
I've seen the rain

The next morning was chaos. Leo was refusing to come out of his room. N were a complete mess after realizing that Ravi probably would be next. Ken came out of his room, but almost didn't talk to anyone. N had told the police about Hongbin almost instantly when he had found out himself. The 3 of them were eating breakfast in almost complete silence. N had already tried coaxing Leo out of his room, but he had been met with silence. 

"What are we going to do today, hyung?" Ravi asked. It was a pretty simple question to answer, but still, N couldn't even answer. 
"Well, our schedules has been cancelled, for obvious reasons, so I guess we are staying here." N said.
"Can't we go somewhere. Like the park or something?" Ravi asked. N turned to look at him.
"No one is leaving this dorm. Especially not you. I've lost 2 dongsaengs already, I'm not losing you too." N said.
"You're forgetting something, hyung. Hongbin was kidnapped HERE. In our dorm. It's not as safe as you believe." Ravi said. 
"Then I'm staying here with you. I'm not leaving you alone until the police has caught this guy and Hyuk and Hongbin are back." N stated. He stood up and started clearing the table, realizing that no one was eating anyway. He made a small plate and tried knocking on Leo's door again.
"Taekwoon-ah? Please open the door. I've made breakfast for you." N said, knocking again. He waited for almost 30 seconds before the door opened slightly, only revealing one feline-like eye.
"Can I come in?" N asked. In the years they had known each other, he had learned to interpret Leo's different forms of silence. The awkward silence, the normal or indifferent silence, the happy and content silence. And now, the in-need-of-a-friend silence.
"How are you feeling?" N said, putting the breakfast on the floor. 
"I don't know." Leo said. And it was true. He dint know how to feel, when it felt like everything around him was crumbling. 
"You're worried. Maybe even scared. You miss Hongbin, and you wish more than anything that he was here." N said, as if reading Leo's mind. Leo didn't answer. 
"If that how you're feeling, it almost the same as me. If the kidnapper continues, Ravi will be the next victim. I'm terrified of losing him, and I wish that I could lock him away somewhere, in a room without doors or windows, just so this guy can't get to him." N said, his eyes beginning to shine a little more than usual. Leo looked at the leader. And without a word, he walked over the leader and pulled him into a hug. N returned the hug imidiately, sensing both of their need to be hugged. Leo needed comfort for what had happened. And n needed comforting for what might be coming. 

In the living room, Ravi and Ken sat in silence. Until Ken broke the silence.
"Are you scared?" Ken asked.
"Not as much as Hakyeon is." Ravi said.
"That wasn't my question. I don't think it's possible to be more scared than Hakyeon is at the moment." Ken said.
"Yes. I am scared. I don't want to die. Or to get kidnapped. But it just seems there's nothing stopping this guy. He started a smoke detector at a grocery store, without anyone noticing. He got into our dorm, kidnapped Binnie and left again, without us knowing. If it hadn't been for the broken glass, we wouldn't have known until this morning." Ravi said. Ken instinctively put a comforting hand on his shoulder.
"Don't be scared okay. We are going to do everything in our power to stop this guy. And to get Hyuk and Hongbin back. We just need to stay strong, okay?" Ken said. Ravi nodded. 
An: so this was kind of a "reaction" chapter for the last two chapters. Please vote, subscribe and comment❤️

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MissPanda16 #1
Chapter 14: Omg so sad!! T.T but it's as good as the happy ending ;)
Thank you again for this story, hope to read you again soon ;) see you~
MissPanda16 #2
Chapter 13: Yeah a happy and simple ending :D
Thank you for this story!! ;) I'm gonna read the sad ending too ;)
See you~
Karenkitty1092 #3
Chapter 14: Whoa this was a sad but an amazing update.
Chapter 14: aww so amazing T^T Love it so much <3
Chapter 13: wow it's so cuuuutttteeee xD hahah
Chapter 11: happy ending juseyo huhuhu :)
skroselovekpop #7
Chapter 11: Please make it happy ending!!
Chapter 11: Good Luck on your exams! Fighting!!
Chapter 11: Please make it a happy ending authornim!! I'ved been stressed out lately so happy atmosphere is a pleasure!!! Thanks for the update, it made my day :)
Karenkitty1092 #10
Chapter 11: Thank god they are safe and please make it a happy ending.