part 1



“So, it has really been ten years?” Eunbi asked as she took a sip from the chill can of beer she was holding in her hands.

“Are you sure you’re okay with cold beer in the middle of the winter?” Yerin asked, holding a bottle of hot sake in her hand.

“You’re alone in that, I’m going with Yerin unnie’s sake,” Yuna settled herself down between the two girls as she said so.

“So Japanese, is that what you’ve become?” sarcasm was heavily dripping from her speech.

Yerin gaped. “It’s not like you’re drinking our traditional soju either,” was the only comeback she could make, but a pretty good one that was.

“American, did you become American?” Yuna jokingly asked as she peered over to check for the brand of beer the younger one was drinking.

“Shut up,” Eunbi scoffed in return, and took another sip of beer.

“Still as rude,” Yuna nodded her head and answered whilst helping herself to some sake.

“Any of you married?” Eunbi asked, ignoring Yuna’s comment.

Yuna almost choked on her sake. Yerin on the other hand, looked at Eunbi with eyes the size of spoons.

“Actually, I think Sowon unnie is,” Yerin casually commented, “not that I’ve met her but, I have an inkling that she may be,” Yerin continued. “I haven’t met her since that last time.”

A silence enveloped them as their recalled the incident from their teenagehood.

“Is it only the three of us tonight?” Eunbi seemed to be talkative that night, as usual from their past.

“How much of a coincidence do you want tonight to be?” Yerin asked without turning her head.

“Well, I was just asking,” Eunbi continued to look into the far distance of the Han River.

The three sat in silence for a while, listening to the busy traffic from the bridge in the far distance and the flowing of the water before them, as well as the gushing of the strong wind that went past them, much like their youth.

“Ten years,” Yuna muttered and looked down to their dangling feet.

“We used to sit on this wall too right?” Eunbi had lots of questions that night.

“I remember,” Yerin nodded as she said, and the other two nodded as well.

Eunbi tore her vision away from the dark sky and water and unknowingly laid her eyes on the hands of the taller girl beside her.

“Yuju unnie!” she exclaimed and held up her right hand. “Hello, I was just asking if any of you were married!” her voice was mixed with annoyance, surprise and confusion.

“Yahh,” Yuna retrieved her own hand then explained, “I’m not married… yet.”

“Well, you’re engaged?” Eunbi asked.

Yuna sunk into her shoulders due to the two pairs of questioning eyes staring at her, from both sides. Times like this she was wondering why she was put in the centre.

Before she could say anything, she felt a pair of warm arms tightly wrapping around her.

“Ah Yerin unnie, you’re choking her,” Eunbi made an awkward comment from the side.

“ShinB, are you jealous?” Yerin playfully asked.

“Maybe,” Eunbi casually answered, “But I can’t believe you’re still like this at this age,” she rolled her eyes and turned away.

“Says the highschool drop-out,” Yerin hurled a harsh insult in return.

Eunbi’s jaw dropped at an instant. She was beginning to be antagonised. “You dropped out too!” she pointed an accusing index finger right into the elder girl’s face. 

Once again, Yuna wondered why she was in the centre.

"Hey, do you know what happened to the kid that was from Incheon like you?" Eunbi asked next in curiosity. 

"Ah, Umji? She was your best friend, I thought you'd know best," Yerin answered, without much hope. 

"My best friend?" Eunbi questioned it, which shocked the older two. 

"You'd go around claiming that Umji was yours," Yuna added. "Anyway, I think she finished her education and is doing well now. Don't know the details though," Yuna shrugs her shoulders and drank more sake. 

"Wow, that sounds much more hopeful than you, Yerin unnie," Eunbi bitterly laughed. 

"Stop it, idiot," Yerin could only insult in reply. "That sounds better than you too."

“You two, at this age,” Yuna shook her head and muttered.

“You,” Eunbi’s finger shifted towards Yuna, who shot up in confusion, “You think you can boss us around because you’re engaged?”

“What?” Yuna seriously did not get it. "Are you drunk?"

“You think you can boss us around because you finished high school? And even university?” Yerin joined in.

“That’s more like it, but still-” Yuna was interrupted with more accusations.

“And because your family has money,” Eunbi continued.

“Same goes for the other kid your age, with the same name as that immature thing sitting at your other side,” Yerin nonchalantly threw another harsh statement.

“Ah, that short unnie,” Eunbi her lips.

“You’re short too,” Yuna added smoothly.

“But she’s the shortest among the six of us,” Eunbi answered immediately. Eunbi’s last four words seemed to have brought deep nostalgia to the girls.

“I didn’t know you could grow up to be such harsh-tongued women,” the three heard a voice from behind that startled them as it broke the silence.

“Sowon unnie!” They exclaimed at the same time as they turned around. They jumped off the wall to excitedly greet the unexpected with quick hugs.

“For how long have you been listening to us?” Yerin first asked.

“For a very long time,” the tall woman lifted up a wrist and glanced at her watch, “Maybe two minutes,” she added before looking back at them.

“You’re rich now,” Eunbi said with shocked, widened eyes that looked at her apparel in awe.

“Not me but-” Sojung stopped herself. The three younger women laughed.

“Your significant other is rich,” Yerin helped with correcting Eunbi.

Sojung slowly nodded her head, the smile on her face not fading away.

“That’s how good you can marry without university education,” Yerin was partially amazed. “But I’m not surprised, you were the prettiest amongst us and you could’ve been a model.”

“You kids would say that so often,” Sojung smiled in memory of their younger selves. “How have you guys been?” she asked next, with nostalgia written all over her face.

“Well, as you can see,” Yuna was first to reply, along with a laughter.

“Shut up, you’re not one to say,” Eunbi immediately rebutted and raised Yuna’s right hand, “this one is engaged!” she exclaimed.

“Wow,” Sojung lightly laughed, “Congratulations,” she smiled and stretched out a hand.

Yuna reciprocated the handshake with smiles.

“Right, we forgot!” Yerin gasped. “Congratulations Yuju yah,” she likewise, shook Yuna’s hand as she said so.

Eunbi suddenly felt apologetic. “So sorry!” she apologised and laughed, “Congratulations, Yuju unnie,” to which Yuna thanked with the most heartfelt feelings.

“Look at how proper and cultured Sowon unnie has become as compared to the two of you,” Yuna could not help but say.

“I was going to say that too, but with Yuju’s name in place of mine,” Sowon said next.

“Well, I’m sorry, we haven’t been so lucky,” Eunbi eyed the rings that were on the fingers of the two taller women.

They laughed together.

“Glad you knew that it was a joke,” Eunbi said which made them laugh once more.

“Have you heard from the rest?” Sojung asked next, then the three shook their heads.

“I think, we were going to ask you,” Yerin answered, and the younger women nodded their heads.

“Ten years passed by so quickly,” Sojung sighed.

“For how long have you been married?” Yerin asked as they continued catching up.

Sowon swallowed and raised a peace sign. At first it stunned the rest but they got it immediately after.

“Two years?” Yerin asked with surprised eyes that were similar to the other two pairs.

“Unnie, are you thirty yet?” Eunbi teasingly asked the tallest woman.

"Yahh!" She lifted a hand and smacked the younger in response. Eunbi laughed. “I’m just three years elder than you, pabo.”

The other two women cannot help but laugh at the uncanny resemblance to how Sojung would hit Eunbi ten years ago.

“Well, actually,” Sojung started out, to which the rest attentively listened because she sounded serious, “I’ve been curious and I’ve hired a private investigator that led me here tonight.”

“Seriously?” the three of them look at her in disbelief.

“This was a coincidence though?” Yuna tilted her head.

“He said so,” Sojung nodded her head, “so I decided to join in with this rendezvous-”

“This isn’t arranged!” Yerin interrupted.

“Wrong word choice,” Eunbi laughed.

“Well,” Sojung put up her smile again, “I have information on the other two, let’s go look for them?” she placed a hand into her bag and fished out a brown envelope.

“Wow, that looks so professional,” Eunbi uncontrollably added another irrelevant comment.

“Of course, unnie’s rich,” Yerin said and giggled at her own statement.

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suddenly rereading this and feeling the nostalgia pang ahhhh ;-; also "you are not alone" from their new album kept playing in my mind while i read this, and it seems pretty compatible, i recommend it hehe the feelings from the song and from this fic match


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Chapter 1: aw i wanna see umji. tysm for writing this~!
Chapter 1: where is eunha?
Saferpink #3
I wanna see sowon with whatever pairing .. as long as sowon
esmeralda91 #4
Mi hai incuriosito! :D