Chapter 2

Soak Up The Sun
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‘Okay,’ said Hyejin. ‘We need a strategy.’

‘Don’t make it sound like we’re going to war, this is weird,’ said Wheein.

‘Why not? We can even give a name to this operation.’

‘What the hell? No! We are not in a ing teen movie’

‘Damn, relax. I was joking.’

Wheein just glared at her.

‘But we really need a strategy, continued Hyejin. Because you were so awkward yesterday it was actually painful to watch.’

‘Wow, no need to be mean.’

‘I’m sorry but this is the truth. And I thought you were good at flirting with girls?’

Wheein sighed.

‘But it always happens in a club, it’s not the same context. It’s easier to approach someone.’

Hyejin clasped her hands with a big smile.

‘That’s why Byul’s idea to go on a trip was perfect!’ she said. ‘We'll go out clubbing and you'll be in your element.’

‘Yeah, but it’s in a week.’

‘This is perfect! Because, it would be weird if you tried to make a move on her out of nowhere. Now you just have to get a little closer to her before the trip.’

‘And how am I supposed to do that? Easier said than done.’

‘That’s the purpose of this meeting.’

Hyejin had asked Wheein to meet her at her home this morning. Yongsun wasn’t there, she was taking Byul into town to help her choose a new phone. Byul had managed to broke her phone on their first day together. Yesterday, during dinner, she had chased Hyejin, who had stolen her last piece of meat, and her phone fell out of her pocket as she ran, and shattered on the floor. Hyejin saw it as an opportunity to talk to Wheein.

‘First of all,’ said Hyejin, and Wheein rolled her eyes because why was her best friend talking as if she were giving a presentation, when it was just the two of them in the room. ‘You need to look at her. I saw you yesterday, you couldn’t even look her in the eye, that’s a problem.’

‘I know, I know,’ said Wheein, ‘I was stressed. But I can do that, it’s not really complicated.’

‘Good. Second thing, compliments her. A person who compliments you always arouses your curiosity.’

‘But friends also give each other compliments.’

‘Come on Whee! You don’t say it the same way, do I need to explain everything to you?’

Wheein shook her head.

‘I’m good’, she said, ‘I’ll manage. What else?’

‘You should also initiate physical contact, hold her hand, hug her. When we watch movies, put your head on her shoulder, try to cuddle with her, I don’t know things like that.’

‘It’s so cliché it makes me cringe.’

‘It doesn’t matter! You don’t want to make her fall in love with you, you just want to catch her attention, so we don’t care if you’re not subtle.’

‘She’ll probably just think I’m weird.’

Wheein was suddenly hit in the head by a pillow. She turned to Hyejin, her eyes wide.

‘Hey! Why are throwing things at me?’ said Wheein.

‘Because stop being pessimistic or it will never work.’

Wheein rolled her eyes.

‘Okay,’ she said. ‘So, what else do I need to do?’

‘You should draw her,’ replied Hyejin.

Wheein raised her eyebrows, silently asking Hyejin to say more.

‘Yeah, like in the movies.’

‘Let me guess,’ said Wheein, ‘you’re going to use Titanic as an example.’ 

‘It’s not the only one, it happens in a lot of films, like, Portrait of a lady on fire.’

‘You watch lesbian movies?’ asked Wheein surprised.

‘Why? Because I’m straight I can’t?’

Wheein shook her head.

‘I’m just surprised, that’s all.’

‘Actually,’ said Hyejin, ‘I watched it with Yong. She was the one who wanted to see it.’

Wheein chuckled. Her friend was something else.

‘But that’s not the point,’ Hyejin continued. ‘The thing is, it would create a special connection between the two of you.’

‘If you say so,’ said Wheein not really convinced. For her, this kind of thing only happened in movies.

‘But I think she sees me as a younger sister,’ said Wheein.

‘Then show her that you’re not a kid anymore.’

‘Sounds easy when you say it like that,’ pouted Wheein.

 Hyejin opened to answer Wheein, but closed it again when she heard the front door open.

‘They’re back,’ said Hyejin. ‘End of this conversation.’

They left Hyejin’s room to join Yongsun and Byul in the living room. They were sitting on the couch, trying out what seemed to be Byul’s new phone

‘So, you find a new phone?’ asked Hyejin to Byul when entering the room.

‘Yeah, look at this,’ replied Byul while showing the phone to Hyejin and Wheein.

‘Hope it wasn’t too expensive,’ said Wheein.

‘Don’t worry about that,’ replied Byul with a smirk. Cause Hyejin will pay me back. I mean, it’s her fault if my phone broke.’

‘Excuse me?’ said Hyejin. ‘It’s your fault if you decided to run with your phone in your pocket.’

The two of them started bickering, so Wheein sat on the couch, it was always like that with them.

She looked at Yongsun next to h

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Hi. I'll be done with my exams next wednesday, so next chapter at the end of next week. :|


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Chapter 8: I'm so invested in this story, I check almost every day to see if I missed a chapter by accident lol
Luly317 #2
Chapter 8: Great story, i love how their dynamic is evolvimg... Keep up the good work
Chapter 8: What could possibly go wrong? It’s the friendship between Wheesun that turns into something else hehe I know I’m too eager for that but I can’t wait to explore more.
Yonsunnie319 #4
Author-nim...I just want to say, I've been eager about this fic so much to the point I make scenarios in my mind on what the next chapter would be LOL! Keep up the good work, what. a unique premise and dynamic! Thank you for brining this to the deprived wheesunnies like myself <3
Chapter 7: Wow, I love this story, I wish I could give more than one upvote. Wheein is starting to realize her feelings and it seems like Yong had them from the start. I can't wait to read more. Thanks for the great work, author.
everydaybabo #6
Chapter 7: “you can’t even walk straight”
“thats because im gay”
Yonsunnie319 #7
Chapter 7: Love iiit!! I feel yong fallinggggg 🫢
Chapter 7: I like that lame joke though 😆 “that’s because I’m gay” 😂 Wheeinie is the best comedian even when she’s drunk. Something more than just friends is budding and I hope to see more and more. They go smoother the more time they spend together so yeah, keep going.