College life (2/3)

Love in all Forms
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a/n - 2nd part as requested :)


A few days later,  Wendy rushed across the quad, furiously checking the time on her phone. She was running late to study group after losing track of time at the library. Thankfully, she knew a shortcut through the engineering building.

Dodging through the heavy double doors, she found herself in the expansive lobby of the engineering building. The industrial-style space was mostly empty aside from a few students working at the high tables and charging stations lining the walls.

Wendy's sneakers squeaked against the polished concrete floors as she hurried through the open space, head on a swivel looking for signs to point her towards the right direction.

Just as she reached the hallway, a very familiar figure stepped out of a nearby computer lab.

"Irene unnie?" Wendy called out in surprise.

Irene looked up at the sound of her name, doing a double take when she registered who had called out to her. "Wendy? Hey, what are you doing here?" She closed the distance between them, falling into step beside Wendy with a curious smile.

"I'm just trying to find the shortcut to the science building," Wendy explained, returning Irene's smile easily despite her slight embarrassment at being caught speed walking through the halls. 

Wendy couldn't help but notice how effortlessly gorgeous Irene looked, even while casually dressed in sweats and an old t-shirt.

"Did you just get out of a coding lab?" Wendy asked curiously, gesturing to the computer lab behind them.

"Hm? Oh yeah, I was just working on a project with my partners all afternoon. We're designing an engine system for one of our classes." Irene explained nonchalantly, pushing a lock of hair behind her ear.

 "What about you? Class running late or something?"

Flushing slightly at being caught rushing yet again, Wendy shook her head. "Ah no, I'm actually  running late for my study group. I just lost track of time in the library. I'm supposed to be meeting up with some people from my econ study group. We have a midterm coming up."

"Econ, huh? I remember hating that class..." Irene remarked with a grimace. "Sounds pretty dry."

"Maybe for you engineer types," Wendy teased back easily. "Some of us are interested in the fundamentals of how economies function."

Irene arched an amused eyebrow at her cheek. "Says the girl rushing to cram for the midterm."

Wendy swatted Irene's arm lightly, sticking her tongue out. "Hey, I'm a hard worker! Even if it's not my favorite subject. Med students have to take the subject supposedly. 

The two girls fell into a comfortable silence as they walked, Wendy trying not to outwardly show that she had already lost her sense of direction. Just as she was about to ask Irene for the right way, the older girl spoke up first.

"Why don't I just walk you there?" She suggested, shrugging one shoulder casually. "You might get lost if you haven't been inside this building yet."

Wendy immediately deflated. So much for her sense of direction... "Was it that obvious?"

The look Irene gave her said it all. Chuckling sheepishly, Wendy made a show of adjusting the strap of her bookbag higher onto her shoulder. "Okay, okay. Lead the way. Thanks unnie."

"No worries, Wend-yah," Irene said fighting off a smile. "This way. We better hurry before you're even later."

Without waiting for Wendy to respond, Irene started off down the hall at a leisurely pace. Wendy rushed to catch up, matching her stride to Irene's while trying not to seem as frazzled as she felt.

There was a beat of silence before Irene spoke again, this time in a softer tone. "Looking forward to calc class tomorrow?"

Wendy glanced over at Irene happily. "Definitely! Calculus is one of my easier classes. You?"

"Hmmm yeah. I guess it's one of my easier classes." A hint of a smile played across Irene's lips.  "But, it'll be nice to see a certain friendly face there again. Maybe we can be study partners."

Wendy laughed, not realizing that Irene was flirting with her. "You won't need a study group, unnie. You're already know most of the stuff."

Irene arched an eyebrow, letting her gaze linger on Wendy for a beat. "I wasn't talking about needing a study group, Wendy-yah," she murmured, a hint of amusement coloring her tone. "I meant just you and me...studying together."

There was no mistaking the emphasis Irene put on that last part. Wendy felt her cheeks warming as she finally registered Irene's words.

"O-Oh..." was all Wendy could stammer out, suddenly feeling flustered under the weight of Irene's gaze. 

Chuckling quietly, Irene shook her head and continued walking. They turned a corner, nearly bumping into a trio of disheveled engineering students hauling massive robotic prototypes down the hall.

Irene stepped closer to avoid the chaos, accidentally brushing against Wendy for a beat. If she noticed their proximity, she didn't show it.

Just like that, the moment passed as they emerged onto the breezeway connecting to another building. Irene looked up, quickly getting her bearings as students milled about.

"Alright, your study hellhole awaits," Irene said, gesturing to a door up ahead. "I'll leave you to it, Wendy-yah. Don't work too hard."

"Thanks, unnie. See you tomorrow!"

"See you tomorrow, Wendy." She held Wendy's gaze for a beat longer before gesturing vaguely behind her. "I should actually get back to the engineering building to finish up some work."

Nodding in understanding, Wendy returned Irene's smile easily. "Okay, have fun with all stuff then."

Irene chuckled at Wendy's teasing, shaking her head lightly. "See you later, Wendy-yah," she said while turning on her heel and started back to where she came from.

Wendy watched her go for a moment before finally tearing her gaze away and making her way inside to join her study group.

The large room was filled with clusters of students poring over notebooks and laptops spread across several tables. Wendy spotted her group's towards the back and made her way towards them.

"There you are!" Eric exclaimed when she plopped down beside her. "We were just about to start reviewing without you."

Wendy pulled out her materials with an apologetic grimace. "Sorry, I got held up..."

She trailed off, unable to stop the small smile that tugged at her lips as her mind drifted back to her run-in with Irene just moments before. Rose seemed to notice her far-away look and elbowed her teasingly.

"Let me guess - got distracted by someone hot?" The glint in Rose's eye told Wendy she had already guessed correctly.

Feeling her cheeks warm slightly, Wendy simply shrugged rather than confirming or denying. She knew her new friends would relentlessly if they found out about her growing...whatever it was with Irene.

Not that she could really blame them - it was hard for even Wendy to ignore the undeniable spark and chemistry she had felt with Irene since the moment they first met just a couple days ago. And it only seemed to grow. But she didn't know if Irene felt the same way. Irene seemed to flirt and tease with her a lot but she wasn't sure if Irene is genuinely interested in her or is simply just teasing her.



Hours later, as the study session was finally wrapping up, Wendy began packing up her laptop while the rest of the group left. She had managed to focus for the most part, but her thoughts did have a tendency to drift towards her upcoming calculus class...and her unnie.

As Wendy made her way out of the building, she found herself unconsciously walking in the direction of the engineering building again. Before she knew it, she was in front of the door of the computer lab that she saw her unnie come out from. 

Her hand hovered over the door handle as she hesitated, wondering if she should really be intruding on Irene's workspace. But the desire to see the older girl again, even for a brief moment, won her over.

 Slowly, Wendy pulled the door open just a crack and poked her head inside. She swiveled her head left and right to see if her unnie was still working and instantly she spotted her,  sitting at one of the terminals with her back to the entrance. She was entirely focused, brow furrowed as she typed rapidly, various windows and coding interfaces pulled up on the displays in front of her.

It looked like Irene had been stuck in lab since she had seen her last. Maybe even longer. Thinking that Irene might need a little pick me up, she though a bit of caffeine could probably do her some good right about now.

Wendy softly closed the door and hurried off to the nearest coffee shop. If she was going to interrupt Irene's workflow, she reasoned, the least she could do was bring a peace offering.

About fifteen minutes later, Wendy returned to the computer lab carefully balancing two steaming cups of coffee, one matcha latte and the other a london fog. Hopefully one of them matched her taste.

Nudging the door with hre hip, Wendy stepped inside and carefully closed the door. Irene must have sensed someone entering, because she paused her typing and swiveled around in her chair to face the entrance. Her eyes immediately landed on Wendy, narrowing slightly at the unexpected intrusion. Then they flickered down to the cups in Wendy's hand and a look of appreciation drew across her features.

"I come in peace," Wendy whispered by way of greeting, holding up the cups with a lopsided smile. "Thought you might need a caffeine burst after being cooped up in here all day."

The corners of Irene's lips ticked upwards in an appreciative half-smile as she gestured Wendy to come over. 

Feeling relief that Irene didn't seem annoyed by her presence, Wendy made her way over to the terminal, handing one of the cups off to the older girl. Their fingers brushed together lightly in the exch

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It's hard writing 2 stories at once 😅I'm going to focus on my main story but I'll come back to this once it's finished!


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Chapter 11: Wow I'm loving this new story 😍
Riscark #2
Chapter 11: Out of your comfort zone and yet you already nails it from the first chap, can't wait for more hehe
Xhoxlgyit #3
Chapter 11: Wow love this! Can't wait for the next Part🥰
1700 streak #4
Chapter 8: Wow that's very bold of Irene lol
Riscark #5
Chapter 8: Damnnnnn, talk about being bold 🫣
Riscark #6
Chapter 7: Their chemistry tho, got me blushing like I'm the one being pursued hehe 🫣
Jfludjzekze #7
Chapter 9: A Hufflepuff & Slytherin is already my FAVOURITE 😍💙🩷
Chapter 9: i really like the idea for loneliness, it’s realistic and i’m also a er for angst or hurt/comfort i think any pairing would fit really well with it too because of her bond with all of them
Riscark #9
Chapter 9: I like wenseul, although when it comes to wenseul, I always love them as a soulmate platonic type, but still, I'm a er for meet cute