Chapter 1

The lion in me

Chapter 1


Never would he have thought that this moment would happen.

It was new for him too. As an addition to his birthday gift did the great news come. After all those years his father had somehow changes his mind. Minho would finally have a chance to be a normal teenager. At least that was what he thought.

But here he stood. Ready to join the High School as a senior. He felt excited, but anxious as well or put into a better word… terrified. How was he not supposed to feel this way? He had had home-schooling his whole life, with no real social interaction. Minho sighed deeply and looked at his mother’s silver bracelet placed around his wrist.

It would be too late to back out of it now. Minho made his way to the front doors. Entering the building was like entering a whole new world. Everywhere were people. Too many people. Standing at the door was maybe not the smartest thing to do. Students trying to get out of the filled hallways knocking into him barely noticing him.  

He knew his father had warned him, but the sudden change in setting made him feel insecure. Barely daring to lift his head to look, Minho made his way through the crowd not knowing where to go to.

“Dammit!” – trying not to fall with the person he somehow bumped into.

“I… I’m really sorry!” Minho somehow managed to choke out whilst desperately trying to collect the sea of papers that were now spread across the floor.  

“Ah don’t worry, it’s not like anything happened” his eyes meeting his.

“You look lost. Are you new?” the somehow feline looking guy asked him. “Nah wait I know the answer myself, since I pretty much know every face here… you are new” his eyes scanning Minho and definitely not trying to do it discreet.

Minho had officially reached his highest level of panic, not knowing what to answer, face turning red and only wishing to return home.

“Hey back to planet earth space guy” the felines hand dramatically snapping in front of Minho’s face. Somehow triggering him.

“Minho” his hand almost robotically reached out to shake the felines hand. “Oh, and he can talk, surprise! Space guy isn’t that far away from planet earth” chuckling at the others clumsiness. “I’m Kibum, nice to see a new face around here” Kibum shakes his hand.

Pulling himself together Minho manages to retreat his arm. “Do you mind telling me where to find the school office?”. “Sure!” not thinking twice about the answer Kibum pulls Minho with him. Almost around the corner Kibum scarcely manages to shout “Woohyun, I’ll be back later!” his friend confused left behind.

Minho was sure he would need a map to find back out, following Kibum through the crowd of students and at last stopping in front of the office door.

“Here you go. I’ll better be going now, but if you need any further help… find me” winking at him.

“Thank you Kibum, I appreciate your help” the felines kindness making Minho feel comfortable.


“Choi Minho, nice to see you! I’m Kim Gunwoo the school director” the man giving him his best smile.

“Thank you for letting me join Sir” Minho says whilst almost bowing 90 degrees. Straightening himself Minho’s eyes scanned the room, noting that office was just as chaotic and hectic as the school hallway.

Before getting the chance to say anything further an elderly woman tapped the director on the shoulder. “I’m really sorry to disturb Sir, but we got a little issue again… the same as always” the woman looking guilty whilst saying those words.

A frustrated groan and a nod from the director set the woman back to work. “I’m sorry Minho, as you heard I just have a minor problem that needs to be solved. Would you mind sitting down for a moment, I’ll be right back?

“Of course, no problem Sir”.

Sitting down on the chair Minho gave himself a moment to relax, sighing deeply. Waiting patiently his eyes once more scanned the office. Slowly sinking into a dreaming state Minho began to think. Was this really a clever idea? He was not like others… and could never be.  

Or at least that was what is father had always told him, even though he didn’t know what he meant by that.  

Absorbed by his thoughts Minho did not seem to realise who came slouching into the office, barely noticing the person sitting down beside him.

Sensing someone starring at him seemed to wake him up. Slowly turning his head, only to meet a pair of deep brown eyes looking back at him.


The world around him seemed to stop. His heart racing as if he just had run a marathon. His thoughts becoming blur.

There was only this one thing going through his mind.

Those deep brown eyes examining his.

Only whispering one word.




It's my first time writing a fanfic. My big problem is, I have so many ideas and thoughts that I have difficulties with writing them down before they are gone... 

Still, I'll hope you enjoy it.


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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 7: Story has good vibe - I'm curious to know Taemin's back story and Minho 's - looking forward to next update and subscribing ✌️
This is really good, I love it
Chapter 3: I love the atmosphere this story creates aaahhh
Thank you for the update author-nim!! Can't wait for next update!!^^
Chapter 5: Wow this is that kind if fiction I've been looking for!!!!
I'm sure this amazing plot has more things to come and I can't wait for it!!
I hope you'd update soon~
Thank you so much and good job
Thank you all for your encouraging comments, I really appreciate them! Also thanks to the once 'just' reading.
I'm so happy to know that you like my work. It keeps me going.
Thank you once more! :) :)
Chapter 5: I am so happy to find this story!~ I have been looking for great supernatural stories for a while, and finally I've found one :3
I love Taemin's character, and Minho is so mysterious just as his family's story.
Kibum is amazing as always, and such a great friend of Minho ^^
Thank you for this story, I can't wait to read the next chapter! :)
Chapter 3: I wonder what minho is actually...
Chapter 3: Eyes?? What's wrong with his eyes???? Why can't he talk to Taemin?? And who are those punks in the carrr. Pleaaase, I can't wait the next (>ω<〃)~♡