
Broken superhero
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A/N double update! Go check out last chapter if you havent yet. 

Ever since dinner with tzu's family and sana's  they became super close. 

Tzuyu and sana has frequent meet ups in tzuyu's tree house. They text each other when they're both free and they meet up in there, 

Sometimes sana gets fraustrated at home that she just goes to tzuyu's treehouse and cools down even when tzuyu's not there. 

They're  best friends and they're super flirty. People would mistake them as dating if they were more public about their friendship. 

They're practically dating just not official to it. 

The only people that know about them two is momo and jihyo 

Tzuyu and sana would go up there and look at the stars bc tzu built the house with a clear roof. 

They would cuddle and talk for hours. 

Sometimes they would hold each other under one blanket and fall asleep. 

They would hold hands and smile. 

They would tell each other cute pickup lines and kiss each others cheek. 

They would compliment each other 24/7 

Tzuyu has been happier ever since. 

Their parents are concinved they're dating.


A week before they decided to hang out today in the treehouse

Before tzuyu heads up the ladder, beneath the house she sees a frustrated sana looking at her phone. 

"Hey love"  


hugs sana but tzu gets no reaction out of it 

"Something up sana?" 


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Happyhungry #1
Chapter 17: What happened to Jeongyeon she just disappeared at the end... not even a footnote... but still good story :)
Chapter 17: Nice story!
Chapter 17: Dmn I finish it within 30 mins
Chapter 17: YES SATZU!!!
ixoren #5
Chapter 10: Why not CHAEYUuuuu (T▽T)
istarveforniceplots #6
Chapter 16: Umm.. hit uns- *some text are missing*
Chapter 17: Yes! Satzu ☺
Tzuyu kissing Nayeon was so cute haha
rusi07 #8
Chapter 17: Thank you author-nim~ *bow*