Chapter 4

It's Not Love!

Baekhee's P.O.V

Baekhee sighs tired as she walks in to the classroom. She didn't sleep that much last night and now she regrets not going to bed earlier. She was too focused on doing her homework and get some things done in her new apartment, so she ended up sleeping only a couple of hours.

Baekhee picks up her books from her bag and puts them on the bench. She doesn't even get the chance to put away her bag before she watches her books get pushed down from the bench. The books lands on the floor with a loud thud which makes Baekhee sighs tired. She is fast to look up at one of the girls who smirks at her and pretends to be surprised and sorry at the same time.


Oh, I'm so sorry for that, I'm so clumsy sometimes.”
“It's alright, since you didn't mean it.”


Baekhee smiles kindly and plays dumb, she won't give in to the girls so easily. She picks up her books and places them on the bench again. The girl isn't sure how to react to Baekhee's act as she just walks over to her seat and sits down. Baekhee smirks for herself as she opens her notebook and begins to prepare for today's morning class.


Good morning Baekhee.”
“Good morning.”
“Did you sleep well last night?”
“Uhm... I guess I did...”
“If you're tired, you can always get my muffin!”
“Or my chocolate!”
“Or my ice coffee!”
“How kind of you, but I will have to say no. Thank you anyway.”
“Okay, just tell us if you need anything!”
“I will, thank you.”


Baekhee smiles at some of the boys in her class, they seem to have taken a liking to her. She doesn't really mind since they won't bully her, but if they're going to act like this everyday, she might go crazy. But they just mean well, it's not like they're trying to make her feel bad.


Ah, good morning Baekhee.”
“Oh, uhm, morning... Was it Park?”
“Park Chanyeol, yes.”


Baekhee nods a little as she looks away from Chanyeol. She doesn't want to talk to him, she actually doesn't really like him. It's because of the past and she's pretty sure that Chanyeol doesn't know who she is. Well, she's surprised that the girls remembers her from the past since she looks really different now when she's more grownup.

Chanyeol walks passed her and sits down on the seat behind her. Baekhee holds in a sigh as she looks down on her notebook. She won't act mean towards Chanyeol, she promised herself to not become any kind of bully and if you ignore someone, it's like bullying them. So she will still talk to him, but she might try to keep the conversations very short and she won't be around him that much if it's possible.


Hey Baekhee, do you have any extra pencils? I forgot mine.”
“Ah, uhm... Here.”
“Thank you.”
“No problem.”


Baekhee ignores him fast again and stares down at her notebook once more. She isn't sure if she gives Chanyeol the right signals or not, but she doesn't want to be mean and childish just because of the past. She's grownup now, she has learned how to deal with the bullies and therefor she's not scared to face them. But she doesn't want to become like them just because she hates someone.

Or to hate someone is quite exaggerated because you can only hate someone if they like kill someone dear to you or hurts you really badly. Sure, Chanyeol bullied her a lot when she was younger and he was really mean, but he didn't really bully her when anyone was around. It was like he... Like he was forced to bully her around others.

Baekhee might just have imagined that up to make him seem less mean, but he still bullied her. She's still a little hurt after her tough and rough childhood, but she won't complain about it. She will stay strong and deal with the bullies like a pro. She will show everyone that she's not the girl who you can run over anymore or push up against a wall. She will show them that she's the one who's going to be the strongest among them and that no one can screw around with her anymore.




Hey, thanks for the pencil.”
“No problem.”
“So, uhm, are you going to eat lunch now?”
“Oh, are you going to eat alone?”
“I don't know.”


Chanyeol stands almost awkwardly beside Baekhee who packs down her things before she stands up and flashes a quick smile towards Chanyeol. Then she walks away from the giant who surprisingly follows her.


So, uhm, if you're going to eat alone, then you can always feel free to come over to my table. I sit with a couple of close friends, but they're really nice and I think you wouldn't mind them. Y-You don't have to come, but I'm just saying that if you want to sit with someone, you know who to turn to.”
“Yeah... See you later then.”


Baekhee nods as Chanyeol awkwardly walks away from her. Baekhee nearly chuckles at the weird behavior Chanyeol shows her. Why is he acting so awkward? Baekhee shakes her head and walks fast towards the canteen. While being inside the canteen, she looks for a table to sit down at where she will be left alone. It takes a while but she finally finds a table where she can sit alone. She hurries to sit down and picks up her lunch box.

Today's lunch is rice and some fried vegetables. It's last night's dinner that she didn't have the power to eat, so she decided to save it for lunch. She doesn't eat that much while she's alone and cooking food is tiring, so she only makes lunch to herself and eat a simple sandwich instead of real dinner.

Baekhee eats her food fast before she gets up and leaves the table. She doesn't like to stay in the canteen for too long, so she goes straight back towards the classroom where she unluckily finds the group; the bullying girls who won't leave her alone.


Hey, isn't it miss fat pig?”
“Look at her hair, it's so ugly!”
“And out of fashion!”
“And the shirt is so long, who sew it for you? Your grandma?”
“Haha, I bet everything she wears is cheap copies!”


Baekhee just sits down on her chair and lets the girl talk to her from behind her, but she doesn't pay them any attention. Instead she studies so she won't need to study later. Out of nowhere, a hand gets slammed down in front of her on her bench as she looks up at one of the cocky girls. What now? Can't they just leave her alone?


Yah! Are you even listening to us?! We're your superior! Do as we say!”
“Sorry, I haven't been listening to anything you said.”
“You little !”
“Whatever, if that's all you can say, then leave me alone.”
“Do you want me to hit you?!”
“Pft, like you would.”
“Don't mock me!”
“Please, if you hit me you know that I will go to the teachers and show them the proof of everything and you will risk to get expelled from the school. It's up to you what you want to risk, but I'm just saying that I will go straight to the principal if anything like that happens.”
“You damn coward!”
“Should you say who tries to make me feel bad because you don't feel well.”
“Shut up you damn !”
“Oh come on! You again?!”


Baekhee stares up at the boys who has come back from the lunch. The girls hurries to walk away from Baekhee, but they're still throwing her angry glares. Baekhee just looks back down on her book again as she sighs mentally. Those girls, do they even have a life? She bets that if they put as much time at studying as they fix their hair and makeup, they would be geniuses by now. But they're not geniuses, they're stupid young girls who get jealous way too easy.


Chanyeol's P.O.V

It's okay, calm down. She's just acting a little cold because she might have a grudge against him. But he still has a chance to make her like him or at least make her talk normally to him. She lend him a pen and she did reply to his questions, so he guesses that she doesn't hate him at least. But... Is it just him or is she trying to not avoid him or something?

Chanyeol sits and thinks about his attempt to talk a little with Baekhee this morning, but it feels like he failed pretty badly. She didn't seem interested in him and she seemed to actually not want to talk to him. But she still answered him, which is a small but good sign. She doesn't seem to hate him which is very good.


Hey Chanyeol, are you seriously spacing out?”
“Ah sorry, I was just thinking about something.”
“About what?”
“Just stuff.”
“Can you give us an example?”
“School, homework, basketball games, etc.”
“Aha, the normal stuff with other words.”


Chanyeol nods as he drinks some water from his glass. To be honest, he won't admit that he is thinking about his failed plan and that he actually tries to get a chance to hit on Baekhee. After all, she's quite cute. Is it love at the first sight? Well, he's totally into her, that's for sure. Even now he's only thinking about her and how he's supposed to get closer to her.


Hey, we should get going before the bell rings.”
“Yeah, I guess you're right.”
“Are you showing up for the basketball practice today?”
“Yeah, I will be there.”
“Good, then we see you there.”


Chanyeol nods as he gets up and gathers all his things to get back to the classroom. He says a quick goodbye to his friends before he walks towards his classroom. As fast he enters it he finds Baekhee sit and read in a book with the boys glaring at the girls who pretend that they don't see anything. What happened here?


Has something happened?”


Chanyeol asks one of his classmate silently as he tells him that they had caught one of the girls talking mockingly to Baekhee who hasn't done anything wrong. Chanyeol wonders why the girls picks on Baekhee in the first place, he means she hasn't done anything. Or has she? Maybe he should watch her a little secretly to see if she's actually as innocent as she seems?

Chanyeol shakes away the thoughts as he sits down on his chair. He picks up his books and his notebook as he remembers that he can't take out his pen. Baekhee will know that he lied about forgetting his pen if he takes it out. But if he doesn't take it out, he will have to ask her to borrow her pen once again.


What's wrong Chanyeol? You look rather bothered.”
“Ah, well...”
“You want to borrow this, right?”


Baekhee turns around in her seat and holds out a pen to Chanyeol who stares dumbly at it for a couple of seconds. A bright smile spreads across his face as he gently takes the pen from Baekhee. Woah, she actually talked to him first this time!


Yes, thank you so much Baekhee.”
“I-It's not a big deal...”
“But seriously, thank you!”


Baekhee looks shyly away while Chanyeol feels the happiness take over him. Baekhee actually gave him the pen without him asking her! She's the best! Chanyeol knew she was a good girl! Or well, he can't really say that she's fully a good girl, but this far she has only been nice towards him. She's truly the greatest!


Baekhee's P.O.V

It's nothing wrong with getting shy from a guy smiling at you, right? Baekhee thinks a little about the bright kind smile Chanyeol had flashed her when she held out the pen to him. It's only natural for him to need a pen now if he didn't have any pen during the morning. She can't have stayed silent when she heard that Chanyeol looked bothered and she hates to admit it, but Chanyeol doesn't seem to be that mean.

Maybe this Chanyeol isn't the same Chanyeol who bullied her when she was younger? But they look a little alike. Sure, he's way taller now and this guy has a really deep voice, but the baby face is somewhat a little alike the Chanyeol who bullied her. But this Chanyeol looks so much better and his bright smile is something she hasn't seen before.

No, this might be a trap! Don't fall for him! He's definitely the bully from the playground and from middle school! He was really mean towards her and she won't forgive him that easily! But it's mean to act cold towards him when he has no idea what he has done. He doesn't seem to recognize her at all. Maybe she also has changed a lot since back then?




During the whole afternoon Baekhee thinks about asking Chanyeol if he knows about a girl that was called Bacon the pig. But she's scared that he will recognize her and start bullying her again if he finds out that she's that girl. But on the other hand, she did say that she's ready to go against any kind of bully and if Chanyeol is truly such a terrible guy, then she can just ignore him.

But on the other hand, why should she care about him? She has been acting cold against him during the whole day and he should have gotten the signal of her not wanting to be with him. But it feels like he doesn't understand those signals at all, because he keeps talking to her.

Baekhee sighs as she makes up her mind, she has to become colder towards Chanyeol so he doesn't want to become friends with her. Else he will never understand that she's not happy with him and that he's actually making her feel pissed off whenever she sees him.


Chanyeol's P.O.V

Chanyeol has never felt so confused before. Baekhee was actually a quite shy and nice girl the first two days at school, but after a while she begun to act cold towards him. And it is only against him and the girls that she acts cold towards! Chanyeol hasn't done anything to hurt her feelings or to make her mad, yet she becomes cold towards him. Why?

Chanyeol feels so confused: why is she acting like this? And why only towards him among the boys? She barely speaks to him and she never looks at him and she avoids him all the time. Has he scared her away from him? How? He hasn't acted more scary or annoying than the other boys in their class.

The other boys are even worse! They follow her around all the time and they even try to sneak their phone number into her phone and they are almost forcing her to take their sweets they bring for her. It's like they're obsessed with her! Chanyeol bets he would also be as obsessed as them if it wasn't for his friends who taught him that some girls hates this kind of attention. And Baekhee is one of those girls.

Yet, she seems to hate him. Why? Because he has said something wrong? He can't have, he hasn't even asked her about herself! He has only asked her if she wants to sit with him if she sits alone! Then what if he has accidentally touched her somewhere? No, he hasn't! No physical contact with her at all! Then what can he has done wrong? What if there are false rumors about him that makes her scared of him? Well, there are a lot of rumors about him, but not bad rumors. Or not that bad rumors. So what has he done wrong?

Chanyeol feels how he sighs as he looks over at his father who sits in the armchair and reads through a couple of documents. As fast Chanyeol sighs, his father looks up at Chanyeol and puts down the documents for a couple of seconds. He smiles kindly towards Chanyeol as he clears his throat gently.


Is something wrong Chanyeol?”
“Don't take me wrong, but girls can be so complicated.”
“A crush?”
“Maybe, I'm not sure. I just wanted to get along with the new girl in my class.”
“And it didn't go that well?”
“She was quite nice towards me in the beginning, for like two days. Then she acted cold towards me. And the funny thing is, it's only towards me and towards some bullies she acts cold towards. No one else!”
“Hm.... Have you said something?”
“That's just it, I haven't really asked her anything about herself to make her upset or said anything to make her upset. So I'm pretty sure I haven't made her upset.”
“Well... All I can say is; girls are really complicated.”
“No .”


Chanyeol sighs like his father before they laugh a little. They have no idea why they're actually laughing, but sometimes laughing can make you feel a little more at ease. And Chanyeol feels like he would need to feel a little more eased right now.


Baekhee's P.O.V

Baekhee walks fast down the corridor and sighs tired. Those stupid boys from her class won't leave her alone! She swears, if she doesn't find a place to hide at during the lunch, she will kill herself! Okay, not literally, but she will go crazy if she can't be alone for a while during the lunch. But Baekhee hasn't gotten to know the school yet and she feels like if she tries to find somewhere to hide, she might get lost. And looking for a place to hide at during the lunch time isn't the smartest thing to do.


Baekhee, aren't you hungry?”
“Do you want to taste some of my delicious ramen?”
“Ah no thank you, I'm fine.”
“Then do you want some muffins?”
“Ah no thank you-”
“Here, take my smoothie!”
“Please, I don't want anything.”


Baekhee sighs as she tries to walk as fast as she can. She walks and walks and walks until she sees Chanyeol who is walking towards the classroom just like them. He smiles a little at Baekhee who looks away and just enters the classroom in silence. She has been doing this for a couple of days now and to be honest, she feels kind of mean. Maybe this wasn't the best solution she could come up with?


Baekhee, do you need a pen?”
“Or maybe you forgot your book?”
“No, I got everything I need.”
“Are you thirsty?”
“No, I'm fine.”
“Hey Baekhee! Are you a or what?!”


Baekhee rolls her eyes at the jealous bully girls and ignores them. The boys glare at them as some of them even walk over to the girls and lecture them. Baekhee just ignores everything and sits down at her seat. Chanyeol comes into the classroom as well and stops by her bench and smiles kindly at her.


Hey, are they too annoying, you can always tell them to back off.”


Chanyeol mostly whispers it, but he says it loud enough so Baekhee can hear him. Baekhee just nods as Chanyeol proceeds to sit down on his seat behind hers. She wonders why she actually nods to what Chanyeol said, but she can't be too rude, right?

Back to what she was thinking about earlier. Today after school, she really should take a tour around the building and see if she can find somewhere to sit during the lunch without getting lost on her way back to the classroom. That will have to be her afternoon plans for today! Maybe she can study a little at her new secret place as well?



Ayo guys! ^.^

So I'm back with a new chapter! *dancing for myself like a fool* ^.^

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter and that you will stay tuned for the next chapter! Until then, please keep supporting me! ^.^

Subs, comments and upvotes are very well appreciated and I hope you enjoy reading my fictions! Love you all! ^.^

Peace and love to you all! <3

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Luc4sLuke #1
this story is really cute.
Chapter 6: Awwwwwwwwww!!!! Omo I can't wait until your next update!!!! <3
Tbh you re my fav writer i read almosy allof ur ff kkkk