Chapter o4

Peek-A-Boo, I'll Find You

Chapter o4 

-Do Hye's POV-


What is wrong with me? Why am I feeling like this?


I had just ran out of the building after I saw Minho and that...rat together. I walked into the park across the road and headed for the equipment.  I shook my head to try to make things clearer. Why did I get so worked up in the first place? All she did was hug him. She does it all the time.


I hit myself on my head.


"What is wrong with you?!" I scolded myself, "Think about the case, Do Hye, think about the case."


I reached over to grab the swing by the chain and pulled it closer to me, hopped on and started to think about the murders. Three kills in three days. One person per day, but… I looked at the time on my mobile. Today they was no report about any killing, and it was already five past five in the evening. What was the killer planning right now?




-No One's POV-


"Do Hye?!" Yelled Jung Ah.


She ran in the direction that she saw Do Hye run in.


"Come on, girl! Don't let that Sulli girl get to your nerves! Chillax!"


She stopped running and looked around. Do Hye was on where to be seen. Actually, there was no one to be seen.


"That's weird…" Jung Ah thought, "Why is there no one here…"


Suddenly she heard a chilling voice.


"Looking for someone?"


She turned around and screamed.




"How dare he!" Fumed Sulli, "How dare he talk to me like that! That wasn't how it was when we grew up together! I was always the boss! I am always the boss! How dare he tell me to stop following him!"


She paced around her room. Then she abruptly stopped.


"It's that girl! What's her name again? That's right...Do Hye…"


She smiled. "Hmm...Do Hye… let's see what I have in store for you, darling."




Minho sat on his work chair, his right hand massaging him temple. What exactly was the killer trying to do? There had been no pattern of the killings at all...except for the three slashes. But maybe it was what Sulli had said. Maybe the slashes were just some sort of signature.


"Ah, damn this!" Yelled Minho as he stood up from his chair, "How am I supposed to solve this case when I have no lead at all?!"


Then he stopped as his eyes landed on a photo on his bookshelf.


"Just like how I couldn't solve your case, Yoona..."


He ran his hand through his hair and sighed.


"What am I going to do without you, Yoona? What am I supposed to do now?"


His train of thought was stopped as his phone started beeping. He walked over to grab his phone and he looked at the new message.


- I have Bae Jung Ah. Meet me at the old toy factory at eleven tonight. We need to go over some things. Do not tell anyone about this, otherwise she will not be unharmed for long. -


No thoughts ran through Minho's mind for that second. He rushed over to his drawer and opened it to grab his car keys and he flew out the door to reach his car. As he sped off towards the ancient factory, he dialled Do Hye's number via his vehicle. She picked up after the fifth ring.




"Do Hye. Go to get back up now. I got a text from an unknown number saying that they have Jung Ah at the old toy factory-"


"You mean the one that went out of business eleven years ago?"


"Yes, that one, but hurry! Make sure to keep your presence unknown otherwise I'm afraid something might happen to her."


He hung up as soon as he finished telling Do Hye his instructions.


"Ah," He thought, "What kind of case is this?! We haven't even gotten a link to the killer and they're already onto us…"



IM SO SORRY T.T IM SO CRAP AT WRITING CRIME ARRRRGGGH I should not have picked this as a theme SIGH oh well.

Hmm, so yeah, the friend that Minho saw getting killed was Yoona hohoho I have put in some MinYoon 8D And oh my, I wonder what the killer has planned to do with the three of them hmm...ANYWAY -


^ Jonghyun's Awkward y Dance                                   ^ Taemin's y Dance


^ Key's y Dance                                                                ^Minho's [y Dance]


LOL Ah, damn if only Onew was there too XD




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Chapter 5: Aha. Oh my. Didn't expect the ending to be like that!
It was still good though. :)
Maybe you could post the alternate ending sometime?
SuperStarKMJ95 #2
Ah! This story was so good! Author-nim, please post the alternate ending too! :D
I went O.O.... Seriously, I had Shibrows for a moment there! It was just not fair!!!!

Hahahaha, I am whining like a little child now, That just shows how good the story was. But I really wanted that scary ending... Could you put that up as well?? Pretty please with a cherry on top????
Ohh, I really liked this fict! haha
I hope you will put up an alternate ending ><

Great job!!
just finished reading this fict :D
Wew, it's just a film .-. But, to be honest, i curious who the murder is
J-Just a movie? Oh my god, that was so .. whoa xD
You got me xD Strange ending xD
You made such an mysterious story end like this, you surprised me xP
AH! It was just a movie?!??!!! YOU HAD ME ALL FREAKED FOR NOTHING >.< And such a short story! Not one-shot, but more like... five-shot? xD
And the y dances are funny xD
NUUUUU YOU KILLED SEOBBIE T_T *Cries in a corner*<br />
But the stroy's quite interesting ;D<br />
Update soon~
B2STHart #10