2 Chapter 2

Love Run

"I guess this is it..," Mingyu paused under his breath before continuing, "Changwon Boys High School."

'We'll be fine, won't we? Especially since I've got you here. Won't we, Mingyu?" The other latter asked, tightening his grip on Mingyu's sleeve.

"Yes Seok, we will. Take a deep breath and relax. It's just a different school with boys, nothing different." Mingyu laughed, patting Seokmin's hand as they entered the school gates. 

The moment they entered the school, they were greeted by boys playing football with a slipper along the corridors, boys with their eyes goggling at pictures of pretty girls or some weird mangas and the rest just going on with their business, paying no attention to Mingyu and Seokmin. 

"See? They're exactly the same as the boys in our previous school. All we have to do is ask the way to our classroom. You worry too m- Seok? Seokmin? Lee Seokmin?" Before Mingyu could finish his sentence, he was cut of by Seokmin bursting out in fits laughter as he pointed at a boy with big, round sparkling eyes. 

In the hands of the boy rested an English book as he furrowed his brows and struggled to read each word with heavy Korean accent, "One day, Jon goda new houseu.."

Before Mingyu could stop his best friend, the latter was already beside the boy in a fit of laughter. As Mingyu rushed over, he was greeted by the boy who had the words 'extremely offended' written all over his face and was in an argument with Seokmin, attracting gazes from boys around them. 

"Why are you laughing at me?" The boy snapped, as he pushed Seokmin's head with his index finger, "I was just practicing my English so excuse you."

"You didn't have to push my head, did you?" Seokmin snapped back, hitting the boy on the head as he continued," and your Konglish is horrible."

'Horrible? Konnglish? You mean English. My English is the best quality. What are you talking about? Since your English is so great, why don't you answer this." The boy smirked as he continued, "What do you call a big tissue?" 

"Isn't it just a big tissue?" Seokmin answered, raising his brows. 

"Hah. Says the dumb one. It's hyo-jee [*NOTE: this is the term for tissue in Korean. It sounds like how some Koreans pronunce 'Huge']" The boy answered smugly, sticking his tongue out at Seokmin. 

"How is that even English?" Seokmin asked, smacking the boy as he burst out laughing," but that was funny. Let's be friends. I'm Seokmin. Lee Seokmin. I just transferred today, with my best friend, Mingyu over here. We're in Year 2. What about you?"

"Oh! You two must be the newbies coming to my class! I'm Boo Seungkwan." The boy answered with a bright smile, the smug look on his face disappearing instantly, as he grabbed his books. "Let me bring you to class." 


On the way to their classroom, some boys turned to them and pointed at them but majority paid no attention. 

" THE TRANSFER STUDENTS ARE HERE" Seungkwan shouted, causing some of the students to jump up from their sleep as he slammed the door open. 

All heads immediately turned to the duo, Mingyu walking in first followed my Seokmin who was holding on tightly to his sleeve. 

"They're so tall, escpecially that tan one."

"They're good looking."

"Ayyy what are you talking about? They look like peanuts"

Comments were made one aftet another as Mingyu and Seokmim stood awkwardly at the front of the class. 

Clearing his throat, the class immediately shushed. "So um, hi. I'm Kim Mingyu and I like to play soccer. Let's get along well. I look forward to our year ahead together." With that Mingyu nudged Seokmin forward. 

'H! I'm Lee Seokmin. I'm tall and good looking and I like singing and playing soccer. I like making jokes so I hope you guys will not be afraid of approaching me. Let's get along well!" Seokmin exclaimed, flashing a smile as he waved his hand. 

At that moment, the teacher stepped into class and class started. After discussing with the class chairperson, it was agreed that Seungkwan and his cute looking friend, Minghao who was apparently a scholar from China,would help Mingyu and Seokmin around the school. 


After what seemed like an eternity, the school bell, signalling the end of school, finally rang. 

"Let's go play!!!" Seokmin exclaimed, throwing an arm around Mingyu and Seungkwan, "What should we go eat? Where should we go?" 

Before Seokmin could continue his endless stream of questions, a pale boy, who looked younger than them, ran into the class.

"Minghao sunbaenim*, time for training!! Let's go!!!" The boy exclaimed, his eyes turning into the shape of crescent moons as he smiled.

"Sunbaenim? Training?" Mingyu and Seokmin asked at the same time, as they looked from the young boy to Minghao and to and fro again. 

"Oh.. We assumed you two knew.. Seungkwan is in the music club and I am from the soccer team. We both have club activities today.. This is Chan, my Year 1 junior," Minghao answered ruffling Chan's hair as he said so before continuing, "earlier on you two mentioned that you liked playing soccer right? Why don't you join the soccer team?"

'Soccer Team? Why not? Mingyu and I have been playing soccer since elementary school. Bring us there!" Seokmin exclaimed as he too, ruffled Chan's hair while pulling Mingyu with his free hand. 


Although they were at least a corridor away from the indoor sports hall where the training was held, the boys could hear loud screeching of shoes and shouts of 'faster! Faster!". As the doors opened, the musty smell of sweat slapped them right in their faces as they were greeted by the sight of boys running from one end of the hall to the other, one after another, as they did some footwork. A boy and a coach stood by the side watching. As they approached the coach, Mingyu's heart skipped a beat as he fell sight on the latter beside the coach. The latter was tall but definitely not as tall as he was. His dark hair, which was drenched in sweat, landed perfectly above his slim almond eyes, his mouth slightly agape as he panted,his chest rising up and down at a constant ppace. Wiping his sweat with his hands, it made his slightly toned arm muscles more evident. 

"Hi coach. Hi captain." Minghao greeted, bowing at a perfect angle of ninety degrees before continuing," these are the new transfer boys. They're interested in joining the soccer team. They've got much experience and have always been in a soccer team." 

"Hi. I'm Lee Seokmin. I would really like to join the soccer team." Seokmin greeted with a bright smile and loud voice before turning to look at Mingyu, only to notice that Mingyu was still staring straight at the boy, whom Minghao had called 'captain', who. by then was. cocking his eyebrow and giving Mingyu a cold, distant stare. 

"OI KIM MINGYU" Seokmin hissed harshly, elbowing Mingyu's stomach, giving Mingyu a jump. 

"Huh? Oh.. H.. Hi. I'm Kim Mingyu. Please look after me well." Mingyu stammered, as he rubbed where he had been hit while  looking down at his feet, turning afew shades redder. 

"I hope you're not always so lost.." The coach muttered before telling the 'captain' and leaving,"Wonwoo, check out their footwork and report to me. I trust that you know if they'll make the team. I'll go train the boys."

"Yes, Coach" Wonwoo nodded his head and turned his head to Mingyu and Seokmin as the coach left. "Right, let's get started, shall we?" 



------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ END --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


*A/N: Hi!! How are you liking the story so far? I'm actually surprised that there are people subscribing to my story ;;; and once again, I'd like to apologise if this was bad. Do leave comments / give feedback on what you think and are looking forward to and how you think I can improve my story! :) Thank you so much! Anyways its 2 more minutes to 2am here in my country and I'm going to meet my friends in 7hours BUT this was worth it because who doesn't love meanie fics? heheheh I would also like th apologise for not publishing this chapater earlier too, unlike what I had said in Chapter 1.. :( I'm really sorry... Anyways. MAMA awards in a few more hours!!!!! orz im so looking forward to svt's red carpet outfit and red carpet performances TT.TT I know they'll do us so proud *cries and faint*

Haha enough o my rambling. I'l try to update Chapter 3 as soon as I can!!! And I'll be praying for us that we surivive MAMA otl. BYE!!




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sloth- #1
Chapter 2: ahhh they met *^*
i don't think i can survive mama either. my babies-
i'll be looking out for the next chapter!
Cupcake000 #2
Chapter 1: Ahh waiting for another update authurnim !!! Pls update !! :D