Chapter 3 ∞ The Proposal

Marriage Life with.... INFINITE`S Sungyeol ~ !?

I still remember how Sungyeol and I first met clearly, just like it was yesterday. I remember when and where we had our first kiss, and how it felt like. Times flies so fast, because it`s already been 4 years since those events happened. Just last week, Sungyeol invited me to have dinner with him, on our 4 year anniversary. When i arrived there, i felt so out of place because... HE RENTED THE WHOLE RESTAURANT! what was going on? I walked in, to see Sungyeol sitting right in the middle with a nervous face. "Hi! did you waiting long? I`m sorry !" I said. " Oh no, i didnt wait that much, its ok" he replied with an awkward smile. I wondered, Its already been 4 years since we met. But why is my heart still beating crazy fast? Anyways, I sat down, and we ordered food.. "Hey, Sungyeol oppa. Why do you look so tense?" i asked. "He said, "I`m not! pfftt what are you talking about...." That made me suspect him more. When the food came, we ceased talking for some reason. Sungyeol looked like he was really concentrated on eating so I decided not to say anything while he ate. After we both finished eating, he said " I`ve got something to ask you." I looked at him with a confused expression and said, " Yes?" He pulled out a ring from his back pocket and asked, " Would you please marry me Haeun?" " I know I`m not good enought to be a husband yet, but I really want to protect you from now on, and i don`t want to let go of you. ever. I love you." He was blushing. When i looked at his face, I blushed also. We were both crimson red. Then I stuttered : " Of course i will!.. I love you too" and smiled. Ours eyes met and I saw his killer smile. He kneeled down, put the ring on my finger, and said, " Hey, it fits perfectly. They always say, If the ring fits perfectly on the first time, its meant to be." He stood up, and kissed me when the moonlight was shining through the glass ceiling of the restuarant. It reminded me of our first kiss. (:

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nice story ^^
guys, its updated/finished now. thank you guys so much. (':
cute and so sweet kkk i like your story~~^^
Jungshibear #4
Whoah!!Haha..daebak!..I really enjoy reading it..
LMAO, 100 oranges. that choding. :)) update soon!!!
wanakpop98 #6
update soon
uBae #7
cute,,, I want oranges too :) LOL<br />
hahaa cute <br />
Its updated! (: and thankyouu~
aw...update soon please!!!!i really like it...