Chapter 82-Let's Go Explore The World! Part 1- Shopping For Supplies Part 1

JeTi: The Life Journey

"Ahhh that filled the spot!" Tiffany let out a sigh of satisfaction and she patted her stomach lightly while taking the last few sips remaining from her drink, washing down the rather large strawberry muffin which she had just consumed not too long ago.

Jessica looked as though as she was about to fall asleep as her head kept dropping while her eyes rotated between being shut and open every second, letting out a long yawn after she rubbed her eyes in an attempt to wake herself up.

Yoona, who was looking at pictures on Instagram with Krystal leaning on her shoulder, saw that Jessica looked exhausted, and gave her a slightly worried look.

"Sica, you look depleted of energy. Are you alright?" Yoona asked as she put her phone down for a second and titled her head slightly to get a better look at Jessica to see if she could spot anything that was off about her best friend.

It was now Krystal's turn to show concern for her older sister as she put her hand on Jessica's forehead to check if she had a fever or anything that might cause drowsiness.

"Unnie, did you get enough sleep last night? Did you take medicine or something?" Krystal asked but only to her worried waved away by her older sister, who had let out yet another yawn as she took a swig of her second cup of coffee which she had asked Eunji to bring her earlier.

"Nah it's nothing you two. No need to worry." Jessica replied as she flashed a smile that basically said, "I'm fine" to Yoona and Krystal, who both seemed to get the message as they nodded, though still unsure. But they knew they couldn't change Jessica's mind once she sticks to her choice.

Tiffany, having now finsished her drink, wrapped her arm around Jessica's waist and leaned towards her neck, snuggling up to Jessica like a teddy bear.

"Are you sure your ok baby? Do you want me to drive for you?" Tiffany offered as she gave Jessica a soft kiss on her forehead.

Jessica shook her head as she let out yet another loud yawn, sipping her remaining coffee in an attempt to stay awake as she rubbed her eyes, which had dark circles forming underneath it, making her look like a cute panda.

"Urgh... This better be worth it... I spent way too much time planning this..." Jessica muttered as she looked at her car and let out a very tiny grin before finishing her coffee.


So after more mindless banter, Jessica and the rest of the girls said their goodbyes to Apink cafe, all trudging out the cafe in relatively high spirits, though they were slightly tired due to the late time which they slept at the night before.

"Where are we going now Sica?" Yoona asked Jessica as the brunette set the GPS in her car to the the largest department store in the country, humming a cheery song as she turned her wheel to the left, exiting the carpark.

"To the Red Velvet Department Store." Jessica replied with an excited smile on her face as she shot a suspiciously sly smirk to the three other girls in the same car as her, who now all had worried looks emerge from their faces.

"Umm, why are we going to a department store? Our house has plenty of food already Jessi." Tiffany said as she tried to figure out why Jessica would want to go to a department store of all places.

"Because... We're going on a road trip girls!" Jessica exclaimed excitedly as she slammed her hand on the horn to make her point come across even more loud and shocking then it already was.

The other three girls' jaws all dropped when they heard what Jessica had said, and it didn't look like they were too happy about it either.

"Wh... WHAT??!!!" 


After much convincing about how the road trip was going to be fun and educational, Jessica managed to drag Yoona, Krystal and her Tiff to go shopping for some necessities.

"I recommend that you girls shop for some oxygen masks, dispensable clothes, and some flashlights first." Jessica said, much to the shock of all the other girls around her.

"WHAT?! Where are we going Jessi?! Why would we need OXYGEN MASKS?!" Tiffany yelled as she started to have a minor breakdown in the middle of the store, stomping her feet on the floor as she gripped tightly onto the nearest hanger that she could find.

Even Yoona and Krystal, the more adventurous of the two couples, seemed a little hesitant on the idea that they would require flashlights and oxygen masks on this trip.

"Hey! Don't ask me, it's what the tour guides said that would be needed. They claimed they would provide all other necessary things for us, but we would have to get these things on our own." Jessica said as she pouted while testing a rather large flashlight that was mounted onto a bright pink helmet, putting it on and looking adorable as she did so.

"Well Tiff, how do I look?" Jessica asked her fiancee as she struck out a model esqe pose, putting her hands on her hips and bending at a slight angle, much to Tiffany's approval.

"That looks great Jessi! I'll get one too!" Tiffany, having all her past concerns being flung out the window now that she saw pink, scurried to find one the same one that Jessica has picked so they would have matching helmets.

Yoona and Krystal meanwhile, were off looking for oxygen masks.

"Oh look! That one is shaped like a Darth Vader mask!" Krystal yelled out like a little girl as she quickly scurried to put it on, grabbing a pole and swinging it around like a Lightsaber as Yoona laughed at her girlfriend's antics.

"Watch where you swing that thing! You could take someone's head off with that thing!" Yoona said as she now acted like she had the Force and 'pushed' Krystal back with a gesture, though Krystal was obviously playing along.

"Oh my! What a powerful Sith Lord!" Krystal said as she acted like she was struggling to breath, giving a performance so convincing that Yoona has gotten worried for a split second.

"Yah! I'm not a Sith Lord! I'm not evil!" Yoona protested as she rubbed the top of Krystal's head gently, laughing at her girlfriend's childish behaviour.

"Shall we go look for Unnie and Fany?" Krystal suggested as she dumped the Darth Vader oxygen mask into her basket secretly, she really wanted it.

Yoona nodded, agreeing with her girlfriend's suggestion as she gave her surroundings a quick scan to see if she could spot their best friends anywhere.


So there went Yoona and Krystal, walking off to find Jessica and Tiffany to continue shopping.

Author Notes:

Wow. It's been far too long hasn't it guys? I'm.. Really sorry for taking so long to update. I've just.. Had some stuff going on in my life that I had to deal with. I'm sorry again. But I'm back now, for good. So like it or not, I'm back.

And as you can see, I'm trying something new. This story seemed to be getting a bit stale, so I'm injecting a bit of life into it and putting in a whole new saga. Their road trip! Remember, this is their life story, so it's gonna go on a while!

Love you guys! Till next time, see ya!

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Chapter 110: yoonstal author-nim
LeeKkura_SinRin143 #2
Chapter 110: Yoonstal again authornim!! ^_^ ^.^ >_<
Jeti48 #3
Chapter 110: Hi! I've just found and finished read this story...
It's good ... I can see how u have struggled yo maintained this story for that long.. Well sometimes u make the same scene like they had holiday then end up in hospital... And when u have a new character, sometimes u forgot and more focused on that new character and lacked for JeTi moment and the ending a little bit rush... But still i love ur story... I know it's not easy to wrote and maintaned ur plot... Thanks for sharing this story... And please don't upset with my comment though... Kekekek
Chapter 110: i finished this story in a day, im in love
grc_grace #5
Chapter 109: Wow I finish reading this story in a week, so glad to find this awesome ff :)
Thanks for making this good story author ;)
Chapter 110: It will be nice if you do it about their life after marriage but at the same time let them remember how they meet each other at the same time maybe if they have baby they will tell their story for her/him !!
tazkia16 #7
Chapter 110: I want A and B
JooxHaiz #8
Chapter 110: Why don't you just put it all in? Like they're married and happy. Have children running around their house. Have a gathering with Apink then Jessica suddenly thought about how their first met and how far they've been together with all the struggle and stuff :D
megumiyuki #9
Chapter 110: All of the above author-shi ahahaha :))))
Shadow13579 #10
Chapter 110: I want yoonstal author