Getting closer

Saviour from the night


Two hours had passed before i saw him again. In those two hours, I slept a little more, just to take a little edge off the pain. It only did so much. 

Hyun-tae walked back in and re-filled my water. He then did what he had done before, and sat next to me. He began telling me about his day. About how he was in this K-Pop group and he was at practice. He told of the other members and how Ron was still unable to dance correctly. He laughed at this. I would have, if I was able to. He also told of Z-Uk and how he kept getting angry at Ron. He mentioned JungKyun and Yuseong and how they were in the vocal rooms practicing. This went on for a few hours. Some time in there his mum had come home and checked up on me as soon as she got here. She made sure I was okay and safe with hyun-tae and then left again.

Before i knew it, the sun had gone down and I was getting tired. I think Hyun-tae realised that and stood up and got a futon for the floor. He turned the lights off and the both of us layed there silently for a few minutes before I managed to whisper his name. "Hyun-tae" I said. He leaned in closer to the side I was on. "Thank you" is all I managed to get out. I think I heard him smile and chuckle to himself quietly, but then I fell asleep. 

I wish I could say I slept through the night, but I didn't. I couldn't. As the immediate pain had started to ease to a medium throbbing, I felt it was the right time to get home. I remembered about how my family were in danger, and here I was just lying down in bed talking to my favourite idol. It was selfish of me. We didnt have enough time anyway. The debt collectors were still after me. Still after my family.

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KathyKaulitz2PM #1
Chapter 3: So far so good cupcake!!!! Keep at it :) 현태 the 변태 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ