Ch 5. "I'm not gay"

For The 2nd Time
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Guess who's back? XD





It took a few seconds for Seungcheol to register what he had done. It wasn't that it was an act of impulse or uncertainty but the man in front of him was just so beautiful that his brain decided to listen to the heart and followed through. Of course, his brain decided to think rationally as soon as it was too late and Seungcheol traced his steps back abruptly, eyes still focused on the baffled male in front of him.


Junghan looked just as disoriented as he began to blink rapidly, averting his gaze from Seungcheol. “Uh- I, I need t-to get an order ready so I'll jus-”


“M-me too, I mean not an order b-but I have wo-work, yeah work!” Seungcheol his heels and advanced towards the exit.




Junghan felt his muscles relaxing as he saw Seungcheol leaving the shop. His knees gave in as soon as the other was out of sight. He sat there, on the cold floor behind the counter as he traced the warmth tingle remaining on his lips. He felt his face burn with embarrassment all over again and his unsettling heart going wild.


Junghan couldn't understand what was happening. All he knew was that when his lips met Seungcheol, all he wanted to do was melt.


When Junghan sat down on the bus on his way home, he spaced out, staring at the lights and cars passing by outside. It was comforting and calmed his furiously beating heart. No matter how much he tried to rationalize Seungcheol’s actions or even his own response to it, he couldn’t deny the fact that the male definitely had feelings for him and Junghan could say the same for himself. It was obvious, wasn’t it?


Junghan let out a small grunt, continuously hitting his head against the window. This wasn’t supposed to happen, he told himself. This is absurd. He’s not also gay, is he? If he is, why would he go on a blind date with a girl?


The bus came to a stop and Junghan almost didn’t realize he had arrived. He rushed out of the bus before it drove away. The weather was quite nice and Junghan found himself taking a detour via the small park nearby.


He sat down on one of the empty swings and took his phone out, staring at the blank screen. It took Junghan all his might not to turn it on. It had vibrated several times but he was too scared to read the messages sent to him. A part of him secretly wished it was Seungcheol and the other part of him sincerely hoped that it wasn’t because he didn’t want to confirm his suspicion of the other saying ‘I’m sorry. It was accident.’ That would hurt Junghan a bit more than it should.

When Junghan’s parents had found out about his preference for men three years ago, they had shunned him completely, threatening to even fully disowning him by removing him from the family registry if he didn’t change his mind. It wasn’t like Junghan had control over something like that but they didn’t even try to understand him. Junghan couldn’t find it in him to resent them though, especially since Kisum had decided to move out with him. His sister had been his best friend and more supportive than anyone else, so when she asked him for the favour, how could he possibly refuse her? But maybe he should have, he thought as he fiddled with the phone in his hand.


The phone suddenly vibrated again, causing him to drop it.




Junghan reached for the phone laying face down and accidently pressed the power button as he picked it up, turning on the screen and showing the notifications.


4 New Messages


Junghan cursed his damn heart for speeding up after he tried so hard for it to calm down. He let out a sigh before swiping across the screen. The wave of disappointment that travelled down Junghan’s heavy chest caused him to almost laugh. What was I even expecting…?


Three of the messages were from Kisum and one from an unknown number. Curious as who could be texting him at his hour, he checks the unknown person’s message first.


“Hi, I read on the online catalogue that you do wedding floral arrangements. I am interested in that. My wedding is in less than two weeks so is it possible for you to arrange everything? Please contact me whenever you get the chance. Thank you. -LJH”




Mingyu was staring a hole into Seungcheol’s face. He cleared his throat, fake coughed a couple of times, and even spilled his coffee on the table, just to get his attention but nothing was working. Seongcheol was staring off into a distance as he looked out the window of the cafe.


In his head, the thoughts of a certain florist wiht the prettiest hair and smile and eyes and nose and- Seungcheol knew he was getting carried away. He very well knew about the fact that Mingyu was annoyed by him because he had called him in the middle of the night but wasn’t saying a word. Seungcheol knew that, but he wasn’t sure if he should tell talk to Mingyu about this afterall.


“Can you just tell me already?” Mingyu looked quite irritated and Seungcheol decided he had wasted enough time.


He turned to his friend, eyes narrowing as he stared at Mingyu’s face, as if he could read the other’s thoughts. When he decided he had no talent for telepathy, he opened his mouth.


“I- my date and I, we-” before the words could escape his mouth, Seungcheol felt blood rushing to his face and suddenly heated up, cheeks crimson and eyes blinking rapidly.


Mingyu’s eyes widened as he stared at Seungcheol, “You did it?!”




“You guys did that?”


Seungcheol picked up the plastic spoon on the table and winged it at his friend for being an idiot, “No, dammit! We did do anything, it was just a kiss!”


It was only after Mingyu’s shock was replaced with an amused smirk that Seungcheol realized what he had said.


“So when’s the wedding, hyung?”


“It’s not like that…” Seungcheol looked down at his long forgotten cup of coffee.


“What do you mean ‘not like that’? It’s obvious that you two like each other. She could be the one, hyung!”


Seungcheol’s ear picked up specifically on the pronounces. “She,” He wondered how Mingyu react if he found out the truth about the blind date. It wasn’t that Mingyu was prejudiced against same- relationships, heck, he was gay himself, but Seungcheol had never told anyone about his own ual orientation. It was automatically assumed that Seungcheol was a straight dude. Hell, even Seungcheol had believed the same until he went to University.


*9 years ago*


Seungcheol put his bag down to claim the only chair in Intro to Biology. The boy who sat next to him has Seungcheol wondering if one of the students had brought in their younger siblings with them to class. He noticed the small framed boy with strawberry blonde hair listening intently to every word coming out of the professor’s mouth and jotting down things so adamantly that Seungcheol felt like a lousy student himself.


As soon as the teacher announced the ten minute break after the first hour of class, Seungcheol turned to boy, “Are you here by yourself or did you come with an adult?” He smiled, he didn’t want to scare off a kid.


“Excuse me?” The boy raised his right eyebrow up, the look of his face causing Seungcheol to feel as if he had offended the boy.


Seungcheol continued to smile awkwardly, “I just don’t want you to get lost. The campus is huge and-”


The little guy let blew out a breath of air, causing his fringe to slightly move and then fall right back in place. “No I am not lost, and no I did not come with an adult. For your information, I am a freshman here and I would appreciate it if you didn’t bother me.”


And with that, Seungcheol shut up. He didn’t talk to strangers first after that.


It was when he met the boy again in the lab that he decided to apologize for the misunder

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Chapter 12: I've been read till here and suddenly found out it's a hiatus story im gonna cry;--;
Chapter 12: hope we get the next part as soon as possible because this is just so interesting...
anyways what's up with jihoon now-
Chapter 13: i miss this story will you end this story?
CheollieFans #4
Really love the story line
Chapter 13: Its been a year and still no update ㅠㅠㅠ i want to know what happen next
Chapter 13: update please!!!!!
anon1123 #7
Chapter 13: Hi I just finished reading this fic again bcs I missed this so much. I hope you update bcs I believe it will end soon? I love this so much and Im really looking forward to the next chapter ^^
Chapter 11: I hope you update soon! >< I really love the story line X)
Iminvisible1 #9
Chapter 13: I love this fanfiction! I hope that you will update soon :)
rosequartznserenity #10
Chapter 1: It's just started and i'm already hooked!xD