Chapter 1

Soak Up The Sun
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It was summer already. Wheein’s favourite season. During the rest of the year, she was just waiting for summer to arrive. Because, summer meant wearing linen shirts, eating ice cream and watermelon, watching bad rom-coms movies in the afternoon because it’s too hot to go outside, drawing by the swimming pool, and drinking cold beers in the evening. Summer meant nothing but soaking up the sun and thinking of nothing.

Wheein especially loved summer because, since middle school, she always spent it with Hyejin, Yongsun and Byul. Byul was Yongsun’s best friend, and like Wheein, she was always at the Ahn house, which had become a second home for both Wheein and Byul. Hyejin and Yongsun’s parents found the situation amusing, often joking that they had four children instead of two. The Ahn house was big. Really big. And there was a swimming pool, which was why the four of them would stay there during summer.

It all started when Wheein and Hyejin were in middle school. They became friend at that time and when summer came, Hyejin invited Wheein to her house every day, so they could play in the pool together. And of course, Wheein didn’t complain.  That’s how she first met Yongsun. Even if Wheein knew the Ahn family before, call it the perks of living in a small town, everyone knows everyone. And the Ahn sisters were famous. Hyejin was the smiling girl, always kind and very polite. Loved by the old ladies because of this. She was also a little rebellious, doing what she wanted without worrying about anything. For example, Hyejin’s dream was to become a singer, and even if she knew that it would be very difficult, she always said she would become a singer no matter what. On the other hand, Yongsun was the smart kid. Perfect grades at school. Loved by parents for tutoring their children. You could see her jogging in town or reading a book in a park.

Everyone in town knew them. That’s why Wheein was surprised when in middle school Hyejin, who was in the same class as her, told her that she wanted to be friends with her.

They have become inseparable since. They were like soulmates in a platonic way.  Wheein started to spend the majority of her time at Hyejin’s house. She remembered very well her first meeting with Yongsun. She was twelve then, Yongsun fourteen. Hyejin was so excited to introduce her to her big sister. She was always talking about Yongsun. So, Wheein was curious to meet her. She remembered that Yongsun was reading a book by the pool. She raised her head when Hyejin called her, and gave them a big smile. Wheein remembered thinking that Yongsun was like summer: sunny and bright.

Shortly afterwards, Wheein met Byul. Byul was very outgoing and easy to talk to. Wheein found it easier to get closer to Byul than to Yong, who could sometimes be more intimidating. The four of them spent the whole summer together. And all the others that followed.

It became a tradition. The four of them would gather at the Ahn house to spend their summer together.  Nothing could change that, not even the fact that they were all going to university now. Wheein and Hyejin had managed to get into the university with the best art programme in the country.  They shared the same dream of becoming artists. Hyejin wanted to become a singer and Wheein a painter. Byul and Yongsun didn't go to the same university, but they were two hours apart by train, so they saw each other often. Byul was studying business management, she wanted to run her own company later on. Yongsun, with her excellent grades, pursued law and political science at one of the country’s top universities. They were all very busy with their studies, but made sure that their tradition continued.

In short, that’s why summer was Wheein’s favourite season. The first day of summer at the Ahn house was always very exciting. Wheein was always very excited.

But not today.

She was standing in front of the entrance of the house, as if afraid to go inside. She'd been here thousands of times before, so why was she scared now?  She was just frozen, like a shy kid too scared to press the doorbell.

"AH!" Wheein screamed when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Wow, you really didn’t hear me coming" Byul said.

"! No, you scared me!"

Wheein tried to calm her heart, which was beating too fast, while Byul was just laughing.

"What are you doing just standing there? Are you trying to communicate telepathically with the door?"

"Shut up Byul. I was just trying to remember something," lied Wheein.

"Hmm… Okay kiddo," said Byul, obviously not convinced by Wheein’s answer.

Byul knew Wheein very well. In fact, they were really close, and Byul was like an older sister to Wheein, who was an only child. They became close, particularly when Wheein began to realise that she was attracted to girls and not to boys. Byul was the only other gay person she knew at the time. Yongsun told them later that she didn’t just like boys, but girls too.

When Wheein found out she was gay, she was really scared. She was afraid of how her family would react, afraid of how other people would look at her, afraid of everything. So, she started talking to Byul about it, because she was like her, she could understand her. And Byul reassured her. Thanks to Byul, she was able to accept her uality and gain confidence. During this period, Byul was the big sister that Wheein never had. And from now on, when Wheein needed advice, or just someone to talk to, she would go to Byul.

Byul knew Wheein very well, and she could see that something was bothering her at the moment. She decided not to ask more questions, Wheein would come to talk to her if she felt the need.

Byul entered the house and Wheein followed her.

"We’re here!" Said Byul in a loud voice, taking off her shoes.

Hyejin appeared at the same time, going down the stairs.

"Why are you so loud in the morning," she said, you’re making my head hurt.

"It’s nice to see you too Hyejin, I really missed you," said Byul in a sarcastic tone.

Hyejin rolled her eyes, but went over to give her a hug anyway.

"What about me?" said Wheein with her arms wide open.

"Missing me already?" asked Hyejin with a smirk. "We saw each other last night."

Wheein froze for an instant, remembering their conversation from yes

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Hi. I'll be done with my exams next wednesday, so next chapter at the end of next week. :|


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Chapter 8: I'm so invested in this story, I check almost every day to see if I missed a chapter by accident lol
Luly317 #2
Chapter 8: Great story, i love how their dynamic is evolvimg... Keep up the good work
Chapter 8: What could possibly go wrong? It’s the friendship between Wheesun that turns into something else hehe I know I’m too eager for that but I can’t wait to explore more.
Yonsunnie319 #4
Author-nim...I just want to say, I've been eager about this fic so much to the point I make scenarios in my mind on what the next chapter would be LOL! Keep up the good work, what. a unique premise and dynamic! Thank you for brining this to the deprived wheesunnies like myself <3
Chapter 7: Wow, I love this story, I wish I could give more than one upvote. Wheein is starting to realize her feelings and it seems like Yong had them from the start. I can't wait to read more. Thanks for the great work, author.
everydaybabo #6
Chapter 7: “you can’t even walk straight”
“thats because im gay”
Yonsunnie319 #7
Chapter 7: Love iiit!! I feel yong fallinggggg 🫢
Chapter 7: I like that lame joke though 😆 “that’s because I’m gay” 😂 Wheeinie is the best comedian even when she’s drunk. Something more than just friends is budding and I hope to see more and more. They go smoother the more time they spend together so yeah, keep going.