Chapter 3

It's Not Love!

Baekhee's P.O.V

'Why are they all staring at me like this? Sure, the girls in my old class also hated me and the boys annoyed me,but they never sat and stared at me! Oh please stop stare at me! Please stop it!'

Baekhee stares down at her desk and takes notes from the teacher who has smiled at her when he came in. Baekhee hates this! She hates to be the new girl! Everyone knows she's new and they won't stop stare at her! Why can't they just leave her alone?!

Baekhee tries to not think about how everyone stares at her, but it's really hard to not notice their glances. After the whole first class finished, the teacher asks her if she can introduce herself, which she would rather not do, but she has too.

Baekhee forces herself of her chair and shyly walks over to the teacher who asked her to introduce herself. Baekhee's hands almost trembled as nervous she feels, she's really not good with talking in front of people. But she just needs to introduce herself a little quickly, which isn't too bad. At least she doesn't have to hold a whole presentation about something.


A-Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Baekhee. Please take good care of me.”
“Nice to meet you Baekhee, you're very welcomed to the class. Now, I will have to leave. The class is over today.”


The teacher smiles as he leaves quickly. Baekhee is fast to walk back to her seat, but before she gets to sit down again, a couple of boys are fast up and smiles kindly at her.


Hi Baekhee, nice to meet you.”
“So you're new here huh?”
“You don't have to be nervous around us, we won't bite you!”
“If you need anything, just ask us!”
“If you get sick, we will take notes for you!”
“T-Thank you very much.”
“Hey new girl! Why are you with the boys? Be with us!”


Some of the girls smiles kindly at her, they actually seem to be nice. Or at least they seem nicer than the other girl group who glares at her. Baekhee hesitates before she walks over to the girls who smiles at her.


Hi, I'm Jessica! Nice to meet you!”
“And I'm Bom! Nice to meet you!
“It's nice to meet you too.”
“Now, sit down, tell us where you come from.”
“I was born here in Seoul, but I moved to Busan for a couple of years and lived there until recently.”
“Let me guess, your parents got a job in Busan and moved there and now they wanted to move back.”
“Yes, it's actually pretty much like that.”


Baekhee smiles as the girls smile back at her and tell her a little about the school. To be honest, Baekhee doesn't feel very comfortable about lying to the girls, but since she's not really planning on becoming best friends with anyone, she doesn't mind lying just a little to them.

Baekhee sits awkwardly around the girls for a while before the other teacher for their second class comes in. She hurries back to her seat as the teacher tells everyone to sit down on their places. This time it's a woman who looks pretty strict, but she smiles kindly at Baekhee before she begins the class. Seriously, why are the teachers smiling so weirdly at her? She's just the new girl, just don't mind about her already!




Baekhee sits and eats her lunch alone. She avoids mostly of the people in her class, but she can't help but to notice that people are staring at her in the canteen. The canteen is big, probably the biggest canteen she has seen before. The teacher said that they would like it if the students eats in here and not in the classroom like some schools wants the students to do.

Baekhee sits and eats alone while thinking about what she has to do. She moved in to her new apartment that her father found for her for only a few couple of days ago. She has to go grocery shopping with her mother and her father promised to come and drop of some old furniture he doesn't use.

Baekhee is lost in her thoughts for a long time, she barely notices how someone stands beside her and suddenly, someone sits down on a chair beside her. Baekhee looks dumbly at the person who has sat down beside her as she recognized the face. It's one of the guys from her class, but she swears that she has seen him somewhere before.


Hi, do you recognize me?”


Baekhee nods a little as she looks down at her food. She's still too shy to look directly at the people she meets, but at least she doesn't runaway from them like she used to do during middle school.


Do you like the school?”
“Mm... It's okay here.”
“Hey, are you interested into something special?”
“Not really...”
“Not? There must be something that interests you.”
“Not really...”


Baekhee glances up at the boy who seems to be thinking. Baekhee suddenly gets a weird feeling that she doesn't want to talk with this guy anymore. And she would soon realize why.


Anyway, I haven't introduced myself properly. Annyeong, I'm Park Chanyeol, it's nice to meet you.”


The boy flashes a smile bright smile towards her, but all Baekhee can think of is the flashbacks that takes over her. For a second, she felt really angry and she nearly dropped her lunch over the guy. But instead of slamming her lunch into the tall man's face, she slowly gets up and gathers her things quickly


Sorry, I have to go.”
“Yeah, see you.”


The guy seems really confused and surprised, but all Baekhee can think of is the anger that begins to sneak up inside of her. Baekhee hurries to get out of the canteen and heads straight towards the classroom as she tries to take deep breaths. But she can't maintain as calm as she thought she could.

'Dammit! Why did he have to be here?! And in my class?! I hate him! Go to hell Park! Go to ing hell and die! Burn in hell you damn idiot! I hate you!'

Baekhee nearly slams her books onto her desk as she sits down on her seat. She glances over at the a girl group that glares at her and she glares back at them. Now she understands why they're glaring at her, it's the hoes from middle school and the playground she used to be at when she was younger! They all are people from her old primary school and middle school! They all knows who she is, that's why they're glaring at her!


Hey Bacon! Woops, we meant Baekhee.”
“Haha, now I remember your real name! Wasn't it pig?!”
“Oh shut up you damn hoes.”


Baekhee speaks with a cold voice as they all stare surprised at her. Baekhee ignores them with all her might as she picks up her books and checks them out. She has gotten mostly of the books she needs to her classes, but she still needs to go to the library and borrow some other books as well.


Excuse me, what did you call me?!”


One of the girls stands up and walks over to Baekhee who ignores her. She pretends that she can't hear or see the girl who shouts pissed at Baekhee and tries to sound cool. But all Baekhee can do is to hear a high pitched shout that sounds pretty false.


Do you hear me you ?!”
“Ah sorry, did you say something?”
“Damn ! Listen to what I have to say!”
“Oh you were talking to me? I thought you talked to yourself.”
“Do you want to die?! I'm the freaking boss here, don't you freaking dare to piss me off!”


Baekhee ignores the girl who looks more and more pissed off. The other girls gather behind the girl who claims to be the boss of the class as they glare at Baekhee. Baekhee only sighs as she wishes she never opened , because then everything wouldn't be so annoying right now.


Yah! Get up!”
“Come on fatty, get up!”
“Move you ugly and stand up you fat hoe!”


Baekhee refuses to move as she turn a page over in her book that she's reading. The girls get impatient and angrier, so they push down all the books from the table. They all smirk at her, like she's been defeated just because they pushed her books down onto the floor. Now this is starting to piss her off as well.


Pick them up pig!”
“Yeah, you lazy fat pig!”
“Hey! What are you doing?!”


Some of the boys from the class enters the classroom quickly as the girls begin to look unsure. Baekhee stands up slowly and crouches down to the floor to pick up her books, but some of the nice guys in the class hurries to help her before she even can gather some few of the books.


Please, let us pick them up for you.”
“Y-You really don't need too-”
“No, please, let us.”
“B-But it's fine, r-really-
“How low of you! Playing all innocent!”
“Yeah, you ugly , don't play so innocent!”
“Don't act like you're popular and can play all nice!”
“You called us hoes!”
“Yah, enough from you!”


Baekhee looks up at the manly voice that echoes through the room. To her surprise, she sees someone she actually doesn't like. But she kind of appreciates what he does, even though it somehow pisses her off.


“No excuses! Get out or shut up! I don't mind either of it, just choose quickly before I kick you out!”


The girls are fast to shut up and before Baekhee has gotten back all her books, the girls leaves the classroom. Chanyeol sighs as the other guys joins him. They all look quite tired, but not very surprised. Does this happen often or is it just something they all expected to happen?


Hey, we're truly sorry for that. They're just...”
“They're jealous.”
“Yeah, they act like that against every girl they see as a threat.”
“I-It's alright, really.”
“But it's not okay, they called you many things.”
“Just so you know, you're not fat!”
“Yeah, you're slim!”
“Don't listen to them, okay?”
“Really, I-I never listened to them. I actually... know them a little...”
“What? How?”


Baekhee feels how she falls in silence as the others stare at her. She wonders how many of them in here used to bully her. She's scared that they will start to bully her again if she tells them the truth. But on the other hand, it won't take very long before the overreacting girl-gang will spread rumors about her anyway.


I lived here when I was younger and they were girls I used to see on the playground, that's all. Or I think it was them, but they have changed quite a lot.”
“They're so mean!”
“Don't talk to them more than necessary.”
“We will protect you if you ask us!”
“Thank you, but I think I'm just fine on my own.”
“But just now-”
“Don't worry, I let them do that. I don't think saying anything back really helps. So I just let them act as cool as they want, I don't care anyway.”
“But if they go too far, don't hesitate to call us!”
“Okay then.”


Baekhee smiles a little as the boys smile back at her. And then the school bell rings. The bell rings loudly through the whole building, which means that the lunch has ended and that the afternoon classes are going to begin in only a couple of minutes.

Baekhee sits down on her seat and organizes her books once again. The others begin to sit down on their seats as well before the rest of the class enters the classroom. Soon the teacher will come in and start the first afternoon class, but hopefully nothing more will happen than that.


Chanyeol's P.O.V

Chanyeol swear that he has seen Baekhee somewhere before. Well she did say that when she was younger, she lived here in Seoul. So he might have met her when she was younger. But shouldn't he remember someone like her? He means, she's not ugly, she's rather pretty. No, she's not just pretty, she's beautiful.

Chanyeol sighs as he drags off his shirt and picks up another t-shirt he's going to wear during the P.E class. It doesn't take long before he has changed his clothes and walks towards the P.E hall where they're going to have their P.E class.


Okay everyone, gather over here please!”


The class begins pretty much when everyone is on place. Baekhee, the new pretty girl who is also hot, hasn't changed her clothes though. She hasn't gotten any P.E clothes yet, so she will have to wait till next time. It's kind of disappointing, Chanyeol is pretty curious about her body shape and how fit she is.

Mostly of the girls in their school has a pretty flat chest and the school uniform hides the little chest they have. But Baekhee has a a little bigger chest, Chanyeol can tell since you can see something stick out under the school uniform. Then imagine if she didn't have the school uniform on.

Chanyeol feels like drooling, his mind thinking about things he shouldn't be thinking about. But hey, he's a teenage boy who's still trying to control his hormones, so let him be.


Okay everyone, today we will play basketball!”


The word basketball reaches Chanyeol's ears fast as a smile spread across his face. This is a great opportunity to show off his skills for Baekhee! Yeah, he has decided to try to hit on her eventually, but right now he wants to show off his skills. But he also wants to show that he cares about the others of course.


Park! You're team leader one!”
“Yes sir.”
“Kim, you're team leader two!”
“Yes sir!”
“I will divide the rest into two teams! You're one, you're two! One, two, one, two...”


The P.E teacher divide everyone into two teams before he gave them some exercises they could try out like passing the ball and shooting. Chanyeol tries to not show off too much since he knows that P.E isn't that fun for everyone. But he makes sure to show everyone that he's quite skilled. He especially tries to catch Baekhee's attention when he show off some of his skills.


Baekhee's P.O.V

Baekhee ignores everyone during the P.E class. Some of the boys come over and ask her if she wants to try to shoot the ball once or twice or just watch them play, but she kindly turns their offers down. Actually, she rather sits and study while she can and she's not the sporty type anyway. Or she doesn't play any sport on her free time, so she doesn't mind if she skip one P.E class.


Miss Byun.”
“Y-Yes sir.”
“What are you doing?”
“Uhm, I'm new and-”
“I know, but what are you doing?”
“Studying, I thought that I should be a little productive.”
“Then proceed with what you were doing.”
“Yes sir.”


The P.E teacher seems to be nice, he's a little strict but he's nice. But he looks weirdly at her. She doesn't like it how everyone has been looking weirdly at her. Maybe she's imagining things? She knows that people in her new class has stared at her the whole day, especially the bullying girls who she knows from when she was younger. But not everyone stares at her, right?


Chanyeol's P.O.V

Great, just great. Chanyeol showed off a little during the P.E class and made sure that he let others score and play more than he did, yet it was for nothing! The P.E teacher loved it though, but the thought behind it was to impress Baekhee! But she didn't even watch them! Not even once! She was actually gone as fast the class ended, which was a huge disappointment to be honest.

Chanyeol sighs disappointed as he checks the time. There is no point for him to change his clothes, he has basketball practice today after school. He can grab his books and study a little, but only for 30 minutes. Then the others from the basketball team should show up for some basketball practice.

While waiting, Chanyeol picks up his books to study, but sadly enough he doesn't have any power to do it. Instead he sits and thinks about what a failure he is. After all, he failed to impress Baekhee. But it's hard to impress on someone who isn't even looking, right?


Hey Park!”
“Chanyeol, did you meet her?!”
“Yeah, I met her.”
“Weren't we right?!”
“Oh you were, she's really pretty and hot.”
“We told you!”
“So, anything new about her?”
“She has lived here when she was younger and her name is Baekhee.”
“Baekhee... That sounds familiar.”
“Yeah, I know! I thought that I had seen here or someone alike her before, but I couldn't come up with where. So I thought that I must have seen her when she was younger.”
“Yeah... Like at the playground.”
“But Seoul is a pretty big place, who knows where she lived before she moved.”
“Do you know where she lives now?”
“No, I don't and I won't tell you even if I figure it out.”
“Hey, that's mean!”
“Calm down, I'm just teasing you!”


Chanyeol laughs at Kai and Sehun who sigh with a smile on their lips. To be honest, Chanyeol wouldn't have told them about where Baekhee lives if he knew, because he doesn't want them to get closer to her before him. It sounds weird, but he thinks he likes Baekhee despite the fact that he just met her. She's pretty and a little shy, and she tries to be nice and she tries to not stick out too much. Chanyeol likes that, he likes those kind of girls.

Though Chanyeol isn't sure if he truly likes Baekhee, after all she might be faking her innocence and is actually a total . But until she has shown her true colors, Chanyeol will watch her from afar and try to get to know her slowly. He will talk a little with her from time to time, just having small conversations about school at first. But later he will try to keep longer conversations and make her talk more to him. He will move in slowly on her and not flirt too obviously with her, like the rest of the boys.

Chanyeol smiles at his plan as he wakes up from his own world. Mostly of the basketball team has gathered in the P.E hall and shortly after everyone has gathered, the basketball team's coach comes in with a smile on his lips.


Okay ladies, let's get moving!”



Ayo guys! ^.^

So I'm back with a new chapter! *dancing for myself like a fool* ^.^

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter and that you will stay tuned for the next chapter! Until then, please keep supporting me ^.^

Subs, comments and upvotes are very well appreciated and I hope you all enjoy reading this story! ^.^

Peace and love to you all! <3

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Luc4sLuke #1
this story is really cute.
Chapter 6: Awwwwwwwwww!!!! Omo I can't wait until your next update!!!! <3
Tbh you re my fav writer i read almosy allof ur ff kkkk