
Who will i choose?

Nam Joon came first and I asked him what’s the plan. “We’re going to meet them at the place we used to go after this.” “That’s sounds great, where is it?” Hanbin said from behind us. I smiles “Hanbin here your mom’s present. This one is the scarf and this one id the book I ask them to wrapped from me just now” I handed two bags. “How much Shwa? Im so sorry I couldn’t pay earlier because I was finding something.” I nod, no wonder he keep missing “It’s okay, my treats” He refuses “No no Shwa, don’t be like this”, tries to take out his money from his wallet. “No, I insist. Seriously.” “Thank you so much Shwa sorry to burden you.” “Its okay. I really wanted to give her.” I smile. He smiles and he ask us again “So where is the place you guys were talking about?” “Non of you business” Nam Joon answered and I look at him. I pinch him and he squeak, he touch his which I pinched at and he smear them. “It’s around our neighbourhood” “Oh I see, can I come?” I look at him and Nam Joon so many times.




Looking at Nam Joon his reaction was saying ‘pleaseeee say no!’ I look at Hanbin’s face saying ‘I wanna go’. I gave my reaction to Nam Joon saying ‘sorry Joonie I have to”. “Yeah sure why not, you can meet my friends” I smiles and he extremely happy and answered “Yes Thank You can’t wait to meet the others.” He opens the door for me, I look at Nam Joon I can see him glaring fiercely to me. We took a cab Hanbin wants to sit with me at behind, so does Nam Joon. I smile awkwardly and sit infront seats.




We reach at the shop nearby Sulli’s house ‘IT’S THE BEST TTEUBOKKI SHOP EVER I TELL YOU AND THEY ALSO SERVE THE BEST BBQ STEAK EVER’. I told Hanbin “This shop was my favourite and always be my favourite. During primary, after school we will always come by to this shop” he smiles and nod “It must be that delicious, can’t wait to try some” I chuckles. Hanbin somehow look at us annoyingly. I look for the others and saw them waving at us. All of us went to their table.






Sulli eyes blunt “ You brought someone special tonight” smiling sneakly to me. “He insists to follow us to meet you guys.” I sat infront of her. Hanbin greet them “Hi guys, sorry I followed them to come here.” Sulli “Them?” “Oh I asked Nam Joon to follow me to meet him, I was not familiar with the places yet” I lied.  Nam Joon and Hanbin tries to sit beside me and Nam Joon gets to sit beside me. Jongin who sat beside me originally stand up “Here, you can sit here”’ he took another chair and sit beside Sulli. Hanbin sat beside me too so I was between them and I can feel the tense , awkward that I have ever felt. I look at Sulli, Jongin and Jimin giving a signal ‘HELP! HELP! HELP! HELPPPP!’. Jimin calls the ahjumma that takes customer’s orders. “Ommo, you guys grew up and how are you Shwa? I’ve not seeing you for a long time” I greet her politely “Im fine, it seems your shop is getting bigger. Im glad the business getting bigger and bigger” the ahjumma smiles “yes indeed, ohmy who is this gentleman? I think I haven’t met you before.” Sulli interrupt “Her boyfriend” I look at her like I was screaming at her.


I denied and show both my hand saying NO, I even shook my head simultaneously. “Hello, Im Hanbin, their schoolmates” He smiles “Nice to meet you pretty young man. Okay the order as usual is it?” asking us . Jimin “Yes please ahjumma, give the best servings. I’m so hungry.” Ahjumma laugh so does everyone because he whines like a baby except for Nam Joon.






We had a great dinner and ahjumma said the dinner was on her . We thank her so much, she is always nice. I send Hanbin off while the others waited me at nearby park. “Thanks Shwa for today “It’s my pleasure. I’m happy you had a great time.” “Here , for you” gave me a bag. “What is this?” “It’s a present for you. A big token for you that has been accompany all day long.” I thanked him suddenly he whisper “you owe me a date, just now was not a date” my eyes bluntly looking at him “I didn’t say I wanted to go a date with you” “Yes you did” I try to remember “No I did not.” “Yes, if you deny again you’re going to date with me triple times and so it begins.” I laughed “okay okay, thanks for this. Reach your home safely *I smile and send him off” he opes the car window and waves at me.

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