Hellfire Oasis
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In the Angelic realm, angels mingle peacefully, their ethereal forms radiating serenity as they converse, tend to celestial gardens, and harmonize in gentle melodies, embodying the essence of tranquility.


But the peaceful serenity of the Angelic realm shattered into panic and chaos as a group of angels arrived, bearing the charred remains of five of their kin. Shock and sorrow rippled through the ethereal beings as they beheld the gruesome sight, their harmonious melodies silenced by the weight of grief. Whispers of fear and confusion echoed through the celestial expanse, shattering the tranquility that once enveloped the realm.


The Queen, Seraphine, witnessing the chaos, was visibly shocked. Michael, who was also present, approached the bodies, utilizing his power to examine them. In an instant, he discerned the perpetrator through his visionary abilities. Rising to his feet, Michael cast a stern gaze towards Seraphine before striding towards her, his every movement observed by the watching angels.


“They're the angels you ordered to roam around Hell,” Michael seethed at Seraphine. The angels, overhearing his accusation, gasped in disbelief, unaware of this directive.


“And Irene slaughtered them all,” Michael's voice dripped with anger as he locked eyes with Seraphine, who trembled in fear.


At the mention of the queen of hell's name, panic swept through the angels, their fear palpable in the air.


“Irene would reduce these bodies to ashes if she desired,” Michael's anger burned within him, fueled by the fear that his son might one day be caught in Irene's wrath without mercy.


“But she commanded her demons to deliver these bodies to us as a warning,” Michael's teeth gritted with frustration. 


“What have you done to Irene, Seraphine?” His steps grew purposeful, causing Seraphine to shrink back in fear.


“I've done nothing, Michael!” Seraphine's denial came swiftly, though her mind churned with her hidden agenda.


Michael's gaze bore into her, skepticism evident in his expression.


“I ordered all angels to retreat from Hell, even the Cherubim. There are no angels in Hell now, Michael, and I don't know where Irene found them,” Seraphine's words rang true, at least in that aspect.


Seraphine harbored secret plans, ones that didn't require the use of angels or Eunwoo to spy on Irene's daughter. Instead, she possessed a more direct route - the power of dreams.


Conflicted within herself, Seraphine grappled with fear towards Irene yet found herself inexplicably drawn to her daughter. Perhaps it was the resemblance to her father, the man Seraphine had once loved. This complex mix of emotions drove her to utilize the power of dreams as a means to reach Bae Yerim, Irene's daughter, directly. Though uncertain of the consequences, Seraphine pressed forward with her clandestine agenda, driven by a blend of apprehension and longing.


Michael, having reached his limit with Seraphine's behavior, turned to face the assembled angels, his decision clear.


“I want to inform all of you that myself and other high-ranking angels have decided to vote for the queen to step down from her position,” Michael declared, sending shockwaves through the gathered crowd, including a frantic Seraphine.


“What are you saying, Michael? This is no joke! I will not step down as queen!” Seraphine's voice reverberated with defiance.


“I am deadly serious, Seraphine,” Michael's tone held firm, his anger palpable as he met her gaze. He had already conferred with the other high-ranking angels, and they shared his concerns. They feared that Seraphine's erratic behavior could lead to another war, or worse, play into Irene's hands.


Seraphine screamed in anguish, her eyes blazing with anger as she glared at Michael.


“You can't do this to me, Michael! I am still a queen. I can kill you—” Seraphine's sentence was cut short as Michael interrupted her.


"You can't kill me, Seraphine. Your powers are no match for mine," Michael declared defiantly, meeting Seraphine's gaze with unwavering confidence.


The angels who bore witness to the confrontation trembled in fear, their hearts heavy with the impending danger. The queen of hell's threats, coupled with Queen Seraphine's erratic behavior, had thrown the delicate balance of power into turmoil, sparking tension and uncertainty even among the most powerful angels.




Irene's wrath permeated the entire realm of hell, sending shivers down the spines of all who dwelled there. Demons watched helplessly as turmoil engulfed the realm, fearing the consequences of Irene's fury.


Even after Irene had slaughtered all the angels caught within her grasp, her eyes still burned with unbridled fury. Upon spotting the celestial lock on her daughter's clothes, her rage reached new heights. Irene commanded her demonic minions to initiate a relentless manhunt for any angels. 


Overnight, the demons captured five angels attempting to flee the realm and presenting them before their queen. Irene's hatred burned hotter than ever as she gazed upon them, her mind consumed by thoughts of her daughter, who had been stalked by these celestial beings. With no mercy in her heart, she swiftly dispatched each angel, ignoring their pleas for mercy.


The demons who bore witness to their queen's wrath could do nothing but stand by silently, knowing that any interruption would only invite the same fate upon themselves. They waited in tense silence, hoping for the queen's fury to eventually subside.


Azazel, standing nearby, swiftly issued orders to his demons, instructing them to vacate the palace temporarily and deliver the bodies of the five celestial beings to the entrance of the angelic realm—a grim warning of the consequences should they provoke their queen further.


Silently, Azazel watched as the queen, took her seat upon the throne of the late King devil. His gaze remained fixed on her, his lips sealed in silence as he observed her every move. The queen's eyes, still ablaze with fury and sharp as daggers, seemed to pierce through the very souls of those around her.


“Why would they stalk my daughter?” Irene's voice, laced with anger, broke the silence, demanding an explanation from him.


Taking a moment to consider his response, Azazel speculated on the motives behind the angels' actions. With Irene now fully awake, the angels were gripped with fear, aware of the formidable power Irene wielded and perceived her daughter as a potential weakness to exploit.


“Perhaps they perceive your daughter as your weakness, Your Majesty,” Azazel replied simply, offering his insight.


As Irene heard his response, her eyes gradually returned to their normal state. The terrifying queen softened, revealing the vulnerability of a mother fiercely protective of her child. In that moment, the fearsome ruler transformed into a mother whose sole focus was the safety and well-being of her daughter. 


Irene, consumed by the thought of losing her daughter, felt her sanity slipping away. The mere notion was more agonizing than the loss of her lover, and she couldn't fathom enduring such a fate.


“Azazel, take whatever measures necessary to conceal our realm from the angels. I will not allow them to threaten my daughter's safety any longer,” Irene commanded with a voice filled with determination.


“As you command, Your Majesty,” Azazel replied, bowing respectfully before her. He couldn't help but notice the tears glistening in Irene's eyes, a stark contrast to her usual aura of power and strength.


"I cannot fathom the thought of losing my daughter, Azazel. I simply cannot bear it.” Irene confessed, her voice trembling with raw emotion. In that vulnerable moment, even the mighty queen of hell was plagued by the fear of losing the one she loved most.


Irene returned to her and her daughter's room, where Yerim lay peacefully sleeping, unaware of the turmoil unfolding beyond their sanctuary. Slowly approaching the bed, Irene gently settled beside her daughter, her trembling fingers tracing the contours of Yerim's face. Overwhelmed by the thought of losing her precious child, Irene choked back tears, the weight of grief pressing heavily upon her heart. The pain of past losses, her father, her lover—paled in comparison to the agony of facing the possibility of losing her daughter weighing heavily on her heart.


Tears streamed down Irene's cheeks as she silently wept, clutching Yerim tightly to her chest. 


“Mommy will do everything to protect you,” she whispered through her sobs, her voice tinged with anger and desperation. “They will never take you away from me.”


In her slumber, Yerim stirred, instinctively reaching out to her mother and drawing Irene into a tender embrace. Perhaps in her dreams, Yerim found solace in the comforting presence of her mother, while Irene's tears continued to fall, a testament to the fierce love and determination that fueled her resolve to shield her daughter from harm.




Yerim gazed around, marveling at the ethereal beauty surrounding her, feeling as though she were floating through a dream. Confusion clouded her thoughts as she glanced down to find herself seemingly walking on clouds. As she moved forward, her steps faltered upon the sight of a towering golden gate ahead. Despite its resemblance to heaven, Yerim's mind reeled with uncertainty. Why was she here, when she was the daughter of the queen of hell?


“You belong here, not in the depths of hell,” a voice intoned, as though echoing her inner musings.


Yerim's head whipped around at the sound of the unfamiliar voice, her brow furrowing in confusion as she laid eyes on the mysterious woman standing within the imposing golden gate. Clad in an elegant white dress, the woman exuded an ethereal beauty, Yerim couldn't help but feel that her mother was still the most beautiful of them all.


“Hello, Bae Yerim,” the woman greeted her, striding gracefully towards her. Yerim's instincts kicked in, causing her to instinctively back away, prompting the woman to halt in her tracks. Yerim couldn't shake the question from her mind, how did this woman know her name?


“Don't be afraid,” the woman reassured, her smile warm and inviting. “I mean you no harm.”


“Who are you? And where am I?” Yerim's voice trembled with confusion; she was certain this was just a dream, yet it felt so real.


“I am Sera, and you're here at the entrance of our realm—the heavenly realm,” the woman explained, her voice soothing yet tinged with an otherworldly aura.


Yerim gasped in disbelief, her eyes widening as she took in her surroundings. She couldn't shake the feeling that she was encountering an angel, but why was she here? The thought of her mother's reaction filled her with dread; surely, she would be furious if she found out.


“I shouldn't be here, my mom will be mad at me,” Yerim panicked, her heart racing as she attempted to flee. But to her dismay, all she could see was an endless expanse of clouds, stretching out in every direction. She was trapped.


“As I said earlier, you belong here, not in hell, darling,” Sera reiterated calmly, her gaze steady and unwavering.


Yerim glared irritably at the woman, her gaze clouded with memories of how their kind had been responsible for her father's death.


“Shut up! I don't belong here. I am the daughter of the queen of hell,” Yerim spat out, her voice laced with anger and bitterness.


But Sera remained unfazed by Yerim's outburst, her demeanor serene yet resolute, which only served to fuel Yerim's frustration even more.


“They feed you lies, darling,” Sera stated simply, leaving Yerim stunned by the revelation.


“What are you saying?” Yerim's voice trembled with anger, her words barely above a whisper.


“They are just using you, darling. They're manipulating you to awaken Irene, but the truth is, she's not your real mother,” Sera explained, her gaze piercing into Yerim's soul.


Yerim gasped, her heart sinking at the woman's words. Tears welled up in her eyes, betraying the turmoil within her. Despite the short time she had spent with her mother, she had grown to love her deeply. The thought of being used and the idea that her mother might not be her real mother shattered her world, but she refused to accept it.


“You're a liar! That can't be true!” Yerim screamed, her voice filled with anguish and denial, unable to comprehend the possibility of such betrayal.


“But that is the truth, darling,” Sera persisted calmly, her words like daggers piercing through Yerim's resolve, driving her to the brink of desperation.


“Don't call me darling, you liar! Irene is my real mother!” Yerim cried out in anguish, her voice cracking with emotion as tears streamed down her cheeks. With a heart-wrenching sob, she collapsed to her knees, consumed by grief and disbelief. Frantically, she began to strike her head, desperately trying to awaken from this nightmare, to escape the torment of reality crashing down upon her.


“Wake up now, Yerim! Wake up!” Yerim screamed at herself, her voice echoing in the void as she relentlessly pounded her head. She sensed Sera drawing near, a surge of fear coursing through her veins, convinced that she was about to be whisked away into the unknown.


“I don't belong here! Don't come close to me!” Yerim babbled frantically, her movements frantic as she retreated from Sera's approach.


“Mom!!” Yerim's voice cracked with desperation as she squeezed her eyes shut, tears streaming down her face, her cries echoing in the empty expanse as if calling out for her mother's protection and guidance.


With that, Yerim felt a strong pull, and suddenly, she was enveloped in a tight embrace.


“Mommy's here, baby!” A familiar voice cut through the chaos, and Yerim's eyes flew open, her heart pounding with relief. There, hovering above her, was her mother, Irene, her face etched with worry and love.


“Are you okay, baby? You were crying in your sleep, and you kept hitting your head,” Irene said softly, her gaze filled with concern as she looked down at her daughter.


Irene had been in the midst of a conversation with Azazel in the King's chamber, discussing important matters, when the distressed voice of her daughter pierced through the air, reaching her ears like a bolt of lightning. Without hesitation, Irene's maternal instincts kicked in, and she immediately teleported back to their room.


Upon arrival, her heart shattered at the sight before her. Yerim was thrashing around in bed, her anguished cries filling the room as she continued to harm herself in her sleep. Irene couldn't bear to see her daughter in such agony. With resolve fueled by love, she summoned her power, weaving it into a gentle force to break through the barriers of Yerim's nightmare. Irene wasted no time, pulling her daughter into a tight embrace, holding her close as if to shield her from the horrors of the dream. Relief flooded Irene's being as she felt Yerim's consciousness return, her daughter finally waking from the torment of her bad dream.


Irene felt her daughter tremble in her arms, Yerim eyes slowly focusing on her as if questioning whether she was real or just another illusion.


“You are my m-mom, right?” Yerim's voice trembled with uncertainty, catching Irene off guard with the unexpected question.


“Yes, my love, I am your mom. What's wrong?” Irene asked, her concern deepening as confusion clouded her thoughts.


"You are my real mother?" Yerim persisted, her tone tinged with doubt, as if seeking reassurance from the woman holding her. Irene felt a twinge of pain in her heart at her daughter's uncertainty, a pang of hurt at the thought of Yerim questioning her identity.


“What?! Of course, I am your real mother, Bae Yerim!” Irene's voice carried a mix of frustration and hurt, at the notion of her daughter doubting their connection.. 


To Irene's surprise, Yerim cried out loudly and enveloped her in a tight hug, clinging to her as if she were her lifeline. In that moment, Yerim resembled a frightened child seeking solace and protection from her mother's embrace. Still shaken from her ordeal in the dream, Yerim struggled to contain her tears as she sought comfort in Irene's arms.


“I had a b-bad dream,” Yerim stammered between sobs, her voice quivering with lingering fear, her words a desperate plea for reassurance from her mother.


“Was it a very, very bad one?” Irene inquired gently, her heart aching at the sight of her daughter's distress. Yerim simply nodded silently in response, unable to articulate the depths of her anguish. This wasn't the first time her daughter had been plagued by nightmares, and Irene couldn't shake the growing sense of concern gnawing at her heart.


“In my dreams, someone said to me that you are not my real mother,” Yerim confessed, her voice choked with emotion. Irene's blood boiled at the thought of someone daring to sow such deceit in her daughter's mind, even within the confines of her dreams. 


“Who said that to you?!” Irene demanded, frustration and anger evident in her voice as she struggled to contain her rage. Yerim paused, wracking her brain in an attempt to recall the face of the woman who had planted those poisonous seeds of doubt, but her efforts were in vain. Frustration washed over her as she realized she couldn't remember the woman's name.


“I don't know, Mom. I don't remember,” Yerim sobbed, her tears flowing freely as Irene gathered her daughter in her arms, her anger dissipating in the face of Yerim's distress. With gentle cooing and soothing words, Irene tried to comfort her daughter, her heart aching at the thought of someone trying to tear them apart, even in the realm of dreams.


“Baby, listen,” Irene began, releasing her daughter from the hug and cupping Yerim's face tenderly, her touch gentle as she wiped away her tears.


“Don't believe everything your dream is telling you, okay?” Irene's voice was filled with a mix of love and determination as she looked into Yerim's eyes, willing her to understand.


“You are my real daughter, and a mother knows her child in ways that transcend words or dreams,” Irene murmured, her voice laced with tenderness and wisdom. 


“In the gentle flutter of your heartbeat against mine, in the melody of your laughter that dances like sunlight on water, in the quiet sighs that escape your lips as you drift off to sleep—I know you, my precious one. I know the rhythm of your soul, the echo of your dreams, the essence of your being. Trust in the bond that binds us, my love, for it is woven with the threads of eternity and anchored by the boundless depths of a mother's love.”


After hearing her mother's comforting words, Yerim's initial doubt begins to wane, replaced by a sense of warmth and security. She feels a weight lifting off her shoulders, the tension in her body slowly melting away as she absorbs her mother's reassurances.


“I love you, Mom,” Yerim repeated, her voice soft but filled with sincerity as she gazed at Irene with eyes full of love.


Irene's smile widened, her heart overflowing with warmth at hearing those cherished words once more. This was the second time her daughter had said ‘I love you’ to her, and each time felt like a precious gift.


“Can you say that again, baby?” Irene asked, her smile soft and encouraging, her eyes reflecting the depth of her love for Yerim. Yerim felt a wave of shyness wash over her, but she couldn't resist the affectionate gaze of her mother, who seemed so deeply in love with her in that moment.


“I love you to the hell and back, Mom,” Yerim grinned mischievously, the words rolling off her tongue.


Irene's heart skipped a beat as she heard those familiar words, her mind drifting back to the moment when her lover had uttered the same phrase upon discovering her true identity as a devil, yet instead of turning away in fear or revulsion, he had embraced her with open arms, declaring his love for her with a fervor that transcended any darkness.


As Irene's tears of happiness welled in her eyes, she showered kisses upon her daughter's face, their giggles and cuddles filling the room with warmth and joy. In that tender moment, their morning was transformed, the lingering shadows of nightmares washed away by the light of their love.


“I love you too, my love, to the hell and back.” 


And in that simple exchange of words, mother and daughter found solace in the enduring power of love to transcend boundaries and unite souls across time and space.




Seraphine seethed with rage as she awakened in her dream, her anger boiling over at Irene's interference once again.


"Damn Irene, she's everywhere!" Seraphine spat, her voice dripping with venomous frustration.


Seraphine delved into the realm of dreams, her determination driving her to infiltrate Irene's daughter's subconscious. In her first attempt, she sent shivers down the young devil's spine, casting a dark shadow over her dreams and instilling fear with every whispered threat. And in her second attempt, she finally appeared before Bae Yerim in her dream. With honeyed words and twisted truths, she sought to sow seeds of doubt in the young devil's mind, whispering lies of deception and betrayal about her supposed mother, Irene.


Despite Seraphine's relentless efforts, Irene's unwavering love and protective instincts served as a formidable barrier against her schemes. No matter how many times Seraphine attempted to infiltrate Yerim's dreams and sow seeds of doubt, Irene was there, ready to intervene and shield her daughter from harm.


As Seraphine finally saw Irene's daughter up close, her heart skipped a beat at the sight of the young devil's striking resemblance to her father, especially in the captivating depth of her eyes. In that moment, Seraphine felt an unexpected surge of emotion, a longing that stirred her soul and made her yearn for a love she had once known.


For a fleeting moment, Seraphine's desire to hold the girl, to feel the warmth of her embrace and bask in the love reflected in her eyes, consumed her. But then, the reality of Irene's presence in the dream crashed down upon her like a tidal wave, reminding Seraphine of the love she could never have. Even in dreams, Irene was the one who was loved, the one who held the young devil's heart, and Seraphine found herself unable to accept tha

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As we prepare to enter the final chapter of Hellfire Oasis, I want to thank you all for accompanying these characters and their stories thus far. Your support and engagement have meant the world to me. See you all in the final chapter!♡


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Oct_13_wen_03 0 points #1
Chapter 32: No way 😭😭😭 next chapter is the last one? I can't believe this book is come to end 😭😭😭🩷🩷🩷😒
0 points #2
Chapter 31: Chapter 31: I am not lying when I say that I am sad to learn that the next chapter will be the last. I have trouble putting into words how this story makes me feel. It makes me feel happy, imaginative, frustrated, soft and a lot of other feelings. This is far from beginner's work ma'am! damn your writing is very good that it makes me want to ask for more chapters (hehe) and as for my favorite chapter that i like to reread is from chapter 14 where yeri becomes clingy to her mom, when she embarrassingly appeared in front of everyone because she's looking for irene, or the other chapter where Yeri would say she loves irene, or when irene would kiss her daughter even and yeri would be shy, and.. just everything about our yerene duo, yes i am a er for em. and pls don't remove ur kofi for me, I'm gonna give you lots lots when i have a job , but for now, all i can give you is my big thank you, for writing this, and for giving me something to look forward to everyday. hellfire oasis, please don't end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 points #3
Chapter 32: woah, this is a masterpiece.
0 points #4
Chapter 32: Omggg?! I didn't expect the last part, Seraphine and Seulgi?? Irene you better hurry up now 😭
percydary #5
Chapter 31: there are so many beautiful chapters here that i always read again and again but my favorite the most is when yerim saw irene for the first time, I always imagine how beautiful that scene and when irene woke up and her being so possessive to her own daughter
63 streak #6
Chapter 30: 💯😌🙏
Chapter 30: Michael is the guardian angel of Irene's family, he helped them until the end and Eunwoo doing the same with Yeri but the diff part was he had fall in love with her but now idk cos of Wendy and Seulgi's fate being meant to be in heaven not in hell and her reaction? I really cant wait for seulrene's story!
Chapter 31: my favourite chapter has been chapter 15! seulrene moments making me melt and yeri finding out, starting the chaos!!
Chapter 31: my fave chapter was when Seulgi and Yeri kissed Irene and also when Irene woke up, i always read it. twas like magical 🥺
zjkdlin0121 #10
Chapter 31: my fave chapter was when queen irene woke up