The Black Rose

Everybody Wants Soo

[Requested by Roaster1202! AU Where Yeon-Hwa is Wang Yeon, the prince of Goryeo. This is AU where Ha-Jin becomes Soo before Myung-Hee married Wook. Wang Yeon saw Soo’s interactions with his brother Wang Wook, and Wang So. Enough of their “foolish” behaviors, he decided to declare the war for the throne and for the same woman they love. This is an AU where Soo doesn’t become a court lady.]


Wang Yeon, the younger brother of Wang Wook, was no fool. For he could see the darkness around him. He was a young little boy when his mother Queen Hwangbo was accused for poisoning the king’s court lady, Oh Soo-Yeon—killing her unborn child—, and was exiled to their residence in Hwangju. They have suffered the coldness inside Hwangbo clan’s household. Burying the wicked smile of Queen Yoo in his mind, Wang Yeon swore revenge on every single one that was created by her. He trained and studied hard enough to make himself acknowledgeable from the eyes of the palace. He and Wook had mastered swordsmanship, archery, learnings of politics, economics, and so on.

When Yeon heard that the powerful Hae clan offered Wook their oldest heiress, Myung-Hee, to be his wife, Queen Hwangbo couldn’t be more thankful of such rare luck. Hae clan was well-known for their loyal servitude to the king and their military supports. When Wook and Myung-Hee met for the first time, she asked once, after the marriage, if she could bring her young cousin to the Eighth prince’s residence. Yeon was a bit curious of what does this cousin looked like. Her sixth cousin’s name was Hae Soo. The daughter of deceased Hae Woon*, and youngest cousin of Hae Yoon, an heir to Hae Clan after Hong Hwa-Jin succeeded his brother as a new leader. Yeon’s kind-natured brother Wook agreed to let Soo live as their family and so did the Queen.

After the decree of marriage between Wang Wook and Myung-Hee was announced, the princes also found a rather ridiculous rumors of Hae Soo from the North. Yeon had listened to the princes speaking of rumors.

“I heard she’s obsessed with herbal medics.” Eun said.

“I heard she rejected every suitors who tried to force on her, by kicking them between their legs.” Baek-Ah stifled his laugh, imagining the men “dumped” by a girl.

“I heard she hates men.”

Wang Won said bluntly, catching his brothers’ attention.

“There was a rumor that she was abused by her uncle and abandoned by the man she loved. Since then, she began to hate men,” then Won looked at his brothers, “perhaps we are not an exception.”

Believing the rumors were absurd, but when Yeon listened the last one he hoped that wasn’t the rumor proved to be true. His eyes briefly glinted sadly as he remembered he was told by his mother that Soo lost her parents in young age and was raised by her strict, ambitious uncle. Yeon shook his head, decided what to do when Hae Soo came to the palace. 


After the wedding ceremony, Myung-Hee brought her cousin to Wook’s residence. Queen Hwangbo, Wang Wook, and Wang Yeon stood outside the palace with other princes. Myung-Hee looked behind her and gestured someone to come in. Hesitantly, a rather innocent, curious girl with doe-like eyes peeked out her face. Seeing the princes, she quickly ran to her cousin wary of newfound surroundings. Wook only smiled as if he was watching a rather shy little child hiding behind her mother.

“This is my cousin, Hae Soo.”

As Lady Hae introduced her to the princes, they all looked at her in a quite curious, yet surprising expression. For them, Soo looked like an average, innocent and amiable girl, not a man-hating, medic-obsessed girl they heard about. Soo bowed to them all, blinking her large, yet glassy eyes. Yeon was slightly baffled at Soo’s appearance but what Myung-Hee told the next caught his attention.

“A week ago…Soo fell into the lake and lost her memories…it might took her a long time to recover, but I do hope she could get along with your highnesses.”

Lost her parents in young age, and lost her own memories…Yeon almost pitied the girl, finding the heavens unfair to grant Hae Soo solitudes and fears. Overwhelmed with compassion, Jung, Baek-Ah, and Eun approached to his sister-in-law’s cousin, friendly giving her welcoming greetings. Eun could almost drag her to play along with him and Jung, while Baek-Ah stopped them as he scolded the two for surprising her. Soo only shook her head she will be fine in palace.


As the preparation for the ritual proceeds, Queen Hwangbo, Myung-Hee, and Hae Soo went to the palace, greeted by Yeon. His mother asked if they had finished the practice as he nodded his head. He saw Soo’s curious, yet impressed eyes around the palace in which, he found it…adorable. She looked like an innocent, little girl. Soo noticed him and bowed politely with smile.

“Greetings, Prince Yeon.”

He smiled and before he was about to greet her back, he heard the most wretched, hideous voice of a witch in a disguise of false queen.

“What a beautiful three flowers here~!”

Yeon’s smiling lips twitched. It was Queen Yoo. The wretched demoness came. He looked at Soo who were frozen and inadvertently stood beside him.

“Queen Hwangbo, you seemed more…refined than usual.” Queen Yoo complimented.
Then, it was his mother’s turn.

“Our Queen Yoo has become more beautiful.”

Yeon’s smile has become more strained. He gave the queen respective bow as she left with her oh-so uptight nose up. His fists clenched in almost uncontrolled wrath until he felt the softness that covered it. He glanced at his side, only to found Soo holding his hand as if she was reassuring him, calming him. Surprised with her gestures, he hurriedly but less rudely snatched his hand away, giving a bow to his mother and went back to his brothers. Soo only gave him compassionate eyes for she knew what happened to Hwangbo’s family before Wook married to Myung-Hee.

“Soo, why don’t you go have fun with Chae-Ryung for today? You don’t need to us to palace now.” Myung-Hee inquired, as she knew Soo didn’t like the tension.

Queen Hwangbo agreed and let Soo have fun outside. Giving them both courtesy of gratitude, she escaped the tension of the palace, sighing, hoping there would be nothing to worry about.

But boy, how wrong she was…


After the spirit ritual, Soo returned from the Song-Ak market, escorted by Yeon’s brother Wook and half-brother, Wang So as Myung-hee, Chae-Ryung and Yeon waited for them. They all saw the panic in Soo’s expression and her cousin ran to her, worriedly asking if she was alright. Then Yeon noticed the blood seeped out from her neck. Chae-Ryung was the first one to pointed out as she escorted her lady back inside. He saw So and Wook’s rather uncomfortable, yet tense atmosphere around. Giving them one last suspicious look, Yeon walked to them.

“It’s getting colder, brothers,” he flashed his trademark, fake smile, “come in.”
Wook and So only nodded their head.

Soo was worried of So as she wanted to cure his arms, but she was informed by Wook that he was already cured by royal physicians. He asked Soo if she was alright and she replied yes. Before Wook gets to leave to get medics for her, the door was opened, revealing his younger brother Wang Yeon. He was holding the trays of herbs, large copper basket of water, and white handkerchiefs.

“Oh, Yeon. You came in just a right time…” Wook said.

Yeon only nodded his head. He saw the relieved look of his brother but he could see the uneasiness and a slight disappointment in his eyes. Eighth prince left as he put the tray on and unwrapped the stained fabrics around Soo’s neck. His hand touched the injury, causing her to flinch slightly.

“It’s alright…it’s not your job…” Soo muttered apologetically.

Yeon simply grinned.

“It’s not even the servants’s job.”

He soaked the clean fabrics and gently rubbed on her injury, making sure she didn’t feel any pain. Yeon picked up a small amount of herbal medicines with the chopstick and carefully placed on her neck. Then finished with a new fabric gently wrapped around.

“Did you had a good time outside the palace?”

Soo only replied by nodding her head.

“I apologize if my brother had frightened you. He just returned from Shinju and doesn’t know how to behave.”

She knew he was talking about Wang So. She was also aware of his “prejudice” against the family member of Queen Yoo’s. As much as she wanted to defend the fourth prince, the small injury from her neck prevented herself from tense up. She glanced at Yeon’s eyes whose onyx eyes shown the less light when he mentioned Wang So. When he realized she was looking, he averted his gaze as he stood up and lightened the candles of her room.

“You may take a rest. I’ll let Chae-Ryung know to treat your injury daily.”
He had lightened all the candle.

“You should sleep with lights on…I worry today might have scared you too much.”
Soo smiled at Yeon’s kind gestures. Both of them didn’t speak much ever since she went to Eighth prince’s residence. She was also concerned if she had caused both Wook and Yeon to carry so much burdens.

“What about you? About the attempt assassination of the Crown prince, it might have shocked you also…I fear it will cause for stress to you…”

Yeon didn’t spoke for a while. He held his left hand, remembered the first time his hand had push off the human to his death. He was around eight of nine years old. In such young age, he had overheard the assassins in disguise discuss the plan on killing his mother, Queen Hwangbo. Based on the mark of their clothing, they were from Chungju clan. Young Wook was reading and one of the assassin attempted to take him. Alarmed, Yeon’s little hands pushed two of them off the house. A little too…strong. He saw two of them falling from the high floor and then, their head collided to the cold, hard ground. Eleven years old Wook and their mother turned and paled as one fatally injured man was holding the dagger. The blood oozed out, killing them.
Yeon closed his eyes of such “pleasant” memory.

“I was only around eight or nine…”

Soo listened as she looked up.

“I saw two men attempted to kill my family. Let’s just say I… I pushed them off the edge.” He smiled bitterly.

Soo gasped quietly for she was surprised that Wook and Yeon almost experience such traumatic incident. Yeon nearly surprised at himself for telling a girl of such thing about himself, but he had just slipped them off.

“Since then, I willingly let myself share the burdens Wook carried. But…I was stuck in the name of prince’s younger brother.”

She realized then. Wang Yeon needed so much recognition for power and acceptance he trained himself to become the idealistic prince he never get to share the bond with his brothers. Yeon was always sealed inside as Wook’s shadow. Soo stood up and smiled comfortingly.

“You don’t need to carry too much now. You protected them and that’s what matters.”
Yeon blinked his eyes, then smiled.

“You are right…perhaps I have worried too much.”

Soo looked at the window and felt a refreshing breeze. Sensing her wish to go outside, Yeon grinned primly.

“The atmosphere of room must have suffocated you,” he spoke, “perhaps…taking a little walk wouldn’t be bad.”

Eyes sparkling, Soo nodded her head vigorously and took his hand, went outside. She looked up at the sky, looking at the star and smiling widely inhaling, exhaling the refreshing air. Yeon nearly laughed at her rather childish demeanor, until they stopped as they looked at Wang So sat on the entrance. When the fourth prince’s eyes spotted her he walked towards the frozen girl. Yeon frowned at him as he gently dragged Soo behind him.

“W—what do you want?” She asked, “what else I would have seen since I was busy running away…I only saw the masked man killed off as if uh…they had a deal with a upper hands.”

Then all of sudden, So’s hands roughly grabbed her chin.

“Try remember more! Now!”

Irritated by his ‘rude’ behavior, Yeon glared.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Yeon demanded angrily.

Wook noticed them and grabbed So’s wrist. He shook his head, stopping him. Fourth prince let his hand go as Soo stumbled back. Then, as if she remembered something, her eyes were wide.

“The fur cloth…only the one man had wore it and he was the one ordered the men to kill the masked ones.” Soo spoke.

Wook and So’s eyes got widened. Yeon frowned as he was also aware of who the fur-coated man was. It was So’s estranged older brother, Wang Yo. Confirming their suspicion was right, So asked.

“Have you seen his face? What did he looked like?”

Soo shook her head.

“I haven’t seen his face. But I presume he was the one in command.”

Yeon closed his eyes, sighed quietly. Once again, that horrid Chungju Queen’s dog rides again. So glared at her.

“Forget about what happened at the woods. Forget about the man you saw.”
Soo looked at both Yeon and Wook.

“He’s right…it’s better to forget. You’ll be safe when no one knows what happened.” Wook assured in calmness.

For once, Yeon could agree with his brother. Inwardly hissing at his half-brother, he grabbed Soo’s arms and proceed to walk away.

“You…” So called out coldly, “stay out of my sight.”

Yeon glared daggers at So as he could feel Soo’s shoulders shaking. She turned around and faced the fourth prince with watery eyes.

“What have I done wrong? You said you’d kill me, you also give me death threat…and I have to say quiet?”

Wook wanted to intervene, but Yeon prevented him despite the shock he felt at her outburst.

“Is it a crime wanting to live?”

Yeon blinked his eyes as So froze at where he was walking.

“Everyone tries to live…and you all blaming me…” She muttered, blinking back her tears.
After several seconds of silence, fourth prince walked away. Soo pouted angrily as she saw him.

“That stupid jerk!” She blurted out in fury.

Then she covered for what she have just said. Wook only stared, but Yeon stifled his chuckle at her rather “cute” outburst. Wook frowned at his brother who then feigned his cough but unable to hide his smile. Eighth prince was off guard at his brother’s smiling for he had never seen Yeon giggled widely. Wang Yeon assumed he would be smiling any day when Soo’s around him.


Wang Yeon finished his studies with his brothers. It’s been several days since the incident of spirit rituals. Studying and bonding with sons of Chungju family had him wanted to barf, but he stopped as he saw Soo collected flowers for her cosmetics. There were so many type he couldn’t name the ones that were so foreign to him. She noticed his presence and bowed.

“I see you were making your masterpiece again.”

“I’ve collected some flowers to make a bathing aids.” Soo replied.

Yeon’s eyes inspected them. He saw unfamiliar lilies, but he could recognize them. He gently picked one.

“Tiger lilies…,” he mused, “I recall these flowers’ languages are wealth and pride.”
Soo’s eyes sparkled, impressed.

“Wow, you also know their language? And here I thought I was the one who knows them a lot.” She mumbled.

Speaking of, Yeon noticed other flowers he couldn't remember he had saw them.

“If you know many flowers,” he pointed at the group of colorful foreign plant, “then tell me about those.”

Soo followed the direction of what he was pointing at, then smiled.

“These are roses. It’s a bit different from the ones in Goryeo.”

Yeon nodded his head, understanding.

“There are many type of languages by the colors,” Soo picked the book then, “that’s why I wrote them down.”

Yeon blinked his eyes at her book. Then smiled, revealing his dimples.

“Your intelligence surprises me. Almost I found your talents too good to keep hidden.”
Soo handed him the book.

“Since I lost my memories…I have a lack of refinement in writing so I did my best study them. I hope it didn’t look horrible…”

She heard her cousin calling her and take her leave. Yeon opened the book ,revealing a bit sloppy, yet clean calligraphy she wrote. He smiled heartily as he read the meanings of roses. He read all the meaning s of white, yellow, orange, pink, red, purple, blue, green…the last meaning of different color caught him off guard. The Black Rose. He read the meaning then:

“You are eternally mine…” He read.

He turned to see the spot Soo left and glanced back at the book. His half-lidded eyes suddenly darkened and flashed his wicked smile, pulling off his humane mask.


Hae Soo went out to the market to buy herbs and flowers to make a bathing aids for the princes, and returned to the palace. One night, she had seen fourth prince’s misery as he kicked and pushed the stone towers in anger. She stopped him then, telling him it was okay to lash out his anger to her if it wasn’t enough. Unable to restrain any emotions, So only wailed hoarsely as she embraced him. Soo knew his scar was his greatest insecurity and she wanted to help.
When she entered Eighth prince’s residence, she was surrounded by princes.

“What did you bring?” Eun asked curiously.

“I’ve brought flowers and herbs.” She replied, “to make soaps, the bathing aids.”

“For who?” Baek-Ah asked.

“It’s for all of you, of course!” Soo smiled

Jung and Eun brightened.

“For us? Really?”

Soo nodded her head.

“I’ve seen you all studied hard so why not giving you all my gifts? And.. I want to thank prince Wook, Baek-Ah, Eun, and Jung for being my friends.”

Jung, Baek-Ah, and Eun only smiled.

“Besides,” Soo then looked at other princes, “I’ve carried so much burden to you all, and making you all neat and beguiling is my job.”

“Oh… Soo, you flatter us too much~!” Baek-Ah giggled.

“Of course…because we’re prince anyway.” Won said, flustered.

“Then, can I have my own soap?” Eun asked.
Soo had most of the princes wrapped around her finger. For her innocent beauty and charms had won them all. She was busy talking to every one of them, until they heard the servants scurried to the direction where the pavilion was located. Noticing the commotion Soo approached to Chae-Ryung who was quivering.

“Chae-Ryung? What’s going on here?”

Shaking in fright, her servant answered.

“The young servant was punished for peeking at your room. We were all notified to see.”
Soo squinted her eyes. The princes frowned then. Wook asked first.

“Who told you the young boy was peeking?”

Chae-Ryung glanced all of them.

“Prince Yeon told us.”

The servants flinched as they saw twelve years old boy had his arms hung up, enduring the pain from his back whipped. The princes came and saw a horrid scene. Wang Yo squinted his eyes, Baek-Ah, Jung and Eun frowned at the scene, shocked. What panicked them the most, was Wook’s brother Wang Yeon stood and watched the poor boy get beaten.

“Still not going to confess, boy?” Yeon said, “who told you to sneak inside the lady’s room?”

But the boy didn’t speak and the beating continued, until everyone heard a familiar voice.

“I sent him.”

They all turned to see Wang So approaching. Princes were confused as servants took their step back as they were frightened by the infamous wolf-dog. Wang Yeon was beyond upset.

“I had a bad day few days ago and Hae Soo helped me. I couldn’t thank her openly so I sent the boy to send my thanks to her,” So smiled, “and I forgot she went out today.”

Wook looked at his brothers repeatedly. Yeon scoffed.

“You were only allowed to stay at Song-Ak until you find the culprit of attempt assassination and you got all carried away, brother,” Yeon formed curl of one side of his lips, “after all, you’ll go back to Shinju as that insane concubine Kang’s son.”

Wang So frowned.

“It’s not the boy’s fault…if beating that poor boy’s not enough, I shall take his place.”

The young boy was surprised as much as the princes were. Jung was concerned with So, despite the fact he didn’t get to know his older brother. Baek-Ah and Eun glanced at one another as Yo smirked cruelly. Wang Yeon didn’t said anything, then smiled.

“As you wish,” then he ordered the servants, “tie him up…Chungju’s most worthless dogs need to learn some lessons.”

Then, Wang Yeon snatched the whip from the servant’s grasp, causing his brothers to go all panic. Wook paled as Eun asked him to stop. Every prince knew Yeon’s brute strength even it could match or surpass So’s. As they finished tied So’s hands Yeon’s hand raised, then had a whip clashed onto So’s back. The pain was surprisingly stung for the fourth prince remembered the traumatic experience of being bitten and clawed by the wolves. Jung wanted to stop, but Yo prevented him. But all of them saw the expression of Yeon. He was smiling. Wook remembered the same smile his brother made, when he pushed the assassins off the house when he was a child. His brother beat the fourth prince again and again, Wook was about to stop him until he heard a young woman’s voice.


They all turned to see Hae Soo approached, unreadable wrath filled her expression. The anger was too much the princes felt it was the first time they had seen her furious. She soundly stomped her feet and walked to Yeon.

“Wang Yeon, you trigger-happy lunatic! Give me that whip!”

She roughly snatched the whip from his hand. And the next thing they knew, she broke it in half and threw it on the ground. Wang So and other princes looked at Soo in wide eyes for she had displayed such bold behaviors to a prince. She almost growled as a mother wolf protecting her cub. Keeping his calmness, Yeon spoke.

“I’m in charge of running this household. And he is only meant to stay as the king’s dog. Therefore, he is not welcome here.”

“This man…, in this case, is in my charge. It’s my job and the boy’s not responsible too.”

His lips twitched.

“It is not a proper thing to have a boy sneak inside the lady’s chamber. Whatsmore, sending the servant is also no different from invading the privacy.”

Yeon pointed at So in a rather condescending manner. Irritated, Soo pushed his accusing finger aside, one hand on her hip.

“Rubbish! I don’t believe it! Prince So wouldn’t do such thing! You are mistreating your brother the same way you treat the servants. A prince must consider the justice but you are acting far too quick.” Soo sternly scolded.

Soo told Chae-Ryung to release Wang So as her servant complied. Wang Yeon glared daggers at the fourth prince.

“Yeon, it’s not your fault,” Yo sneered, “wolf-dog needs to know his place.”

Angered once again, Soo picked up a broken whip. The pointy edge were now directing to the third prince as Soo threateningly whispered: “You’re next.” Nice word for “Shut up, mama’s boy.” Causing the lad to flinch. The other princes scattered away though Baek-Ah, Eun, and Jung was impressed with Soo for stood up for So. Won mused over with the girl’s attitude muttering dramatically: “Scary…”. Baek-Ah lead So to his chamber, leaving Wook, Yeon, and Soo.

“Was that a pity for him?” Yeon asked, his eyes dangerously glint in envy.

Soo, who seemed to be calm, only smiled.

“I know you did this because you care about me, but…I do not wish to see this again.”

Yeon glanced at her eyes.

“You…don’t have feelings for him, aren’t you?”

His question caused Wook tense. Soo opened up her heart to So? Wook stared at Soo, as if demanding her answer. Wanting and wishing that his brother was only suspecting. She only formed an apologetic expression.

“I apologize if I had ridiculed you, Prince Yeon.”

Then she left. Wook seemed unsettled, but Yeon was beyond furious. He saw Soo came to So, asking if he was alright and fusses over him. In honesty, Yeon believed he had done it out of his protectiveness towards the girl, but seeing her walking beside So made him thought otherwise. Scarred monstrosity of Chungju gets her attention. His hands clutched tightly in fists, his knuckles grew white.


One good thing about Soo, is that she is quite a forgiving young woman. She told Yeon never do such thing again, in which he reluctantly agreed. Knowing his pride, Soo gave him a soap made by herself, making him feel better. As much as he was concerned with she went to the palace to sent queens her soaps, he was relieved she didn’t need to see Queen Yoo for a long time.

But the news from the next morning struck him. Myung-Hee passed away. He attended to the funeral, with darkened expression. As much as he was thankful of Wook’s wife for raising the former dignity and power of Hwangbo, he was able to use his whim for his own power slowly gets himself prepare the fight for the throne.

He went to Hae Soo’s room, where she was surrounded by Eun, Baek-Ah, Jung, Wook, and So who tried their best to console her. Wang Yeon was no fool for he had known the princes’ fondness towards her. He didn’t missed Wook’s melancholic yet yearning eyes when looking at Soo. And the fourth prince was no exception. When she noticed Yeon, she stiffly stood up and bowed. Making a prim smile, he spoke.

“Your cousin came to take you back.”

Hearing about them caused princes to tense. But with a smile, Yeon continued.

“But, I asked the oldest Hae Yoon wanted you to stay here.”

Soo blinked her eyes.

“You can stay here forever, of you want to…”

She glanced at the princes, who looked back at her. When look back at Yeon, she couldn’t see anything in his eyes…perhaps he was hiding his emotions. Soo was here and respected his brother-in-law, but at the same time, she was little bit intimidated by him. If she refuse the offer, she will be sent back to the North…away from Myung-Hee. Away from everyone who had been nice to her. Away from…him.

Looked up at Yeon, she accepted his hand.

“I accept your kind offer, your highness…”


Surprisingly, Yeon has been extremely lenient with her choices in Wook’s residence. When she needed herbs or flowers for cosmetics, he let her and Chae-Ryung went to collect them until the early night. She even offered him one soap, with the fragrance of his new favorite flower; the black rose. He thankfully accepted it with sweet smile.

He was informed by the king that Soo will be visited by senior court lady, Oh Soo-Yeon. The court lady came to teach Soo calligraphy, medics, and how to brew the teas or bake pastries. Days had passed and they developed a mother and daughter relationship for Court Lady Oh has felt maternal affection for Hae Soo. When he saw them together, Soo had told her mentor cosmetics she had made and interesting tales in which Court Lady Oh respond with smile and soft laughter. Wang Yeon had noticed how the girl can charm and beloved by all who know or met her.

When the bath was prepared for him, Yeon would always fetch Soo’s soaps. He dismissed all the servant and let himself enjoy the warm, steamy temperature of hot spring water. Soo had told him once rubbing the wet soap on his skin make foams, releasing the fragrance as the herbs stay remained in his body, keeping his skin softened and filled with flowery scent. He looked around to make sure no one’s watching, then used the soap. The wet bathing aid was rubbed with his hands, forming the bubbles. With foams, Yeon brushed on his arm. A warm, satisfied smile formed from his face as he could smell the scent of black rose. With a boyish expression, he blew the bubbles which it gently floating on the air then gracefully landed on the spring water. Then, his onyx eyes were filling with immoral yearning.


Another day passed and it was Eun’s birthday. Knowing the friendship between Soo and the tenth prince, Yeon reluctantly let Soo supervise his birthday banquet. He had seen Soo humming while preparing for the gift she made for her friend. Yeon briefly grinned at her innocent demeanors inside the palace but faded as another princes came. So was no exception there.

But Yeon remained still as he heard a rather mellifluous, sweet singing voice. Hae Soo was singing. Her serenade made everyone froze, drawn by her voice. Yeon thought she looked like a rare fairy no one was able to claim or possess as their own. He had also noticed the way fourth prince and eighth prince looked at her. There was one thing in common from their gaze. Their eyes on Soo…it was filled with intimate fondness. Yeon frowned, fuming with the fact that Hae Soo always displayed her full liveliness to them only. When the song ended, most of the princes clapped. So, whose consciousness snapped back from his thought, walked away in silence, unaware of Yeon’s glare.


It’s been three days since the drought overwhelmed the country. And Yeon’s suspicion of So’s feelings were confirmed to be true. When his fourth brother was chosen, he had saw no scar that marred his face. Wook’s brother turned around and saw Soo who was smiling at So with so much pride and happiness. All of sudden, everyone felt the droplets brushed their face as they looked up at the sky. The rain. The rains were dropping and the heavens granted the country water they have always wanted. He looked back at Soo and So who gave one another a smile. Unknown sensation of anxiety took over Wang Yeon and for one thing he admit, it was involved with his anger and hatred for Wang So. Even after the raining, Wook confessed he knew Soo was the one who covered So’s face. Sulking, eighth prince’s younger brother walked away.

One night, Yeon and Wook heard the arrival of Wang So as they were enjoying talking to other princes. Reluctantly, they let him in. Yeon frowned even more as he saw So’s bare face. His almond, dark eyes shone with confidence and glee. He was wearing dark, but quite refined robes; dark green chŏgori, blackish blue undergarments, and wine red pants with pair of black footwear. His hair was tied back with blue ribbon. Wook smiled politely then.

“Come in,” Wook said as his hand gestured towards the seat, “how are you in this evening?”

So only grinned.

“Never been better…,” then he looked around the room, “where’s Soo?”

In such impeccable time, Soo entered with her hands holding the trays of teas and pastries she made for all prince. When her eyes were on the fourth prince, she formed a nervous, yet excited smile. Yeon thanked her with smile along with other brothers.

“You may be dismissed early, court lady Oh’s waiting for you.” Yeon spoke.

Nodding her head, she bowed and take her leave. Yeon turned to So then.

“Anyhow…for what purpose you came here in such late night?” Wook asked, flashing his polite smile, revealing his dimples.

So smiled and finally spoke.

“I wanted to ask you all something important…”

Wook glanced at him, keeping his smile intact. 

“If anything, you should ask Yeon.”

Then after several seconds, the fourth prince spoke.

“I came here to ask your permission of Hae Soo’s entry to my residence.”

The princes stopped their conversation. The teacup clanked as Yeon put it down. His fake smile fade instantly, but kept his composure. ‘This monstrosity of Chungju has get rid of his scar and he’s not satisfied…now he wants me to hand Soo over him…!’ Now, Yeon is tired of being Wook’s shadow. From now on, he is no brother of the prince, nor a son of the king. Inhaling and exhaling, Yeon strained his lips with smile, but his dead eyes were filled with jealousy and obsession. He is now a providence of his own world.

“If I refuse?”

Both Wook and So stared at him, blinking their eyes in disbelief. Even Jung, Eun, Baek-Ah, Won, and Yo stared at him with surprised look.

“Brother, you are quite lenient to her but at the same time…the way you speak somehow objectified Soo…you know how much she hates men who’s like that. The palace is no good for her…for now. Who knows not when the fight for the throne will start—no…it might have begun.”

Jung and Eun looked at one another with nervous glance. Baek-Ah looked at So whose eyes were darkened as he listened to Yeon’s warning. Other brothers didn’t expect Yeon to bluntly speak of cruelty in palace.

“You all must know how kind and selfless Hae Soo is…she wouldn’t wish to see her loved ones ‘die’ by ruthless bloodlust. Also, we all don’t want it too, isn’t it?”

Yeon’s lips twitched as he talks. Then all of sudden, his eyes grew softened, remembering every moment of Hae Soo in his life.

“I still remember the first time I saw her…”

Wook’s eyes grew warm at such memory then.

“Hae Soo, that girl…it was the day she came here after she was sent by Myung-Hee’s side…when she lost her mother…and her father.” Yeon continued, “she reminds me of myself.”

The princes didn’t say anything.

“When she stood by the lake with her eyes filled with tears as a lost little doe…oh how pitiable she looked. That’s why I distanced myself from her but there was one thing I had forgotten.”

Then, his eyes shone the emotion no one had seen from him before.

“I’m a man in heart.”

“Yeon—” Wook blinked his eyes.

“I was lusting and yearning for Soo.”

Wook’s lips made a thin line. So’s eyes grew darkened even more. Jung and Eun bit their lips in anxiety. Baek-Ah, for the first time in his life, felt the frightening aura of Wang Yeon. Won froze as Yo frowned deeply.

“I’m the god of my world.” Yeon flashed the most bone-chilling smile.

Tonight, the fragrance of black rose couldn’t be more stronger, looming over Wang Yeon’s graceful, yet majestic features. His eyes were flaming with obsession then.

“I’m sorry to say this, So, but… I will not let you have her.”

Yeon snickered cruelly, his velvety voice roared with quiet cackles.

“She’s eternally mine.”




Done~! If anyone’s planning to ask me more gender-bending fic, feel free to ask me right away~! Please comment and enjoy!

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AltheaMiyamoto #1
Chapter 7: Please make it sequel
onceuponakpopfan #2
Can you please make an arranged marriage one for wang so and hae soo, taking place after episode 7, make it a happy one please:)
AltheaMiyamoto #3
Chapter 5: Male!hae soo x yeon hwa please.. Make unrequited one
stevelisen #4
Chapter 12: You must make this official. This is the best.
AltheaMiyamoto #5
Chapter 12: Make it official please
AltheaMiyamoto #6
Chapter 12: Thank you
AltheaMiyamoto #7
Chapter 12: I love you.... Kyaaa
blahblah_l #8
Chapter 11: Thank you so much authornim! I thought this chapter was really melancholy, I hope you'll write more!
stevelisen #9
I want to request a story of where Hae Soo is healthy after giving birth to Seol and Wang So made her into his first Queen. Yeon Hwa got married to Wang So but after giving birth to Wang Ju, she entrusts Hae Soo to take care of him after her unexpected death, just because they became besties throughout their pregnancies. I want Wang So and Hae Soo to be a family with their kids Seol and Ju. As for Wang Chi, he should be the best friend of Wang Ju, who fell in love with Seol, but sacrifices his love for his best friend Wang Ju. The person to want Soo should be Wang Wook, but in the end, Wang Chi teaches his father the real meaning of love, to always want happiness for their beloved, even if it's not them giving it. These should be like the key parts of the story and you can add anything else throughout. I feel like 2 chapters dedicated to this storyline will just be perfect.
Chapter 10: OMG authornim! Thank you so much for this! Gahhh I didn't expect that I'll be totally sold out with angst/mature Wang Yeon x Hae Soo x Woo Hwon story but darn, I kinda want this as an official story too authornim! Just how complicated is Hae Soo's life being married to Yeon/King Hwangjong but having an affair with the Hubaekje prince. This makes me think of that Joo Jin Mo x Song Ji Hyo x Jo In Sung's movie, A Frozen Flower. >.<

Thank you again for granting my request, authornim! Great job! \^o^/