하나 love

Who will i choose?

 I moved from Seoul tu Busan and here i am back again after 5 years. My dad move a lot because he has business all over places. 5 years ago  we had to moved because his company over there needs him and i had to follow him because nobody else can take care of me. My mom died when i was young and my dad wont remarried because he thinks every step mom is dynamically evil. Technically, he used to be raised by one.So my dad and i only have each other. Okay let's break the sadness, here i am back again where my childhood starts, friends that i love and happiness. *opens curtain in my room, looking the neighbourhood from my window and smiles* I hope this time i'm going to have fun.



It was the first day of second sem in new school wearing a long pink sweater with black skirt and wearing high cut boots. Waking along the way while holding some files and books and suddenly somebody put their hands on my shoulder. It was Jimin with his childness attitude "SHWA!!!!!!" i turn my face to find where is Nam joon . He was right behind me " HI GUYSS!!!!!!!! Jimin, Nam Joon i miss you guys so much" i smile so bright because i was too happy i finally meet them again."I cant believe we are going to be united again. We always meet once in awhile and have some sleepovers. Now we can be 24/7" Jimin excitedly said t to me, Nam joon hits his head "michaso? like you have nothing to do." I laughed so hard and almost had sudden attack because suddenly.....



Three of us turned around Sulli came and hug me tightly "SHWAAAA I miss you so much *kiss my cheek*"

"I miss you so much too, i have so much to tell you. There's a lot of hot guys in Busan but their ascent was funny . I laughed at them because they sound so cute , they wanted to diss me back but they say they couldnt because they say im too pretty savage. andddd OMG!!! i almost wanted to hitched you with one of them. His attitude is such a romeo like you always wanted."

Jongin , Sulli's boyfriend said "Dont you dare shwa!!" looking at me angrily. "HAHAHAHAHHAHA I WAS KIDDING, i miss you guys so much." Jongin laugh and walk with Sulli. 5 of us walking side by side, mostly of people in the campus say hello to me because they knew me since high school. I guess I'm a normal teenage girl who is a happy go lucky and dislike to be sad. I love to help people and thanks to my friends, my life in school is a bit interesting and most of them like to curse even though i ask them not to. It's not nice though and Nam joom is the best boddy guard a.k.a jerk friend that i ever had. Between 5 of them only him is so hard to ask a favor or help but eventually he will help me silently.


Such a good day because we just found out 5 of us is in the same class on that morning. We were heading to the class and i accidently bump to some guy "Omg i'm so sorry." Jimin helps me picking up my book and files so does the guy. The guy handed me some files that he had picked up and look at my eyes directly "sorry, its my fault sorry *he smiles* Hi! I'm Hanbin" "Hello Hanbin, Im Shwa" smiles and my movement was twitching my hair and put behind my ears because it was too messy. Looking at him with his smiles wow? *heartbeats* He is so good looking and he smells nice *wow im freaking weird am i , his scent is too strong hahahaha. Then a girl who i think i know her came and stand beside him , she was such a total tho with her attitude who always bullies people and wore like a gangster... "Sup rich girl" "Hi Kelly" fake smiles so does she. "you moved here back uh?" I nod and suddenly Sulli,Jongin interrupt "Hey guys, sorry we have to snatch her. Class are going to start." They took my hand and ran to somewhere which i dont know where they are taking. Jimin and Nam joon is no where to be found "Guys, class going to start at 30 mins why are we doing here?" " To make you run away from that ." said Jongin. Sulli "you forgot that i faught with her because she was such an to you? dont you remember? you even stand up to her and say 'get yourself together and dont be such a loser' she almost hit you but thanks to Namjoon , he saved us from getting trouble. Did you forgot huh?" she glarred. Jongin laugh "oh yeahhh we were surprised she talks back.Our baby Shwa *pats my head*"


"First of all, i dont have to run away. She seems okay to me just now *i think*, she changed i guess.... Second, i dont talk like that you know. She used too be such an , now she dont right? *i jerk my eyebrow* even so we can act normal like nothing happen." Sulli "we can act normal you know but no we cant... because...." looking at me anxiously.

Jongin" It seems Hanbin falls for you." Me having a mini heart attack "what? dont be ridiculous. if he does, what does he to do with her? dont say..... He is dating with her??" "Almost there ! *snap and gave me a hand gun pose* she likes him, but he only consider her as lil sister" said Jongin and Sulli interfere "Usually when we like someone, he will look at you without a blink. We notice that even Jimin and Nam joon. Wait, are you asking this because you started to like him huh?"

Obviously let's deny on that " uh no i was just asking *flips my hair*" "LIAR!" both of them scream. We fought,but me denying the facts and ask them lets head to the class.


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