

A/n Have you guys listened to Twice yet?! I’m not usually into girl groups but I’m in love with Like Ooh Ahh. This chapter is kind of ty.


Suho’s POV


“Do you feel that?”

“Plee-uh whuh?” Baekhyun responded with a mouthful of food.

I shivered.

“Someone is in our territory.”

With only two pack members, our territory was nothing to brag about. It essentially spanned the two block radius around our home.

My figurative hackles rose as I felt them get closer.

“Is it someone from the old pack?”

“No, can’t you smell it? It’s no one I’ve ever met.”

Baekhyun took his chip bag away from his face and inhaled deeply.

“I smell Chinese food.”

There was a loud knocking on the door that caused Baek to spill chips all over the couch.

“You didn’t order take out, did you?”

“I want you to shift and wait behind me.” I ordered, preparing for my first fight as an alpha.

I squared my stance and opened the door.

I was met with an extremely tall, extremely dirty boy that looked like he was around my age with a significantly shorter (yet still taller than me) equally dirty boy almost passed out and leaning on his shoulder.

“We’d…”the taller panted, “…like to join your pack.”

Baekhyun, still in his wolf form, sniffed at the unconscious boy on our couch. After their shocking request he had collapsed to the ground. He was just over exhausted the tall guy assured us. So together we laid him down on the couch and let Giant take a shower before we discussed anything.

The boy on the couch looked very young. He had soft, slightly feminine features and his frame was very lithe and delicate. The way his clothes hung on him made him look close to malnourishment.

“Give him some space.” I scolded Baekhyun as I went to the kitchen to prepare every package of ramyun we had.

“THANK YOU” the guy’s eyes nearly fell out of his head when he saw the food. Because he was so much taller than both Baek and I, we didn’t have any clothes to offer him so he was still in his old clothes but I could tell the shower made him feel better.

“My name is Wu Yifan.” He finally introduced himself between mouthfuls of ramyun. “Or Li Jiaeng or Kevin Li but my friends call me Kris. That’s Luhan.”

He pointed to the boy on the couch.

“You smell like alpha. Why would you want to join my pack?” I asked.

“My father is the alpha of our old pack,” He began, “I was next in line but it wasn’t a pack I’d want to lead. We come from a very…old fashioned pack. Luhan is a submissive.”

Already I could start to see why they left.

“Han and I have been friends for as long as I can remember. I’ve always tried to watch out for him. We aren’t of age yet so I thought he would be safe for a while but I was wrong. Our pack doesn’t believe in true mates. Dominants take multiple mates as essentially slaves and baby machines. The bond is never permanent, they just trade them around.”

Baekhyun made a sound of disgust. We’d always heard stories about packs like Kris’s but ours was nothing like them.

“You may not be able to tell while he’s caked in dirt and snoring on your couch but Luhan epitomizes the ideal submissive. He’s delicate and beautiful, quiet and obedient. There is a rebellious streak in him but not enough to stand up to the dominants in our pack. They used to fight over who would be the first to take him. They were losing their minds waiting until one of them figured out a solution.”

He growled the last word.

Luhan started tossing on the couch and Kris rushed to his side.

The submissive’s eyes flew open and he looked around, panicked. Kris spoke to him soothingly in Chinese.

“Hello, I’m Luhan. Thank you for lending me your couch.” He greeted in nearly perfect Korean.

“I’m Junmyeon and this is Baekhyun. Baek you can shift back now.”

“Hi, I’m Byun Baekhyun and we are meeting for the first time while I’m . I’m going to go put some clothes on!”

And he ran off to his room.

Kris sad something quietly and Luhan nodded.

“Our pack tried to induce my heat early. They wanted to trigger my heat and pass me around me the pack like a group of stoners with a joint.” He spit, “and our alpha approved.”

“That’s why I’m here,” Kris chimed in, “I was banished for trying to stop them but refusing to challenge my father for control of the pack. I jail broke Luhan from where they were keeping him before I left. We’ve been running like hell ever since.”

“That’s why you want to joining my pack? Protection?”

“We’re pretty sure they won’t follow us passed the border but we’d feel a lot safer if it weren’t just the two of us.”

“It benefits you too. There’s just the two of you here but together we almost make a real pack.” Kris pointed out.

“And you’re ok totally abandoning the idea of being alpha?”

“I’ll follow you.” He nodded.

Baekhyun and I exchanged looks quickly and nodded simultaneously.

“Welcome to the pack.”

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Chapter 3: This is actually very interesting, getting to know the pack origins. I can't wait for the next chapter~ Author-nim, hwaiting!