

“Do I look okay?” Yeri asks for the nth time that day. She had told Sooyoung about Seulgi's invitation during lunch earlier. They are now walking outside of the school grounds to meet up with Chaeyoung and Tzuyu at the snack store.


“Oh my god, do you ever stop asking? Fine, you look horrendous! Terrible! Ugly!” Sooyoung got irritated. Who wouldn't be? Yeri had been asking the same question for every 10 minutes.


“Really? Oh no! Is my hair too frizy? Should I keep it down or do I need to style it up?” Yeri seems unfazed at her best friend's current mood.


“You can shave it up completely and wear a wig, then you'll look okay.” Sooyoung deadpanned. “Why are you so concerned anyway? It's just Seulgi sunbaenim.”


“But I have to! It's her!” Yeri emphasizes. “Plus, it would be my first time hanging out with her after that incident.”


“Whatever you say.” The two of them seated at their usual spot whenever they visit the store. Chaeyoung is already there waiting.


“Hi, guys! You ready to go?” Chaeyoung asks.


“Huh? Are you guys going somewhere?” Yeri questioned back.


“Oh... so that means you're not tagging along?” Chaeyoung suddenly felt sad.


“Sorry, Chaeng. I forgot to tell you earlier that this shortie right here has some place to go.” Sooyoung clarifies for her.


“Why didn't you tell me, anyway? Now, I feel bad.” Yeri said.


“I tried to but I can't since you kept on blabbering about Seulgi subaenim and constantly asking about how you look.” Sooyoung explained.


“Hey! All of you are already here!” Tzuyu comes in after taking care of the store. “Let's go now?”


“I'm sorry, Tzuyu, but I can't come with you guys today. I had sort of promised someone that I will join her after school so...”


“Oh, I see. That's no problem with me. I'm cool with that.” Tzuyu assures Yeri.


“I'm really sorry guys,” she says once more.


“It's fine, really. But just make sure to make it up with us the next time, 'kay?” It was Sooyoung.


“I promise. Alright, I'll go now.” Yeri looks back at her friend's faces once more. Noticing Chaeyoung's expression, she called her attention. “Chaeng? You okay there?”


Hearing her name being called, she looks up to a questioning Yeri. “Oh, sorry. I was just thinking. Have a good time with... her...” Chaeyoung said, unable to speak her senior's name. She's feeling jealous. But of course, she just kept that to herself.


“Okay...” Yeri then turns her attention to her best friend and whispers, “What's wrong with her?”


Sooyoung can only roll her eyes at her friend's denseness, and whispers back. “I'll text you why. For now, shoo. You need to prep out for your little date with Seulgi subaenim.”


Yeri hesitantly complies, waves her goodbye to the trio as she is now walking the road to her house.




A knock on her door made Yeri jump. She can hear the doorknob getting turned and she saw her sister. “There's someone looking out for you outside. Say's she's your friend,” she said. “I invited her in, by the way. She looks pretty, unnie.”


“What are you even saying... Get out and tell her I'm coming down.”


“Hmp, fine.”


Once she heard the click of the doorknob, she starts to panic. She haven't even properly picked out what to wear yet. “Calm down, Yeri. It's just Seulgi unnie,” she said to herself. She looks down on the clothes sprawled out on her bed and is now more confused than ever.


“Whatever. Screw this,” she mumbles as she blindly picks up an outfit.




“What's your name, pretty unnie?” Yeri's younger sister asked their visitor.


Seulgi can only chuckle. 'Cuteness runs in the family, I guess.' “My name's Seulgi. What about yours?”


“I'm Kim Yeonhee. I'm 12 years old and my favorite food is chicken!”


The older one laughed at the random information. “Yeah? I like to eat chicken, too.” She then saw Yeonhee walking to the kitchen to get something. “When is your sister coming?” she asked after Yeonhee got back.


“She should be out by now. Here. An organic juice for the pretty unnie,” Yeonhee smiles, offering her the glass. “By the way, are you and my sister dating?” the younger one asked right away.


A choke. “Wow, are you sure you're 12?” A series of coughs followed. “Your senses are pretty sharp.” Seulgi is now calming herself after the little shock.


“Of course, since I was born special.” Yeonhee grins. “You kind of look like my teddy bear, though.”


“What? That's so random.”


“Really! Wait here for a moment,” and the girl dashes inside her room to get something. Walking back to the couch, she then held out the teddy bear she was referring to. “See? You kind of resemble each other but at the same time not really.”


“I'm afraid I didn't understand that.”


“Hmm, how should I put this... Let me ask you a question, what do you usually do whenever you see a really cute teddy bear or any stuffed toy for that matter?”


“Uhh... hug it? I don't know.”


“Exactly what I thought the moment I saw you. You really look huggable. And cute. Did I already say cute? Anyway, there's also this warm aura in you that makes other people get comfortable even though they have just met you for the first time.”


“Like you?”


“Yeah, like me.” Yeonhee smiles. She continues, “And your smile, it really gives away the caring and warm nature you exude. It basically summarizes your whole appearance.” The younger one finishes her observation.


“You really are special. To think I'll be hearing all of this from a 12-year-old...”


“Told you so,” the younger one winks.


Their conversation was cut off when she notices the door on Yeri's door opening. Even with casual clothes, Seulgi thinks Yeri is still pretty. Feeling a nudge on her side, she looks down to Yeonhee grinning. “Take care of her. She's pretty clumsy,” she whispered.


Chuckling, she nodded to Yeonhee as her answer. Turning her attention to Yeri, she asked, “Let's go?”


“Wait a second. I'll just tell mom.”




She looks back at Yeonhee who was now busy setting up her playstation. The kid raises her thumbs up to Seulgi.


“Come on, unnie.” Yeri ushers her outside.


Seulgi waves at the kid. “Bye, Yeonhee!” to which the girl replied by waving back.


“We're going now, mom!”


“Okay, kids! Have fun!”




“Where should we go? Yeri asks.


Seulgi chuckles, “I don't know, really. Do you have a place in mind?”


“Hmm, would you like to watch some movies, unnie?”


“Yeah, that's a good idea. Let's go to the nearest mall.”




Now standing on the list of movies being premiered at the mall, they are now checking to see what good movie they should watch.


“Do you watch horror movies?” Seulgi starts, eyes still looking on the other movie selections.


“No, please. Everything else but that.” Yeri shivers. She had enough experience on the haunted house adventure with Chaeyoung before.


“Alright. How about this one?” Seulgi points at a romantic-comedy movie.


“Hmm, it's not bad. We can just watch that.”


“Okay. I'll go ahead and order us some foods. You can get us the tickets for this movie.”


“Got it!” Yeri salutes, which earned her a giggle from Seulgi. The older one once more ruffles Yeri's hair for her cuteness.


With Seulgi walking away to order, Yeri proceeds in going to the movie counter to select the movie. She steps back a little to observe other people how they do it. The advancement on today's technology scares her and she's having a hard time keeping up with it. After getting the know-how through observing, she now made her way in making the movie selection process. She read the list of movies available and is looking for the movie they had picked earlier. Finding it, she immediately tapped it away. But alas, it was unresponsive, thus making Yeri to push the screen repeatedly while glancing left and right to ask assistance. Little did she know, after the screen unfreezes, her finger unfortunately tapped a different movie that's beside from their original plan. It was after the machine had printed out the movie tickets did she realize her mistake. She can only cry internally.


Seulgi was also done in ordering their snacks for the movie when she notices the gloomy look on the younger one. “What's wrong?” she asked.


“I'm sorry!” Yeri said as she hands out the tickets to Seulgi. “It was my mistake, really. I should have just asked someone for help instead of doing it on my own...” Yeri explains.


Seulgi almost drops the snack after seeing the movie title, but composes herself immediately. “That's fine. There's nothing we can do to change it, anyway,” she smiles at Yeri, assuring her.


After 10 minutes of waiting, it was now time for their selected movie to be played. Seulgi then holds Yeri's hand since the latter is still scared. “It will be fine,” she said.


They are now walking inside the theater and Seulgi is now checking the seat numbers on the movie stub. She almost cursed out loud upon realizing that they would be sitting 5 rows near the screen. On top of that, there are only a few people inside who are brave enough to watch this horror movie with them.


“I'm really sorry, unnie,” Yeri once more apologizes.


“It's okay. We'll survive this... somehow...” Seulgi falters off. “You know, I'm also weak at horror movies,” she confessed.


The lights were now turned off as the movie is about to start. Yeri can only shrink in her seat as the opening credits rolls in.


“I really hate this kind of BGM,” Yeri commented.


Seulgi only stayed quiet and is munching away the popcorns she had bought earlier.


As the movie progresses, the number of jumpscares also increases. An object falling made Yeri scream. Seulgi then apologizes since the snack slipped in her hands.


They can only relax when there's a conversation part in the movie. Even so, the two pairs of eyes are watching intently at the scenes in front of them; trying their best to brace themselves for the scares. A ghost suddenly appeared, filling in the screen which made the both of them jump on their seats.


Yeri shrieks, about to cry. “I can't watch anymore, unnie... I'm so scared...” Yeri said as she buries her head on the Seulgi's shoulder. Sensing the younger one's fear, she then pats her head, trying to calm her down. Yeri can only hold Seulgi's hand tightly, afraid to let go.


“Don't enter there, you're gonna die!” Yeri suddenly said. Seulgi can only chuckle at what Yeri was saying.


The sudden opening of the door on screen made the both of them scream, as Yeri's death prophecy with the character earlier came true.


“I told you you're gonna die, why didn't you listen?!” Yeri sobbed.


“It was the director's order,” Seulgi answered her.


“Still... she could have at least waited for any back up... Look, another one's doing it again. Oh my god, stop right there! You're gonna die!”


“Hey, hey. Calm down,” Seulgi shushes her. Good thing there weren't any people watching near their area that would be disturbed by Yeri's shouting.


A couple more screams later and the movie finally rolled it's ending credits. The both of them could only sigh in relief.


“I can't believe I had managed to sit through a scary movie,” Yeri starts.


“Me too,” Seulgi admits.


They had waited for the lights to go back on before they decided to get out on the movie theater. Seeing Yeri still shaken up, she holds her hand once more as she guides her towards the exit.


Yeri felt herself relaxing after as they are now outside (But more so because Seulgi's still holding her hand).


“Are you hungry?” The older one asked.


Yeri shakes her head. “Not really. I want to play some arcade games.”


“Oh, that's a good idea. I like that.”


“Yay!” Yeri jumps, getting excited. She suddenly halted when she realizes something. “But I'm not really that good in games, though. I haven't been playing that much ever since.”


“Hah! It's gonna be a sure win for me, then.” Seulgi said, gaining confidence from Yeri's confesssion.


“Wow. I didn't know you're like this,” Yeri said, sulking.


“Nah. Of course, I'm only joking.” The older one reached to Yeri for a side-hug. “We're gonna get so much fun, I promise.”




“Whoa, this place is packed. What should we play first?”


“I want to try that driving game, unnie. It seems fun.”


“That? No, I don't like it. How about this motorbike?”


“But I think I'm gonna fall on that...”


“Fine. Let's look for something else. Oh! How about this basketball game?”


“I don't think I can even throw the balls properly! The ring is too tall for me.”


“You're obviously no fun.”


“But it's true! I can't reach it, unnie.”


“You're just gonna throw it upwards anyway! How hard could that be?”


“Okay, fine. Let's play this but if I win, you give me something, okay?”


“Deal. I'm good at this, anyway.”


“Watch me, unnie. I'm gonna bring you down.”


A battle of shooting commences. One player is getting tired halfway through the game while the other one is steady in shooting up her balls.


“Stop stealing balls from me! Hey!”


“I am not!”


“You're cheating! Hey! Stop bothering me!”


“Why are you shouting?! I can hear you fine, unnie!”


“Ow! Did you just threw the ball at me?”


“I didn't do anything!”


“You're a fraud.”


The time was now up for them to stop their basketball war. They looked at each other's scores to see who won the match.


“Hah! See, I told you, I'm gonna bring you down!”


“You cheated, that's for sure.”


“Cheating is a no no~ I was playing fairly all this time.” The younger one said.


“A liar, too.” Seulgi continues.


“You're just salty I defeated you in that game. Where's my gift, unnie?”


“I'll give it you later. I want to play another game.”


“Okay! This time, you choose.”


Seulgi dragged Yeri to another area and pointed at an arcade game.


“That one?” Yeri asks.


Instead of answering, Seulgi immediately sits down on the available chair. Yeri can only sigh in response as she slowly moves her way to the other side. She's having a mental breakdown since it's a fighting game and she has zero information as to how to play it.


“What's wrong? You want me to choose a character for yourself?”


“No! You might gonna select a gross-looking one as my avatar and I won't let that happen.”


“If you say so.”


Seulgi had finished selecting her character whereas Yeri is still struggling to choose which to select. Seulgi was about to control her joystick when the younger one suddenly presses a button in panic, making her to choose a male character.


“Oh. Not bad. You've chosen a decent one.”


“Of course, I have talent in this.”




A furious battle of pressing the buttons started. Both of the girls are immersed in lowering each other's health meter.


“Whoa, that combo was cool! How did you do that, unnie?”


“I don't know. I just pressed randomly.”


“Hey! Stop firing powers! My health meter is halfway done!”


“That's the purpose of this game.”


“Spare my character for a moment, unnie.”


“No way. I want to win this time.”






“Are you sure you're not playing 'Whack-a-mole', unnie? You press those buttons really hard.”


“Shut up.”






“You don't need to move your body along when avoiding my attacks. You look funny. Haha.”


“How dare you...”


“Ack! Wait, wait! Stop!”


A cackle escaped from the younger's mouth. “I can see the end,” she said.


“Not too fast. Watch me.”


Seulgi's character is suddenly gearing up for a lethal combo to be lashed on Yeri's character as its final hit. But for some unknown reason, the gaming gods are suddenly in favor with Yeri as her character successfully avoided the deadly attack. An uppercut from the younger one's avatar ended Seulgi's arcade career.


“Nooo!! How did you do that?! I should be the one winning this!”


“Too bad, unnie. I did it first.”


“You sly little kid, you cheated!”


“Hush, unnie. I can see your wrinkles slowly forming.”


“Shut up, you brat! Ugh, I still can't believe this...”


“Yahoo! Sweet victory for me. Now, where's my gift?”


Seulgi just lets out a defeated sigh. “Fine, fine. I'm getting it for you now.”


“Yay! You're certainly the best, unnie.”


“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Let's go.”




Seulgi had decided to get Yeri a Hello Kitty stuff toy (Yeri insisted on it) as her present, and the younger one is absolutely elated on what she had received. They have decided to call it a night since they are already tired and they still have classes tomorrow. Seulgi once again offers to take Yeri home.


“Thanks for this. I really enjoyed tonight.”


“No worries. We needed this anyway. Studying for exams are really stressful, you know?”


“I couldn't agree more. Anyway, did you like the gift?”


“Of course! It's very fluffy, and it's pink so I like it very much!”


“That's great to hear. Can we do this again some other time?”


“Definitely! I'd like to bring my other friends, too, if you don't mind...”


“No, not at all.”


The both of them are silent once more as they are walking on the road. From afar, Seulgi can hear the sound of a motorcycle speeding off and noticed its headlights reflecting on the road. Before Yeri can react to anything, Seulgi immediately held the younger one's hand and pulled her close; turning herself around so that Yeri would be on the other side, safe. The younger one could only shriek in surprise as it all happened too fast.


“Yeri! Are you okay?” Seulgi pulled away and looked on Yeri worriedly.


Still shaken up, Yeri can only nod her head to answer.


“Oh god, I was really scared,” the older one said and once again enveloped Yeri into a quick, tight hug, meanwhile Yeri was still mute from what happened. After Seulgi pulled away, she suddenly looked very serious and the younger one felt nervous all of a sudden.


“Yeri, I have something to say to you, but please don't freak out or anything and just hear me out first, okay?” Seulgi said.


Yeri can only squeak out an “okay” on her end.


“Alright. This... where do I start? Okay, so, I'm not sure if you know already but I have actually noticed you ever since I saw you on one of the audiences for the school program I performed before and I was personally amused on your reactions.”


The younger one's eyes starts to enlarge as she didn't expect her senior to remember her, let alone notice her in that crowded audience.


“Yes, you're really that noticeable, to be honest,” Seulgi giggled. “Anyway, yeah. You caught my eyes that time and ever since, I kept on looking for you. But because of our conflicting schedules and the difference of our grade level made it somewhat difficult to see each other that often and because of that, I felt somewhat sad.”


She continued. “Although, I feel very happy too the moment I see you greeting me whenever possible. I swear, you're the cutest. Really.” Seulgi smiled at her and Yeri can only conclude that her smile is very lethal.


“That aside, I was particularly concerned the last time. I'm not too sure if my hunch was correct, but I wanted to ask you this ever since because it's really bothering me. Did you come to the park last month? Did you perhaps saw... me and Joohyun... together?”


“I... uhm...” Yeri starts to think of possible alibis to provide but opted to be honest. “Y-Yeah... I did. I-I was—I was about to ask you something but... yeah...” Yeri can't help but be nervous on what's going to happen next.


“Wow, I was right.” Seulgi whispers. “Okay. I'm gonna say sorry in advance since this would be the first time that I'm gonna do this and I don't know how this stuff usually works and I'm not really that type of person to say cheesy stuffs since I'm a boring person and I'm actually nervous right now and—“ she stops, trying to catch her breath. Gaining courage, she's slowly closing the space between her and Yeri. “What I'm trying to say is that...” Seulgi looks directly into Yeri's eyes. The younger one never felt this speechless and very nervous as before.


“I... I like you, Yeri.”





Hi, I am alive lol This chapter is much shorter than my previous ones and I apologize if it may seem a bit too rushed. I know you might have abandoned this fic. It's part my fault anyway since I can't provide regular updates as compared before. To be honest, it actually came to a point wherein I thought I should just discontinue this one since I'm not really that inspired and I don't have the luxury of time to sit down and write down a chapter. But don't worry, I will do my best to finish this story as soon as possible. :)

Anyway, back to my update, this is still not the end of my 99'line ship. I would give Chaeyoung a chance to confess too and let's just see how it goes after that.

As always, feedbacks and comments are greatly appreaciated. You guys are all awesome for continuing to keep up with this story. *thumbs up*


See you soon ^^


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alltaengsic #1
Chapter 6: Chaeyoung and Yeri please ?
kimiikay #2
I know you probably won't ever update this anymore but i lowkey pray one day you'll find the inspiration to finish this
kimiikay #3
Chapter 6: I love Seulgi but I Chaengri fics are rare and Seulgi already has Irene so....
1736 streak #5
Chapter 6: Oh my god. Pls pls pls let it be seulriiii!! Haaaaah T____T Let chaechae be with Joy insteaddd. Woooop.
DarkSky #6
Chapter 6: #teamchaengri,but if it end up being with seulri,you better made chaeng with someone else authornim hahahaha thanks for the update anyway it's cute
Chapter 5: Seulgi is so perfect i love her
mowmow33 #8
Chapter 4: Please update authornimㅠㅠ