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First of all, thank you everyone!!!!!/cries This fanfic has been featured, and it means soooo much to me./uglysobs. It was my wish to have all my fics featured, and you guys made it happen. This is such a blessing (and a late bday gift too!) I don't know how else to express my gratitude. Second, thank you for sending in your posters! And lastly, sorry for the delay. HELL WEEK AT UNI :( Thank you Hunhan1696 for le poster!


And what is that I have?

"My body and soul."

My eyes blinked in the darkness as the chilly recording room thickened its acoustics with Baekhyun's smooth words.

I stood silently, unable to react. I was pretty sure that Baekhyun just came fro EXO's victory party, so he had some alcohol. 

Alcohol+Baekhyun=flirtatious Don Lothario slash Cassanova

I obviously did not want another kissing palooza with Byun Baekhyun, so I made a brave effort to step aside.

Attempting to walk in the darkness, I fidgeted with my bipedality and desperately looked for the light switch. After randomly pressing buttons against the wall, the lights finally went on.

"Mehehehehehe. That's a line from Kissing in the Rain, right? Your musical? Well, congratulations, Baek! You're pretty good at acting! I need to watch that play of yours. Score me some tickets hahahaha." I casually said.

Baekhyun ran his fingers through his hair, and decided to look away. 

"Yep. What I just did was a scene from my musical. Just.For.My.Darn.Musical." Baekhyun replied, putting such great emphasis on the last four words.

And still avoiding eye contact, Baekhyun toosed me my forgotten mobile phone and left me alone in the recording room.

I immediately checked my phone and had a message from my brother, Seo Jun oppa. 

Oh crap. I only have a week left before I leave and resign from SM. Goodbye EXO. And I am not planning to tell Baekhyun the truth about being paid to "seduce" him, because.

Some words are better left unsaid.


Karma's a , they say

Months ago, I was always seen in clubs, kissing girls, breaking hearts, doing everything except the real thing. I did not care if I hurt the feelings of fans who followed me to clubs just to confess to me.

But tonight had been one of the biggest wtfs of my life. I had indirectly told Seul Min that I like her, and she regarded it as a scene from my musical.

How dense can she get? Okay, fine, I'm not in love with her. No. What I feel is nothing close to that, but I l really like her, okay? She's different. She's a clumsy, hardworking peanut who caught my attention.Yeah, she isn't a 36-24-36, but for the first time, I don't give a darn about her looks. I get somehow weak when she smiles that smile of hers. Eew. Cheesy I know, but wtf. That's what I feel, and I'm not dishonest with myself. And,

She made me believe that EXO won't ever leave me, unlike the cheating ex.

Yet, again, let me repeat, Seul Min thought that I was practicing my lines for the musical.Ohijdififfuh. What the hell went wrong? I turned off the lights, I whispered seductively, I was honest, and it all backfired.

I shrugged my thoughts away when I saw Chanyeol coming my way. I was sitting inside the practice room, and I was drinking a can of beer.

"What's up, homie. Not a great day, eh?" Chanyeol teased. He decided to kick my new sneakers and steal the cap I was wearing.

"Go away, Yeol." I growled. Instead of leaving, Chanyeol teased me even more by grabbing the beer.

"I know your secret." Chanyeol said with a spark in his eye. I rolled my eyes and got the beer from his hands.

"I thought Seul Min had a crush on me!!! You told me that Seul Min had a crush on me! What the hell dude, I tried hitting on her a while ago, and that crazy girl thought that I was practicing a scene from Singing in the Rain!" I yelled in frustration, and Chanyeol suddenly burst out laughing; the beer splashed from his nose.

"You're disgusting." I commented.

"She might be playing hard to get. Pursue her more if you feel like it, but don't let the fans know. Media will lose their minds if they find out about Seul Min." Chanyeol advised.

"I don't know, man. I wish I had Se Hun's life. I wish I had Lu Han hyung's. I wish I had Yixing hyung's. They're all happy with their p

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1872 streak #1
Chapter 12: drown? chanyeol whaftt
1872 streak #2
Chapter 11: lmao chanyeol you little- he first asked baekhyun to keep an eye on seul min and now he's asking his ex-gf keep an eye, cross that, seduce his bff i'm- he's indirectly matchmaking them, bruh -
1872 streak #3
Chapter 10: so chanyeol wants her to work only for him huh? ;)
1872 streak #4
Chapter 9: awww, she at least opened up a little to a stranger aka baekhyun that might help her lifting off at least a small amount of the extreme sadness she's been carrying all along :(
and a kiss to shut her up sjsjs i luv it ^^
1872 streak #5
Chapter 8: but baekhyun is a package indeed ;)
1872 streak #6
Chapter 7: lmao she lied ㅋㅋㅋ
1872 streak #7
Chapter 6: baekhyun caught her omg sjsj
1872 streak #8
Chapter 5: this story is so funny and cute why did i find it only now sjsj ㅠㅠ i'm seriously enjoying this story so far!! that "baekhyun is prettier" part had me wheezing fgs ㅋㅋ and the ending wow, seul min is something else *claps* also whenever i read or type "seulmin" i get reminded of seulgi and taemin's ship name hehe^^
1872 streak #9
Chapter 3: what if seul min ends up being chanyeol's pretend wife?? interesting sjsjs
1872 streak #10
Chapter 2: sjsjsj i knew it when i read the 'dances so off' part i guessed the ex-bf would be chanyeol lmao ㅋㅋㅋ but baby boy be dancing better than me tho *insert heart eyes emoji*