Ryeowook: The Bracelet

The Curse

A/N:Thank you so much for reading this story.Sorry for any mistakes I haven't broken my habit of typing at night. Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter


"Are you sure Minho won't mind that we're picking vegetables from his garden?", Ryeowook asked. He didn't want to make anyone to get mad at him since they were allowing him to stay; even though he was the cat. 

"As long as I'm here with you, it'll be fine."Taemin answered as he looked at the vegetables, "Besides it's for Key and Onew so he definitely won't mind at all.".

Ryeowook and Taemin remained quiet as they picked some vegetables for the soup. Ryeowook wanted to built a relationship with his brother; he wanted to get to know him better. He was thankful to spend time with him, but he knew he would really never get to know him if he just stayed quiet. "I'm sorry if my driving gave you a headache, I'm still learning.", he commented as he tried to start a conversation with his younger brother.

"You didn't give me a headache at all, despite the speed you were going.", Taemin answered,"It gave me an adrenaline rush. I'm surprise no cops stopped you.".

"I would have been in a lot of trouble especially since I don't have a license yet.". 

"So how did you find us anyways?", he asked.

"It's was just by pure luck, I still don't know my way around the city.", Ryeowook confessed.

"I don't either I constantly get lost, since I rarely get to leave the Main House.", Taemin stated,"We should go with Minho to explore the city one of these days. I know you two don't really get along specially since he hit you, but I can assure he's a very nice guy.".

"I'm sure he is, I will really like to explore the city with you both.", Ryeowook was happy that Taemin was willing to spend more time with him.

"I'll just talk to Minho to see when he has some free time.", he said as he began to look at the onions,"I know we aren't going to need any onions but should we pull them out? They look ready to me.".

"Let me see.", Ryeowook got down besides him; leaning in a bit close to be see the onions,"I'm not really an expert but I think they could still use a bit more time.".

"I didn't notice before due to the bruising and swelling around your face, but you're very handsome.", Taemin said.

Ryeowook was a bit surprise by Taemin comment,"We have everything we need, lets go.".

"I hope you don't mind me asking but are you into men or women?", Taemin asked as he walked beside him towards the house.

"I don't ever want to be in a relationship, so that really doesn't matter.", he answer knowing that no one in their right mind would ever want to be in a relationship with the cat.

"I really want to know are you attracted to men or women?", he insisted.

"I don't know.", he answered; feeling a bit to flustered to think. He didn't understand why Taemin was asking him such a question, but he took it as a sign that he was trying to learn a bit about him. "I'm attracted to both.", he answered,"Are you attracted to men or women?".

"I'm attracted to men.",Taemin smiled.

"What's your relationship with Minho? Are you two together?", he asked him. Remembering that Minho told him to especially stay away from Taemin. 

"Minho and I are just friends.", Taemin answered,"What do you think of Luna?". 

"I don't really know her but I'm very grateful towards her. She helped free me and took care of me when I needed help.", he answered,"Why do you ask?".

"Just out of curiosity that's all.".

"What do you think of her? Do you like her?", he asked him.

"She is okay. I sometimes like her and I sometimes don't.", Taemin answered as he then lifted Ryeowook's arm. "That's a very beautiful unique bracelet. Do you mind if I try it on?".

Ryeowook felt nervous when Taemin touched his bracelet. He pushed Taemin's hand away and immediately put his hand in his pocket to protect it."Sorry, I never take it off my mother gave it to me.".

"It's okay don't worry about it.", Taemin answered,"You're mother must have meant a lot to you. Have you went to visit your parents since you left the Main House?".

"My parents passed away."he lied; knowing that Taemin should never find out that they were brothers,"Do you live with your parents?".

"No, my parents passed away when I was eight years old. I been living on my own since then.", Taemin informed him.

Ryeowook felt like his heart broke into a thousands pieces. He was hoping to reunite with his parents and Taemin; he wanted to be a family again once the curse was broken. But now he knew that it would never be possible."What did they die of? Answer me!".

"I don't I got home from school one day and I found them both dead. Did you knew my parents?", Taemin asked."You're acting a bit odd.".

He tried to calm himself down," I knew your parents unlike everyone in the Main House they were very kind to me. I'm sorry that I yelled at you, it just took me by surprise that they died.". Ryeowook was upset that he never got to say goodbye to his parents. Jonghyun locked him up when Taemin was born. "Did you have any siblings?", he asked wondering if his parents mentioned him. 

"No I was an only child.", Taemin answered as they entered the house. 

"Are you sure you never had a brother?", he asked again.

"I never had any siblings.", he answered as they walked in to the kitchen,"Did I have a brother that my parents never told me about?

"No, sorry I got confused.".

"I'll be back, I need to go talk to Amber", he placed the vegetables in the counter and left.

As Ryeowook washed the vegetables his hands began to shake as he started to feel angry. It hurt him that his parents never mentioned him to Taemin. He didn't expect them to tell Taemin his name or that he was the cursed cat. Ryeowook just wanted them to at least acknowledge his existence. He started to believe that everything Jonghyun told him was true; that his parents were the one who gave him up because they wanted to separate him from Taemin. They didn't want anyone to know that Taemin was related to the cat. He now understood why his mother gave him the bracelet, it was to hide his true form. Ryeowook always thought that she told him to wear it because she cared, but most likely it was because she was afraid of the cat's true vengeful form. He now knew Jonghyun was right no one would ever truly see him; they just saw him for the beast he was when the bracelet was off.

"I believe those vegetables are clean enough.", Luna said immediately capturing Ryewook's attention.

"Sorry.", he apologized as he turned off the water.

"No need to apologize.", she smiled,"Do you need any help?".

"It's fine I can cook on my own.".

"Please allow me to help.", she insisted.

"I can cook on my own. I don't need any help.", he snapped at her,"Just leave.".

"I'm sorry.", she bowed several times before she left.

As Ryeowook cooked the soup for Key and Onew he began to feel bad for the way he treated Luna; he misdirected all his anger towards her. He turned off the stove and went to go look for her. As soon as he walked into the living room he spotted her quietly sitting on the couch with a sad expression on her face."Luna I'm very sorry for yelling at you.", he sat beside her.

"It's okay, I shouldn't have insisted.".

"It is not okay, I'm the only one to blame here. I am truly sorry and I hope you can except my apology.".

"I'll except your apology if you let me help you cook.", she smiled.

Ryeowook laughed,"It's a privilege to have the help of a great cook like you.". 

"You really think I'm a great cook?", she asked a big smile displaying on her face.

"Yes you're and excellent cook.".

"Thank you, thank you so much.", Luna happily said as then hugged him.

Ryeowook tried to stop her a bit to late; a loud poof was heard and he was once again a cat.

"I forgot how adorable you look as a cat.", Luna picked him up and hugged him,"My favorite zodiac animal is the cat. I consider myself to be born in the year of the cat.".

"Really? Why?",Ryeowook found her reaction a bit weird. No one ever really wanted to be near him; yet Luna was petting him. 

"It was really unfortunate that the cat didn't get to be part of the zodiac due to the mouse tricking him. I find it a bit unfair.", she said as continued to pet him"The cat must of felt really lonely not being able to attend the dinner. I guess I just don't want the cat to feel abandoned and alone, that's why I'm the year of the cat so he won't be so lonely.".

"You have a very weird way of looking at things.".Ryeowook said. Luna hands were very soft he couldn't help but let out a small purr as she petted him.

"Oh my! You purred. That was so cute.", she squealed.

Ryeowook felt embarrassed,"I didn't purr.", he lied as he jumped out of her arms;taking the bracelet in his mouth and disappearing into his room.


A/N: Well that does it for this special chapter, I really hope you enjoyed it. Please leave a comment I really enjoy reading them, see you all in the next chapter which is Taemin...

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mariallia #1
I just read all chapters, minho,s attitude towards taemin is irritating first he did not clearly explain his frnshp with Luna to taemin and always stick with Luna like he didn't care about taemin feelings, n thn he got angry when rywok/Kai getting close to taemin, when minho saw taekai kissing he runway like a coward atlest taem apologize n explain his feelings althgh minho never tried explain his feelings or spent time with taemin he is always with Luna it's like he care more Luna than taemin, evnthgt 2min is now in relationships I think their love isn't strong like onkey, waiting for future chapters, sorry for my bad English. Update soon author_nim
Chapter 29: i missed this story so much..
hoping you'll update it soon..
Chapter 29: Ooohhh i think mommaa is scheming with puppetry in a form of maid... buwahahaaha
Chapter 29: Ok we soooo need another Amber pov
Chapter 28: Wow u made me watch fruits basket bcoz of this story~ i hope to see this finish
Alexis213 #6
Chapter 27: Why!! Why are you making my ultimate bias so mean!! Lol this is really good!! I love it. I really want everyone to get along because its kind of heartbreaking to see everyone in pain. I really want jonghyun's manipulative mother gone!!
Chapter 25: i need to lock jjong's mom
Chapter 22: can i scold jonghyun?
Chapter 16: This is so cute and I'm really excited about it! I love how you picked the zodiac for the characters so well!