Chapter 3

Assassination Dreamer

"Well that was weird, " Taeyong said as he was following Seongmin out of the theaters' "You stayed awake for the whole movie, I thought you were practically bound to fall asleep."


"Oh, um yeah well it ended up actually being really interesting that's all." Seongmin wrapped her arms around herself to keep herself warm. She looked up at Taeyong, "Well um thanks Taeyong, I needed to rest, I'll go first." She didn't need to rest, but go home and figure out why the hell she had known that movie so well, and why the terms and weapons they used were all so similar. She smiled at Taeyong and began walking down the street with the sharp, cold, wind stabbing at her thighs.


"Wait Min! I'll take you home really I don't want you just walking back it's far away and it's even about to snow," he had a small look of hope in his eyes as he waited for her response.


She gave him another small smile, "Fine, I guess since its night time too, let's go then." She thought it was sweet and she wouldn't mind going home in a warm car.


"Okay," Taeyong gasped and patted his back and front pockets as well as the pockets of his jacket, "Wait! I think I left my phone in one of the cup holders in the theater! Just stay right here I'll be right back." Taeyong ran back into the theaters with quickness to not leave Seongmin waiting for long.


It had been about 10 minutes that she had been waiting for him and decided it would just be best if she started to get going by herself, it was only a 30 minute walk. She looked down and turned around to begin heading back.


A jolt of force pushed her onto the ground and took her by surprise, "Hey what the hell, what was that!"  Someone from behind her practically kicked her down and left her out of her senses for a quick second, enough to grab her bag and bolt out of there.


It didn't take her long to realize she was being robbed and she took off after the jerk who was giving her a hard time. She was able to get back up quickly and run after him. He quickly turned the corner and so did she. It was Surprising to her to see how much energy she had to catch up with this guy. It now just wasn't  Taeyong who had lost his phone, but now Seongmin as well.


Sure she could have just let him walk away, but she had all of her important things inside. She began to catch up quickly with the idiot, and noticed how badly he was trying to lose her by turning sharp corners left and right all over neighbor hoods.  He eventually led her to a hotel that was practically a skyscraper. Was this guy that serious over stealing someone's bag?  Ten minutes or so of her still frantically chasing him up the stairs, they ended up on the roof. The guy had already ran across the roof and was on the edge now. Did he have a death wish?


She still hadn't seen the guy until he turned around and gave her a sly smirk. With cool expression he looked her dead in the eyes while holding her bag with two fingers over the edge, "You really can run fast Seongmin. Did you miss me?"


Seongmin had heard that voice before. She hadn't. She couldn't have. Could he be?


From her dream?


Already out of breath and energy extremely low, she could barely make out his face and voice although sounding oddly familiar. She was ready to let him hear it, and raised her fist at him. Her lecture didn't last long, because she slowly was losing her standing and found everything to be fuzzy. She went down on her knees, then flat on the floor, out completely cold.


With a disappointed face, the guy pouted his lips, and threw her bag down on the ground, "Well that's no fun. We were just getting aquatinted. Now I gotta carry you back." The burgundy haired man groaned, "and your stupid bag too."


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Interesting indeed~