

A/N: Apologize for any spelling and grammatical errors.


The moment she had seen Seulgi perform once on their school program before (she can still remember how Seulgi's hips gracefully sways and moves along with the rhythm of the music, or how Seulgi would pant—with the occasional intrusion of her tongue in Yeri's line of sight as she's busy staring hard at her lips—after executing her parts; and among all other illegal, offensive, and y things Yeri would not want to elaborate further. But most importantly, they held eye contact. Yeri nearly fainted at that moment.), she had been enthusiastic on knowing her crush's information—which was helpfully attained, thanks to her friend, Park Sooyoung (Yeri really didn't want to know how she did, considering Sooyoung is a living spawn of Satan and has many unimaginable things prepared under her sleeve). They never really had a proper conversation with the older one before as far as she knows, although Yeri had been able to squeak out a shy greeting whenever they see each other at school unexpectedly. But most of the time, it was planned and intentional.


She had decided to make a move with her feeling towards her crush by making a confession. She had thought of giving her a letter, but Yeri thinks that it's not possible, considering that her handwriting is so horrible that even she admits that doctors wouldn't be able to decipher what is written. Plus, she doesn't want to give Seulgi a hard time squinting at the words and a possible headache. No. It's the last thing Yeri wouldn't want to do. So, she resorted in doing the most common and cliche thing in every confession, which is by giving flowers and chocolates.


Yeri does not want to be reminded of how she had been begging for her parents to give her extra money that day and them stating, "Are you planning to buy every Hello Kitty merchandise in this area? You already had a room full of that mouthless toy!" or her younger sister tattling, "Oh my god, are you using drugs?" that earned her a smack on her head. Her younger sister must have been watching too many (horrible) shows, unsupervised. And after a series of (false) assurances to her parents that it is for her school project, they had finally granted her the money she asked for; with Yeri not forgetting to give them thanks by providing a sloppy cheek kiss to her parents and another smack to her sister. She really doesn't want to be reminded of that.


It was a beautiful Sunday. She was already dressed and ready for her mission today. Thanks to Sooyoung, she was provided with a classified information on where Seulgi frequently visits to every weekend. Now with flowers and chocolates in both hands, Yeri walked along the streets—excited and nervous—towards the park Sooyoung (pun intended) had said. She had already imagined the possible cheesy lines she can say to her ultimate crush, Seulgi, for her confession.


Nearing at the corner of the street, Yeri carefully hid the flowers and chocolates behind her back. Turning to her right, she had noticed there is another person who is talking to Seulgi. She suddenly stopped—silently hopes she wasn't seen by Seulgi—and walks back slowly. Deciding to assess the situation first, she hid behind the corner lamp post. Yeri can see clearly now as to who is Seulgi talking to at the moment. It was none other than the famous bae at school, Bae Joohyun. Yeri wonders on what would the Bae want to her (Hah. 'Her'.) Seulgi. She wants to push the thought slowly creeping in her mind that she might not be the only one who had plans on giving Seulgi a confession. Feeling uneasy and more nervous as before, she stops looking and recomposed herself for a minute. "You can do this, Yeri. Don't jump yet to conclusions. Just be calm," she chanted to herself.


Yeri regrets on taking a look back again as her previous thoughts were confirmed when she saw the both of them sharing a kiss. She unconsciously gripped her hold on the flowers strongly as her line of vision became blurry with her tears; feeling her heart starts to constrict as disappointment and the thought of being outwardly rejected starts to rush in. She never thought she could be this hurt. She hadn't had the chance to prepare herself emotionally if this kind of situation will happen.


Still crying, she slowly made her way back to where she had walked before with her head down. She doesn't want people to see the messy state she is in. Halfway into walking back, she accidentally bumped to someone, to which she apologized lifelessly. When looking up, she saw a pair of calming hazel eyes staring worriedly at her.


"I'm really sorry again. I was not really mindful on where I was walking." Yeri looked back down, quickly wiping the traces of tears using the back of her hand.


"That's fine. Are you okay, though?" said the person—which is a girl—whose voice laced with concern that made Yeri unconsciously relax. She momentarily forgot her little heartbreak earlier.


"I am. Thank you for asking," she smiled, hoping it's enough to convince her.


The girl suddenly got more worried, knowing that she isn't really okay at the moment, but she gives her the benefit of the doubt. She was about to probe further when she heard her speaking.


"Uhm..." Yeri started awkwardly, "W-Would you like to have these?" She motioned on the flowers and chocolates. "I-It's not what you think it is but I just thought that it would be a waste to just throw it away and I don't want to walk all the way back home with these; my parents will kill me if they found out and—" she momentarily stopped since the other person was giggling, and Yeri thinks it's cute. 'Damn'.


"Yeah. It's okay. The flowers look pretty, by the way." Said the girl. She hold out her hands to Yeri, waving it slightly since the blabbering girl still looks lost and confused.


"O-Oh, yeah. My bad. Here it is." Yeri handed the items to her and their hands suddenly make contact. Her mind suddenly went in a haywire since she felt that the other girl's hand is so soft.


Retracting their hands, Yeri awkwardly coughed and took a moment to look at the girl in front of her. The girl dons a bob haircut, which moved slightly against the sudden wind. She also noticed a dimple on the girl's smiling face and a mole situated just below the left side of her lips, which made Yeri die a little. Just a little. She was too occupied in gawking to notice that the girl was actually talking to her.


"—Chaeyoung. What about you?" The girl once again held out her hand for a handshake.


"What?" Yerinow awake in her daydreamasked. It took a moment for her to realize that the girl was actually introducing herself. "Oh! I'm really sorry. My mind's a mess right now." She mumbled the last part. "The name's Yeri, by the way." Her hands idle on both sides.


And for the second time, Chaeyoung waved slightly her outstretched hand, giggling slightly at the cute scene in front of her. Mentally scolding herself, Yeri took the hand for an official handshake, and she is starting to melt at the softness of it.


"Well, Yeri?" Chaeyoung hesitated on pronouncing it and Yeri thinks she has ascended into heaven and was talking to an angel. She should snap out of it. Really. "Uhm, I'm sorry but I actually needed to be some place else. Although it was short, but it was really nice knowing you. And thank you for the flowers and chocolates, by the way." Chaeyoung smiled at her.


"Oh... Is that so?" Yeri stated, slightly sad on the thought that this might be her last time communicating with an ange—with the girl. "It's fine. It was nice knowing you, too." 'You made me forget what happened earlier,' she opted to say it in her mind instead.


"See you when I see you, I guess?" And Chaeyoung chucked slightly—she wasn't really fond of saying goodbye's. She thinks it's a finality if she did so—and slowly makes her way on to the opposite side, not forgetting to wave at Yeri.


Yeri, too, waved (dumbly) at Chaeyoung, a smile still plastered on her face. It was only after Chaeyoung turn to a corner, disappearing, that Yeri remembers what had happened earlier. She was still hurt but decides to not dwell too much on it. Sighing, she picks up her phone and calls Sooyoung.




Reaching to her apartment, Chaeyoung removes her shoes, tired from the arcade invasion with Tzuyu. She might kill her one of these days if she continues to be a pain in the . Taking a look on the flowers and chocolates she had received earlier from Yeri made her smile to appear, and she felt giddy, to be honest. Chaeyoung still can't erase the memory of seeing the other girl sad and crying. It made her really wonder what might have happened, but considering the flowers and chocolates Yeri held on before, she may have a gist as to what it is.


She brushed it off, deciding to put the flowers into use. Grabbing an unused, big bottle and filled it with water, she puts on the flowers carefully; taking in the scent of it at the same time. She was distracted when she heard her phone go off. Her eyes roll upwards after knowing who the caller is.


Sighing, she answered the call. "What is it now, giraffe?" She's expecting Tzuyu to bother her again about the flowers and chocolates.


"Good evening, too, you dwarf. What's up with your greeting, though? I'm hurt." Tzuyu faked a sob at the other line.


"You're a bad actress. And I still can't forget how you crushed my character earlier."


"Oh my god, why can't you let it go? It's just a game! Plus, I didn't really know you're that bad at fighting games. I mean, I know already, but not to that extent." Tzuyu snorted. "I even let you win at one point, so be thankful," she continued.


Chaeyoung is so determined to kill her. "Thankful, my . Why are you calling anyway? I'm actually busy right now."


"Busy admiring the flowers? Hey, give me some of the chocolates tomorrow! I want to have a taste on it."


Chaeyoung froze. Now her best friend have some telepathy powers she don't know about? "N-No way! What are you on about?" She mentally cursed herself for stuttering.


"Hee~ Don't lie to me! I know you did. So, is she cute? Did you exchange numbers? Do you know what school she is attending?" Tzuyu rapidly asks.


She mentally sighed. She knew this was going to happen. "I'm not talking about this again. Bye~ See you tomorrow!" She tries to end the phone conversation and assures Tzuyu that she'll get her share on the chocolates tomorrow. Before she hangs up, she can still hear Tzuyu's evil cackles. What a best friend she is.


Chaeyoung kind of regrets that she was not able to get to know the girl much better (and get her number) but then, she thinks that they might not see each other again. She doesn't really believe in fate, destiny or any other term related to that. She thinks if it's bound to happen, then it is. The less expectation, the less emotion will be invested in it.


Setting the thought off aside, she decides to start unpacking her things to keep her mind busy.


Unfortunately, she can't find herself sleeping immediately that night, for she keeps on imagining those stupid, cheeky smile of Yeri whenever she closes her eyes.




After countless advices and persuasion from Sooyoung, Yeri decides to go to school today. Her parents will kill her if they even found out she's skipping school, and she doesn't want that. Gloomily walking on the road leading to the school grounds, she kept on thinking every possible ways she can avoid Seulgi. Funny thing is, she had been thinking the exact opposite way ever since she had realized her feelings to Seulgi before. But things have been different. She doesn't even know what she'll do once she sees Seulgi with Joohyun.


Hearing her stomach grumble made her momentarily stop in wallowing on her sad thoughts. Glancing left and right, Yeri's looking for a snack shop to relieve her state of hunger. Finding one, she immediately goes in and selected some tasty breads with a drink and when finished, she went straight to the counter to pay for it.


While the store cashier was busy registering the items on the counter, Yeri manages to catch on the person's name tag. 'Jjeuwi? Chewy?' She find the Korean characters of the person's name odd and strange on her lips. 'Must be from a different country,' she thought. After paying for the items, she proceeded in going out since it's almost time for her first class. Rushing outside, she faintly hears the cashier saying, "Have a nice day!"


Yeri was busy stuffing the goodies in her bag when someone brushed past her inside. After successfully putting the items, she looked up and caught a glance of the person's back. Her eyes looking at the girl's hair immediately. "Hmm, she has a nice haircut," she then said and started to jog her way to the school. The moment she had stepped inside the school's gate did she realize something.


"No way," she muttered, trying to get back outside but the ringing of the bell halted her actions. Silently cursing, she just went straight ahead to her classroom. She'll tell Sooyoung about this later.




There's something bugging on Chaeyoung the moment she stepped inside the store. She whips her head at the back, trying to look out for the girl outside the store but found it empty. She decides to ignore it.


"Good morning, pumpkin! Did you bring my chocolate?" Tzuyu—the store's cashier—beams at Chaeyoung.


Chaeyoung had already stopped caring with Tzuyu's weird selection of nicknames. She wonders if she had ever heard the girl say her real name out loud.


"Yeah, I did. You should be thankful I even spared you with half of it." she said as she hands Tzuyu the chocolates. "Oh, I remembered. I will be pretty busy with school today so I think I won't be able to join you later."


Tzuyu pouts. "Really? That's too bad. Oh well, I should just bother Dahyun unnie later." They stopped talking since there was a customer who is about to place his items on the counter. Chaeyoung deduces it's her time to go.


"I'll be going now. I'll call you later, okay?" Chaeyoung half-shouts and waves to Tzuyu as she went outside.


Tzuyu waves, too, and gives Chaeyoung a flying kiss. Deciding to play along, Chaeyoung catches it and throws it downwards, and stomps on it—as if to seal the kiss on the ground. Tzuyu gapes, pretends to be hurt at the rejection. The man—now staring back and forth at the two girls, unable to catch up with their gags—shakes his head and mutters, "Kids these days."




All day long, Yeri was restless as she kept on thinking about the girl she thinks might be Chaeyoung. She silently prayed for this last class to end quickly so that she could rush back home. She kept on twirling her pen, unable to pay attention to what her teacher was saying. Trying to calm herself, she lands her gaze somewhere else and she felt her breathing stop.


Looking back at her was Seulgi—oh, the charismatic Seulgi—with a smile plastered on her face.


Surprised, since as far she knows Seulgi is a senior in this school and what the hell is she doing in a freshman's class anyway? Her professor didn't seem to notice it, too. But even if he did, he doesn't care anyway.


Yeri tries to calm her stupid heart from beating too fast and quickly looks away. She shouldn't be feeling like a sixteen-year-old-lovesick—wait, she is 16 years old—and reminds herself about what happened yesterday. Feeling her face start to flush, she unconsciously fans herself. After a while, she tries to glance sideways to check, but quickly regrets it as she can still see Seulgi looking back at her. 'What the hell is wrong with her?! Why is she flashing that annoyingly stupid smile of hers?' Yeri thought. She really can't take it anymore and decides to excuse herself from the teacher. She needs to get away with this—away from Seulgi's gazes—for she might not know what will happen if she will continue to sit on there.


Unbeknowst to her, Seulgi had also excused herself, trying to catch up with the girl.




That's it for the first chapter, I guess? It's a bit boring since it was more on introducing the characters. The unsuccessful confession and the first encounter of Chaeyoung and Yeri is actually based on my dream lmao. Very tragic, I must say. Anyway, the other chapters were already written down but I still need to proof-read and add some other things on it before I'll post it officially. This story would be short; my guess it would be about 3-5 chapters long? I'm still not sure. Feedbacks and criticisms are very much welcomed. You may suggest some things too, and I will try my best to incorporate those in the remaining chapters.

See you on the next update!

- R.

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alltaengsic #1
Chapter 6: Chaeyoung and Yeri please ?
kimiikay #2
I know you probably won't ever update this anymore but i lowkey pray one day you'll find the inspiration to finish this
kimiikay #3
Chapter 6: I love Seulgi but I Chaengri fics are rare and Seulgi already has Irene so....
1727 streak #5
Chapter 6: Oh my god. Pls pls pls let it be seulriiii!! Haaaaah T____T Let chaechae be with Joy insteaddd. Woooop.
DarkSky #6
Chapter 6: #teamchaengri,but if it end up being with seulri,you better made chaeng with someone else authornim hahahaha thanks for the update anyway it's cute
Chapter 5: Seulgi is so perfect i love her
mowmow33 #8
Chapter 4: Please update authornimㅠㅠ