Chapter 2

The lion in me

Chapter 2


The moment only lasted seconds, but for Minho it felt like an eternity that those brown orbs looked back at him.

He wanted to reach out for him, maybe even build up the courage to say something, but before even moving a finger, Taemin stood up, catching one last glimpse of the new guy, before disappearing into the director’s office.

Minho let out a shattering breath, trying to comprehend the fact that he just had met the boy he had admired from afar for years. He had no idea that he would go to the same school as him, and he wasn’t so sure if that was a good or a bad thing…


After struggling through the crowd of people, Minho finally made it to his classroom. Or at least he thought it would was the right one.

A quick look at his watch, Minho groaned. He was late.

“Great first impression Minho, very good” he scolded himself.

His plan? – walking straight in, finding the nearest seat and become invisible.

He slipped past the door, head hung low, aiming for the empty chair in the back.

“May I ask why your late?” Minho stopped in his tracks and slowly looked up. “Yes, I mean you… by the way who are you? Are you the new one, Choi Minho if I remember correctly?” The teachers gaze could have drilled holes through his body.

“Aye, I’m sorry, I couldn’t find the classroom at first” His response got squeezed through the air like a light breeze. Wonderful, now everyone was looking at him.

“Well Mr. Choi, I guess you could just have said that when you walked in, but ok… please any free seat you like… and welcome” The teacher turned back to the never-ending mathematics on the blackboard, which looked more like ancient hieroglyphs.

Barely getting seated, the door flung open.

Minho held his breath.

“Oh – wonderful Mr. Lee that you for once intent to join my class, welcome” the irony could not be missed.

Seemingly careless Taemin shrugged and went for the back of the room.

he is going to sit beside me Minho’s pulse went high, if it could possibly get any higher.

Taemin slopped down beside him, not sparring him one look, leaning over the table to prepare for his nap.


Minho caught himself starring at Taemin through the whole class as the school bell tugged him out of his trance. “Damn, hope I wasn’t too obvious” he whispered to himself.

But how could he not have stolen a few looks? Taemin was literally breath-taking, his light brown hair peeking out from under his beanie, his long lashes softly closed, his obvious smooth skin, looking softer close up then when he had admired him from afar.

He could feel his pulse jump just by looking at him. He was like a drug.

Minho tore his focus from the sleeping boy, collecting his things and packing them into his bag. He got up, trying desperately not to look back to him.

But he didn’t get far as a hand grabbed his wrist, sending shock waves through his body.

“You know… it isn’t nice to stare at someone for that long” the brown orbs looked back at him, a light tease in his eyes.

Minho couldn’t answer, barely hearing anything the other one said, only focusing on the hand around his wrist. Minho’s gaze travelled upward meeting his eyes.

Feelings crept through his body that he had never felt before… almost a bit animalistic.

He tried to drown it.

“Well, aren’t you going to tell me your name?” Taemin smirked up at him, still not letting go.

“I…. I….” Minho’s words were stuck. It was almost as if he had forgotten how to speak.

“Calm down pretty boy” Taemin let go. “Just tell me when you have pulled yourself together” and he got up.

“See you around!” and he vanished out the door.

Minho still stood rooted to the ground.


“If I may give you an advice, keep away from Taemin… let’s just say it this way; he hasn’t had much positive influence on many people”

Minho turned around and back stared those feline eyes he had met earlier.

“You seem to space out quit a lot” Kibum chuckled. 

Minho couldn’t hold back a chuckle himself.

“I guess there is just a lot to space about” Minho replied with a tease.

“If you say so… I guess there is” Kibum replied leaving it to that, just to start a new aspect.

“Do you want to grab some lunch after school? Thought it would be a good chance for you to meet some of my friends, they would join.”

As much as Minho liked the idea …… he couldn’t.

“I would love to, but I can’t” he sighed. “I promised to come home right after my last class”.

“Well, the offer won’t run far. Add my phone number, then you can write me if you change your mind”

So embarrassing! Minho thought. “I don’t own a phone” he answers flushed.

“Damn, what century do you live in Minho...?” Kibum tried not to laugh for Minho’s sake, but it was damn hard not to. “Then just find me if you change your mind” he gave a quick wink before turning towards the classroom exit.

“Yeah maybe I will” Minho answered still embarrassed.

“What class is next on your schedule?” the feline asked, trying to catch a glimpse at the schedule plan in Minho’s hand.

“Finance and banking… whatever that’s supposed to be. You too?”

“Nah, I’ll be trying to let my none existing inner artist come out.” Kibum rolled his eyes.

“It’s art class if you didn’t catch the hint”.

“I’m not that stupid Kibum” Minho replied giving the feline a glance of fake hurting.

“Not so sure about that” the feline laughed. “I’ll be going then, don’t want to be late or else the world won’t meet the next Leonardo Da Vinci”.

“You better hurry up then…” Minho said while going for the exit himself.

In the hallway Kibum e last time. “Remember, find me if you change your mind” … “See you, bye!” and off he went.

Minho chuckled.


He had dragged himself through the rest of the day. He had been excited to be part of something social for once, being part of something else that didn’t involve his father being around.

But maybe his father had been right.

Being part of something bigger wasn’t him.

Yes, he had met some nice people, not to forget the funny feline guy, Kibum, and out of all the people he hadn’t expected to see; Taemin. But he had felt uneasy all day.

He couldn’t really tell why. Maybe there were just too many people at once, it made him feel tense and strained, almost a bit angry…

It’s normal to feel that way? Minho thought. At least that was what he hoped. At least he would try to be normal, whatever definition normal would have…


Kibum was vanished the rest of the day, so Minho had hauled himself from class to class, until the last one.

Finally, outside, Minho took a deep breath. He felt like he could breathe again. He slung his backpack over his one shoulder and went down the road.

Even though Minho hadn’t gone to school before, he knew his way around. It was his normal jogging route early in the mornings, before anyone even thought about getting up. Minho couldn’t think of a reason why not more people did go for a run, he never saw anyone besides himself.

Sport was half of Minho’s life… he loved it and it could certainly be seen on him.

He almost felt like running home…

Minho thought back to the conversation with Kibum.

Maybe I should get myself a phone Minho thought. He remembered Kibum’s sly smile as he about it. God, had it provoked him! But of course, he couldn’t admit that.


Walking in his own thoughts, Minho didn’t register the black Mercedes rolling up beside him.

“Heeeeeeyyy! Isn’t that the new guy Taemin talked about? He is indeed well build… but still a loser I guess.”

Minho turned his head in surprise, seeing the car filled with four guys, the one who shouted almost fully hung out of the car window.

Minho raised an eyebrow.

“Can I help you?” For once he didn’t have a problem to say what he thought out loud, Minho was annoyed… all he wanted was to get home now.

“Well now that you ask… just wanna set things straight mate” the guy made himself comfortable in the front seat.

“There are rules here that you better follow; don’t ever ing try to persuade yourself to talk to us in public” his hand pointing at the guys in the rest of the car “and most importantly not Taemin… we don’t wish to talk to low scum like you” giving Minho a disgusted look. “Don’t think your anyone, we set the rules here.” The rest of the boys laughing in agreement.

Damn, those guys were really getting on Minho’s nerves. Who do they think they are?!

The feelings he had contained all day came up like a volcano, he didn’t even register that his feed pulled him towards the car.

It all went so fast!

He reached through the window, grabbing the collar of the annoying guy, almost pulling him all the way out. Minho’s face came real close to his.

“Now you listen to me little er, how about you stick your rules up your where they belong and leave me the heck alone!”  

“You better back off mate!” the guy retorted “and what the heck is wrong with your eyes!?”

My eyes?

The other guy didn’t get any more seconds to counter, before Minho threw him into the car again and went back to sidewalk.

“You wish you hadn’t done that! Don’t think you can mess with us!”

All Minho did was to roll his eyes at the weak reply. He was prepared for four guys to jump on him any second, but nothing came.

Instead the car went top speed around the corner, leaving black marks on the road.   

Nice job Minho, you managed to make yourself very popular on the first day… Great irony Minho thought. He punished himself with a slab, angry at himself for losing control.

Why was that weirdo even talking about my eyes? Minho tried to see his reflection in the glass of his watch.

Minho knit his brows. They looked normal? What the hell was the guys problem?

“Just wanna get home…” Minho grumbled to himself went down the last road.


Great day.


Wonderful day.


Horrible day.  



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Beau1996 1379 streak #1
Chapter 7: Story has good vibe - I'm curious to know Taemin's back story and Minho 's - looking forward to next update and subscribing ✌️
This is really good, I love it
Chapter 3: I love the atmosphere this story creates aaahhh
Thank you for the update author-nim!! Can't wait for next update!!^^
Chapter 5: Wow this is that kind if fiction I've been looking for!!!!
I'm sure this amazing plot has more things to come and I can't wait for it!!
I hope you'd update soon~
Thank you so much and good job
Thank you all for your encouraging comments, I really appreciate them! Also thanks to the once 'just' reading.
I'm so happy to know that you like my work. It keeps me going.
Thank you once more! :) :)
Chapter 5: I am so happy to find this story!~ I have been looking for great supernatural stories for a while, and finally I've found one :3
I love Taemin's character, and Minho is so mysterious just as his family's story.
Kibum is amazing as always, and such a great friend of Minho ^^
Thank you for this story, I can't wait to read the next chapter! :)
Chapter 3: I wonder what minho is actually...
Chapter 3: Eyes?? What's wrong with his eyes???? Why can't he talk to Taemin?? And who are those punks in the carrr. Pleaaase, I can't wait the next (>ω<〃)~♡