up again when Kyuhyun gave his enveloped hand a light squeeze and replied just as vaguely.


"Yeah, I like it too."




As promised, Kyuhyun made a strawberry smoothie for his spouse after they went home. However, the task turned out to be more difficult than he thought because a certain someone kept stealing the strawberries so he had to prepare more. Despite that, Jongwoon's small hand still snuck behind him to take the red fruit when he didn't pay attention. In the end, he had to speak up.


"Jongwoon, keep stealing and we won't have any strawberries left for the smoothie."

"I can't help myself! They're very sweet and yummy. You should try some too, Kyuhyun."

"I'm fine—"


Kyuhyun was startled when he turned to find his partner's gorgeous face a mere inch away from him. Jongwoon whose eyes were twinkling in mischief offered a piece of strawberry in his mouth to him. The red fruit highlighted his pale pink lips and Kyuhyun suddenly felt thirsty, especially when the smaller man slowly batted his rich eyelashes. He quickly looked away as his face and ears started to burn to the point that he could feel the heat, all the while his contractual spouse just laughing happily.


"Hahaha!! Kyuhyun, aren't you too easy to get worked up? You're redder than strawberries now!"

"Shut up."


Kyuhyun ignored his house mate's teasing and continued to make the smoothie. Luckily, Jongwoon also realized that he needed to stop before the ingredient ran out. So, he finished the beverage in no time. Just as he was about to bring two glasses, he found a silly heart-shaped straw for couple that his best friend bought as a joke wedding gift. Recalling how Jongwoon , he decided to get back at his partner.


"Done. Let's dig in."

"Huh? Only one glass? And that straw..."


Kyuhyun smirked in great satisfaction, seeing the smaller man's cheeks turning as pink as his fluffy hair. He bit on one end of the straw and quirked his brow, challenging the other man to play along. Jongwoon puffed his cheeks and stepped closer, taking the other end of the straw into his mouth. Then, they drank the strawberry smoothie while holding their gazes. Kyuhyun was fascinated by the entire galaxy he saw in the pink-haired man's phoenix eyes and unconsciously leaned in closer...




"Omo!!! I'm so sorry!!"


Probably because he was startled by the closeness, Jongwoon accidentally blew the straw, causing the smoothie to reverse and splash in Kyuhyun's face. He hurriedly put away the glass and coughed. Then, he felt a damp fabric gently wiping his face and a warm hand cradling his face, followed by his spouse's worried voice.


"Are you hurt? Did it get in your eyes or nose? I'm really really sorry!! I didn't mean to!"

"Calm down, Jongwoon, I'm fine."


He grasped the small hand busy cleaning the mess and smiled at the other man to reassure him. However, he didn't expect to see Jongwoon's cheeks and the tip of his ears turning pink like the smoothie. His heart raced like a lightning as he gingerly brushed the juice straining the shorter man's luscious lips with his thumb.


"... Jongwoon, do you like the smoothie?"

"...Yes, I like it very much."


A shy tongue snuck past the full lips to swiftly his thumb and Kyuhyun felt like something just exploded in his head.




That night, Jongwoon found himself wide awake in the middle of the night. His cheeks were heating up and his heart was racing as he recalled the supermarket trip and the smoothie incident. What was that? Did he just flirt with his contractual husband and did Kyuhyun just flirt back? Turning to lie on his side, he touched his lips in a daze as he recalled Kyuhyun's warm thumb caressing them. After a moment of awkward silence, he pressed his lips to block a squeal and rolled around on the bed as the realization hit him. This is crazy! He has a crush on his contractual husband!


"No! I'm just being silly and Kyuhyun just plays along because he's a good guy!"


Knowing that he couldn't fall asleep any time soon, Jongwoon got up to go downstairs and drank some water to cool down the heat on his face. He didn't expect to meet the man who made his heart go crazy also leaving his own bedroom. Kyuhyun paused for a second as if he, too, didn't expect to see him. Both men just stood still like that in front of their bedrooms opposite their spouse's, not knowing where to look but also not wanting to avert their eyes from the person before them. After a while, Kyuhyun spoke up first.


"Jongwoon, did you have a problem falling asleep again?"

"Sort of... What about you? Kyuhyun? Did something bother you?"

"You could say that..."


Although neither of them addressed it directly, they still knew what seemed to be the reason behind their spouse's sleepless night. Silence fell on them once the conversation died down but it wasn't suffocating. If anything, it was so sweet and hot that it prompted Kyuhyun and Jongwoon to speak up at the same time.


"Kyuhyun, can I sleep with you tonight?" / "Jongwoon, do you want to sleep in my room tonight?"


Again, both men went quiet and let silence talk on behave of their flustered looks. Kyuhyun was the first to recover despite his reddened face. He moved aside and made way for his spouse to enter his bedroom. Flustered Jongwoon looked everywhere in the room except the wide back of his husband. He was afraid that he couldn't stop himself from hugging the man. That was when he spotted their wedding photo on the bedside table, exactly where he also put his own copy. As if that wasn't enough reason to make him blush madly, Jongwoon also saw their wedding ring near the photo that looked clean and well-maintained like a new ring. Noticing his spouse's gaze, Kyuhyun explained the scene in a soft and mellow voice.


"...I always wear mine except for when I take a bath and sleep."

"...Yeah, me too."


Jongwoon replied equally softly and took off his own wedding band to place it beside his husband's, making it now a pair. Then, both men awkwardly got into the bed and lay down at the opposite end of the bed as if there was an invisible wall between them. A few times passed and neither of them did anything, just lying still and looking straight at the ceiling. Then, Jongwoon took the initiative and gingerly rolled a little bit closer to the other man. Kyuhyun saw a movement from the corner of his eyes and didn't dare to move a single finger. Seeing that his husband didn't seem to mind his advance, Jongwoon rolled once again until the brown-haired man was one more roll away. However, he hesitated to move closer. What if Kyuhyun thought that he was too eager? So, Jongwoon settled down with this distance of closeness and turned his back to the other party...


"Jongwoon-ah, come closer, within my reach."


Realizing that his lack of reaction seemed to discourage his spouse, Kyuhyun now took the initiative and shifted closer until the slim body was within his reach. Hearing that, Jongwoon beamed and immediately rolled into the welcoming embrace. He put his head on his husband's chest and smiled at a racing heartbeat echoing in his ear.


"Kyuhyun, no, Kkuru, can we sleep together starting tonight?"

"Mm, of course."


Kyuhyun smiled contentedly as he brushed the stray bang aside to reveal a beautiful forehead. Then, his fingers followed the flowing pink hair to a chubby cheek and pinched it softly, drawing a heartfelt giggle from his spouse. After that, his gaze dropped to the compact luscious lips and something inexplicable stirred in his heart. Kyuhyun pinched the pink-haired man's chin and lifted up his face, and Jongwoon held his breath expectantly. However, his husband's full lips landed on his forehead instead of the place he was hoping for. Casting his eyes up, Jongwoon felt his heart getting stuck in his throat as he saw the way Kyuhyun looked at him.


"Good night and sweet dreams, Jongwoon-ah, my beloved wife."

"You too, Cho Kkuru, dearest husband."


Well, maybe it was better this way. Jongwoon doubted that he would be able to sleep tonight if his husband actually kissed him on the lips, not when a mere peck on the forehead already made him so giddy. Likewise, Kyuhyun was glad that he didn't go for the lips as he didn't believe in his self-control. He wanted to take it slow with his spouse whom he seemed to have a crush on.



For the first time in their marriage life, Kyuhyun and Jongwoon spent a night together by falling asleep in their partner's arms.




Author's note:

Look at our sweet marriage couple kyusung~

Did you squeal and kick your feet while reading? Cuz I sure did that while writing  xD

Kyusung now realized their feelings so things will get even sweeter from now on (and even spicier) 

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Take care and love you!   <3

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Chapter 3: damn I really hope the car was darkly tinted 🙈 this is so sweet and fun, I love it! 💙
Chapter 2: oh my god that is so fluffy how dare you make my heart leap, ack! (⁠ノ⁠≧⁠∇⁠≦⁠)⁠ノ⁠ ⁠ミ⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻ thank you author-nim ♡⁠(⁠Ӧ⁠v⁠Ӧ⁠。⁠)
398 streak #3
Chapter 3: y time at Kyu's car? Damn, ! And the way Jongwoon the fork, I can totally imagine that! Love!

I can't wait for the horror! As long as it's kyusung, bring it on! (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
398 streak #4
Chapter 2: Come closer, within my reach

Gyaaaaaa #fangirling mode on
398 streak #5
Chapter 1: Aaaw so sweet! My my, you're still the queen of fluff 😚
tessa124 #6
Chapter 3: i can't stop smiling while reading the whole story,,,thank you authornim
Honeymoon89 #7
Chapter 3: Hahah whaaatttt???!!!
First night at home ❌
First night at hotel ❌
First night in car✅
Wah this couple! Hahah😂😂😂they have car kink or what?😂😂😂 I really cant with them😭😂
By the way, this are really sweettt🥰🥰 and the matching gift🥰 they really are soulmate🥰

Tq authornim for your hardwork💪 fuh really need to prepare my heart then for next story🥶🥶
_MyName_ #8
Chapter 2: Aah, this is so sweeeet! It's so cute how they slowly start to fall in love once they get to know each other more <3 stories with lots of fire and passion are great, yet I have a special love for lovestories like this.
Hope you're well, once again thank you for writing ^^
Papiixbabi #9
Chapter 2: This slow burn love story is getting on my nerves. But I love and understand kyu's idea of not startling yeye.
Honeymoon89 #10
Chapter 2: Arghhhh!!! Im giggling so hard while reading this. Hey u two! Please pity my poor heart...u two are too sweet🥰🥰 sunday! Please come fasterr😭😭