That Moment

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[A/N: I'll have to provide pictures at the end of the chapter for reference hehe!]



After my shift which ended at 10 pm, I rushed to the bathroom. I was going to face Park Chanyeol. I had to slap myself for the ridiculous nervousness running laps inside my body. I blamed Chanyeol's good looks for making me feel queasy. For a fact, I know my body very well. Chanyeol indeed looks extremely -dropping nowadays, but I had to congratulate my heart for not feeling anything when he's around.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I slightly twisted my lower lip to the right and and lunged my shoulders backward.

Even I get freaked out by my appearance sometimes.

I combed my disheveled hair and straightened up my plaid button down shirt. That's how I define retouching.

Baekhyun told me to proceed to the nearest pojangmacha across the SM building. Pojangmacha is one of those tented stalls in local streets where customers can eat and drink during late a night, and I love eating there.

The tent was filled with salary men who were busy minding their own business. I searched for Baekhyun and saw him playing Flappy Bird on his phone.

I took a seat in front of him and waved in front of his face. Where's Chanyeol anyway?

"Oh hey. You seem to be busy playing that horrible game." I commented. Baekhyun just stiffened and rolled his eyes.

"I was thisclose to beating my high score until you waved your hand in front of my face. Thank you!" Baekhyun growled but decided to laugh it off.

"So where's Chanyeol?" I energetically asked, playing the lovestruck girl again. Baekhyun raised his eyebrow.

"Aren't you too excited? He'll arrive in a while." Byun Baekhyun answered and gulped down a shot of soju.

"Well, does he know that I'll be joining you guys?" I suddenly asked. Baek shook his head. "I'm into surprises, woman." 

Ah even better. I want to see the mortified look on Chanyeol's face when he sees me.

Oh and a more evil plan crossed my mind.

I ordered the cheapest selection available- tteokbokki and three bottles of soju.

"Are you on a budget?" Baekhyun asked me when my order came. He had that annoying judgemental vibe, so I don't really fancy him.

I smiled, wanting to whack his face with the bottle of soju. How judgemental can this guy get. 

"Uhm. No. I was just waiting for you to order." I laughed and playfully touched his arm. Baekhyun laughed at my actions.

"Tell you what? I am not treating you." Baekhyun said with sarcasm and began wolfing three shots in a row.

I modestly drank from the shotglass, pretending that I was new to the drinking at night thing.

"You need to learn how to drink., Seul Min." Baekhyun sternly said, eyes rolling from being tipsy.

"I'm so sorry. Does Chanyeol like strong drinkers?" I asked once again, careful not to slip out my real intentions.

Baekhyun gave me a thumbs up. "He likes wild, daring women." 

When were together, Chanyeol told me that he preferred innocent young girls. I guess that was before.

More than an hour has passed,that Park Chanyeol was still not coming, and I already finished the three bottles of soju. My head was spinning while Baekhyun remained strong after four bottle

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1872 streak #1
Chapter 12: drown? chanyeol whaftt
1872 streak #2
Chapter 11: lmao chanyeol you little- he first asked baekhyun to keep an eye on seul min and now he's asking his ex-gf keep an eye, cross that, seduce his bff i'm- he's indirectly matchmaking them, bruh -
1872 streak #3
Chapter 10: so chanyeol wants her to work only for him huh? ;)
1872 streak #4
Chapter 9: awww, she at least opened up a little to a stranger aka baekhyun that might help her lifting off at least a small amount of the extreme sadness she's been carrying all along :(
and a kiss to shut her up sjsjs i luv it ^^
1872 streak #5
Chapter 8: but baekhyun is a package indeed ;)
1872 streak #6
Chapter 7: lmao she lied ㅋㅋㅋ
1872 streak #7
Chapter 6: baekhyun caught her omg sjsj
1872 streak #8
Chapter 5: this story is so funny and cute why did i find it only now sjsj ㅠㅠ i'm seriously enjoying this story so far!! that "baekhyun is prettier" part had me wheezing fgs ㅋㅋ and the ending wow, seul min is something else *claps* also whenever i read or type "seulmin" i get reminded of seulgi and taemin's ship name hehe^^
1872 streak #9
Chapter 3: what if seul min ends up being chanyeol's pretend wife?? interesting sjsjs
1872 streak #10
Chapter 2: sjsjsj i knew it when i read the 'dances so off' part i guessed the ex-bf would be chanyeol lmao ㅋㅋㅋ but baby boy be dancing better than me tho *insert heart eyes emoji*