The Sequel

Love Is Blind

Yesung sighed and threw his laptop on the passenger seat the moment he closed his car door.

He took a look at you through the window from his car. Deep down his heart, he knew his mother was right. He definitely feel something more than friends for you. But is it strong enough to ask you to be his? He no longer have any confidence in relationship right now, after failing the previous one miserably. And he was not sure what you are feeling for him too, especially after how he treated you before.

You looked amazing today, as you always have been in his eyes. And it saddened him to know that you are all dressed up to impress another man. He had wanted to stop you from going to the so-called date, but he felt like he did not have any good reason for that. 

"Gosh! What should I do?"

He muttered and ruffled his hair in frustration.

He had wanted to take more time on you, trying to figure out his feelings while making up to you at the same time. But what he did not expect is that a random man came out of the way and disrupted his plan.

His eyes met you suddenly when you looked in his direction, and he quickly looked away before starting his car.

"What did the boy say to you?"

His mother came up to you hurriedly after Yesung drove off.

She thought that he would have taken some action after she talked sense to him. 

"He told me to enjoy my date tonight." 

You forced out a smile and replied. 

It was clear to you that you did not mean anything to him, be it past or now. You were nowhere important when his ex- girlfriend were present, and you were nothing to him even though she was not in his life anymore.

In short, it was just your one-sided feeling for him all the while. It was your wishful thought that you might have a little place in his heart.

"That brat! He is so going to regret when he lose someone like you!

Auntie Kim said in anger and shook her head in despair.

Everyone is trying to stop you from going, but there he was pushing you further away.

"I think he just does not feel the same way.."

You muttered and your heart ached in pain, just like the day he chose to believe her over you.

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Chapter 2: Poor Yesung and MC.. aigoo this is sad :(
And omg they're meeting again AHHH
Chapter 1: Poor Yesung, but he's blinded by love for someone toxic :(((
ReinaPark #3
Chapter 6: is it the end?? i want more though...
good job..
Chapter 6: Wow. That's just a pinch of reality. Great work here...
gaofushuai #5
Chapter 6: Why he like that? Just taking her as friend? For real? Omg
great fic ^^
Chapter 6: aish.. Yesung is really frustrating.
did he or did he not like her?
Chapter 5: Nice way to end it.
Great fic.
Chapter 4: Such an adorable moment. I'm glad that happened even though she was terrified
I like the girl thing clever way to include the reader without the [Y/N] which can get so frustrating after a while.
Chapter 3: Beautiful, simple, to the point (just like him).
I hate tears. I wants smiles or screams anything but tears, they are too realistic for me (I cry too easily).