
I never wanted to go



Bella make her way out of the school building follow by Taehyung metres away behind. He observe Bella from the back, how time flies as he realize how much they have grown up, as much as they have grown apart. It has been a long time since they ever have a proper conversation, and funny enough it was never in his wildest dream that he would actually get the opportunity to be friends again with her in such situation. Or is it just for a while?

Bella intended to make a stop first at her locker and as she expected, Sehun is there waiting for her like usual. His smile faded as soon as he his eyes landed on someone which she believe is Taehyung. He stand up straight from casually leaning against her locker and when Bella is getting closer to him, he pull her hand so that she will be by his side. Bella was startled by his action as she frowned her face funnily upon the situation.

"What do you want from her?" Sehun asked Taehyung.
"She asked me to come with her. So I did." Taehyung said calmly.
"You invited him as well?" Sehun turned his face towards Bella.
"Urm yeah. He deserves some explanation as much as you guys do." Bella said and with that Sehun let go of her hand. Bella proceed with her initial plan which was to leave some book in her locker. However, she noticed as how Sehun was so close to her as if he was trying to yield her from Taehyung. Bella try to hold her laughter as the look on Sehun face seems so intense as if it was some major problem for him.

As the three of them reached the school gate, Bella was surprise but not in a bad way to find Jongin is waiting for her instead of Yi Fan. He was leaning against his car as he looked around trying to find a glimpse of Bella. When his eyes landed on Bella, he smiles. Bella went to him and hug him as she feels like she's once again surrounded with people that she actually familiar with. 

"I see that you're wearing that necklace." Jongin said as Bella backed off a little bit from their hug.
"Of course, you gave it to me." Bella said with a smile.
"Yi Fan acutally told me to pick you up because he's worried about you but something came up so he couldn't come." Jongin explained.
"That's fine. Besides, I'm gald you're here." Bella replied.
"Ehem." Sehun fake coughed,
"Yeah yeah I miss you too." Jongin said as he look at him and suddenly notice an unwelcomed person with them.
"Anything that I can do for you?" Jongin said coldly as he put his hand in his pocket facing towards Taehyung.
"It's okay, I invited him to come to my house to meet someone. And so does everybody else." Bella said as she locked her arm with Jongin trying to calm him.
Taehyung on the other can't help but to feel a sting in his heart upon seeing such view. Though he glad Bella back him up but at the same time he wished that Bella wouldn't go that extend. If he were them, he would have protected Bella the same way like they do.
"You guys go ahead I'll follow from behind. I came by motorbike anyway." Taehyung said as he pointing at his motorbike where he parked it at the school parking lot.
Bella nodded and get inside Jongin's car and so does Jongin as Sehun make his way to his limo.

Jongin was driving silenlty while Bella can be seen frequently checking on her phone to see whether there is any update with regards to the person that she is about to meet. Jongin on the other hand had noticed of Bella's anxiousness which then he can't help but to be clouded with curiosity.
"You okay?" Jongin asked as his eyes still on the road.
"Yeah. Kind of." She replied.
"I don't mean to bother with your life but do you mind if I asked about the news?" Jongin said but he can feel that the tension is building up as he don't want Bella to misunderstood him by asking such question.
"What do you mean with bothering my life?" Bella asked as she can't figured out what he is trying to say.
"I mean, I know that we are barely in a lovey dovey situation but somehow suddenly we got engaged and I'm not sure whether I'm in the position of asking this but let's just say I'm asking as a friend to a friend." Jongin explained which is quite of unexpected for him to be that upfront about something to her. She can't help but to feel guilty about their situation. She refused to let Jongin feel that way being a nice person he is, he just don't deserve this.
"Don't say that." She replied as she looked down at her hand.
"You are my fiance and we can still work on this and I want to make this work out. As much as I want to explain to you soon, I think you need to know what's really going on. About that news..." Bella explained to him from what had happened at the Club up to who she believe is behind the outburst of the news.

Bella and Jongin arrived at her house so as Sehun and Taehyung. Some unfamiliar cars can be seen outside her house. This better be him, he thought to herself. She entered her house which she was welcome by the maid and she asked her-
"Are the guest in the dining room?" Bella asked.
"No sweetie, they're having tea at the garden." She replied her as she took Bella's bag which Bella thanked her and she quickly make her way followed by the three other guys.

Bella walked to the garden which located a bit far at the back of her house and from afar, she could already see Yi Fan and the other boys are there as well. Also, some of her family on her father's side are there as well which seems like a huge tea party. 
"There she is my little cousin! It's been a long time! Come and join us." The guy that had texted her earlier that day said,
"I knew it's you. You know, I've never really amuse with your sense of humor Woo Bin oppa." She said as she approached them closer. All heads turn to her. Yi Fan looked at down at his feet as he felt guilty.  
"I was just kidding! Besides no one would believe such tabloid." Woo Bin said as he took a whole creampuff into his mouth. Most of them already knew how that older cousin of Bella is such a bad news, but they never knew that he would go to that extend.
"Unlike you I go to school and my peers and teacher won't impressed by such rumor and I'm engaged for God sake." Bella said sternly.
"It's okay, they know it's not true by the time they know I'm back in Korea." Woo Bin said.
"You must be her fiance, I'm Woo Bin the oldest cousin. Brother to Soojung and Sooyoun. Congratulation on your engagement and sorry couldn't be there. I have some work to do abroad." He continued as he stand up and went to side hug Jongin. Jongin can be seen taken aback by his boldness but awkwardly smile back at him.
"And you must be the guy in the picture! Nice picture. Taehyung right? Don't worry, the news will be taken down by tonight." Woo Bin said to him.
"Dad are you listening to this?" Bella turned to her father.
"I knew it was him when he suddenly call me and asked about my health. Don't worry darling, we already had a meeting with the PR and they said they'll handle it. I'm sorry that it my surprise you Jongin-ah but if anything Taehyung is a son of a friend. So not much of a big deal." Bella's father looked at them as he explains.

'It's not about that. I'ts about trust that we hold on to.' Bella thought to herself. Bella was staring into spaces as she turn her head to her side as everyone continue with their conversation. Jongin who was sitting beside her squeeze her hand as he grabbed her hand from her knees. She looked at him and smile with a hint of guilt. Taehyung who saw that abruptly stand up as he asked himself to be excused and walk his way out of the scene. Without he realize someone had followed him.

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