Chapter 2

Love Is Blind


*Three months ago*

"Why....why did you do this to me again? I gave you chances and yet you..."

Yesung muttered and stared at the woman before him in sorrow.

If not for the fact that he caught her red-handed with another man this time round, he would never force himself to face the ugly truth.

Everyone had been telling him that his woman was two-timing him, but yet, he pushed all those rumors behind his head.

It was not because he did not believe them.

He just chose to close one eye.

And it was because he loved her.

He loved her wholeheartedly.

"You can't blame me on that are always busy with your career...I...I get lonely at times..."

His woman retorted at him, as if it was not her fault to begin with.

"I have been spending all my free time with you already....and isn't that enough?"

Yesung added on miserably.

"Look Woon, it's no use talking about all this are we calling an end to this relationship at last?"

The woman continued and looked at him casually,

Yesung stared at this woman in front of him disbelievingly.

She seemed very unfamiliar to him suddenly.

How could she sounded so casual when she wanted to call off their three years relationship just like this?

Was she still the same woman he once loved?

But still, he can't make himself let go in the end.

"I can ignore everything....just as long as you don't make the same mistake again..."

He inhaled deeply and told her after a while of silence.

After all, he treasured his relationship with her far too much.

"I can't promise you anything Woon..."

The woman pushed away his hands callously and walked a few steps away from him.

His whole world seemed to stop moving at that very instant.

It was then he realized that it was time he should give up.

Should is an understatement for him, because she left him with no choice at all.

He had to give up.

He was being forced to give up.

"Fine...let's end it today.."

It was the last thing he said before he walked away for good.


Yesung had been devoting all his time on his work after he ended his relationship.

He thought of you very often, but then, he could not face you after what he had done to you.

He missed you badly, and he felt so lost when you were not by his side for his break-up this time round.

He missed the time you stayed up with him when he could not get to sleep at night.

He missed the time both of you tried to cook a decent meal but failed miserably when he got hungry in the middle of the night.

He missed the time you tried to cheer him up with your dorky jokes.

And he missed the time you hugged him all night when he broke down after the first break-up.

In short, he missed all the time he spent with you previously,

Guilt crept within him the moment he recalled those times he shouted at you whenever you tried to tell him what his ex-girlfriend was doing to him.

He knew you were not a girl who would lied of course, but then, he just did not want to believe that she was two-timing him.

He knew it was not entirely true when he said that it was always his family who kept on linking you with him, for he knew he had feelings for you too.

He thought of the one incident where he almost...almost kissed you if not for his brother who barged into his room without warning.

But then, he kept all this feeling deep down inside his heart for he chose to go back to his ex-girlfriend.


You inhaled deeply the moment you set your foot inside the familiar place again.

Nothing much changes, and you smiled when you came across his photos that hung on the wall.

You had lost count of the days since you last stepped into his house.

If not for the fact that his mother invited you here, you guessed that there was no reason why you should be here again.

You decided to come only when she constantly assured you that Yesung will not be around in the house at this timing of the day.

"Look what I have got you for the birthday girl...."

His mother pulled you to the sofa and showed you a dazzling bracelet excitedly.

Her words reminded you instantly that his birthday is coming soon too.

Yes, both of you shared the same month and day coincidently.

"Auntie's far too expensive...I can't accept it..."

You declined at once and pushed the bracelet gently back to her.

"We talked about it that day isn't it? You are my daughter..and it's only right that a mother buy something for her daughter on her birthday..."

His mother insisted and helped you to put on it quickly.

"Thank you so much Auntie Kim.."

You gave her a warm smile before you hugged her gently.

"Stay here with me longer dear... I'll get you some tea..."

His mother added on before she made her way to the kitchen.

Some rumbling of the keys outside caught your attention when you started walking around in the living room.

"Omma...I'm back..."

A familiar voice rang through your ears before your eyes met with him suddenly.


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Chapter 2: Poor Yesung and MC.. aigoo this is sad :(
And omg they're meeting again AHHH
Chapter 1: Poor Yesung, but he's blinded by love for someone toxic :(((
ReinaPark #3
Chapter 6: is it the end?? i want more though...
good job..
Chapter 6: Wow. That's just a pinch of reality. Great work here...
gaofushuai #5
Chapter 6: Why he like that? Just taking her as friend? For real? Omg
great fic ^^
Chapter 6: aish.. Yesung is really frustrating.
did he or did he not like her?
Chapter 5: Nice way to end it.
Great fic.
Chapter 4: Such an adorable moment. I'm glad that happened even though she was terrified
I like the girl thing clever way to include the reader without the [Y/N] which can get so frustrating after a while.
Chapter 3: Beautiful, simple, to the point (just like him).
I hate tears. I wants smiles or screams anything but tears, they are too realistic for me (I cry too easily).