Chapter 9

Right Over There. . .

The dreaded day had arrived, the day to give in Mr. Yoongi's project. It seemed as though the entire sophomore class was either anxious or worried. Sadly for them, the weather didn't help.  There was no bright sun attempting to cheer them up, just dark clouds that would guarantee they would all get soaked. Of course, there were those confident little s that finished the assignment two days after it was announced, but even they seemed fearful of the teacher's opinion.

One might ask themselves, why are they so worried? It's not a big deal. You see, Yoongi was notorious for being extremely critical in every one of his assignments. Especially on the first and last one, he believed it would toughen up his students for an even worse teacher.

This is the reason as to why everyone rewrote their project at least three times, but among them was an overly confident Jungkook who believed he would ace this assignment. Truly a pitiful sight. Everyone, except Jungkook, knew he would suffer the most. Taehyung on the other hand, had gone through the process so many times, he was practically immune to the teacher's harsh opinions.

The only problem was knowing how to deal with a sad and depressed roommate, which was bound to happen. He didn't want to spoil his friend's good mood, although he was sure the other would pass it off as an excuse to not give in the paper, which wasn't untrue.

After his last conversation with the teacher, he was hesitant to engage in any type of social interaction with said man. Jungkook often asked if that was the reason he refused to hand it in personally, but so as to not raise anymore questions, Taehyung denied it every time the subject came up.

He still refused to say what the conversation was about, which annoyed the younger to no end, but he knew the other needed his privacy so he left the issue alone. There was twenty minutes until the bell rang and everybody was either practicing what they were going to say or double checking  the written work.

Every project was composed of two parts. The first one is presenting a brief summary of your work to the class. The second one is handing the written work to the teacher. Should a student be late without a proper excuse points will be deducted from the project, and if you're a day late you get a zero.

Suddenly, the whole class went quiet at the sound of the door opening. "Good morning students, I hope you all have your project ready for today. Take your seats and I'll begin roll call." Yoongi announced as he sat down with an eerie smile plastered on his face. As the teacher began to call out names Taehyung sneaked a glance at Jungkook, observing the younger's confident expression. Jungkook, though he looked confident, was anxious as to what would be their grade would be on the project. It was his first project for this class and he did not want to disappoint Mr. Yoongi.

"Okay, anyone want to volunteer to go first? Don't be shy." Jungkook raised his hand excitedly, "We would Mr. Yoongi!"

"Ah yes, Jungkook and Taehyung. Come on up." Taehyung stood up slowly, looking at the teacher with eyes that said 'Please show him mercy'. As the two approached the front, they could see the looks of pity and encouragement in their classmates faces.

Taking a deep breath Jungkook began, "Good morning, today the two of us will be telling you the story about one America's founding fathers, Alexander Hamilton. He was born in Charleston, St. Kitts. He grew up in an orphanage-" After ten minutes they finished their report and handed in the written work. As they were about to return to their seats Yoongi announced, "I'll tell you your grades after class, and Jungkook, congrats on getting Taehyung to work hard."

"T-thank you, sir." The two sat down, the younger was feeling happy that the teacher congratulated him for something, even though it wasn't related to the project itself he was still happy. He turned to his left and smiled, about to congratulate his friend for his work when he noticed the elder's solemn expression. He quietly called out his name, but received no response. Only when he poked Taehyung's cheek, did the he come back to earth.

"Hey, what's wrong? You looked kinda pale, aren't you happy we finally finished this project?" Jungkook whispered.

"You don't get it Kook, he always tells you your grade during class, not after. Last time he told someone to come after class, the poor guy got out of there crying."

"Stop trying to scare me Tae. I know you and him don't get along, but that doesn't mean he'll purposely fail us." He rolled his eyes and returned his attention to the class. Taehyung sighed in defeat, he knew getting past his Jungkook's stubbornness would be impossible. For the rest of the class they watched as their teacher mercilessly judged their classmate's work. 

Even though it was a pitiful sight, Taehyung felt slightly hopeful. If Jungkook was looking at the ordeal, which he was, the younger would have no choice, but to admit that there was a small chance meeting him after class would be dangerous. 'This is great, there's no way Jungkook will agree to see him after class' the older cheered in his head as he turned his head to stare at said boy.

"So Kook, you still think I was kidding?" 

". . . No", Taehyung caught a hint of distraught hidden in his voice.

"I say we run away before he calls us at the end."

". . ."

"Hey, do you still think he's going to praise us? Look at him, he's the most cruel person you will ever meet."

"Even so, that doesn't mean we shouldn't give him a chance, besides better safe than sorry." The raven slightly smiled at his own wisdom.

"Exactly!", he said as loud as he could without letting the teacher know, "Which is why we should RUN AWAY." A hand slapped the back of his head, signaling to keep quiet.

"Assuming that we manage to run away, it's not like we'll never see him again. He's our homeroom teacher, remember?" 

Jungkook was right, even if they manage to escape today that doesn't mean he won't confront them later. Not forgetting that the more you ignore him, he will return in anger tenfold. So Taehyung had no choice but to concede, praying that Jungkook was right. A hand patted his shoulder reassuringly, "Don't worry, besides I'm pretty sure he'll blame me more than you. After all, I should've tried harder knowing that I had such an incompetent partner."

The brunette rolled his eyes, "I know, right? Honestly, how could have he paired me, a man wise beyond his years with-sigh-with such a rookie" 

"Nice one, hyung"

"You know you love me, wink wink" 

"Gross Tae, let's just pay attention before we get caught." The younger redirected his attention to the class leaving a slightly wounded Taehyung to sulk by himself. What else was he supposed to do? He just got rejected. 

As class was reaching it's end, so was Jungkook's confidence. He could no longer dismiss his roommate's warnings, having watched the heartlessness his teacher had toward his classmates.  If he treated everyone else like that, why would he be the exception?  And having the teacher's most hated student as his partner wasn't really reassuring.

Especially, if his partner kept making weird jokes like he wasn't worried earlier. He had to admit though, it was a pretty good wink. This, of course, left him wondering why he wasn't more popular with girls. After all the time they've been together he has never seen the other engage with anyone of the opposite gender. Well, he hasn't really engaged with anyone other than himself and the occasional visits from Jin. Because, honestly, Taehyung was really handsome, even though he was pretty much a hermit, and. . . 'Am I so nervous that wondering about Taehyung's love life is the only way to calm my nerves?'

"I just love my brain." Jungkook admitted out loud ,without much thinking. (wink wink) The sound of pencils tapping on the desk suddenly stopped, even the students presenting had gone quiet.  

The sudden silence becoming deafening to him. Realizing what just happened, he quickly sneaked a glance to the brunette looking for some form assistance. Unfortunately for him, the other was sleeping peacefully while his friend was in the middle of a panic attack.

"Never would have taken you for a narcissist Mr.Jeon, but please refrain from sharing your thoughts from the rest of the class. There's still twenty minutes left before you're returned your freedom of speech." 

"O-Of course, Mr. Yoongi" The raven blushed as he heard the scattered laughter in the classroom. Oddly enough, his brain didn't really feel smart at the moment. Deciding that leaving himself to his own thoughts wasn't the best plan, a situation he's found himself in one too many times, he decided to join his friend in the wonderful act of sleeping.

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kulitlang08 #1
Chapter 11: to the amusement park!!! i hope you guys enjoy!!!

and this is an activity outside school and their dorm...
kulitlang08 #2
Chapter 10: that's a good progress...they are slowly building the trust...keep going...

i hope everything turns out okay...

looking forward for the next update...:)
wooooow ...that was cute i love it please make picture or cover for ur ff
thank u ^>^&
kulitlang08 #4
Chapter 9: hahaha...kookie..."i just love my brain"...hehehe...:)

and yoongi's reply though...hahaha...:)

looking forward for the next update...:)
Chapter 8: It's been 2 1/2 months...... ;-;
kulitlang08 #6
Chapter 8: hhhmmmm...who is watching them??? and what happened to kookie??? why did he ran away from home and doesn't want to go back??? what will happen to taetae, now that his mom is getting married again and would like to have full custody??? (i think he can still continue attending the boarding school, his mom just needs to pay for the tuition and give him allowance)...and where did tae get the money he paid jin earlier??? how does kookie pay for his tuition and where does he get his allowance as well??? (at least we know that taetae's uncle is paying for his school)...

sorry so many questions...


looking forward for the next update...
Konnie #7
Ahhh i barley read this today and i already love it!!! Its so good cant wait to read the other chapters ((-':
very good it
Jikook1 #9
Chapter 5: This is a great storyline!^^I'm excited for the next chapter