Chapter 1

Why me ?

AN(authour's note ): hey im sorry i made a few changes... please forgive me... hehe 


 The 'alarm' bell rings telling me it's time to go to school. By alarm bell I mean my older brother, Jinyoung. "Dongseng wake up," he said, tapping me lightly.


 "Oppa, why are you up so early?" I asked, rubbing my eyes. He leaned over me and grinned, "Nothing, no reason why?" I raised an eye brow but said nothing.


I sat up on my bed and shooed him out of my room. Then I went to wash up and get ready for school. When I went down to eat breakfast, umma was there getting ready for work. "Hi umma, going to work already?" She nodded and looked at the clock before rushing out of the house. Jinyoung oppa came down the stairs only to see me and the breakfast. "Where's umma?" He asked as he headed towards the dining table. “She went to work."


He nodded and said, "Oh, ok we should get going to, it's your first day of school after all, i was surprised that you aren't that excited." I tilted my head, “First day of school? What do you mean?" He looked at me again and said, "You are wearing the wrong school uniform, remember you go to my school now."


 I suddenly realized i was wearing the wrong uniform, "Oh my gosh I forgot!” I screamed and I rushed up to change quickly as I heard my brother chuckle. I just forgot about attending my brother's school or more like I kinda want to have no memory or relation to the school i used to go to... I walked down the stairs to see that oppa held his backpack up on one shoulder.


Suddenly I had a crazy idea and wanted to do it. I then tapped my brother's shoulder, he then looked at me with raised eyebrows, as if questioning me, " Oppa let's pretend we don't know each other," I said with a giggle. "Why? “he asked." Well wouldn't it be funny, and I can help u find out who likes you." I said with a wink. He huffed and muttered," I think I don't even need your help to find out who likes me." He then turned to me and nodded. I squealed and grinned up to him," Thank you oppa!" He smiled and ruffled my hair " C’mon let's go or else we will be late" we both walked to school, he motioned for me to go first I obeyed and waved him goodbye. After I entered the school, I went wait to see girl's reaction to my bro. When he came in, girls screamed and ran to crowded around him but gave him enough space to breathe and walk around. When he saw me, his eyes were secretly pleading for me to help him, just smiled at him and headed to the hall. Hehe im evil. Now I know why he said he didn't need help.



After orientation, my class went to meet my homeroom teacher, Mr. Kim Jongin. He came in a denim jacket, a white shirt and jeans. This school is way more casual than my old school, students can dye their but teachers don't say anything and teachers wear really casual clothing even to the point that they just wear shorts and a shirt. Maybe it's because this is the Seoul Arts and Performance school. Anyway, when Mr kim came through the doors literally almost all the girls were squealing and I just looked from them to our blond haired teacher, ok I admit he is handsome but my brother is way more attractive(hehe). Then the door burst open and a blondish haired guy came rushing through, " Sorry I’m late Mr Kim." He waved his hand and said " No worries, just take a seat ok." The boy looked around and I too looked around before turning back to meet the boy's eyes. He then walked towards me, I knew I was in a window seat so I looked to my left...oh there's an empty seat here...oh....ok then. The boy then plopped down next to me, and said" Hi, I’m Sanha." I smiled and replied " Hey I’m Jieun" Then i turned back to the board where i saw my teacher looking at me, I raised my eyebrows in confusion, he then smirked and winked at me, the girl siting in front of me squealed and whispered/shouted, "ohmigosh! ohmigosh! Did the teacher just wink at me? Oh my gosh!" I chuckled as silently as I could but obviously Sanha heard me and looked at me with confusion. I waved him off with a grin mouthing 'nothing'. I then went back to see the homeroom teacher speaking." Welcome class 1A. Ok now I’m Mr Kim Jongin but you all can call me Jongin or Kai,"He said with a grin. Ummm ok now I’m going to go through the roll call. Jeon Jungkook.." He went on and on, I raised my hand when my name was called. The teacher nodded and smirked at me.....again. Why…. T-T. I was so worried did i do something wrong to him or did i offend him. Sigh i will figure this out later. Mr Kim then ended the class by saying we had free time until our next lesson.


I then looked at my seatmate and said, “Hey Sanha, I’m bored...can we just talk and most probably be friends." That tall giant just blinked at me in surprise and yelled/said, " oh my gosh yes!" I giggled, he is so cute. I asked him when was his birthday  "......" " oh ok oppa" he again blinked at me, " You're older than me Sanha oppa. If you are uncomfortable then I’ll drop the oppa ok?" He shook his head and pointed a finger at me, " No dongseng u will call me oppa and we will be best friends." He then shot me a smile.  I simply smiled back glad that I have made a friend on the first day. During the time Sanha and I had a conversation, we exchange mobile numbers and tried to match our schedules seeing what we had together. Sadly, Sanha took singing and dance while i took visual arts and dance. My main is actually visual arts but i took dance as another alternative and the school makes us take a minimum of 2 art forms ... I at dancing. Me and Sanha have Math, Chemistry,  English and Dance together.


After homeroom, Sanha dashes off saying something about meeting a hyung. " Promise me we will have lunch together " he held out his pinky, i hooked mine with his, "pinky promise." I grinned, how cute can this giant be? I wave at him and continue to pack my bag and made my way out of the classroom.


 But I was stopped by Mr kim, he smiled at me saying "You're really cute, if you need help, I’m free anytime." He winked at me. Oh now I understand those winks.... Hmmm what should i do to make this more exciting. I smiled back at him, replying" Thanks, Mr kim, you really are too kind." Secretly gagging at what I was about to do, i winked and did a flirty wave back. I sauntered out of class catching a glimpse of my teacher's shocked face. I laughed silently, amused by his reaction. I ran towards my next lesson, visual arts.


When I went in, the classroom was a studio that was filled with easels and chairs. Yes, so excited about what I was about to do. In my old school the art club only had one member, me and another dude, I really hope he isn't here. He was kind of mean... Ok he was very mean, he used to bully me so much that my art time in club became serving his "royal pain in the ". Sigh upsetting. I plopped myself on one of the seats waiting for the teacher to come in. Somebody sat in the easel opposite me, I looked round to see a guy, he smiled at me, I smiled shyly in return. Woah this guy has a nice eye smile.


" Hi, I'm Jung Jieun " I introduced myself." Oh hi Jieun  I am Eunwoo, nice to meet you." He replied. " Nice to meet you too Eunwoo." I waved before settling back into my seat. Somebody sat at my left, and i turned my head only to see that " royal pain in the " .... Kim Mingyu. I sighed even more. I turned to my right to see this angel like guy, his name if i didn't overhear wrongly was Jeonghan. Then suddenly he said " can you stop looking at me, it's annoying." I blinked. I flushed red in shame and apologized softly.  Hmm i guess he isn't an angel.  I turned back to the front which was almost in the direction of that idiot (Mingyu) , hmmm idiot sounds better than " royal pain in the " less of a mouthful. 




I walked into art club ready to start painting. I saw this handsome guy drawing on the canvas, I was so amazed, I never saw someone with such talent, as I was staring, he spoke to me. "Can you stop staring, I know I'm handsome and all but please stop, you're breaking my concentration." I scoffed " I’m not staring at you but your drawing." This guy really is arrogant. He raised an eyebrow, " Ok then get me that bucket of paint" I went to get it. " Could you get the brushes i think i left them in the other art classroom" i nodded making my way out of the class. When i came back and opened the door, paint splashed onto me. I was shocked beyond anything, i sighed and looked at him before throwing the brushes that were covered in paint at him or more specifically his white shirt. He looked at me with shock while I wiped the paint of my arms and got what ever I could out of my hair. I was so frustrated that I walked out of the class and went back home. The next few days, when I walked down corridors or anywhere every one sneered at me as if I was nothing better than dirt. I really hated my life, quite a number of times, my uniform ended up dirty. The only person I could have actually called a friend turned her back on me and became one of the queenkas that bullied me. The only person I could actually rely on was a guy, who was my only friend, sadly he was a year above me. Thank goodness my brother never found out about my situation cause I would have been in deep . For the next few years I was bullied and all. 


End of flash back 


 Even remembering the while situation was horrible. Kim mingyu then finally looked at me, I blinked back at him, not saying anything before facing the door and watched the teacher walk in. He was also handsome, is this the school of handsome teachers? I hope I will get a cool female teacher soon, also if she is pretty or not I don't care. " Hello class, I am Mr Kim, Joonmyeon. I am also know as teacher Suho. So you can call me whatever you like. " He smiled, I heard a lot of whispering...most probably the girls. I have to admit though he has a really nice smile. I looked out of the corner of my eyes to see that stupid Kim Mingyu staring at me still, I then looked at him and mouthed " what?” He just continued gaping at me. I then rolled my eyes at the stupid boy and faced forward. " Ok class, I want to say that i am only your teacher for your painting class. For your other classes, you will have different teachers. Now I will take the attendance." He opened a folder. " Cha Eunwoo?" Eunwoo raised his hand i looked at him and smiled. Then he reached my name I raised my hand. He smiled and nodded, I smiled back, I know I will definitely like this teacher. A few moments later, he said a name, " Yoon Jeonghan?" "Here," a voice from my right. Oh so that ange... I meant devil is Jeonghan, sounds familiar.Then he reached Mingyu's name there was no reply I looked at the boy next to me who was in a daze, I sighed,' This idiot.’ I then snapped my fingers in front of his face. He blinked in surprise, I tilted my head in the direction of the teacher, " Kim Mingyu?" Mr kim called out once more. " Oh uh I’m here" Mingyu replied, his face looking shocked and his ears were red. Woah Kim Mingyu embarrassed? Never see that everyday. Mr kim looked at me with appreciation, oh that must mean he saw the whole ordeal, hmmm I like this teacher even more. And in this place he can't possibly bully me, that's great. Right?

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spinatale #1
Chapter 10: Looks likes things might get complicated! Mingyu is going to be so shocked when he finds out jieun is the girl he was mean to. Also, I get the feeling that Jieun might fall for Sanha. Well, I'm just guessing. Keep up the work! ^o^
bamma_watsons #2
rubyyph #3
Chapter 7: yay your back!! the update was so good :))
Seventeen_Minghao #4
Chapter 6: awww
Please come back soon
I'm super excited to read this story because all of my biases are gathering here! Good luck for your writing ~^^~
Seventeen_Minghao #6
Chapter 5: how about sanha's pov?
Lol just kidding but if possible why not ahahah
I guess mingyu's pov
spinatale #7
Chapter 2:
spinatale #8
Chapter 1: In the art class when jieun was looking around---at first I got confused because I thought the angel like guy to her right was mingyu, but after reading it again I got it. Anyways, fighting!