Fallen in love with my husband

Love Will Come After Marriage

"What should I do? It seems like I've fallen in love with my husband..."


Kim Heechul wished he could teleport away from this place so that he didn't have to listen to his best friend rambling about his husband while blushing like a maiden in her first love.


"Ugh, can you stop already? The food here is super tasty so I don't want to waste it by puking at the tooth-rotten sweet story of your love life."

"Heebongie! I'm being serious here! You know that our marriage is only for the sake of our families' joint cooperation. Is it really okay to fall in love with my contractual husband!?"

"Who the cares? Dude, did you ever realize that you and your so-called 'contractual husband' have been acting like a freaking couple in love already!? Well, except maybe having ."


"What? You called me here to lament that you want to take another step into the relationship with your husband so I gave you advice. I know that you also hope for it too."

"... What if Kyuhyun didn't like me that way? What if it was just a fleeting crush due to our intimacy?"

"So what? Since when did Kim Jongwoon become an indecisive person? For sake, he's your legal husband so just ing jump him!"



Jongwoon exclaimed loudly at his friend's frank speech but a part of him did ponder what Heechul said. So what if he happened to fall in love with his contractual husband? Cho Kyuhyun is still his husband so he should have every right to seduce his own man!


"You're right. I'm going to get my husband's heart and body!"




"What? Are you telling me to pounce on my wife? Are you crazy?"


Kyuhyun frowned and accidentally used too much force, sending a piece of carrot he was cutting flying off the cutting board. He picked it up and glared at his best friend on the screen but Ryeowook just gave him an eye roll.


"Kyuhyun, Jongwoon is your legal spouse so nothing is wrong with getting intimate with him. Besides, from what I gathered from your stories, he also loves you." 

"Are you sure? I mean, our relationship is based on a business deal between our families, not love. Maybe he just felt obligated to fall in love with me..."

"That's ridiculous and you know it. Neither of you is obligated to actually fall in love but here you are, complaining to me about how you seem to fall in love with your own wife." 

"That's true. But what if I was the only one with impure thoughts? What if Jongwoon-ah loved me but not ually attracted to me?"

"Are you really consulting me about your life? To hell with it and just pounce on him already—!" 

"Sorry, I hear the front door open so Jongwoon is probably home now. Later!"


Kyuhyun hurriedly ended the call without listening to his friend's curses. Although the conversation already ended, he still thought about what Ryeowook said and coughed when he felt his body react to his imagination. His hands cutting the veggies paused as he recalled the way his spouse looked at him last night after he kissed the smaller man's forehead— longing and disappointed.


"... Maybe he's right and my partner also wants it. Yes, I've made up my mind. I'll make him mine completely!"




A smile instantly blossomed on Jongwoon's face when he saw his dear husband in the kitchen. In the past, he would only stare at that wide back while denying his own feelings. However, he didn't have to lie to himself anymore. Jongwoon grinned and stepped into the kitchen, putting his arms around the taller man's frame and his head on the wide shoulder. After nuzzling against it for a while, he leaned over and kissed his husband's cheek, chuckling when the man's neck and ears turned red. Kyuhyun coughed to hide his racing heart and turned his head to the side to return a kiss on his spouse's chubby cheek.


"Welcome home, Jongwoon-ah."

"Mm~ I'm home~ Kkuru, what do we have for dinner?"

"Kimchi beef stew and fried seaweed roll."

"Oh! Sounds yummy! I can't wait to eat~" 

"You sound upbeat today. Did something good happen?"

"Yep! I just made a decision on something very important. Plus, the exhibition that I've been working hard on will finally open the day after tomorrow! That reminds me, Kyuhyun, are free on that day? I'll show you around my gallery~"

"That... I'm sorry, Jongwoon-ah, but I have to attend a trial on that day and I'm not sure when it will end too..."

"Oh, I see... It can't be helped then."


The first event he wanted to take Kyuhyun to as his official husband ended up being a failure. So, Jongwoon couldn't help feeling sad and his hold on the taller man unconsciously loosened. However, Kyuhyun quickly grasped the smaller hands and interrupted the other man from pulling away. Turning around to face his saddened spouse, Kyuhyun cupped the endearing chubby cheeks and comforted the man.


"I'll be there. I promise."

"What? But your trial..."

"I'll be there and congratulate you no matter how late it is. I promise, no, I swear."



Jongwoon beamed and jumped into his husband's arms. While basking in the man's tender affection, he also made a promise to himself that, on the exhibition day, he will confess his love to Kyuhyun and they finally will become a true married couple.




The exhibition day...



"Boss, it's been two hours already after our usual closing hour. Are you sure that you want to keep waiting?"

"...Yes. I believe in my husband. You can go home first. I'll close the gallery myself."


Jongwoon let his assistant leave while he continued to wait for the lawyer. At first, he thought that Kyuhyun could make it to the opening ceremony, seeing how the man left home since early morning. He didn't expect the trial to last so long that his husband had yet to show up even though it was already in the evening. Looking at the time, he debated whether to keep waiting or to go to the high court to surprise his husband. He wanted to call or message Kyuhyun and asked about his situation but decided against it in the end. He didn't want to bother the other man. After pondering for a while, Jongwoon decided to go to see the lawyer himself and left the gallery. Halfway to the court, however, he got a sudden message from the gallery security guard.


'Jongwoon-ssi, a man who claims to be your husband is waiting for you in front of the gallery.' 


Jongwoon got off the bus without hesitation and practically ran back. So, when he arrived at the gallery, his hair and his outfit were a mess. He worried for a few seconds that his husband might see him in this unbecoming state and come to dislike him. However, his worries died down when he saw that the lawyer didn't look any better than him. Kyuhyun's hair was tousled. He didn't wear a suit jacket and rolled up the sleeves of his white shirt to his elbows. His necktie was loosened and the first two buttons were undone. It seemed like he wasn't the only one who rushed here. Jongwoon beamed and called out to his husband.


"Kyuhyun!! You really came!"

"Jongwoon-ah! Of course, I promised you, didn't I—"


Jongwoon didn't waste time and yanked the taller man's necktie to taste the pale-pink lips that his eyes had been wandering to. His free hand slid up the broad chest to the wide shoulder and s its way to the man's nape, letting the tip of his fingers dance on the sensitive skin. The touch seemed to wake up the lawyer from shock as Kyuhyun soon took the initiative to dominate the kiss. The large hands pressed on the small of his back and the back of his head, pinning him against the strong body while teasing his tongue until his legs turned to jelly. They kissed as if to unleash all the hidden affection and desire they had been holding back. Had it not been for the need to breathe, neither Kyuhyun nor Jongwoon would have let their spouse go.


"Kyuhyun... Kkuru..." Jongwoon nuzzled against the crook of his husband's neck. "I want you... I NEED you."

"Me too, Jongwoon-ah," Kyuhyun patted and kissed his wife's head. "Let's hurry home."

"No, that's taking too much time."

"Hn, a hotel, perhaps? I know one not far from here."

"That's still too far. I can't wait anymore..."

"I know but—"

"My dear husband," Jongwoon bit the man's Adam's apple and . "You come here by your car, right?"


It took Kyuhyun less than a second to get what his adorable wife hinted. He nodded enthusiastically and took Jongwoon by hand to his car. Then, he practically pounced on the smaller male when they got inside the back seat. Both of them were eager to get their hands under their partner's clothes and were in a race to see who took them off faster. However, it was proven to be a difficult task in such a limited space so Kyuhyun and Jongwoon ended up just pulling down their clothes enough for the other party's hands to roam on their burning skins. At some point, Jongwoon even accidentally knocked his head on the car roof when he was too lost in the act of riding his husband. He pouted and coquettishly asked the man to coax him, all the while never stopping the movement of the lower body. Kyuhyun freed one hand from his wife's hip to gently rub the hit area and kissed the smaller man's temple to comfort him. Meanwhile, his own hip slammed up faster and harder so that his beloved wife wouldn't risk hitting his head anymore because Jongwoon was too busy and melting in his arms.



"Ah, ah, ngh! Y-Yes...?"

"Let's buy a bigger car as soon as we have time."


Jongwoon kissed his husband hard in place of an answer.




A few days later...



"Do you have any accessories that come in pair? I'd like to buy one for me and my husband."


Jongwoon asked the jewelry shop clerk, not bothering to hide his joyful smile as he mentioned his husband. Although he and Kyuhyun had already become a true couple by consummating their marriage, they still had yet to officially express their love to each other. Today, his husband asked him out to a nice, upscale restaurant so he knew without asking that the time had come. So, he wanted to give something meaningful to Kyuhyun. The female clerk probably caught his infectious happy smile and smiled just as brightly. Then, she showed him a pair of silver necklaces adorned with a little headphone pendant made of platinum around the size of a pinky finger. He immediately fell in love with them.


"They're perfect! Please wrap them for me."

"Most definitely! Sigh, if only I could sell their pairs to you... Mister! Would you like to hear a tale of these necklaces?"


After that, she proceeded to tell him about how the designer actually created two sets of pendants that could be assembled together: the worlds and the headphones. However, the designer wished to stay true to the concept of his art which was "Soulmates". So, he sold them to two separate stores and only he knew where they were. Although the story was interesting, Jongwoon didn't pay much attention to it since he had already met his own soulmate. He took the gift and went to a florist next to pick up a flower bouquet that he ordered in advance. However, he happened to run into his husband and they blushed as soon as they realized why their partner came here. In fact, both men also noticed that their spouse bought them a gift. Kyuhyun faked a cough as if trying to hide his bashfulness and took his hand, intertwining their fingers as he addressed the florist clerk.


"Ahem, could you please arrange our orders into one bouquet? It seems like my spouse and I happened to order from the same shop..."


The female clerk looked at their hands and cooed audibly, causing them to blush harder. Yet neither of them let go of the hand they were holding. Kyuhyun and Jongwoon kept holding hands until they arrived at the restaurant. They had a nice dinner, taking turns feeding each other. Then, they exchanged a gift during the dessert time.


"Kkuru, here, this is my gift for you. You're my muse and my inspiration. Thank you for being my husband."

"Likewise, marrying you is one of the best decisions I ever made. Here, this necklace is to present that you're my world—"

"Wait a sec!"


Jongwoon took a look at his husband's gift, a similar silver necklace but this one was adorned with a tiny world pendant made of platinum instead of a headphone. Could it be...? He tried to assemble the two pendants and gasped when they fitted together perfectly.


"Kyuhyun! Where did you buy it?"

"Huh? At the KRY Store. What's wrong?"

"Just across the street from my DnE store... Cho Kkuru, it seems like we really are soulmates."


Jongwoon grinned and explained to his husband as they took turns putting on the gift for their partners. Now, both of them wore matching necklaces with the world wearing the headphone pendants. Kyuhyun touched it and smiled happily after hearing the story.


"Indeed we are. I mean, what are the odds that our parents agreed to an arranged marriage and that our hyungs couldn't fulfill the promise so the marriage fell to us instead?"

"You're right. So, we're a legitimate married couple now, legally, physically, and emotionally. Do we have to revise the rules of living together?"

"No need to change a good system we already have, though I'd like add one more rule..."


Kyuhyun placed his hand atop his wife's smaller one on the table and playfully scratched the sensitive palm with his thumb, smirking flirtingly.


"Say, Jongwoon-ah, now that our hearts are on the same page, can I pounce on you whenever I feel like it?"

"Don't be silly, my dearest husband."

"Ah... You're right. I need to ask for your consent first—"


Kyuhyun frozed in place when he felt something rubbing his inner thigh under the table. Taking a discreet look beneath the tablecloth, he saw a smooth bare foot and fondling his crotch until it started to enlarge against the naughty foot. He looked at the smaller male opposite him in disbelief with a hint of lust in his eyes. His throat felt extremely dry as he watched Jongwoon and a fork sensually.


"Silly you, Kkuru, why do we have to add something as trivial as breathing in the rules?"







After that, Kyuhyun's new car finally got to prove its use of the extra spacious backseat.




Author's note:

Sweet and spicy and ending for our whipped married couple ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

This one is thoroughly fluff without any conflict or drama, all to prepare yourself for the horror and terror that is Halloween  ;)   


Thanks for all comments! Much appreciated  >∆< /


Take care and love you!   <3

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Chapter 3: damn I really hope the car was darkly tinted 🙈 this is so sweet and fun, I love it! 💙
Chapter 2: oh my god that is so fluffy how dare you make my heart leap, ack! (⁠ノ⁠≧⁠∇⁠≦⁠)⁠ノ⁠ ⁠ミ⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻ thank you author-nim ♡⁠(⁠Ӧ⁠v⁠Ӧ⁠。⁠)
398 streak #3
Chapter 3: y time at Kyu's car? Damn, ! And the way Jongwoon the fork, I can totally imagine that! Love!

I can't wait for the horror! As long as it's kyusung, bring it on! (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
398 streak #4
Chapter 2: Come closer, within my reach

Gyaaaaaa #fangirling mode on
398 streak #5
Chapter 1: Aaaw so sweet! My my, you're still the queen of fluff 😚
tessa124 #6
Chapter 3: i can't stop smiling while reading the whole story,,,thank you authornim
Honeymoon89 #7
Chapter 3: Hahah whaaatttt???!!!
First night at home ❌
First night at hotel ❌
First night in car✅
Wah this couple! Hahah😂😂😂they have car kink or what?😂😂😂 I really cant with them😭😂
By the way, this are really sweettt🥰🥰 and the matching gift🥰 they really are soulmate🥰

Tq authornim for your hardwork💪 fuh really need to prepare my heart then for next story🥶🥶
_MyName_ #8
Chapter 2: Aah, this is so sweeeet! It's so cute how they slowly start to fall in love once they get to know each other more <3 stories with lots of fire and passion are great, yet I have a special love for lovestories like this.
Hope you're well, once again thank you for writing ^^
Papiixbabi #9
Chapter 2: This slow burn love story is getting on my nerves. But I love and understand kyu's idea of not startling yeye.
Honeymoon89 #10
Chapter 2: Arghhhh!!! Im giggling so hard while reading this. Hey u two! Please pity my poor heart...u two are too sweet🥰🥰 sunday! Please come fasterr😭😭