Quiet cardio moves

How to get a kpop idol body

Ayo guys! So recently I moved from my exercise room to my bedroom to exercise because someone else started using it and while I was exercising I noticed almost everything in my room was bouncing everytime I was doing burpees or jumping jacks so I started thinking I couldn't of been the only one who faced this problem, so for this chapter I found 10 exercises that build up a sweat that you can do at home if you live in an apartment building or a really, really, really old house (Like me)

1. up up down down


Photo: www.thisfitblonde.wordpress.com

2. Squat jumps


You might be thinking "Oh, this exercise requires jumping so it's bad to do in an apartment building" but when you land you're supposed to land softly on the balls of your feet, if you do this exercise correctly you shouldn't be making a lot of noise.

3. Hook and uppercut


This workout's very simple and easy to half- and not get a good workout from but if you do it correctly (Using full force and putting effort into it) you'll start sweating after 1 minute of doing it.

4. Bicycle crunches


5. Push ups


Although you may not consider this a cardio workout there's no doubt this exercise is difficult and can build up a sweat after only 10 reps (depending on how fit you are) if you're a beginner or you're not very strong you can start off on your knees and if you're looking for a challenge try decline, one hand or arm push ups or plyo push ups.

6. Box step

I couldn't find the correct picture for this exercise but I'll explain it, imagine a big box in front of you and start jumping from one corner to the next, try to use all 4 corners and don't stay on 2 corners the whole time.

Beginner variation: step from one corner to the next, make sure the corners are far apart so you're not just taking one small step to get to the next.

Advanced: lightly jump on one foot to one corner then switch legs going to the next corner, or try keep your feet together the entire time so you bunny hop to the next corner.

7. Mountian climbers


Photo: www.womenshealthmag.com

8. lunge to high kick


Photo: www.womenshealthmag.com

9. Skaters


Photo: www.womenshealthmag.com

10. Plank walks

Lateral Plank Walk

If you want to make this a full workout routine do 50 seconds of 1 exercise and 10 second rest in between moves, the entire workout takes 10 minutes

*Note: remember to land your feet lightly when jumping, not only will this help burn more calories but it also keeps you from doing the moved incorrently (in my experience)

Calories burned: 98 (According to my calorie counter) This does not apply to everybody though so if you have less fat or are more atheletic you might burn less calories but if you're a beginner you might burn more.

Anyways, that's all for today, remember to leave a comment, let me know what you want to see or if you have any questions, don't forget to upvote and subscribe for one new chapter every week and exercise reviews and as always I'll see you later!



Hyuna (4minute)

Photo: thetruthaboutkpop.wordpress.com






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Chapter 17: One dance I'd totally recommend is bonamana or 미이나. Trust me, it really works you up, A LOT. Even the members those who don't exercise said they lost weight!!!
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singingpromises #4
Chapter 74: Thanks for being so honest :) all the best in ur recovery!
sejonglove #5
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