Chapter 17: The End.

Through Everything

They had arrived at the airport. Wheein and Hyejin of course accompanied her, as this would be their last time together in a long time. They had grown so close, and to think this was the end almost seemed unreal. But it wasn't, it was here, and it was happening. Yongsun was leaving. All her belongs, that Hyejin and Wheein of course had helped back down, had or would be shipped back to America. Right now, she only had a backpack with the things she would bring on the plane and a suitcase with the things she treasured the most, the things she didn't want to lose, no matter what. The t-skirt she made with Hyejin when they dropped class to go shopping, a plastic cat that was horrific and very ugly, but Wheein had picked out for her as a joke and all the little things like that; things that would remind her of Korea, of the friends she made here and of her new life here, and of Byul-yi.

Many of the things in the suitcase was things she linked up with Byul-yi. Her moon she would never see again, that was forced away from her. It had been almost three weeks and no contact, what so ever between them had been made. 'Congratulation, Mr. and Mrs. Moon' Yongsun thought to herself. 'You got what you wanted. You win.'

Yongsun had been through all the phases the last three weeks. Anger, she had multiple times gone over to the Moon's house, yelling and screaming to let her in, to tell her where Yongsun is. Sadness, she probably had cried enough tears for her life and more. Every time she thought of Byul-yi, this ball crumbled up in her stomach and wouldn't disappear no matter what. She would never see her Byullie again, her Moon, her everything. To think she was robbed away from all of this, it made her hurt. Silence, she had periods where she wouldn't say a single word. She had days where she had shut both Hyejin and Wheein out and all the teachers and her classmates. She was at loss of words. Didn't know what to say to anyone of them. And at last, defeat. She had lost, given up. She had tried everything, but only met a wall pushing her far away again. So she gave up. She packed her things, made promises to come back to visit sometime in the long future, got phone numbers and social medias of all her classmates and just gave up. Gave up on this possible life in Korea, this opportunity at getting all she ever wanted. She didn't see the point anymore. It didn't have a point. Dragging the way over to take of her ticket, Yongsun didn't say a word. Wheein was the one to break the silence.

"Ahh, unnie, don't leave yet~ Why do you have to leave?" She said, and the other two girls could hear that the puppy was close to crying. Hyejin put her arm around her, for comfort.

"Yongsun won't leave us ever; she will come back and visit! And we will visit her as well! And we can call and skype and chat all the time." Hyejin tried to make Wheein feel better, but she wanted to cry as well. She was loosing one of the best friends she ever had. "Right, unnie?" Hyejin said, and even though she tried to prevent it, the two other girls could both hear the sadness in her voice.

Yongsun, who had her back turned to the girls, breathed in before turning around. "Of course. We won't lose contact. I love you guys too much for that. You need to visit me sometime though." Yongsun said and tried to smile a bit, but it only turned out looking sad.

"Wahh, unnie!" Wheein started crying, before closing the distance between her older friend and hugging her. Yongsun couldn't hold it anymore and the tears came flooding out.

 "Hyejin, g-get over here you loser" Wheein managed to get out, so with a little chuckle and eyes full of tears, Hyejin joined in on the sorrowful hug between the girls. They were sitting in the waiting area.


Yongsun wasn't allowed to go into the next area where Hyejin and Wheein couldn't go with her, where she would finally leave her life in Korea behind, so of course the younger girls waited with her, keeping her company. They spent their last time together talking about everything between grounds to heaven. How it would be like without the oldest, what would they do when they grew up, planning meetings, discussing which type of dogs are cuter, why ice cream is better than cake, anything really. Yongsun just wanted to keep talking so she could get her find off her. Because she was the only thing circling her mind. Her nose wrinkles when she smiled, the way she chewed her pencils, how she preferred chocolate over strawberries, her singing, her rapping (which she was surprisingly good at judging after all those karaoke sessions), her laugh, her eyes, her cute English accent, her greasiness, her plans for the future, the way she smells, the way she sleeps, the way she talks. Her. Everything about her. She needed to forget it, get it out of her mind. If she couldn't, she wasn't sure if she would be able to board the plane.

A little part of her didn’t want to board the plane, she wanted to stay, search the whole country for her moon. Every single school and every single town until she found her. But she knew, she knew she couldn’t and wouldn’t be able to do that. It was insane. And her parents would get so mad. In addition, who know if she would even be able to afford a new plane back? Where would she stay? In Korea, alone? With her language barrier? She had to admit, she had learned so much of the language over this half year, but she still struggled, had to work her hardest to keep up with everyone else. She would have Wheein and Hyejin, but they were younger than she was and still lived at home, she couldn’t stay with them. Moreover, what would she do? Get a job? Without a full education? She could dream on. No, the only answer was to go home.

The clocked ticked and the time went by too quickly. Before the three girls knew it, it was two o’clock, Saturday day, and the announcer in the airport announced that people taking the four o’clock plane could start checking in. Yongsun’s eyes flicked right to Wheein and Hyejin, and could see tears forming in their eyes.

‘’Yaah, don’t be like that.’’ She had to play the role of the oldest right now, even though all she wanted to do was break down and cry as well. ‘’We will see each other sooner than you think. Suddenly I’ll be outside your doorstep.’’ Yongsun tried to comfort the two younger girls crying and brought them into a big bear hug.

‘’Don’t cry, I’ll cry too. Be normal, be normal.’’ She said gently and tapped their heads that was pressed into each of their shoulders. But nevertheless, she couldn’t keep it in anymore either, tears started forming in her eyes.

‘’We will miss you so much. School will be so boring without you, unnieeee’’ Hyejin said and sobbed a bit, before Yongsun pulled away from the two girls to look at them, tears in her eyes as well.

‘’Of course it will be boring, I’m the coolest.’’ And this comment made the maknaes laugh a bit, before Wheein started drying her tears.

‘’Promise to call every single day, okay?’’ Wheein said, trying her best not to sob loudly. People were already stealing looks at the trio, crying at their goodbye.

‘’Twice a day.’’ Yongsun said and showed them two fingers, like a peace sign. ‘’The time zone differences may be difficult, but we will figure it out, okay? And I’ll come back sometime soon, I promise.’’ Yongsun said to the little puppy crying her eyes out silently.

‘’Pinky?’’ She cutely asked.

‘’Pinky.’’ Yongsun assured and all the three girls did a pinky promise together.

Yongsun knew she should not, but she couldn’t help herself. Quickly, so no one would notice, but long enough to get a good look, she looked towards the entrance of the airport. Maybe she would be her. Maybe it would be like in all the dramas when the girl is leaving forever, the guy, or in this case the other girl, comes running in, they embrace each other and live happily.

No sigh of her Moon.

She kept looking towards the entrance on the way over to the crossing line, where she would finally separate with Hyejin and Wheein. Still no Moon.

She wasn’t coming.

A little, very small part of her was hoping she would. Not so that they could get the perfect drama happy ending, but so she could say goodbye. All she wanted right now was to say goodbye. She hated that it had all ended like this. She hated it, she hated it, she hated it! Cut off, not single opportunity to end it all normally, just torn away from each other.

But Moon wasn’t coming.



‘’This is goodbye.’’ Yongsun said to the two silent, younger girls that were just standing there, looking at her, waiting or her to leave them to the place where she couldn’t follow. Wheein hadn’t stopped crying and Hyejin started crying again.


‘Don’t say that, Yongsun. Don’t go, unnie.’’ Wheein said, but she knew it wouldn’t help. Not one bit. And it didn’t.

‘’I’m sorry…’’ Yongsun almost whispered.

‘’Ya, unnie, don’t be sorry. We are all a mess right now, and it’s all ridiculous. We will see each other again right?’’ Hyejin said, trying to smile a bit and make this situation a bit less sad. She still had tears in her eyes.

‘’Yes, yes we ill.’’ Yongsun said, before she embraced her younger, best friends one last time. She remembered last time she was at this airport, she wondered if Korea would have Starbucks. That was her biggest worry. She just had to laugh a little at herself, how ridiculous she was. She shared the story with the younger while they embraced, and it made them laugh as well.

Yongsun pulled out of the hug and looked at them, with a smile. ‘’Let’s not cry anymore, okay?’’ She said and put her hand in the middle towards them, for them to put their hands on. The younger girls dried their tears and smiled a bit, putting their hands on top of hers.

‘’Until next time, hm?’’ Yongsun said, with a smile and teary eyes.

‘’Uh!’’ the two others said rather loudly, and they brought their hands down a slight bit quickly, before bringing them up into the air, smiling to each other. Yongsun took her hand around her suitcase handle and looked at them.

‘’I’m leaving now, or we will stand here forever.’’ The youngers just nodded, and Wheein quickly took Hyejin’s hand and held it.

‘’Hm, okay then. See you later!’’ Yongsun said and waved a bit. She said see you later on purpose, goodbye seemed like such closure that she didn’t want with her friends.

‘’See you! Love you!’’ Hyejin said and the both waved, tears falling from their eyes.

Yongsun looked at the entrance again, made a mental promise that this would be the last time she would do it. She wasn’t here. She would spot her in the biggest crowd, and she wasn’t here. Therefore, with tears in her eyes, she waved at her friends, before turning around and walking away.

She didn’t look back, she just kept going. She could hear Wheein’s huge sobs, she wanted to turn back and comfort the girl so badly, but she didn’t. She kept walking, tears running down her cheek, not looking back. Putting it all behind her. Leaving her life in Korea, going back to where she belong, where her life will go on.


It was an hour until she would have to board the plane. She had checked in her luggage, went through security and now she was sitting in the waiting area, listening to Wonder Girls while drinking Starbucks, ironically. She just wanted time to speed up, every second she spent in Korea made her think about her more and more. She had given up, it was over. She wanted to get back to her own country, so her heart could get time to heal. Because it felt like it was scattered all over, and she didn’t know what to do with it, especially when she was here. In this country, where everything reminded the oldest of her.

The song ended, so she locked up her phone and started looking through it after something else to play, anything really. Her playlist had changed after staying here, before coming all her songs were American. Now they were a mix between American, Korean, Japanese and Chinese and she had troubles looking through her mess of a playlist, until she found a Super Junior song that was okay. But before she could click it, her phone started vibrating.

A simple look at the screen allowed Yongsun to see that it was Wheein. But why was Wheein calling her? She had just manage to stop herself from crying, and the tears would probably come back as soon as she heard her voice. Maybe she had forgotten something important? Left if behind with them? She looked at the number and the name displayed on the screen for a couple more seconds, debating inside her of she should take it or not. She could always text Wheein later and tell her to send it to her, couldn’t she?

But it was Wheein and Yongsun loved Wheein. Even though she knew it was best for her own sake to not answer, she couldn’t help herself. Talking with her best friend might make time speed up and this hard waiting process easier. So she clicked the green button, to start the phone call, before placing her phone against her ear.

‘’Ya, Wheein, I though we decided to not call each other until I got to Ameri-‘’


Her face turned emotionless. It was her. It was her voice. She would recognize it everywhere. It was her.

‘’Byu- Byul-yi?’’

‘’Yongsun, where are you? Have you boarded the plane?’’ Yongsun couldn’t believe her own ears. Was she really on the phone with Byul-yi? This wasn’t a dream or a fantasy right? It was real? She could hear the stress in the taller girls voice, s she answered quickly.

‘’No, no I haven’t. How are you calling me on Wheein’s phone?’’

‘’I can’t explain, I don’t have time. Can you come to ticket check-in?’’


‘’Okay, please hurry.’’

Yongsun quickly hung up her phone, gathering her stuff quicker than anything she had ever done before, stuffing them in her backpack, before she started running. She needed to run; her plane left in an hour and the airport was big.


Hyejin and Wheein hadn’t left when Yongsun had walked into the ticket check-in. They knew she would try her best to come, they knew. They couldn’t tell Yongsun they knew, unless she wouldn’t make it. But both the girls knew the tallest girl was trying her best to make in, so they had sat down and waited. If she wasn’t her by 4 o’clock, they would leave. But not until 4 o’clock. It had gone 15 minutes, 25 minutes, 30 minutes, 40 minutes, and 50 minutes. When it had been 1 hour and 7 minutes sine their goodbye with Yongsun, they saw a black haired girl covered in a huge coat enter the airport, with stress all over her body.

Hyejin quickly saw her and it took Byul-yi 10 seconds before she noticed the younger ones and made her way over to them.

‘’Have she checked it?’’ Byul-yi asked, with a small hope of her being in the bathroom.

‘’Unfortunately.’’ Hyejin said, while Wheein fished up her phone and handed it over to Byul-yi, which quickly found the oldest girls number and started calling her. It took some while before the older picked up, and as soon as she heard her voice, Byul-yi felt her heart skip a beat.

Oh gosh, how much she had missed her. Every single day and night at the academy she had been moved to in Busan, all she did was think about her sun. Moreover, as the weeks and days had come closer and closer to her leaving date, Byul-yi had felt so small. So useless. She couldn’t find a single way to get out from there, and get all the way to Seoul on her own. She didn’t have the money or any way to contact someone who had. A prisoner is what she had felt like, trapped against her own will and kept away from the things in her life that made her happy. ‘You should have just dated Minho, this is all your fault.’ She got to hear daily. ‘If you only dated a man, the normal way, none of this would have happened.’ ‘It’s your fault.’

The conversation was quick and she handed her phone back to Wheein, before looking at the two girls, before opening her hands and hugging them. Even though Yongsun had been the person she missed so much her heart felt like it broke, she still considered these two children her best friends.

‘’Byul-yi-unnie, we missed you.’’ And Wheein was back again with the crying.

‘’Ya, don’t cry.’’ Byul-yi said and laughed a sad laughter. The hug wasn’t long, but it was comforting. When they pulled away, Hyejin looked at her curiously.

‘’How did you get away?’’ It was a simple question and even though both Wheein and Hyejin knew Byul-yi would try her best to come, they didn’t know she would actually be able to make it. And since she was here now, they wondered how she got here.

‘’One of the girls at the Academy, Amélie, is from France and she is going home to her country to visit her grandparents. We could all come along, if we wanted to. So while they were distracted at a different part of the airport, I ran.’’ Byul-yi explained quickly, before looking towards the direction Yongsun would come in.

She wanted the oldest to hurry up. She knew the airport was huge, bigger than 40 of their school combined, but she needed her to hurry. She didn’t know how long it would go until they noticed she was gone. They could possibly already have noticed it. The black haired girl was on her tiptoes, looking for her. Her sun. She hadn’t seen her in weeks and just the thought of them being in the same building right now made her heart beat faster and harder and her stomach filled up with butterflies.

And there she was. Her Sun. She could see her, jeans and a white t-skirt, black sunglasses and lose hair. Coming running out of check in.

And there she was. Her Moon. A huge coat covered up most of her face and body, but she would be able to see it was her from a miles distant.

They both started running towards each other. Then they crashed into each other, hands around the other, trying to be as close to each other as they could. Yongsun immediately broke out into tears.

‘’Byullieeee’’ Was all that could be heard and loud sobs, digging her face into the taller girls shoulder. ‘’I’m sorry, I’m sorry.’’ Yongsun started repeating it over and over, while crying and holding around her. In her head, she apologized for so much. All the things she felt she had done wrong towards her, she needed to apologize.

‘’Ya, ya, unnie. Yongsun.’’ Byul-yi said and pulled away slightly so she could see the older girls face. She cupped her hands around her cheeks and looked her right in the eyes. ‘’Don’t feel sorry. Don’t apologize. Nothing is your fault.’’ She said while using her thumbs to dry away the tears of the older. She was crying herself, but the American was having a breakdown and she needed to protect and comfort the older girl.

‘’There are so many things unsaid. I just, wanna, I just-‘’ Yongsun started between her crying but Byul-yi shh’ed her.

‘’Let’s take that the next time we meet okay? This isn’t the end, Yongsun.’’ Yingsun tried to look down when she said that, she knew it was stupid to think it would all end her, but Byul-yi lifted her head again, forcing her to look her in her eyes, their faces only centimeters from each other.

‘’Ya, listen to me. This isn’t the end, okay? It’s not. I know you believe it is, but it isn’t. This isn’t our end. You are leaving for now, but it isn’t goodbye. I’ll never say goodbye to you Yongsun, you understand that? I’ll never let you go. If you try to leave, I’ll follow. If you won’t talk to me, I’ll talk to you. If you find someone else, I’ll wait for you. I’ll never give up on us, Yongsun. And I don’t want you to do that either, Because I love you. I love you so extremely much, more than I have ever loved anyone before. I want to grow old with you Yongsun, I want to live my life with you. Don’t give up on us Yongsun, don’t.’’

Yongsun didn’t hesitate when she closed the space between them and their lips touched. They were in public, many curious eyes were already on them and she could feel the judgement from people, but she didn’t hesitate one bit. It was the decision she had been the most sure about making her whole life.

When neither of them could breathe anymore, they pulled away, just some centimeters apart from each other, before Byul-yi placed her nose on Yongsuns’.

‘’Wait for me, okay?’’ Byul-yi whispered, so only she could hear.

Yongsun was only silent for a short while before answering. ‘’Always. I love you too.’’



The plane took off from Korea 4 o’clock like it was supposed to, with Yongsun in her seat. Yongsun was looking out the window, with a gentle song playing in her ears. Tears was dripping down her cheeks and she kept her eyes out the window, so no one would notice. She could only see the silhouette of Korea now. Somewhere down there, Hyejin and Wheein was together, probably on their way home now. She was also somewhere down there. Probably listening to her teacher or maybe driving back to Busan. No matter their promise, they had still been torn apart. Forcefully, against their own will, they had been separated, forced to make their goodbye a messy and quick one. Who knew when they would talk again, let alone meet? If they would ever talk or meet again. Yongsun kept her eyes out the window, turning up the volume to the song and continued silently crying.





The moon and the sun meets rarely. They circle around each other, but they never quite meet. Until it's a solar eclipse. At that moment, the moon and the sun is together, and for them it feels like nothing can tear them apart. It's like after all that time so far away from each other, they finally found the one that they are made for. The perfect match. And after having an empty place in them for so long, they finally feel like they have filled it. Found the one. Against all odds, they are together. And then they stay like this for a while. But like everything that's perfect, something or someone always stops it. The moon will be pulled away from the sun without a choice and the sun can't do nothing but to watch it go. And like that, just like that, the perfect match found nowhere else is separated, not to see each other again in the longest time. They will go on with their lives, living without the other, living without anymore because the only thing they ever fitted with was the other. It's funny how something so perfect can be ruined just like that.


But the moon comes back to the sun. It will take a very, very long time, but eventually they will meet again. In the next solar eclipse.












AU: Aaand that was the last chapter! I'm sorry if it wasn't what you were hoping for, but I planned on an ending like this for a long time. This fanfiction has been worked on since October, and I'm finally done with it. It's a both sad and happy feeling, but every good thing needs to have an end eventuelly, and this is the end for this fanfiction. 

But don't worry! I'm not gonna stop writing, I find this hobby very fun. This was my first fanfiction ever, and even though I have some language barriers and writing mistakes, I promise I'll improve in the future. If you all want a more concluding ending to this all, I might write an epilouge. If you want me to write on, please  let me know. I have an idea for it, but I don't mind the way the story ended. However, if you want one, i would gladly write it, becaue I'm not ready to give up on Byul-yi and Yongsun quite yet.

I'm actually not giving up on them at all because I'll continue to write Moonsun fanfiction. This fanfic right here is more focused on Yongsun than Byul-yi, so I'm already planning a new, short one where Byul-yi will be the main focus. It will be pretty short, like a writing practice before I write my next, long fanfiction! I will make it soon, so I hope you all will subscribe to it!

EDIT: Link to the next story, Scattered Apart :


Until next time fellow MooMoos!

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Chapter 13: Morning: Stay with me forever.
Evening: Sorry, busy right now, let’s talk tomorrow.

A morning person in their natural state vs a morning person in the nocturnal hours of the night. HAHAHAHAHA Ok but . That response was kind of ice cold. Riperooni.
Aiyoo16 #2
Chapter 4: WOah. I like this chapter. Nice story
pbravo_12 #3
Chapter 10: Este capitulo es tan adorable <3
cjmoo_ #4
Chapter 17: I adore this ending. It has an optimistic tone to it. I'm excited that there is a sequel to this!!
This fic is like a drama, so well-written that I can see everything happening clearly in my mind.
cjmoo_ #5
Chapter 12: This is such a fun chapter to read!!
cjmoo_ #6
Chapter 10: Ahhhh this chapter is too sweet!!! But the part about society and them not being able to hold hands in public made me sad :/
cjmoo_ #7
Chapter 3: If I were Yongsun I would be staring at Byul too :P
cjmoo_ #8
Chapter 1: Just started reading this~
Chapter 16: This story is an emotional rollercoaster <3 you are a very very good writer and i hope u'll never stop entertaining your fans cause you just got yourself a new one >.<. Hwaiting!~
apel54 #10
Chapter 18: I need one moonbyul like that in my real life please ;-;