College life (3/3)

Love in all Forms
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Wendy wavered for a moment, caught between her hesitation about going clubbing and not wanting the night to end just yet. As appealing as it sounded to head home, she didn't want to be the reason Irene missed out on a fun night with her friends.

"Actually..." Wendy hesitated, chewing on her lip as she weighed her options. She could see Irene watching her patiently, giving her the space to make up her mind without pressure. Seeing Irene be so considerate ultimately helped sway her decision. "If you want to go to the clubs with everyone, I'm okay tagging along."

A flicker of surprise crossed Irene's features before melting into a soft smile. "Are you sure? I don't want you feeling uncomfortable or anything. I don't mind calling it a night."

"I'm sure!... I-I'm sure it'll be fun!" She offered Irene a small smile, pushing past her lingering nerves. "I did say I wanted to experience new things, right? Might as well go all in on my first time. But..." Her smile turned slightly sheepish. "Maybe don't leave my side? At least until I get my bearings."

Irene's expression softened even further, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "Of course. I'll stay by your side until you don't need me anymore," she reassured easily. 

Without warning, Irene stepped in closer, her hands coming to rest lightly on Wendy's hips. She tugged the younger girl flush against her, studying Wendy's expression intently as her thumbs rubbed small, reassuring circles over her hipbones.

Wendy's breath hitched at the sudden proximity and touch. Her gaze dropped to trace over Irene's lips as she continued talking before flickering back up to her eyes.

"Let's not go straight to club just yet," Irene murmured, her voice low and husky in a way that sent a shiver down Wendy's spine. "I'll tell the others we should start off at a lower-key bar first tonight."

She squeezed Wendy's hips gently, pulling her somehow even closer until their bodies were aligned. "Let's see how you feel there. If you're enjoying yourself and want to keep the night going, we can scope out a club after. But if not, you have to tell me. I'm happy to call it a night whenever you want."

As soon as Irene pulled her in by her hips, Wendy had frozen. She didn't even hear anything that Irene was saying with her thumbs tracing over her hipbones. Being pressed up against Irene like this, surrounded by her perfume, it was utterly disarming.

Irene's brow furrowed slightly when Wendy didn't immediately respond. "Wendy?" she prompted, tilting her head to try catching Wendy's eye again.

The sound of her name finally broke through Wendy's daze. "H-Huh? Sorry, what?" She blinked rapidly, feeling a flush creep up her face at being so obviously flustered.

"I said we don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with tonight," Irene repeated patiently.  "We'll start somewhere low-key and you can decide if you want the night to continue or not. No pressure either way, okay?"

"R-Right, okay. That sounds good," Wendy managed to say back.

Irene held her gaze for a beat longer, eyes narrowing ever so slightly. She had clearly picked up on Wendy's odd behavior and she interpreted it as Wendy actually being uncomfortable with the idea of going out after all. Rather than comment on it, however, Irene simply tilted her head in Wendy's direction, a silent question in her eyes.

Wendy attempted an awkward smile and shook her head, as if telling her she was alright - or as alright as she could be with Irene still being pressed up against her.

Skepticism still flashed across Irene's face, letting Wendy know she didn't quite buy the act. But she seemed willing to let it slide for now. Her lips curved into an amused half-smile before she turned, extending her hand in Wendy's direction.

"Come on then," Irene said lightly. "Let's go let the others know about the change of plans before they already start planning."

Not waiting for a response, Irene simply grasped Wendy's hand and gave a tug, pulling the flustered girl along with her as she headed back towards the group. 

As they rejoined the group, Joy immediately picked up on the slight flush lingering on Wendy's cheeks. "There you two are! Everything okay?" she asked with a suggestive waggle of her finely arched brows.

Wendy felt her face warm further as Yeri and Seulgi also turned interested looks their way. Irene just laughed easily, not even bothering to deny anything as she looped her arm through Wendy's. 

"Everything's great," Irene replied breezily. "Wendy's going to join us for a bit of dancing tonight after all. But I think we should start somewhere a little more chill first before hitting up a club."

Joy arched an eyebrow curiously at Irene. "Oh? And here I thought you'd be raring to go paint the town red, Miss Party Animal." Her tone was lightly teasing as always.

Irene just shrugged one shoulder in a deceptively nonchalant manner. "I'm just easing into the night. No need to go too hard too fast, you know?"

Joy turned to Wendy and in a conspiratorial voice that was a tad too loud to be anything but that, she told Wendy, "Wendy, I know you just met Irene and think that she's super put-together and all, but your unnie there is actually a total party animal once she gets going."

She shot Irene an exaggerated wink. "Don't let the cool facade fool you. This one can really get wild once she has several drinks in her system and if you catch her on the right night." 

Irene simply rolled her eyes at Joy's antics, but there was a glint of amusement in them, letting Wendy know she was used to deflecting her friend's teasing by now. "Yah, don't scare Wendy off already," she chided Joy lightly. 

"But Wendy deserves to know what she's getting herself into unnie." Yeri said, her innocent tone contrasting with the wicked grin playing across her lips.

"That's right Yerim-ah! We just wanted to warn Wendy right? Before she falls in too deep." Laughing at Wendy's wide-eyed look, Joy gave Irene's arm a playful shove. "See? We're just looking out for her."

Irene forced out a laugh, already tired of their antics. "You two are the worse," she grumbled.

"So if we're not going clubbing right way," Seulgi cut in before things got even more carried away, "which bar did you have in mind to start then? There's this new craft cocktail place on 5th we could go to. I heard it's trendy but they serve some neat drinks."

"Yeah, that sounds like a good move." Irene said. "Get a little buzz going before we really get the night kicked into full gear later." She turned to Wendy. "You good with that plan?"

Wendy nodded easily, relieved they had settled on something that didn't seem too overwhelming. "Yeah, not picky at all. Wherever you all think is best."

Joy looped her arm around Wendy's shoulders, giving her a friendly squeeze. "Don't worry, Wan, we'll get you loosened up in no time. A couple of their signature cocktails ought to do the

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It's hard writing 2 stories at once 😅I'm going to focus on my main story but I'll come back to this once it's finished!


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Chapter 11: Wow I'm loving this new story 😍
Riscark #2
Chapter 11: Out of your comfort zone and yet you already nails it from the first chap, can't wait for more hehe
Xhoxlgyit #3
Chapter 11: Wow love this! Can't wait for the next Part🥰
1692 streak #4
Chapter 8: Wow that's very bold of Irene lol
Riscark #5
Chapter 8: Damnnnnn, talk about being bold 🫣
Riscark #6
Chapter 7: Their chemistry tho, got me blushing like I'm the one being pursued hehe 🫣
Jfludjzekze #7
Chapter 9: A Hufflepuff & Slytherin is already my FAVOURITE 😍💙🩷
Chapter 9: i really like the idea for loneliness, it’s realistic and i’m also a er for angst or hurt/comfort i think any pairing would fit really well with it too because of her bond with all of them
Riscark #9
Chapter 9: I like wenseul, although when it comes to wenseul, I always love them as a soulmate platonic type, but still, I'm a er for meet cute
Chapter 8: Epilogue pls!

Didn't expect Irene to be this bold!