Ch 4. ...Can

For The 2nd Time
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Seungcheol wasn’t sure what had taken over him but it was too late to back away. He was holding onto Junghan, looking at him with eager eyes, somehow seeking a sort of conformation. Junghan’s eyes were nothing less than pure shock and confusion.

Junghan quickly looked away, moving a bit back, releasing himself from Seungcheol’s grip. Seungcheol wanted to disappear right then and there at the amount of embarrassment he had put himself through.

“N-no, I just got here…” Junghan said, brushing the stray strand of hair that stuck out from the front. Seungcheol noticed his hair was tied up in the back. The sight of Junghan’s pale, neck made Seungcheol a bit flustered. He looked away quickly and the guy in the uniform excused himself.

“I hope you enjoy your date,” He said before smiling and giving Seungcheol a small bow.

All Seungcheol could do was open his mouth as the words were just stuck in his throat. He looked at Junghan who was still playing with his hair, looking anywhere but at Seungcheol.

“Should we…” Seungcheol started.

“Yeah, let’s go.” Junghan picked up something from the bench. Seungcheol figured it was the reason for their “date”- his jacket. Junghan hadn’t really offered it back to him so Seungcheol decided not to ask for it either. He didn’t want to give Junghan to not have a reason to stay till the end. Somehow, he wished to other also felt the same.




Junghan’s heart was being too loud that he felt like being too close to Seungcheol would be a bad idea. He didn’t want the latter to hear it. He quickly picked up the jacket from the bench and was about to return it to Seungcheol when the thought struck him. What if giving back the jacket meant the end to their meeting?

He decided to keep his mouth shut until the other would ask for the jacket. It only seemed fair that way and didn’t make him look any more or less interested in their “date”, as Jisoo had put it. Thinking about this being a date despite both of them being men made Junghan extremely nervous. He wasn’t sure if Seungcheol would like it being called a “date” either.

But what was that earlier? Junghan thought. The arm that went around his waist before must have meant something. Junghan was a 28 year old, grown man who knew what actions meant. He wasn’t naïve or anything. What if Seungcheol was interested? Then what?




As Seungcheol bought the tickets, Junghan remained at a distance. Seungcheol wondered if he had scared away the latter with his rather impulsive actions earlier. From then on, he decided not to act rashly anymore. He didn’t want Junghan to think that he was a ert or anything. He was going to keep his hands to himself. This was not a date and they were not a couple.

“You like horror movies, huh?” Seungcheol asked as he handed Junghan his ticket.

Junghan looked at the title of the movie, a wide grin on his face. He looked so excited and Seungcheol found himself smiling as well.

“Yeah. I’ve wanted to see this one for a while but none of my friends like horror,” He looked up at Seungcheol with pure happiness written on face as his eyes literally twinkled with excitement and his white teeth peaked through his parted lips. Seungcheol’s fear melted right away as he stared at that beautiful sight. It wasn’t the anxiety of watching a horror movie that was making his heart pound wildly against his chest – it was Junghan.

When they entered the elevator to go to the fourth floor of the theatre, Seungcheol found himself in the corner and Junghan on the other. The first floor of the theatre was where all the tickets were usually sold, along with the arcade and food. The second floor was the entrance to the mall and the third till the fifth were the actual theatres where the screening of the movies took place.

Seungcheol slowly felt himself moving towards Junghan, trying to close off the awkward space. As the elevator reached the second floor, Seungcheol felt himself standing right next to Junghan because of the crowed that had entered. It was a group of teenagers, excited for the movie, chatting loudly, not paying attention to their surroundings. Seungcheol awkwardly looked away but when one of the boys in front of Junghan was pushed back by another, Seungcheol covered Junghan. The boy hit Seungcheol’s back lightly and quickly apologized.




Junghan held his breath as his face was merely centimeters away from Seungcheol’s as he put both his arms on either side of Junghan. Their bodies touched slightly for a second and Junghan noticed it was because of the boys roughhousing around in the elevator. He saw the expression on Seungcheol’s face as he looked down at him. Junghan had not seen Seungcheol look that worried before.

“Are you okay?” He asked Junghan, moving back to his original position.

“Yeah…” Junghan barely manager to whisper out, all energy out his soul after having Seungcheol so close to him.




The movie theatre was dark but Seungcheol could spot couples here and there. He tried not to give it too much thought as he followed Junghan’s lead. Ever since they left the elevator, Junghan had been walking a bit faster than normal and Seungcheol knew it was because he had done something again to make things even more awkward. He sighed at himself before continuing to follow the other.

Junghan chose to sit in the very last row of the theatre where it was the darkest. Seungcheol sat down a seat apart from him, just to make sure that he didn’t get too close again. Personal space, Seungcheol, personal space.

It was five minutes before the movie and the theatre seemed be filling in very fast. Almost all the seats were gone. Just before the trailers finished and the first scene of the movie began, Seungcheol spotted the group of boys come into the theater. He cursed under his breath as they made their way to the same row as him. There were 4 seats beside him and 5 of them.

“Can you move to the next seat so I can sit with my friend?” One of the boys asked. Seungcheol noticed Junghan was too busy looking at the screen. He contemplated for a few seconds before getting up.





The movie theatre was completely dark because the movie had begun. The music, the lighting, the creepy setting made Junghan super excited. He looked to his left and was taken aback by how close Seungcheol was. He hadn’t noticed the latter sitting next to him because when he looked earlier, he was a seat apart.

And Seungcheol didn’t seem like he was having too much fun. His hands were gripping the seat and his eyes were squinting to look at the screen.

He must be scared, Junghan thought. He smiled at how cute a 28 year old man could be when it came to horror movies. The same man who was trying to protect Junghan earlier in the elevator.

At the thought of the elevator, Junghan flushed and he was so glad it was too dark for Seungcheol to notice the change in Junghan’s cheek colour.

As the movie progressed further and the screams and horrifying scenes got more and more intense, Junghan felt himself looking at Seungcheol each time. By now, Junghan had no idea what was happening in the movie, nor did he care. It was more amusing to watch Seungcheol flinching and hanging onto his dear life, and trying to cover his eyes each time something popped up.

When the movie had finally come to an end and the credits began to roll up, everyone had begun getting up. The lights in the movie theatre came on but just then, a horrid face and a loud shrieking voice came from the movie.

Junghan felt himself pushed slightly in his seat as Seungcheol buried his face into Junghan’s left arm, his hands slighting pulling on his shirt. When Junghan had finally caught his breath, he let out a small giggle because that was completely adorable.

The groups of teenage boys began to coo and tease the two. “Get a room!” one yelled out, causing everyone else who had gotten up to exit to turn around. Junghan’s face went beet red and he waved his hands in front of his face, speechless because he had no idea on how to defend himself. Some just laughed, others simply ignored it and made their way out. The group of boys laughed like idiots before running away as Junghan glared at them.




Seungcheol couldn’t find the courage to face Junghan so he remained in that position. He knew he had crossed the line for the nth time that day for a meeting between two people who barely knew each other.

“Um…” He heard Junghan’s says, “So when do you want to get up?” The t

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Chapter 12: I've been read till here and suddenly found out it's a hiatus story im gonna cry;--;
Chapter 12: hope we get the next part as soon as possible because this is just so interesting...
anyways what's up with jihoon now-
Chapter 13: i miss this story will you end this story?
CheollieFans #4
Really love the story line
Chapter 13: Its been a year and still no update ㅠㅠㅠ i want to know what happen next
Chapter 13: update please!!!!!
anon1123 #7
Chapter 13: Hi I just finished reading this fic again bcs I missed this so much. I hope you update bcs I believe it will end soon? I love this so much and Im really looking forward to the next chapter ^^
Chapter 11: I hope you update soon! >< I really love the story line X)
Iminvisible1 #9
Chapter 13: I love this fanfiction! I hope that you will update soon :)
rosequartznserenity #10
Chapter 1: It's just started and i'm already hooked!xD