Skin, Wings, Fangs, Scales
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“Remember our deal, boy?” 


That voice. Eric had not heard it in years. How he used to respect and despise that voice. Rough on the surface, but tender in intentions. Or so he thought. 


“I remember.” 


His sight was hazy, a result of the tears that welled in his swamp orbs. 


“Where's your sister?” 


Eric pointed behind his father, as Taeyeon emerged from the dark, a streak  of black framing her orchid irises. Tears rolled down her cheeks, an unwanted consequence of Eric's overwhelming emotions. 




The old wolf had trouble seeing with his right eye shut blind. But he could sense his daughter well, and he recognized the scent of the children. 


“Yes, Song Hoon?” 


Dark magic brought purple ice to Taeyeon's fingers. Her hand trembled against her control. She took a step forward, the ice in her palm growing sharper and colder. 


“You'll take care of Taehyung, yeah?” 


“We will.” Eric swore with utter sincerity. His nails sharpened to claws, the bloody moonlight looming over his grey hair. 


There was no trace of regret in Song Hoon's orange eyes. Only pity. He feared for the future of the siblings, but he understood that there was no going back. This was his fate. 


“Do it, Yoon-seok. Fulfill your promise.” 


Eric nodded his head as he sobbed. The old man's gaze pleaded for understanding. He didn't understand, but he had no choice but to obey. Closer and closer, he walked forth, until Song Hoon was only a few inches away from his arm's reach. 


Silence ruled for a moment. Song Hoon took one last glance at his son who slept on the ground a few meters away from them. 


At the old wolf's signal, the children broke the fragile peace. 


Taeyeon pierced through Song Hoon's flesh from behind, her face grim and jaw clenched. Crimson liquid trickled down the man's clothes. The shards of ice in Taeyeon's hand crept to his heart, as she gripped and froze the organ. Eric followed through, as he his hand into the man's chest. 


With a flicker of his fading humanity, Eric mouthed “Thank you.” Then he shattered the heart of the man without blinking. 


An incessant ringing reached Eric's lupine ears. He sat up, eyes lime with fury and burning with . His human ears returned when he shook his head. Grabbing his shirt and phone, he had the most sincere intention of swearing at whoever was calling him. 


“Eric, hey.” 


He recognized the voice. The recognition came with irritation, as the clock to his left read 6: 42 A. M. 




Taeyeon heard his brother groan. “Did dear Yoon-seok have a nightmare again?” She let out a chuckle, despite the constant headaches that Eric's dreams gave her for years.


“What do you want?” Eric put on his shirt and headed to the bathroom, phone in hand. 


“Are you attending that party on Wednesday?” Taeyeon eyed the blue, two-storey town house that stood across the street from her. 


“Are you stupid? You do know that it's a full moon, right?” Eric's eyebrows crossed as he examined his reflection. His roots were starting to grow out again. How he hated dyeing his hair black. 


“So? Why have you never learned to control it? Even Song Hoon—” 


The name drew a frown across Eric's lips. “Say that name again and I'll scour every inch of China to get to you.” 


“You know what? I will say it. Song Hoon.” Taeyeon dismissed the threat. She smirked and placed a hand on her hip. “Besides, you won't find me in China. I'm in Romania.” 


Eric's voice sharpened at his sister's response. “What the are you doing in Romania? Which city are you even in?” 


“You mean region?” Taeyeon snickered. “I'm not telling you. But for your information, I'm on Eun-yul's tail.” 


“Get the out of there. If you get caught, you'll be getting yourself in trouble.” 


Taeyeon laughed at her brother's caution. 


“You idiot,” she muttered. “I can't even see through the walls of this house and you're already warning me? Be realistic, Eric.” 


“I am. No one's more realistic than a werewolf bastard like me,” Eric stated. He ran his thumb across his chin. It occurred to him that he needed to shave the stubble spreading round his mouth and tracing his jaw. He placed his phone down in the sink and grabbed a razor. 


“I'm moving the party. You better be home by Friday.” He hinted sincerity and expected an earnest reply from his sister. 


“Fine.” Taeyeon rolled her eyes. 


The sharp blade cut across Eric's skin as Taeyeon's irritation redirected his gaze. 


“What are you so mad about? Your gumiho is gonna be there anyway,” Eric protested. 


“Sure. Because your vampire's not going to be there,” Taeyeon remarked with complete sarcasm. 


“What does that have to do with anything?” Eric continued shaving after his wound healed within seconds. 


“Have you ever considered they could have a relationship of some sort?” 


“You're saying a fox and a bat could be friends? Nice try.”  A sudden amusement graced Eric's face with a taunting grin. His sister's imagination was wild. 


“Eun-yul's an immortal. As is your vampire. Speaking of which, my theory is plausible when you consider some facts.” 


“Such as?” He raised his brow in curiosity and waited for an answer. 


“Your vampire could be anyone among the chaebols Eun-yul works with. That alone makes a thousand things possible.” 


Eric splashed water on his skin despite his minor dislike of it. He caressed his shaved face and stood back once he was satisfied. 


“If you're gonna force it, I would suggest intimate links. Why, if you've been existing for centuries, you may as well get laid. Humans themselves get lonely and needy. How much more if you're one of them?” 

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whitefur #1
Chapter 13: They really need to be locked in a room together and talk it out fr....looking forward the next chaps!
whitefur #2
Chapter 4: Oh my....
whitefur #3
Chapter 2: Hmm yongsun is such a tsundere
51 streak #4
Chapter 13: The past tense in Yongs 'I loved you' really hurts..
The story is so good!
mypublicprivacy #5
Chapter 13: damn I love this story so far! I'm looking forward to your future work!
423 streak #6
Chapter 13: Omg i want to just lock them both in a room until they properly talk it out 😤
51 streak #7
Chapter 12: Oh this is getting more and more interesting now!
423 streak #8
Chapter 11: Just caught up and this is really really interesting even though i have so many questions lol... So many mysteries 👀
imotterlygay #9
Chapter 11: this story is so interesting
51 streak #10
Chapter 10: I'm so intrigued.. 👀