Rose Creek

Mist and Dew
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After an hour of walking, we stopped at a dark wall. I looked up, I could see the edge of a cliff.

Einz lets go of my hand and he walked to the left side of the wall where its shadow was so dark that not even the somewhat dimmed light from the moon that was covered with thin clouds could penetrate it. He stretched out his left hand to the shadow and it disappeared. He looked at me and reached out his right hand for me to grab. I stared at his stretched hands feeling uncertain if I should be trusting me.

“We are going to hide here until it is bright out.” He said reassuringly.

I took a deep breath and grabbed his hand.

He slowly went in to the shadow. I saw his whole body disappeared. I held my breath as I was nearing the shadow. I was scared. Is this a cave? It doesn’t seem to look like your typical cave entrance. My body disappeared in to the shadow. I could feel a cold still air. I held his hand tightly and closed my eyes tightly as I went inside.

I don’t know how I managed to balance myself while walking with my closed eyes. However, I could feel the floor to be smooth and dry. I was too afraid to open my eyes until he would say that it was alright to do so.

We walked for a couple of seconds. I could still feel the smooth floor beneath my feet. My hands felt sweaty and felt it slightly slipping out from his hand. I quickly grabbed what I can only assume to be his forearm with my other hand.

I felt him stop.

“You can open your eyes. It’s safe here.” His voice echoed.

I slowly opened my eyes and felt like a ray of light just hit. I squinted. I didn’t realize that he had his flashlight on. I blinked multiple times to adjust to my surrounding and slowly realized, we were inside a cave.

The light of from his flashlight caused the stalagmites and stalactites to glisten.

I eased my grip on him as I was awed by the beauty of the cave. Forgetting what just recently happened for a moment.

“I think we can sit here for a while, until the rain stops.” He walked towards a huge protruding stone with a somewhat flat surface. In hind sight, it looked like it was man made. However, I wasn’t able to really see it clearly as his flashlight moved as he adjusted him self to sit on top of it.  

When he had comfortably sat down, he brushed the right side of the stone for me to sit in. There was no point, I thought, for him to clean it as we were already muddied and dirty from running through the forest.

I slowly walked and sat down beside him.

We sat in momentary silence. I wanted to lie down so bad. I felt so drowsy. I was tired. I shook my head as the feeling of disappointment that I got my self into.

“Sorry. They dragged you into this.” He said with such weary voice.

I sighed. Disappointed on my self for not being able to know how to say ‘No’. I was never the type of person to say ‘No’ when someone asks for my help especially if they were my friends.


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I have an unfortunate news about this story. Their story might not have concluded after all.


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Chapter 4: Interesting
Chapter 2: An angel