CHAPTER IX: When Flowers Bloom

Skin, Wings, Fangs, Scales
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Moon Byul's voice drowned in utter melancholy. It was something Hyejin had noticed during their recent calls, and it was happening again. She threw her girlfriend a compelling glance as she replied, “Yes, Byul?” 


Wheein came closer, supporting her strained back with both hands. 


Hyejin put the phone on loudspeaker while Wheein sat down beside her on the couch. 


“I don't know what to do.” 


For the first time in a while, the gumiho caught Hyejin and Wheein by surprise. 


Pure silence blossomed and an unspoken dread ripened in the air. The quiet was a tale of empathy, but also of the fact that Moon Byul was soaked in a bathtub. 


“I haven't talked to Yong since the incident at the church. Somehow, I keep remembering the past.” 

She leaned back, allowing the water to reach her neck. Her clothes were drenched, her voice tangled with a slight quiver. 


“The two of you need to talk, Byul. The sooner, the better,” Hyejin stated with absolute authority. 


Moon Byul groaned at the possibilities that flickered before her. “What if she doesn't listen? I can't tell her about the bullets yet.” 


“Well, why not? You have every right and reason to.” 


Moon Byul's response made Hyejin's brows knitted. Wheein stayed silent, listening to the two. 


“She is stubborn. If it has anything to do with humans disrupting her peace, she won't hesitate to go after them. That's what scares me the most.” 


Recalling what the ghosts told her was enough to make a chill run down her spine. 


“There has been an emergence of extinct species of plants in the recent years. Aspen trees have grown in number. What do you think is causing this drastic increase?” 


Kyung-soo stretched out the mist surrounding the ghosts. In doing so, he gave Moon Byul a glimpse of an extensive plot of land filled with the trees. The view, like a mirage, dissipated after a minute, but Moon Byul's expression had turned grim. 


“What is it, Yul?” Irene queried. She caught something in the corner of her eye, raising her suspicion. Confirmation was what she wanted, and as soon as Moon Byul answered, she realized. The fox was in big trouble. 


“Monkshood,” Moon Byul uttered in disdain. “I made the humans swear to cultivate it only in conservation. Why is it there now?” 


“You did say something earlier about a monkshood bullet,” Jong-dae replied. “You think it's the same individual behind this and the aspen?” 


“That's impossible,” both Irene and Jun-myeon responded in complete certainty. 


“Why?” Sehun, Jong-in and Min-seok asked altogether. 


“Planting all of those on your own would take years, if not decades.” Irene threw Moon Byul a quick, knowing glance. “Besides, it would mean that someone stole a piece of monkshood to bring it there. Where was that place, Kyung-soo?” 




Upon the revelation, Irene gave Moon Byul a stark glare. 


“Monkshood is not endemic to Germany.” Moon Byul could almost growl with the fact. For the longest time, she had wondered where on earth that shooter acquired that flower. It turns out there's always something lurking beneath a shallow question. 


“Are you alright, Baek? You haven't spoken a word since we arrived,” Chan-yeol whispered to Baek-hyun. 


Baek-hyun nodded, his eyes stuck on Moon Byul. 


Chan-yeol's forehead creased in confusion. He shrugged his shoulders and took something out of the sleeve of his hanbok. 


“Byul? Are you still there?”


Hyejin's sudden interruption brought Moon Byul back to the present. 


“Y-yeah. You were saying?” 


“I was telling you that Wheein wants to talk to you.” 


“Go ahead,” Moon Byul approved. She moved up a bit, after the realization that the water had touched her chin. 


“Hey, Byul..” Wheein's voice was soft, gentle as ever. Part of her shared the dread of the gumiho and the kicking of her unborn child. 


Moon Byul groaned at the phantom sensation in her abdomen. “Yes, Whee?” 


“Where are you, Byul? 




“Byul, please tell Yongsun,” Wheein pleaded. “She can't protect herself from the danger that you know.” 


“Exactly, Wheein. You know her well. If I tell her someone's hunting her, she'll dismiss every warning. What do you think happened back in '95?”


“You knew it was her?” 


“Who do you think was capable of almost killing those gangsters? Why did she even do that? All I did was complain that some kids were thrashing the shrine.. I didn't even know that it wasn't kids who were—” 


“Because Yongsun cares about you, Byul.” 


There was pain— agony threading from the depth of Wheein's soul. Being witness to the vampire and the gumiho's blindsided actions was not her wish. But she was there, caught between Yongsun's past and Moon Byul's secrets. 


“Then why? Why did she have to make me wait hundreds of years to look at me? I love her, Wheein. So much. And I'm trying so hard.. I'm trying not to give in to that stupid prophecy.”


Wheein felt tingles all over her body. She held Hyejin's hand as she queried, “You haven't told her yet, have you?” 


“I don't want her to hate me..” 


A frown touched Wheein's face. Still, it was no excuse to encourage the gumiho to lie. 


“Keeping the bullets a secret from her will do exactly that. There's no other way, Byul.” 


“If I have to find another way, I will. I have to protect her. I—” Moon Byul hit the back of her head against the wall, causing it to crack. 


“Why now?! Just when I thought I finally had everything in check...” 


Hyejin took the phone from Wheein after hearing Moon Byul's outburst. 


“Byul, calm down.” 


Moon Byul kicked the water, splashing it out of the tub. 


Hearing the familiar sound, Hyejin gasped. “What the hell, Byul? Get out of the water, right now!” 


“Don't yell! I'm doing it..” Moon Byul grumbled and got up. Water trickled down as she removed herself from the tub and stepped away.


A sigh of relief left Hyejin. Nevertheless, she remained relentless. “Calm down, alright? Your mind will only go askew if you let emotions get the better of you.”


Taking deep breaths, Moon Byul walked towards the sink. Shock and disbelief punched her in the face when she saw her reflection. 


“I'll call you back later..” She mumbled and ended the call. 


“What? Byul, wait—!” 


An overwhelming stillness enveloped the room once more. 


“No..” Not again. No.. 


Moon Byul's hair was all but black. Silver had conquered her head, and beyond the argent lines spread numerous streaks of red. The gumiho placed a good grip on the side of the sink, only for it to crack and collapse. 


“Damn it...” She tried to shake off her red fox ears. “Go away..” 

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whitefur #1
Chapter 13: They really need to be locked in a room together and talk it out fr....looking forward the next chaps!
whitefur #2
Chapter 4: Oh my....
whitefur #3
Chapter 2: Hmm yongsun is such a tsundere
51 streak #4
Chapter 13: The past tense in Yongs 'I loved you' really hurts..
The story is so good!
mypublicprivacy #5
Chapter 13: damn I love this story so far! I'm looking forward to your future work!
430 streak #6
Chapter 13: Omg i want to just lock them both in a room until they properly talk it out 😤
51 streak #7
Chapter 12: Oh this is getting more and more interesting now!
430 streak #8
Chapter 11: Just caught up and this is really really interesting even though i have so many questions lol... So many mysteries 👀
imotterlygay #9
Chapter 11: this story is so interesting