Chapter 15

Through Everything

The last three weeks had been nothing for butterflies and happiness for the new couple. Couple, what a nice word. Yongsun really liked thinking that they were a couple. When they told Hyejin and Wheein, the only reaction they got was ‘’called it!’’ from Wheein and Hyejin handing 5000 wons to Wheein. The older girls just had to laugh at this, they had been pretty obvious about their feelings for the other.

It was nice, Byul-yi thought. To have friends that doesn’t judge you no matter what. To have friends that realize that love is love and nothing can change that. Gender isn’t important, it’s what you feel for the other person. Moreover, her feelings were real. She had never felt like this for anyone in her entire life. No one could make her heart skip a beat like Yongsun. No one. If only her parents could understand this.

She hadn’t even brought up the subject about possibly liking someone of the same gender to them. It wouldn’t matter anyways. She knew how they would react. They would forbid her to ever see Yongsun again. Maybe if they met in America, but Korea was different. The mindset of the people living her wasn’t as open for new things as other places. It would be looked at as wrong. A sin. Disgusting.

At school, they kept their normal behavior. At least they thought they did. Before they had become official, they had still been touchy and close. But it was a different kind now. They even got comments from Hyejin during lunch about it.

‘’Guys?’’ she started in a low voice. ‘’I don’t want to make a fuss out of nothing, but there are rumors going around school. Rumors about you.’’ Hyejin said and pointed at Yongsun and Byul-yi, sitting next to each other and eating lunch. Wheein nodded a bit, as to say ‘I have also heard them’.

‘’It’s not a big deal, not anything people wasn’t whispering about before. Maybe I just picked it up now for real and-‘’ Hyejin continued explaining, but Byul-yi put down her juice box and waved a bit with her hand, before swallowing her orange juice.

‘’Spit it out Hyejin. We can handle some rumors.’’ Byul-yi said with a smile to her younger friend.

‘’Well, uh, basically-’’ she started, but got cut off by Wheein.

‘’People are gossiping and spreading rumors that you are couple’’ She lowered her voice a bit. ‘’And it’s not that you guys are that that’s the bad thing about the situation. It’s that you guys wanted to keep it a-‘’ This time is was Wheein turn to be cut off.

‘’ A secret, yes.’’ Yongsun says, before sighing. Byul-yi had told her, that same night, about the situation with her parents. How they couldn’t accept another version of Byul-yi than the perfect one. They wanted her to be the perfect daughter, and they wanted her to get good grades and a good job and get kids and marry. Marry a guy. A male. And last time Yongsun checked, she wasn’t a male. Byul-yi had no idea what her parents would do if they found out. Maybe they would throw her out. Or maybe they would force her to go to boarding school to Sweden. Yongsun knew her parents wasn’t keen on the whole ‘girl-girl’ thing either, but not as bad as Byul-yi’s parents. The black haired one told her once that they had actually have had many discussions over the dinner table why it’s wrong, to which Byul-yi didn’t participate, obviously. Therefore, both the girls understood that this needed to be kept a secret. It was for the best. For now at least.

‘’We are only telling you this because we thought, what if parents find out? And believe it?’’ Wheein said, still with her lowered voice. It took a couple of seconds before Byul-yi realized that her parents could actually hear these rumors. She didn’t know if they would believe them or not, but they would still take action. They would not have their daughter walk around with rumors about being with a girl, never. Byul-yi swallowed, before breathing out.

‘’Well, let’s just hope it dies out. It’s just a rumor.’’ The tallest girl concluded with, before stealing a piece of Hyejin’s lunch, with lead to unhappy sounds from Hyejin and laugher from Yongsun. And like that, the subject were forgotten for now and the lunch continued like normal.


It was a week later and the days was going just like normal. Yongsun and Byul-yi was having English and they had just gotten a new English teacher. Mrs. Rogers. She was from overseas, America, and late for her first class. Well, what a way to set a great first impression, Yongsun though to herself. Doodling in her book and ignoring Byul-yi’s pathetic attempts at throwing paper planes at her from the opposite side of the room (they had gotten assigned seats in English for the English teachers first lessons, so the teacher would learn their names), and ten minutes flew by just like that. The door opened and Yongsun looked up to see a young female in her late 20’s with short, black hair, a curvy body and a pretty face. On her face was a pair of big glasses.

‘’Hello, everyone. I’m sorry I’m late, I got lost in this building.’’ She said. ‘Ah, so she speaks Korean’ Yongsun thought to herself. She had to admit, the teacher had a much better accent than she did in Korean. Yongsun wondered for how long she had been studying it, or maybe she moved to Korea with her parents at a very young age? This interested her for about 15 seconds, before she heard Mrs. Rogers start talking about how they were going to learn about irregular verbs and she went back to doodling. She already knew this, so her attention was on the piece of paper she was doodling at.

‘’Okay, so how many of you know how to use all the irregular verbs? Hm, hands up.’’ The teacher had switched over to English, but Byul-yi still understood her and raised her hand, along with almost every other student in the class. It was the most advanced English class in this school, so obviously most of them knew.

‘’Oh, could-‘’ the teacher started, before picking up the class chart to see the name of the person she was going to ask. ‘’-Kim. Kim Yongsun maybe explain it to us then.’’ Mrs. Rogers said. Yongsun didn’t respond. She hadn’t even raised her hand. She had zoomed out completely. English was her first language, and she was way better in it than anyone else of the students in this room; she only took the class because it was mandatory.

‘’Kim Yongsun.’’ The teacher repeated. Yongsun heard it this time, lifted her head a bit, and got eye contact with the teacher. ‘’Huh?’’. Yongsun could hear the chuckles of some of her classmates.

‘’Kim Yongsun, I would appreciate it if you could bother to pay attention in my class.’’ She was talking in Korean again. ‘’I don’t expect you to understand every single word of what I say in English, I know it’s hard, but please just show me that you have all your attention towards me.’’ She finished and looked at Yongsun strict. Yongsun sat like a question mark for a while, before nodding. ‘’Yes, I’m sorry.’’ She answered in Korean and bowed a bit. The teacher continued the lesson.

Yongsun quickly found her way back to the doodling. She hadn’t understood the whole sentence the teacher had said to her in Korean, so she just assumed she got told off for not raising her hand. All the teachers was to be informed that she was an international student, or at least that is what she thought. Suddenly, she heard laugher in the room again and looked up to see Mrs. Rogers looking straight at her again, with not the most pleasant look on her face.

‘’Kim Yongsun. Why are you in this classroom?’’ she asked. ‘’Are you not interested in learning English? On the other hand, maybe you don’t understand? If you don’t understand, may I ask what you are doing in my class?’’ the teacher said in Korean, with arms crossed over her chest, not looking very happy.

‘’Umm..’’ Yongsun said a bit first, before looking around at the other students. She noticed Byul-yi was laughing a bit at the situation, while others looked at her as if she was stupid for not answering the simple questions.

‘’Ehh, I’m sorry, teacher, for not paying attention. However, I don’t think you have been informed of the fact that I’m an international student. I’m only in this class because it’s mandatory. Nevertheless, if I make you feel burdened by the fact that I’m not paying attention, I apologize. I will pay attention better from now on.’’ Yongsun explains in English, and every single student can see that the teacher is a bit set back. Byul-yi is also a bit impressed by her girlfriend; even she didn’t understand some of the things she said.

‘’Well, okay then. Yongsun, pay attention from now on, okay?’’ the teacher says and Yongsun says a small yes, before the class continues.

They exit the classroom two hours later, and as soon as Byul-yi reaches Yongsun, she burst into laugher.

‘’You just sat there like a question mark’’ the taller girl says while laughing.

‘’Haha, very funny.’’ Yongsun says, and even though it’s supposed to be sarcastic, she still has a little smile on her face.

‘’C’mon, admit that it was hilarious! And the face of the teacher when she realized that you were fluent.’’ Byul-yi continues.

‘’Yeah, that was pretty funny.’’ Yongsun admits, with a smile. Byul-yi links their arms and lead her down the hallway.

‘’The best thing about it was how cute you looked, realizing she was scolding you the second time. What happened the first time, didn’t you understand what she was saying?’’ Byul-yi teases. Yongsun can feel her face turn a little bit pink at the cute comment, but starts waving her hand in front of her face when she starts teasing her.

‘’Sorry.’’ She says in English. ‘’Don’t understand.’’



It was Friday, end of week and Byul-yi and Yongsun were having lunch alone. They sat next to each other, very close, and Yongsun kept eating from Byul-yi’s lunch. She hadn’t payed for this month’s lunch in the cafeteria yet, so she was just eating/stealing from her girlfriend. Not that Byul-yi cared too much, today was kimchi with something and she didn’t care for it.

‘’And that’s basically how I, Moon Byul-yi, confessed to my first boyfriend. I didn’t even like him, I liked his crayons.’’ The tallest finished a story she had obviously been telling. In addition, the American laughed at it, because it was a fun story.

‘’Yongsun?’’ Byul-yi asked, getting the older girls attention.


‘’Do you want to come over on Saturday?

‘’This Saturday?

‘’Yeah. My parents are out of town. You can even sleep over if you want.

‘’Just us two?’’

‘’Yeah. I was thinking of asking Wheein and Hyejin as well, but then I realized, it’s not long until you are leaving.’’


‘’Yeah, you know, back to America. You have been her almost five months now. You’re exchange trip was for six months.’’

‘’It can’t have been five months already?’’

‘’I can double checked.’’




‘’So, what do you say?’’


‘’Do you want to sleep over?’’

‘’Of course, you dork.’’


Thursday evening, Byul-yi was sitting alone in her room, doing homework. Mathematics and it wasn’t fun. She was also kakao’ing the group chat, and Yongsun, but she only got response from Wheein and Hyejin in the group chat, so she assumed Yongsun was busy with something. Even though she had only been with her 5 hours ago, at school, she missed her. Every moment that wasn’t spent next to her, she missed her. She was like her missing puzzle piece. Filled in that room in her heart that had been empty before now.

Byul-yi had looked at her calendar repeatedly and wished she could just turn back the time. Wish that they could have realized the feelings they had for the other at the very beginning, the first month, so they would have more time together. It was soon only one month left until she would leave, and leaving was something none of them could prevent. She had found her. Her soulmate. But fate was cruel; she would be across to globe and she would be a girl. She would never get her parents to accept it.

When she left, they could still message each other. Voice call, video chat. Send letters and gifts to each other. Maybe even visit, and in the far, far future, maybe it was possible to move together. These thoughts were ridiculous, Byul-yi knew that, but she still somehow wanted it to happen. She wanted to spend her life with her. She wanted to spend her life with the girl she cared more about than anything. She wanted to spend her life with the girl she lov-

‘’Byul-yi, dinner is ready.’’

Her mom had peaked in the room with a smile on her face, and Byul-yi closed the book she was reading in. Or, ‘’reading’’ in. Her mind was definitely somewhere else than maths right now, but that’s something she would keep to herself.

She got downstairs and her dad was already sitting at the table, reading the newspaper. Byul-yi sat down, and so did her mom. They started eating in silence. It was silent for å long time, the way their dinners usually are, before her mom broke the silence.

‘’So, Byul-yi, your father and I are going out of town next week to Busan to visit your aunt and uncle. Will you be okay being home alone?’’

Byul-yi nodded. It’s not like she hadn’t been home alone before, her parents often went places without her.

‘’We may not be home before Wednesday next week.’’ Her mom continued, to which Byul-yi just nodded again and continued eating.

It sounded as if her mother was going to say something more, but her dad suddenly put her newspaper down on the table. Byul-yi looked up, her dad usually never talked during dinner unless it was something important.

‘’We got a all from school, Byul-yi.’’ He started. Byul-yi looked at him in curiosity, why would the school need to call her parents? She hadn’t done anything wrong.

‘’They meant it was the best to tell us, which I also agree that it was.’’ Byul-yi could see her mom putting down her chopsticks to listen in on the conversation. Byul-yi did the same.

‘’We think it’s great that you have become such good friends with the international student, Kim Yongsun was her name? – It will also help you improve your English and Social skills, which are things your mom and I approve off.’’ Now Byul-yi was really listening, what was his point?

‘’But lately your teacher tell me that the students are talking a lot about you to, spreading rumors.’’ Oh.

‘’Moon Byul-yi, I want you to look my in the eye and tell me that you and Kim Yongsun are not dating.’’ Byul-yi’s father says with a very strict voice. Byul-yi feels panic rushing in her, what do I do?

Not breathing, she looks up at her father and looks him straight into his eyes. ‘’Me and Kim Yongsun are not dating.’’

She just denied to her father that she wasn’t with the love of her life. She should have stood up, saying humans are humans and you fall in love with whoever you fall in love with. But not, that’s not how it works here. Loving someone of the same gender is a sin, disgusting, wrong, awful, shameful. It doesn’t matter what you feel, those feelings that are the exact same feelings he used to feel for her mom before.

‘’The kids are just spreading rumors. We are just best friends. We hang together and joke together and eat lunch together, like friends do.’’ The more Byul-yi talked, the more she hated herself. She hated herself so much for not daring to stand up against her father, telling him that ‘Yes, that girl is the middle of my life and I wouldn’t change her for anything’ and explaining that love is love. But she kept quiet with her lies and her father seemed satisfied with the answer.

‘’Good.’’ They returned to the eating. Byul-yi excused herself, saying she had a lot of homework, and as soon as she stood with her back to them, the tears started coming.



Saturday evening and Yongsun was on the bus. She had a backpack on her lap with all the stuff she needed and was listening to SNSD’s Oh!. She understood the song was a bit old, but she still enjoyed it. She used to listen to it all the time what she was a little girl, even wanting to be like them one day. Wanting to be an idol. Her parents found her adorable then, but if she brought back that subject, she would only get a spanking. No, she needed to get a proper education and a job. It didn’t need to be a good job, like a doctor or something. She was free to choose whatever job she may want. Nevertheless, it had to be a real job; that was her mother and father’s only criteria.

Before she knew it, she was at her stop and she got off the bus. Byul-yi had promised to come pick her up, because she didn’t know where to go to get to her house from this bus stop. The bus she usually takes to Byul-yi or from Byu-yi doesn’t go on Saturdays. But she couldn’t see Byul-yi anywhere. Was she not going to come pick her up after a- ‘’BOO!’’

Yongsun probably jumped to the moon and back, and the younger started laughing.

‘’You should have seen you face! Omg!’’ the Korean says, and copies the way Yongsun says ‘omg’, which make her get a playful hit on her upper arm.

‘’Yah! Don’t scare me like that!’’ the brunette says and pout. She has to bend down and pick up her backpack; which she dropped at the surprise attack. The tallest was sticking her tongue out at her.

‘’Come, let’s go!’’ Byul-yi said and started walking. She wanted to take her hand, but they were in public and many people knew her here.

The night went well. They ordered chicken and watched films, danced along to songs, fixed each others hair, teased Wheein and Hyejin that had seen a picture on Snow of them and was very upset about not being invited, and just talked.

The clock was 01:15am. The girls were on the couch, in their pajamas. They were talking, but it felt like time had stopped, and it was only them in the whole universe. Yongsun’s fingers was twirled between Byul-yi’s, and Yongsun had her head rest on the youngest lap.

‘’I don’t even know. It feels like they don’t care, you know?’’ Byul-yi said and a lowered voice, to which Yongsun nodded, listening carefully. Byul-yi continued to talk and Yongsun listened. And it continued like this for a while. Yongsun was looking right up in Byul-yi, noticing every single detail, how her nose wrinkled when she smiled or how her face lit up when she said something that didn’t make sense. Every thing about her was perfect, she could find a single mistake.

Yongsun sat up, and faced Byul-yi. Placing her hands gently on her cheeks, looking right into her eyes and saying those three words. Those that she wanted to say, but didn’t even dare think about. She was about to say it. However, Byul-yi beat her to it.

‘’I love you.’’

‘’I love you too.’’

Lips clashed together. A kiss like never before. After they had gotten together, they had shared a few more kiss, but not like this. Never like this. This was like a hundred explosions on the outside and a thousand butterflies on the inside. Nothing could feel more perfect. She wanted it to last forever. She never wanted her lips to leave the girl she loved.

‘’Byul-yi! What the hell are you doing?!’’’

The kiss ended like that. The two girls separated faster than they have ever did before and quickly found the source of the voice. Byul-yi’s mom. Next to her was her dad. They had come home early.



AU; I bet you thought I would never return! 

I'm terribly sorry about not updating in over two months! If you have read my AU before, you know I had some out and in's at the hospital. Well, since last time, I have been there twice, the second time I almost fell into coma. But I'm out of the hospital now, and I'm looking good and healthy again, well, at least recovering! As earlier, I wish not to speak any more than that into my illness, but I hope you can give your understandings why there hasn't been any update.

Also, I have planned how this will end now. It'll be 17 chapters when it's done + maybe an epilogue, depends if you want one or not! I have one planned though, just in case. I feel like this unfinished fanfiction is a burden, which is why I want to finish it quickly and give you an end, so you won't have to wait so long next time I get hospitalized, or maybe even worse. 

Nevertheless, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I tried to make it was long as possible, but I really wanted to publish today, so I quickly finsihed it and now I'm writing this! ~~

Also, someone asked my if they could translate this into a different language in the comment section. To think that someone likes this story so much that they want to do that is heartwarming to me, thank you! If any of you guys want to translate this fanfiction, make videos related to it, picture edits, anything, you are very, very welcome to do it! Credit me if you want or don't credit me if you don't want to. Just make sure to send me a link so I can check it out!

This is a very long AU now, I have just missed you guys and missed talking to you! I'm going to try and finish the next two chapters and post within a week, wish me luck with that okay? ~~


Also, I maybe wanna change the name of the fic, any suggestions?


See you later~~



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Chapter 13: Morning: Stay with me forever.
Evening: Sorry, busy right now, let’s talk tomorrow.

A morning person in their natural state vs a morning person in the nocturnal hours of the night. HAHAHAHAHA Ok but . That response was kind of ice cold. Riperooni.
Aiyoo16 #2
Chapter 4: WOah. I like this chapter. Nice story
pbravo_12 #3
Chapter 10: Este capitulo es tan adorable <3
cjmoo_ #4
Chapter 17: I adore this ending. It has an optimistic tone to it. I'm excited that there is a sequel to this!!
This fic is like a drama, so well-written that I can see everything happening clearly in my mind.
cjmoo_ #5
Chapter 12: This is such a fun chapter to read!!
cjmoo_ #6
Chapter 10: Ahhhh this chapter is too sweet!!! But the part about society and them not being able to hold hands in public made me sad :/
cjmoo_ #7
Chapter 3: If I were Yongsun I would be staring at Byul too :P
cjmoo_ #8
Chapter 1: Just started reading this~
Chapter 16: This story is an emotional rollercoaster <3 you are a very very good writer and i hope u'll never stop entertaining your fans cause you just got yourself a new one >.<. Hwaiting!~
apel54 #10
Chapter 18: I need one moonbyul like that in my real life please ;-;