Hellfire Oasis
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Seulgi is exhausted, utterly drained. She has just completed the daunting task of collecting the souls of the sinful who refuse to go to hell, a task that leaves her feeling utterly exhausted each time. But that's not all she does. She is also trained to ensure peace in the entire realm of hell, just like Joy and Wendy's work.


As she trudges through another day in hell, Seulgi reflects on the grueling nature of her work. She's been at it for days, facing countless failures along the way. Yet, despite the setbacks, she's grown accustomed to the challenges, her resilience strengthened by each trial she endures.


“Are you okay?” Wendy's concern was evident, etching lines of worry onto her face.


Seulgi managed a faint smile at her friend. 


“Yeah,” she replied softly, grateful for Wendy's presence.


In the midst of her exhaustion, Seulgi found solace in the unwavering support of Wendy and Joy. Despite their own weariness from their respective tasks, they remained by her side, offering guidance and companionship.


The overwhelming workload weighed heavily on all three of them, leaving little time to rest. Seulgi couldn't shake the feeling that Azazel, the superior of hell, was behind the increased demands—a punishment of sorts. 


However, she harbored suspicions that these orders were actually from the queen herself, intent on inflicting suffering upon them.


The three of them took a brief rest, they sat together in silence, their eyes scanning the surroundings for the telltale emptiness that signaled the absence of lingering souls. 


“When our Nonno passed away, Yerim was 15 years old, and I was 20,” Seulgi began, her voice breaking the silence, infused with a touch of nostalgia.


“As the only adult, I tried to find decent jobs because Yerim was still a minor and had school. Meanwhile, I had to stop attending school because if I didn't find a job, we would have ended up living on the streets, and I couldn't bear the thought of that,” Seulgi chuckled sadly to herself.


Joy and Wendy listened intently, empathizing with Seulgi's past struggles.


“But then, one day, Yerim got sick. She had pneumonia, and we didn't have the money to pay for the hospital. I nearly lost my mind at that point because we had no one to turn to for help, no one was willing to lend a hand..” Seulgi's voice quivered as tears welled in her eyes.


“You know, I was desperate. I couldn't bear the thought of losing my sister. So I stumbled upon some bad people who taught me how to steal money, and that eventually became my means of survival—stealing and conning people,” Seulgi said, her laughter tinged with bitterness. 


Joy and Wendy listened with a mixture of sadness and understanding, realizing the lengths Seulgi had gone to protect her sister.


“And Yerim knew about my work. She wanted me to teach her to steal money too because she said she didn't want to see me suffer alone. Of course, I didn't want her to learn that, but you know Yerim, how stubborn and determined she can be. Eventually, we became a pair of conning sisters,” Seulgi admitted with a mixture of fondness and regret. 


Joy and Wendy listened, understanding the bond between Seulgi and Yerim, forged through hardship and survival. They couldn't help but admire the strength and resilience of the two sisters.


“We struggled a lot together. As we grew older, we believed that nothing else mattered as long as we had each other. Yerim and I even decided to live in separate houses, thinking we needed to learn to depend on ourselves. But we always ended up longing for each other. I would call her constantly just to check on her, and Yerim would always find her way to my apartment,” Seulgi chuckled softly.


“And now, Yerim knows her real mother. Maybe she won't have to suffer anymore.” Seulgi mused, her voice tinged with sadness and longing for her sister.


Joy and Wendy could only offer their silent sympathy to their friend, understanding the bittersweet emotions.






Azazel stood before the queen's throne in her palace, his presence commanding attention despite the nonchalant air surrounding the queen. 


The queen sat upon her throne, her gaze averted, her expression a mask of seriousness. The sunlight bathed her in an ethereal glow, accentuating her beauty as it danced upon her white silk dress and cascading black hair. 


Despite her enchanting appearance, her demeanor exuded an aura of power and authority, adding to the gravity of the moment.


“I have already gathered our trained devils to protect and guard you, Your Majesty,” Azazel said with utmost respect. “Just say a word, and we will send them here to your palace.”


The queen remained silent, rising from her throne with grace as she walked to the grand window. Azazel watched her intently, noting the faint smile that graced her lips as she gazed upon something outside. 


“I don't need protection, Azazel,” the queen said, her voice firm and serious.


Irene watched her daughter outside, clad in pajamas, pouting and stomping her feet in a display of childish frustration. Sensing her mother's gaze, the young devil glared back before darting off to her favorite spot outside the palace.


“But my daughter needs it,” Irene asserted with finality.


She had not been there when the love of her life was killed, and now she would do anything to protect her daughter, no matter the cost.







The three of them found themselves back at Seulgi and Yerim's house, seeking solace in each other's company. Joy and Wendy insisted on staying with Seulgi, reluctant to return to their own homes while Yerim remained on the queen's palace. As they sat down to dinner together, the atmosphere was heavy with unspoken worry. Only the clinking of utensils against plates broke the silence that enveloped them.


Since Yerim's disappearance, the once lively household had fallen eerily quiet. There were no more loud conversations, no more funny stories or weird questions. Yerim's playful antics, her mischievous grin, and her infectious laughter were sorely missed, leaving a palpable emptiness in their hearts. They longed for her presence, each moment without her a stark reminder of her absence.


Despite their relentless efforts to visit Yerim since the queen's awakening, the three of them faced repeated setbacks. They pleaded with the superior, Azazel for help, desperate to find any means possible to reunite with Yerim. 


However, their requests fell on deaf ears as they were summarily dismissed, reminded that it was the queen's order and nothing could be done to avoid her orders.


The queen's possessiveness over her daughter was already well-known, and she allowed no one to come close to Yerim.


Frustration and helplessness gnawed at them as they grappled with the realization that their hands were tied, unable to breach the barrier the queen had erected around her beloved daughter.


But one fateful day, summoning all her courage and fueled by her deep longing to see Yerim again, Seulgi made a bold decision. 


Despite her overwhelming fear, she resolved to take matters into her own hands. With a determined heart, she focused her energy and skill, channeling her abilities to teleport herself directly to the queen's palace.


As she materialized within the opulent halls of the palace, Seulgi's heart raced with trepidation. Uncertainty loomed over her like a shadow, but she pushed aside her fears, her singular focus fixed on reuniting with her sister. Bracing herself for whatever lay ahead, she took a tentative step forward, her resolve unwavering in the face of the unknown.


“What are you doing here?” a voice suddenly cut through the silence, its tone sending shivers down Seulgi's spine.


Before her stood the queen herself, her presence commanding and her gaze piercing like ice. Seulgi froze in place, her breath caught in , as she realized she was in the presence of royalty.


The queen's beauty captivated Seulgi once again, leaving her in awe as if her very essence could enchant the world around her. It was a sight that nearly overwhelmed Seulgi, leaving her momentarily breathless in the queen's presence. 


Suddenly memories flooded back, the sensation of the queen's soft lips against hers, causing Seulgi to fixate on the queen's luscious red lips.


“I w–want to see Y-Yerim, your majesty.” Seulgi stammered, her voice trembling. “S–she hasn't still returned to our house.” Her heart pounded rapidly, every fiber of her being shaking with fear and anticipation.


The queen's expression darkened, her gaze piercing through Seulgi's soul, yet Seulgi found herself unable to look away, despite her overwhelming fear.


“She will not be returning to that house. My daughter's home is here,” the queen replied icily, her tone final and cold.


Seulgi understood everything, that Yerim was the long-lost daughter of the queen of hell, and the queen simply longed to be reunited with her daughter after enduring unimaginable suffering. Despite the gravity of the situation, Seulgi's heart swelled with happiness for her sister, knowing she had finally met her real mother. 


However, as Yerim's older sister since childhood, Seulgi couldn't bear the thought of her sister being far away. The bond they shared was inseparable, and the prospect of Yerim's absence tugged at Seulgi's heart.


“B-but, can I see her–” Seulgi's words caught in as she suddenly felt frozen in place, unable to move or breathe.


“W–what are you doing–” Seulgi stammered, her eyes widening in fear as the queen slowly advanced towards her.


Seulgi struggled to move, but she found herself immobilized, unable to escape as the queen halted in front of her, looming dangerously close. The queen's presence was overpowering, and Seulgi caught a whiff of her intoxicating scent, reminiscent of flowers, as the queen leaned in and whispered.


“You must stay away from my daughter from now on,” the queen commanded, her tone dripping with menace.


Seulgi gasped in surprise, unable to comprehend why she was being ordered to stay away from Yerim. She hadn't done anything wrong.


“W-why? Yerim is my sister,” she choked out, her breaths becoming ragged as if her chest were being squeezed.


“She is not your sister, she belongs to me alone,” the queen spat, her words laced with anger and possessiveness.


Seulgi slowly came to the realization that the queen harbored a possessive streak toward her daughter.


“Yes, she is your daughter, but you don't own her. Yerim is not a possession,” Seulgi blurted out, her words slicing through the air like a dagger, causing the queen to erupt in rage.


Outside the palace, turmoil ensued, with thunderbolts and lightning crashing around them, creating an ominous atmosphere. The sky darkened as if mirroring the queen's wrath, and the very ground trembled beneath their feet, emphasizing the gravity of Seulgi's bold declaration.


“How dare you speak to me in such a manner!” the queen thundered, her anger palpable as she glared at Seulgi, who stood her ground despite her fear.


“May I remind you that I am your queen. I am your god here. I hold the power of life and death in my hands and I can kill you with just a flick of my finger. Your fate here in hell depends solely on my whim,” the queen asserted, her voice dripping with authority.


“B–but I know you can't kill me,” Seulgi breathed, her words strained as she struggled against the queen's overwhelming power. 


“If you harm me, your own daughter will despise you,” she continued defiantly.


The queen's gaze bore into her, silent yet filled with intensity. The turmoil outside the palace suddenly ceased, and Seulgi found herself gasping for air as she regained the ability to move. 


As she stumbled, she accidentally touched the queen, and a surge of electricity passed between them, causing both to recoil.


Seulgi felt the shock but pushed it aside, focusing on calming her racing heart as she lay sprawled on the cold marble floor, waiting for her breath to return to normal.


Meanwhile, the queen's expression darkened further as she loomed over Seulgi, a sense of familiarity washing over her. Suspicion and intrigue emanated from her, lingering palpably in the air between them.


“Please, Your Majesty, I just want to see Yerim,” Seulgi pleaded, bowing her head. All she yearned for was to see her sister.


The queen remained stoic, turning away from Seulgi without a word.


“Just go home,” she commanded firmly, her anger still palpable. 


Seulgi felt the weight of disappointment, her lips parting to respond, but before she could utter a word, a sudden gust of wind enveloped her.


In an instant, Seulgi found herself back in her own home, where Wendy and Joy approached her, their faces etched with concern. Overwhelmed with emotions, Seulgi cried out loudly, releasing the pent-up turmoil within her.


And after that intense encounter with the queen, Seulgi found herself unable to teleport back to the queen's palace. It seemed that it had been concealed, it was only accessible to the superior, Azazel. 


Meanwhile, Azazel, aware of the situation, wasted no time in issuing a string of demanding tasks, burdening Seulgi with an overwhelming workload as if she was being punished. 


As she struggled under the weight of responsibility, guilt gnawed at her conscience. She knew that Joy and Wendy were also enduring repercussions due to her actions. 


“When exactly are we going to gather to welcome the queen?" Seulgi asked, breaking the silence during their dinner.


Wendy and Joy exchanged glances, their concern evident. Seulgi appeared overworked and excessively fatigued, yet she remained silent, dutifully continuing her tasks.


Their surprise escalated when Azazel himself instructed them to assign Seulgi numerous tasks, expressing his desire for her to undergo training to become like them. He also knew about Seulgi's rapid mastery of releasing her powers and foresaw potential future use for them.


Feeling powerless to object, they could only comply with Azazel's orders, offering support and guidance to Seulgi as best they could.


“Three days from now, Seulgi,” Wendy replied. 


News spread like wildfire throughout the realm that the queen had already awoken, and high-ranking devils were bustling with preparations for her return.


Seulgi nodded, a faint smile gracing her lips as she looked at her two companions.


“They're also going to announce and introduce Yerim there, as the queen's daughter.” Joy interjected, her thoughts drifting to their younger friend.


“Then, we'll gonna see Yerim there.” Seulgi said, attempting to smile, though the warmth didn't quite reach her eyes. 


Wendy and Joy understood the ache in Seulgi's heart for her missing sister, yet they felt powerless against the queen's might. She was formidable and terrifying, beyond their reckoning.



Morning came, Wendy, Joy, and Seulgi were in the midst of preparing for their day after finishing their breakfast wh

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Hellfire Oasis is complete! Four intense days of writing the final chapter with 12k words. It was so hard, but oh so worth it. Huge thanks to all of you for your unwavering support to this story!♡


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percydary 0 points #1
Chapter 33: congratulations for finishing this beautiful story, how can u be a newbie, when u got hooked us in every chapters, u are so good! and the ending feels like u wanted more haha. Really cant wait for the book 2, I know its already amazing just like hellfire oasis
67 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 33: 🥺🙏
sunnysideup01 0 points #3
Chapter 33: i forgot that Seulgi was task to document everything in the hell realm through her drawings and writings, and the scenes on the last part describing Seulgi's book, it was amazing omg! This is so cool! I love everything about this story. You're amazing authornim, really cant wait for your other stories 😭
0 points #4
Chapter 33: Chapter 33: my heart! I'm crying, the part where Jinyoung began to dissapear, my heart broke for Wendy, that was so painful and the part where Irene is on her knees begging for Yeri 💔💔💔 Irene will be crazy if she knew the god wiping all her daughter's memories and Seulgi being missing 😭😭😭

Congratulations author for finishing this story. This is so beautiful, we will gonna support you on your other future works and can't wait for book 2!!
0 points #5
Chapter 33: Ahhhhhhhhh its so goodddddddd 😭😭. Now its time for Seulgi's story I can feel it with the cliffhanger in the end. Damn , the lengths that Irene will do just to protect and find Yerim. How she was willing to go down on her knees just to be with her daughter 🥺🥺. Now that Irene got her daughter back, I hope they will find Seulgi soon 😔.

I can't wait for Book 2!! For a new writer you really did amazing with this story and got us hooked each chapter! Have a nice day author-nim! 😊😊😊
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak 0 points #6
Chapter 33: Congratulations author nim for ending book 1 , u done a very great job and can't wait for book 2 😭🫶🏻🩷🩷
I'm soooo scared everytime i refresh my aff and see new story updated in my notification 😭 I don't want this to end yet 😭😭
velvet5evr #8
Chapter 32: You cant really miss the small details on this story, like the portrait of the woman that Yeri wants Seulgi to draw and the picture of young Jinyoung that Yeri left in their room in purpose so that Irene would know where she is and all the subtle hints in other chapters. For a newbie writer like you this is already amazing and Im kinda sad that this will be the end or not? but I'm very thankful to you, because you written an amazing story for our girls and of course to our baby Yeri as a main character, thank you ma'am for this, I'm looking forward to your future stories. Hellfire Oasis jjang jjang!!

Looking forward for the book 2 🫂
Chapter 32: idk how to feel while reading this chap, im afraid they all gonna fall apart especially the friendship of wenri and Seraphine was obsessed to take Yeri away from Irene but in the end she got Seulgi instead and knowing Seulgi's soul was really meant to be in heaven omg this is gonna be so good! I smell angst here 😭
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #10
Chapter 32: No way 😭😭😭 next chapter is the last one? I can't believe this book is come to end 😭😭😭🩷🩷🩷😒