Men in suits

Saviour from the night

It was the debt collectors. They were the ones after me. My family, we have been through a lot. My brother, he isn't capable of working so our family is always looking after him. Our dad, he left us young. We don't have a male head of the house to help us earn a living.

Our last resort was loan sharks. They promised us they would help us. Helping us my . They gave us some money and straight away started charging extreme interest. Money we don't nor can ever have. That was, what I thought to be true.

It was an overcast day. The debt collectors were here for me. They had cornered me while I was out for my walk to work. They were also faster than me anyway. I couldn't escape Almost one by one they hit me with poles and bats and whatever else they had.

I protected myself with my left arm. I prefer my arm break than my head snap in two. Their last few words before turning away was, "Next time, you better have the money" and walked off. That's the last thing I remember before I blanked out.

I woke up an hour or so later. I was in a bed. My body hurt all over, so I was grateful (for the bed par, not the part about being in pain). I slowly and carefully lifted all my limbs to examine the damage. A few bruise over my legs, but what scared me the most was my left arm. It was almost black from bruises.

I wanted to scream, but nothing came out. I was in too much pain.

I layed there for a few minutes taking in my surroundings. It was a boys room of some sort. It was spacious and the sun was gently keeping me warm. The doona that was draped over me provided another level of comfort. Whoever had moved it here was a very gently person.

Minutes past while I just listened for any movement. The silence was nice. If it werent for some silence, I am sure I would be having a headache.

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KathyKaulitz2PM #1
Chapter 3: So far so good cupcake!!!! Keep at it :) 현태 the 변태 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ