part 2


“Umji lives around here actually,” Sojung said while thoroughly scanning through the documents.

“Unnie, you’ve read them right? Can I look at them?” Yuna turned to Sojung and asked as the four of them walked side by side, following Sojung’s lead.

Sojung nodded her head and passed everything to Yuna as requested, but kept the one she was looking at. “This one has her address so I’ll need it now, you can read it later,” she explained.

“I actually live around here, I wonder why I haven’t seen her much,” Eunbi casually revealed her thought.

“According to the investigator that would be impossible because you work in Dongdaemun and will have to leave home early in the morning before the sun rises while Umji,” Sojung paused in the middle of her long explanation, “she’s employed at the Hyundai Department Store Group and she works in the office at Gangnam-gu, so she doesn’t need to be up as early as you, and even comes home in the evening before you do,” Sojung stopped before continuing again, “Also, you live at the other end of this neighbourhood,” she nodded her head as she was done with conveying the information.

Eunbi’s mouth was slightly open, and she was speechless. Slowly she turned her head away from Sojung, nodding, but still unable to make any reply.

“Hyundai Department Store Group? That sounds crazy good,” Yerin was surprised as well. “Are we going to her home now?” she suddenly questioned, that caused the other three to halt their footsteps.

“Did you just realise?” Eunbi spoke with great disbelief and while the other two taller women looked at Yerin with similar stunned faces.

“Sorry, I was trying to figure out where this place is,” Yerin sheepishly smiled and shrunk in her shoulders, “Let’s continue with our journey?” she asked and raised pointed a finger ahead.

Sojung could only laugh as a response before she continued walking, with the three following immediately after.

“Oh right unnie, do you want to drink something as well?” Yuna suddenly asked, holding up Yerin’s bottle of sake.

Sojung turned to look at the bottle in Yuna’s hand and shook her head. “It’s okay,” she smiled.

“Oh, oh,” Yerin began to be excited, “is it like those dramas whereby your rich husband doesn’t like his wife to be drinking outside without him?”

The three furrowed her eyebrows at her unreasonable and pointless excitement.

“You’re speaking nonsense,” Eunbi did not hesitate to put her down.

“Unnie probably just doesn’t want sake because she’s traditional and would rather drink soju,” Yuna raised a possibility to which Sojung nodded her head a little to show that she was about right.

“I don’t really drink much, apart from the occasional wine or soju,” Sojung answered as she looked around at the street signs and the numbers on the buildings.

“As expected, from a rich wife,” Yerin nodded her head and muttered.

Sojung lightly smacked Yerin on the shoulder, “Will you stop speaking like that?” she frowned, “Eunbi too.”

“What?” the said girl raised her eyebrows, “Why am I dragged into this?” she screamed, feeling wrongly accused.

“ShinB! You’re too loud!” Yuna hissed to quieten the younger one.

“Anyway I was about to ask,” Eunbi switched the topic without much thought, “how do we know Umji is home?”

Sojung brought her wrist to her face and to check the time once again. “Usually she spends her Saturday at home apart from dinner and grocery shopping outside, but should be back by nine in the night, or even earlier now because it’s winter,” she explained as if it were a scientific fact.

“Wow, you’ve really done your research,” Yuna was amazed by the amount of intelligence Sojung had gotten.

“Not me, but the private investigator,” Sojung replied, and laughed.

“Does she live alone?” Eunbi continued to ask.

“Yes,” Sojung nodded, “No family, no lover,” she further added.

Eunbi silently nodded her head. She was gradually turning quiet.

“Ah we’re here!” Sojung excitedly clasped her hands together, and her tone brightened as she spoke.

“Here?” Yerin asked and looked up at the buildings before her. The rest did the same.

“But we’ll first have to get through the security,” Sojung said, which alarmed the rest.

“What if she doesn’t remember us anymore?” Eunbi was first to question.

“It’s okay,” Yuna was oddly positive, “Let’s give it a try. I doubt she’ll forget us,” she put up a wide smile on her face.

“Okay, I trust in Umji,” Yerin nodded her head and smiled.

“She’s going to be so surprised,” Eunbi was already laughing thinking about it. However, she was getting jittery on the inside. Yuna who turned to look at her saw through her shivering and knew that it was more than just the chilly winter.

“You’re nervous seeing your best friend after ten years?” Yuna smiled in understanding.

Eunbi was about to protest, but gave up acting tough once she realised it was true. Yuna softly laughed a little and gave her back a light pat of encouragement.

After slight hassle the women finally managed to enter, and made their way to where their friend lived.

The three were shocked to see Yewon standing right at her door with a wide smile on her face, waiting for their arrival. Yerin was the first to run over and give her a hug, followed by Sojung and Yuna.

Eunbi was however frozen in the middle of the hallway; her eyes were on Yewon, and likewise Yewon’s eyes were on her. Eunbi looked down a little as tears began to well up in her eyes, before making her way, running towards Yewon once she was mentally ready. She threw her arms around the smaller one and wrapped her up with a tight embrace, some streaks of tears uncontrollably falling from her eyes.

“I hate you,” she whispered.

Yewon was taken aback. Yuna, Yerin and Sojung had their jaws dropped.

“You never came back to me,” Eunbi whispered with the tears streaming on her face. She decided to let her tears be.

“I’m sorry, there was no way I could,” was all Yewon could say before she started crying as well. The three women witnessing the situation were beginning to tear up as well.

“I know,” Eunbi nodded and spoke into Umji’s shoulder where her face was buried in, resulting in her muffled words.

“At twenty-six, you can still be like that,” Yerin mumbled under her breath. Sojung stifled a laughter as Yerin was still audible, and lightly smacked the latter.

“Actually, I found you one day at Dongdaemun,” Yewon said and pushed the corners of her lips to form a smile, once they had parted their long hug.

“Really? And you didn’t come to meet me?” Eunbi was astonished.

Yewon lightly laughed before explaining, “You were asleep in your store, I saw you sleeping by the cashier, while your colleague settled the customers.”

Eunbi looked down and sheepishly laughed, “I do fall asleep sometimes,” she scratched her forehead as she said.

“Ah, please sit,” Yewon gestured everyone to the sofa before closing her door.

“So,” Yewon’s eyes travelled all over her apartment floor, “it has been ten years, has it?” she looked up and asked with a bittersweet smile.

The four nodded with similar sentimental expressions.

“What a nice number,” Eunbi muttered and chuckled, “not nine, not eleven,” she added and the five laughed together. They then stayed in silence for a while; it’s been some time since they’ve last enjoyed the way their laughter harmonise.

“What brings you here tonight?” Yewon asked next. Yuna, Yerin and Eunbi naturally had their gaze shifted towards Sojung and this way, she was forced to make the explanation.

Sojung squinted at them for a little before gulping, “Actually I’ve been looking for everyone since a long time ago, it’s been over a year,” she started, “I actually hired a private investigator to look for everyone,” she spoke slowly as she looked into Yewon’s eyes.

“Is that a while after you got married?” Yuna questioned, to which Sojung nodded her head.

“So that’s where the money came from,” Eunbi said to incite laughter amongst them once again.

“Oh you’re married?” Yewon brought a hand to in surprise, her lips curving to form a smile.

“Then there’s this one who’s engaged!” Eunbi stretched out a hand and pulled up Yuna’s arm to flash the ring on her fourth finger.

Umji chuckled, “Ah, I see.” She stood up a little and stretched out her hands, “Congratulations unnie,” she said with a smile. Yuna gladly shook her hands in return with a warm, wide beam.

“These three met coincidentally, as I was informed by the private investigator, so I decided to join in, as well as find you up and we’ll be going on to find Eunha next,” Sojung continued to explain.

“Ah! I see,” Yewon nodded as she listened. “Should we look for Eunha unnie now? Before it’s too late?” she suggested, looking at the clock. Once again Sojung lifted her wrist for her watch.

“Okay,” the rest smiled.

“Let’s go!” Sojung stood up and slung her bag over the shoulder, followed by the rest.

“Wait,” Yewon raised a hand to stop them, “Let me change,” she requested and chuckled. The rest laughed along as they nodded their heads while Yewon hurried off to the bedroom from the living room where they were.

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suddenly rereading this and feeling the nostalgia pang ahhhh ;-; also "you are not alone" from their new album kept playing in my mind while i read this, and it seems pretty compatible, i recommend it hehe the feelings from the song and from this fic match


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Chapter 1: aw i wanna see umji. tysm for writing this~!
Chapter 1: where is eunha?
Saferpink #3
I wanna see sowon with whatever pairing .. as long as sowon
esmeralda91 #4
Mi hai incuriosito! :D