Chapter 3

Right Over There. . .

Jungkook was mad.

"Out of all the answers you could've given me, 'right over there' was the one you picked." Jungkook said furiously as he couldn't find the eggs.

"Yup" Taehyung replied while grinning. "Now hurry up, I'm hungry"

Jungkook opened the fridge's drawers, he opened the freezer, he opened everything, and the eggs where nowhere to be found.

"There are no eggs!" Jungkook said while still looking in the fridge.

Taehyung, with the most annoyed face, walked over up to the fridge. He placed his hand on the milk carton, and took the carton out. Right behind it, some Humpty Dumpty Eggs shone as if they had discovered gold.

Taehyung directed himself to Jungkook. "Eggs" was all that Taehyung said, while Jungkook stared in amaze.

"You had to specify!" Jungkook directed himself up to Taehyung.

"I told you they were right over there" Taehyung said as a smile appeared on his face. "Now I know you at Where's Waldo or find the difference."

"Ok first thing, I'm the master at Where's Waldo. Second, now I know you at giving orders." Jungkook retorded.

Taehyung ignored him as he grabbed the eggs and resumed cooking his breakfast. Jungkook, who was still in amaze, slowly sat down at the table,waiting for Taehyung to feed him.

Taehyung looked back as he fried the eggs."Did you already eat or something?" asked Taehyung.

"Aren't you making breakfast for the two of us?" asked Jungkook.

"I thought you said it wasn't time for breakfast, so naturally I'd refrain from wasting perfectly good eggs on someone who does not respect the sacred time that is breakfast." ranted Taehyung.

Jungkook looked at him in disbelief. 'First he doesn't let me in. Then he yells at me for not finding the eggs and now he won't even cook me breakfast!?... Is it too late to check other dorms?' Jungkook thought sadly.

"But I made the effort to find them~" Jungkook replied cutely, he was desperate and not to mention hungry.

"Stop that, it's disguisting"



"Pwease~~" asked Jungkook as he batted his long eyelashes. 

Taehyung's resolve was slowly crumbling. Jungkook's aegyo was too powerful for him. He had to make a choice, whether to not eat breakfast all together and waste the half-cooked eggs or double his work-load by cooking breakfast for the younger.

"/sigh/ Okay fine! Just stop that or I'll hit you with the frying pan.

 "What kind of eggs do you want?" Taehyung asked as he sighed in defeat.

Jungkook smiled victoriously, "Scrambled eggs, please~".

Taehyung grumbled as he cracked two extra eggs. The fact that his new roommate actually possessed the abilities to make him do something, was beyond his comprehension. He wondered where Jin had found him.

  Jin had often attempted to get him a roommate, but he always managed to scare them out. He blamed it on their incapability to understand that the brunetter needed his gaming time. It was also because of his belief that if the curtains were opened, it would result in his skin burning to the point that he could peel it off. After he mentioned this disgusting fact, as Jin would say, the elder simply gave up and sacrificed his beauty sleep in exchange for scolding Taehyung.

It was quiet for a while, until the silence started getting on Jungkook's nerves.

"Would you mind if I ask you a couple of questions?" the younger asked cautiosly

"Depends on what you ask"

Jungkook knew he couldn't ask the important questions first, so he stuck with the basics. "What is your full name?"

"Kim Taehyung"

"When were you born?'"

"December 4th"

"How long have you attended this school?"

"Jungkook, I hate it when people beat around the bush. I'm pretty sure you have a lot more curiosity than that." answered Taehyung while cooking the eggs. He hated it when people beat around the bush, it meant that they were being careful, and he had enough of people treating him like porcelain. Taehyung didn't want to yell at the younger so he held back, but if Jungkook asked him another one of those questions he'd start getting pissed.

Jungkook raised his hands up in defense, ''I was just trying to be polite, but since you asked so nicely... Why are you cooped up in your bedroom?"

"Because I don't like to go outside anymore." Taehyung slightly tensed, hoping the younger wouldn't notice the change in his demeanor. 'Please tell me he didn't notice, please tell me he didn't notice, please tell me he didn't notice' 

If Jungkook noticed the other's discomfort he didn't point it out. "Are you one of those students who attends school to get bad grades and lives off loans?"

"That was pretty straightforward," he sighed in relief,  "this may come to as a surprise to you, but I have a B+ average and my uncle pays for the school" 

"What about your parents?" Jungkook had become curious as to why the elder was like this. At the same time, he wondered if the question was going to be one which Taehyung would not answer.

". . . No comment"

''Expected as much, how much longer 'till the eggs are done?" asked Jungkook.

"Just a little while longer, no need to get your in a twist."

"First, men don't wear . Lastly, I was just curious." 

"Didn't you know there's guys who like to wear , so ignorant."

The younger blushed at Taehyung's statement. "I-I know that! I just meant that...that..." at a loss for words Jungkook slammed his head at the table and groaned.

Taehyung looked at him from the corner of his eyes and started laughing. If possible Jungkook's blush deepened. "S-stop laughing! The eggs are going to burn." said an embarrassed Jungkook. Luckily Taehyung had already plated the eggs so he had the liberty to keep laughing.

After a few minutes, Taehyung managed to calm down and served breakfast. "Aren't you innocent~" 

Jungkook murmured something before digging into his breakfast. "Thanks for the eggs..."

Taehyung gazed at the younger before he answered, "No problem."

Although it may have seemed natural, Jungkook noticed Taehyung's laugh sounded kind of raw and unused. He didn't know if the elder was aware of that. He knew he couldn't ask him too many things, it would be impolite of Jungkook to do so.

The elder had accepted him, fed him and talked to him, it had been a long time since anyone did something like that. People had the tendency to keep their distance from him. So laughing and talking with someone was not a skill he prided himself on. He promised himself that even if the conditions Taehyung had hinted would be incredulous, he would follow them to the dot. The only reason he was here was because he worked his off and he wasn't going back to his parent's house. Jungkook worried that the elder would question him too, but for now he was going to make sure the past stayed in the past.

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kulitlang08 #1
Chapter 11: to the amusement park!!! i hope you guys enjoy!!!

and this is an activity outside school and their dorm...
kulitlang08 #2
Chapter 10: that's a good progress...they are slowly building the trust...keep going...

i hope everything turns out okay...

looking forward for the next update...:)
wooooow ...that was cute i love it please make picture or cover for ur ff
thank u ^>^&
kulitlang08 #4
Chapter 9: hahaha...kookie..."i just love my brain"...hehehe...:)

and yoongi's reply though...hahaha...:)

looking forward for the next update...:)
Chapter 8: It's been 2 1/2 months...... ;-;
kulitlang08 #6
Chapter 8: hhhmmmm...who is watching them??? and what happened to kookie??? why did he ran away from home and doesn't want to go back??? what will happen to taetae, now that his mom is getting married again and would like to have full custody??? (i think he can still continue attending the boarding school, his mom just needs to pay for the tuition and give him allowance)...and where did tae get the money he paid jin earlier??? how does kookie pay for his tuition and where does he get his allowance as well??? (at least we know that taetae's uncle is paying for his school)...

sorry so many questions...


looking forward for the next update...
Konnie #7
Ahhh i barley read this today and i already love it!!! Its so good cant wait to read the other chapters ((-':
very good it
Jikook1 #9
Chapter 5: This is a great storyline!^^I'm excited for the next chapter