seⅩes ↷ gong, chisoo

sees  gong, chisoo
                                                                               USERNAME: iconoclasmic  NICKNAME: mimi  ACTIVITY LEVEL: 7
FULL NAME: gong, chisoo
STAGE NAME: chimera: he's the result of a scientific experiment to fuse a human and a demon. Thus, he is a chimera.
NICKNAMES: do not refer to him by any of your silly nicknames.
DATE OF BIRTH:  jan 15
HEIGHT & WEIGHT: 179 cm & 58 kg
ORIGIN: ulsan, south korea
LANGUAGES: Korean- Fluent; English-conversational
VISUAL: go sang gil
LINKS: one two three gallery
BACK-UP VISUAL: lee seungjun
GALLERY: gallery
APPEARANCE: He has a lot of tattoos, mostly to protect himself and others because they are imbued with demonic magic. Most of the wards are animals; he has an owl on his chest so that he can see people's true intentions (doesn't always work, it's tempermental) a dragon on his back for protection, and a wolf on his wrist for strength. Most of the other wards are just symbols and runes for various random purposes and for the intention of hiding the scars of his stitched-together torso. 
STYLE: You won't catch him in short sleeves, ever. it could be 150 degrees out and he'd still have on a long-sleeved black shirt and a pair of dark jeans. Interestingly, Chimera will wear flip flops on hot days. Even at home, at the swimming pool, at the airport, Chimera refuses to wear anything shorter than a midsleeve and long-shorts; and even that is a huge stretch for him and would be a task. He absolutely hates showing off his skin since he has so many tattoos and scars and really despises answering questions about himself more than anything in the world. He also wears a lot of hats mainly because he hates trying to get his hair to cooperate with him in the morning. All in all, his style is dark and broody and not at all flashy.
STAGE PERSONA: the quiet gentleman
TRAITS: quiet, professional, no-nonsense, strict, awkward, unpredictable, easily-amused, gigantic softie
PERSONALITY: Life is all about the results with Chimera, the thing he cares about the most is simply getting it done. If he's assigned a mission, Chimera will work tirelessly to accomplish their goal, and he won't put up with any bull from the other team members if they're not taking the assignment as seriously as he's taking it. He's extremely professional and tidy, a neat freak to the max whose apartment is absolutely covered in labels and drawers, not a single thing out of place. Chimera, as he prefers to be called over his own name, is obsessively neat and tidy. He believes in being prepared for absoulutely anything the world might  throw his way, which is why he has everything so neatly labeled. If his neighbor bursts into his apartment because she can't find her .3mm ball point pen with forest green ink and she needs one right that instant to sign something very important, Chimera is proud to say he would be able to locate it in mere moments- his pen drawer is color-coded and size-coded, with neat little dividers keeping the red .5mm pens from the black .7mm pens. The quiet and seemingly broody male tends to keep to himself, more interested in thinking of scenarios and ptential solutions to random puzzles than actually holding a conversation with another person. Chimera is an easy person to get along with as long as you're working hard and not causing problems for him. He's not particularly chatty, but you can tell he approves of you when he's not angrily trying to beat you with his binder. Everything is copacetic as long as you're working and not talking too much!
Conversational skills are not exactly something that Chimera posesses. He tunes people out most times unless they're conveying orders to him or obviously discussing something very important. Because conversation has never played an important role in his life, Chimera is a little awkward when he has to start living with people and doing interviews and struggles to hold conversations involving normal things. Small talk is nearly impossible with Chimera; he's very terse and succinct and hates wasting energy on pointless conversations that take up his precious time. He'd rather be working than talking about the weather, and there is nothing on the planet he hates more than talking about himself. So pardon Chimera if he doesn't spill his heart to you or open up to you. Pardon him if he seems to dismiss you in the middle of a conversation, or tunes you out because he's focused on something else. Despite being painfully predictable and living a completely structured life, Chimera might surprise you with his kindness that seems to pop up at the most random of times. Got a cough or a sore throat? No worries, Chimera is prepared for any emergency situations and always has cough drops and a couple bottles of water in his back pack. Get a scrape on a mission? He'll wow you with the gentleness and care he employs as he rubs neosporin on the injury and carefully bandages it.Although he seems entirely predictable due to how routine his life is and how set in his ways he is, Chisoo can be fairly surprising when you really start to get to know him. Did you know that he is incredibly easily amused? I bet you didn't! But Chisoo laughs at virtually everything when he's in a good mood and he's not working. Someone trips? Chisoo is giggling at their misfortune. He notices someone says a certain word a lot? He giggles every time they say it. Yes, it's pretty freaking stupid and it's pretty hard to believe, but little things make Chisoo happy and make Chisoo laugh. Warm summer breezes make Chisoo happy. Working makes Chisoo happy, being on time makes Chisoo happy, having coffee in the morning makes Chisoo happy, taking care of people surprisingly makes Chisoo happy, eating his favorite food makes Chisoo happy. His roomba makes him happy, organizing makes Chisoo happy, nice smells make Chisoo happy. Honestly, for such a grumpy seeming person, Chisoo is like the easiest guy on the planet to make happy. He could have the worst day on the planet and if you offer him an iced latte, he'll cheer up despite the fact that he doesn't really like iced latte's because it's the thought that counts, right? He's a huge softie, and taking care of his dongsaengs and spoiling them a little makes him happy- as long as they behaved themselves and he's happy with them. Plan goes off without a hitch? Chisoo is treating everyone to dinner that night! And even if you do piss him off and he throws a table at you, he'll calm down quickly and apologize by slipping you a piece of chocolate or something.
On stage, Chisoo is a perfect leader who sacrifices himself for his dongsaengs and protects them whenever possible. Although inherently a shy person, he's willing to take a little embarrassment to make sure the others aren't suffering. Chisoo is kind to the fans but tends to lecture them a little, especially when they're being irresponsible. For instance if it is a school night and they're obviously still high schoolers, Chisoo will be the first to complain about it the minute he gets the microphone. If he thinks the fans are buying them too many gifts, he'll tell them to start putting their money toward their education or to charity, or to take better care of their parents. On-stage and off stage, Chisoo tends to lecture people if he feels they're not being responsible and I'm sure the members will get used to him complaining about them staying up too late or eating super fattening foods. "Hey, that's really bad for your body. You're going to jeapordize the mission if you fall asleep randomly or get too fat to squeeze through small spaces." All in all, Chisoo is a worry-wart with a kind heart and violent tendancies.
• -- His label-maker: how else would his house be so neat and well organized without it?
• -- His robotic vacuum cleaner: he doesn't always have time to vacuum the entire apartment when he gets hime. In this same category is his laundry machine and his dishwasher. and the microwave.
• -- Rainy days: Well everyone likes something sentimental and cliche, and his cliche ideal weather is rainy days. It gives him an excuse to sit in his house and not make coffee and not read a book like he keeps promising himself he would, and instead spend the whole day working while silently promising himself that next time he'll curl up with a good book and take the day off.
• -- Working: in case it wasn't completely obvious, chisoo is a workaholic and would probably self destruct if he wasn't constantly busy with something. Even when he has time off, Chisoo will spend time planning out new formations for the team and look for ways to be more efficient. When he's done revising every single plan and battle strategy, he'll busy himself by working out or practicing his sword play. If he feels like he is not being efficient, he'll probably lose his mind.
• -- Cats: if something could convince him to stop working for like ten minutes, is his annoyingly prissy himalayan cat, Princess. Don't ing come near his Princess. Especially you, Sunwoo.

• -- Not working/Not being productive: He doesn't know what to do with himself if he's not at the very least honing all of his skills. He can't just sit around and do nothing, for goodness sake.
• -- Hot Weather: how is he supposed to survive in a full black outfit, all longsleeves and all stifling and suffocating, in hot weather without an air conditioner. Answer me this.
• -- Swimming pools: yeah, you're not going to get him in a swimsuit. At best he'll dangle his feet in the pool with a gigantic sunhat and glasses, pouring over battle strategies and attempting to lecture everyone about swimming laps because it's a perfect full body work out.
• -- Inefficiencies: If his computer isn't running at full capacity, he's upset and trying to fix it. If his dishwasher isn't working totally perfectly, he's upset and trying to fix it. If he is ten seconds off schedule because the bus ran a little late, he's upset and  talking to management. Efficiency and perfection is everything to Chisoo, he will not stand for anything being even the slightest bit off.
• -- Heights: He absolutely hates being up high, but he manages to steady himself and make it through sticky situations if he has to.
• --Clowns: Very, very, very uncomfortable with clowns around. They are terrible and horrifying and he absolutely hates them and will curl up and die if they have to go to a ing circus ever again.
• -- Coming home to a messy house: Suddenly having to live with five other guys has become Chisoo's biggest and most horrifying nightmare. What will he find when he arrives home? Will someone have touched his lap top? Will there have been a fire? ARE THE PENS OUT OF ORDER? DID SOMEONE PUT THE MITTENS IN THE GLOVE BOX AGAIN?! THERE ARE SO MANY THINGS THAT COULD HAVE GONE WRONG IN THE THIRTY SEVEN MINUTES AND FIFTY TWO SECONDS HE WAS OUT OF THE HOUSE BUYING GROCERIES /screeches
• -- Exaggerating: "If we mess this up, the whole world is GOING TO DIE." "If I don't make it to this meeting on time, MY LIFE IS OVER." He also very quietly panics at these times and works himself up into a full-blown silent panic attack in which he is outwardly the mask of tranquility and is inwardly screaming his head off because they are five full minutes off schedule and everything is going to go wrong.
• -- Sighing very loudly: He disproves of your performance or actions, but he's not quite angry enough to assault you so instead he passive-aggressively sighs and gives you pointed looks in hopes that you get with the god damn program because he's getting sick of your time wasting antics. Do not mess up his plan, for the good of everyone but especially of Chimera. His brain will short-circuit if you completely stray from the plan. He might die.
• -- When Chisoo is worried about something, he practically eats his own lip off. When he's particularly angry, he'll beat you with whatever large object is on hand. He's been known to throw desks at people. He's also very easily angered- just mess up his plans or misplace the god damn pens and hope to god you're good at dodging flying desks.
• -- Don't, for the love of god, let him watch a drama. He only barely pulled himself away from I Hear Your Voice, and he's not sure he could survive getting into another show. He binge-watches the out of dramas and neglects his life entirely when he gets into a drama. He lost 5kg because he kept forgetting to eat when he was hooked on IHYV, and his hygiene really suffered as well. 
• -- Has actually been singing for at least a century and didn't really need much training in the subject. He did, however, lack dancing skills.Last time he danced, the Charleston was still a thing. 
• -- Becomes incredibly clumsy when flustered or embarrassed or nervous.
BACKGROUND: Breath filled his body again, a rush of pain and coldness that he hadn't known he had been missing. The world is spottish, barely visible, dark and fuzzy and incomprehensible aside from the throbbing pain that consumes him like a wildfire; untameable, raging, and full of hatred. The pain hisses, crackles, and slowly subsides as the world becomes more clear and he discovers that he is on a cold stone floor in an unfamiliar environment with men and women staring in unabashed horror and fascination at his flesh- goosebumps form, either from the cold or from the cold fear that fills him, and a voice is whispering just beneath his conciousness: who am I? Where am I? What did he remember of his life prior to this moment? Nothing. He focused on small details, trying to recall his name as the people around him mulled, went about their business, examined him. He doesn't remember his name, but instinctively he knows that he was dead, that he had died and left behind the person he used to be. "Chimera," they call him as they celebrate their success, and he catches snippets of their whispered, frenzied conversations. Fused with a demon, one woman is whispering, barely able to contain her smile behind a coquettish hand, playing hard to get with a dapper male in a very expensive silk garb. He can't move his head when he tries to, when he tries to glance at his own hands he finds that he can't bring them to his face and for a moment he is terrified- is he still dead? Is only his mind alive and active, and his body still perished? But he breathes again, a sharp instinctive inhale, and his torso is filled with the warmth of life, of blood pumping through his veins and bringing feeling back to his extremities. 
He finds in the next few days that he was found slain by these people, and they brought him back to life, but something tells him they are lying to him. He's in a castle of sorts, the home of a noble, brought to provide evidence of the strength of magic of the man that revived him. But it's not magic, he knows, it's murder and witch craft and evil. He is no longer human, his limbs are only half his own- the other half of his body belongs to a monster, a demon, a foul beast with the shape of a man but the strength of a god. The blood of the demon pumps through his veins, the heart of a demon beats in his chest, the limbs of a demon contort and twist and move at his will, the blood-red eye of a demon occupies the right socket of his eye. He's the subject of titters and giggles amongst the women and children, a horror story and a deformity that people love to stare and point at. He's mocked by the humans, and feared by them, and loathed by them; he contemplates death, experiments by flying off of the cliffs of the village and awakens to a wretchedly broken body but very much alive on the shores near the ocean, his lungs filled with water and his heart filled with confusion, hatred, and sorrow.
He wanders for years, skirting the edges of humanity as the world grew around him, and he meets other demons. They are kind, and they are cruel, but they teach him to hide his appearance, to hone his skills, and to find a purpose for himself. He joins them, finds he likes the thrill of hunting and capturing humans, finds he harbors a grudge against the beasts that slaughtered him and then pieced him together, and he enjoys killing them. There is a code of conduct, even among demons and monsters, and Chimera doesn't particularly mind that they're only supposed to kill the evil and twisted humans that harm and kill other humans. He's more than happy travelling the countryside and luring murderers after him, then relishing in their slaughter. He finds what he thinks is love in the form of a sweet demon girl that he hunts with- she reminds him of someone, and he doesn't know if it's the demon in him or the human in him that yearns for her but he finds comfort in her very existence, and that is enough for him. It's enough to kill bad men and live outside of society, but humans are starting to fight back and kill demons. Chimera has been alive for 87 years, in love for 41, when the humans discover their hunting camp and burn the entire thing to the ground, and Chimera is the only one that survives because he was late of all things. He's infuriated, he's hopeless.  Death and killing becomes an addiction, sooner or later he's killing everyone that looks at him the wrong way, everyone that sneers at him, or stares at his one malformed eye too long, or takes notice of his disfiguring scars- the seams of his very being are so ugly, so hideous, he hates it when people look at them. Killing becomes his very existence, and he's very good at it. 
And then he gets caught, wakes up in a small cell, tied up, bleeding all over the place, dying. He's dying, delirious, have crazed when the man in the black suit comes in weilding an array of torture instruments- he laughs. Is he planning on using them on me? The thought is less terrifying than it is curious; what is he hoping to accomplish here? What information does he think he can get out of him? Chimera knows nothing, not really, he's ignorant to the world around him. "Tell me your story," the man orders, and he doesn't even have to use the knives --though Chimera knew he wanted to. Oh he wanted to, he wanted to cut Chimera into a thousand little pieces, turn his light flesh to ribbons- Chimera spills his entire story. The man leaves, he has to speak to his superiors, and when he comes back Chimera is offered an ultimatum: he can join the mysterious Organization, or he can perish right then and there. He doesn't know what posesses him to say yes, but he does. He spends the next several years in training, being taught how to kill demons and then spends nearly the next two centuries climbing his way up the ranks, slowly but steadily gaining trust from the higher ups, finding day jobs to bring in cash, learning how to blend in with human society for the first time since his rebirth. It takes a very long time, but he is finally given a human name and allowed to reintegrate with the society at large in the early 1920's. By the 1950's, he's played his cards right and amassed a good chunk of money by investing and trading stocks. He meticulously homeschools himself in the period of 1950-1960, and in the seventies he moves to America to pursue a degree, all the while hunting down and killing demons on various task forces. After completing a PHD in demonology and religious studies, which was admitedly an odd degree at the time, he moved back to Korea in the late nineties and reconnected with the Korean branch of the Organization. From that point on, he has spent most of his time training to lead a task force and working on various missions, studying the demons they may encounter and devising battle strategies for each and every one of them so that he may exploit their weaknesses.
REASON WHY: Team X was Chimera's dream job. In case it isn't obvious yet, Chimera hops from addiction to addiction without any room in between. Before he was found by the Organization, Chimera was addicted to killing. Now that he has been found by the Organization, he's addicted to hunting down demons, to making plans, and to organizing his boxers in order of color and comfortability. He worked for years with the organization, working his off to climb in the ranks and make it into the Elite forces, Team X. He joined the organization so that he could continue working and fighting and stay busy, and he joined Team X because he wanted to be part of the best team.
• he has no family that he can remember, and I mean after two hundred years they'd probably be dead anyway. 
• who needs friends when you have an electronic vacuum, a cat, and loads of work he can be doing?
• enemy anyone that s up his plans is automatically on his list. | age is just a number when you're an interfering little .| well, presumably, they have no respect for his valuable time, and they've got to be pretty freaking stupid to interfere with his carefully laid plans. | he'll throw a table at you. that is your relationship. he will beat you with a table if you interfere with his plans. at the very least he's going to sigh meaningfully. more than likely he'll attempt murder. 
"INITIAL THOUGHTS UPON DISCOVERING THAT YOU WERE PART OF OPERATION: K-POP?": Chimera blinks, folding his hands in his lap because, really, he has other things to be worrying about other than this interview and his worries are causing him to gnaw relentlessly on his pretty pink lips. "It's a strange request," he says after a long moment in which the fretting interviewer thought he was ignoring her, but didn't want to ask and disturb him or incur his wrath- he looks like someone who has a pretty wrathful side to him and she doesn't want to get into it. He doesn't apper to plan on continuing and she wonders not for the first time if she would rather have a different job; asking idols questions has never been so perilous as this. "I'm not in a position to complain about it. A job is a job, and I'll put my full effort into all my work."
"WHAT ARE YOUR COMBAT SPECIALITY SKILLS AND HOW DO THEY MATCH YOUR PERSONALITY?": "My combat specialty is...making plans. I'm the one that stays up all night researching and planning and scoping out the hit. I'm usually not involved in the gathering of the intelligence, I never quite got the hang of computers or hacking and escaping from perilous situations is hard when you're prone to tripping over your own two feet in a moment of panic, but when the fighting starts I'm well equipped to defend myself and to kill. I've been practicing sword play for longer than some of these demons have even been alive."
"HOW MANY YEARS HAVE YOU WORKED FOR TASK FORCE X?": Chimera smiles ambiguously, truly it has been many years and time tends to blend together in his mind, but he remembers the rough dates, "Perhaps twenty or so years."
"HOW DO YOU GET ALONG WITH THE OTHER MEMBERS?": "As long as they stick to the plans that I spent hours drafting and reviewing, everything runs smoothly. There is generally no room for error; we're professionals and this is a dangerous and complicated job, things need to be precise. We can't have rogues or unexpected variables because our lives and the lives of the humans we're trying to save are in peril. Aside from that, this is a work relationship; I don't really need to be friends with them or get along with them."
"WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT HAVING TO KILL AND SEAL AWAY MEMBERS OF YOUR OWN RACE?": "I don't have any thoughts about it. I don't have any feelings toward them, their lives, or their deaths.  It's just part of the job."
"WHAT POWERS DO YOU HAVE?": "Because of my demon limbs, I'm stronger and faster than humans. I am not, however, stronger or faster than most demons. I have to rely heavily on my wards, which usually allow me to see the true faces of people, their nature. One of my wards will electrocute anyone that attacks me and manages to touch my skin, but it only works for one blast at a time and it leaves me drained. Another ward allows me to heal at an advanced rate, but it also leaves me drained.  My demon eye can see better than human eyes, but I have to obscure it with colored contacts and that takes away some of the acuteness. Other than that, I have no specific powersaside from my sharp brain and my combat skills."
DESIRED POSITION: Lead Vocals, Leader
DANCE TWIN: n/a he's got two left feet. just stick him in the back, he'll shake his a little, we'll call it good. He can follow the choreography, but don't expect him to be amazing or anything. He won't be winning any dance competitions, he just does the bare minimum.
RAP TWIN: Seo In Guk: Refer to his fast talking in Shake it Up. That's about the extent of his skills. 
COMMENTS: eyyyyyyy guys so...I intentionally made him boring and a little manic. I hope that works out in my favor. Isn't he hella cute though, like he color codes his boxer shorts and then freaks out if you even look at them with the intention of messing them up. so like. he gets addicted to stuff, right. ;) are you picking up what I'm laying down? do you naw'm sayin? he's addicted to that d. that's what I'm saying. d everywhere. I ship everyone. 6-some. unless one of the characters is annoying. it's just u + ur hand buddy. I'm sorry I'm not normally like this. yes I am. Kind of. I write a lot of , my sensibilities are whack.
SCENE REQUESTS: can I get back to you on this. but eurghggh. so. he goes grocery shopping and on the walk home, as he obsessively checks his watch, he's panicking. because those little bastards definitely did something to mess with him. They probably switched one pen, or slipped a black sock into the section that is for white socks only.So he has to go home and check everything. I'm pretty sure he has OCD.
SONG REQUESTSmm, I don't know, the dark concept is fairly new in kpop inn'it. I don't even know if I know any songs that fit the...OH BANG YOUNG GUK HAS A SONG CALLED SOMETHING SACRAMENT I THINK. check it out, ch'yeah. especially cuz one of you has yongguk as a rap twin, I'm just saying *nudge, nudge, NUDGE 
dang ya'll I haven't slept in like fo'eva so I'm just going to slip quietly into a coma.
PASSWORD: Because I'm a shadow...


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this kid is hella cute omfg